HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/07/1985 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOVT. LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Pro-tem Runnels, Councilmen Bond, Boughton, Brown, McIlhaney, Tongco Mayor Halter City Manager Bardell, City Attorney Locke, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Secretary Jones, City Engi- neer Pullen, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Community Center Director Calliham, Utilities Office Manager Piwonka, Assistant Utilities Office Manager Albright, Energy Specialist Shear, Design Engineer Hester, Traffic Engineer Black, Political Science In- tern Jones, Personnel Manager Dickson, Printing Coordinator Fry, Council Coor- dinator Jones Hachtman See guest register. The meeting was called to order with Mayor Pro-tem Runnels pre- siding and Councilman Bond absent. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council concerns. Councilman Tongco distributed a packet of materials concerning the Load Management Program to each member of the Council. She noted that there are sufficient copies of each item included in the packet for distribution to interested citizens by Council members. Councilman Brown complimented Utilities Office Manager Piwonka and Energy Specialist Shear for their efforts in the production of the television commercial promoting the Load Management Pro- gram. Councilman McIlhaney reported a dead tree in Raintree Park. She further stated that several citizens had contacted her expressing their willingness to remove the tree if the city would allow them to keep the firewood. City Manager Bardell replied that he would notify Forester Ploeger of the situation. WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 2 Councilman Boughton complimented the Street Department on their resurfacing program. City Manager Bardell pointed out that improvements on W. Luther Street are scheduled on the list of projects currently being ad- dressed. Councilman Runnels reported that on Southwest Parkway near the East Bypass vehicles are picking up black asphalt, which is obliterating the street markers. A~enda Item No. 2 - Discussion of Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Guide- lines. Councilman Tongco distributed a memorandum dated June 4, 1985 from Mr. Glenn Schroeder, Deputy Director of Finance, concerning the Hotel/Motel Tax. She noted that the Council approved a one percent increase in the tax rate which brought the rate to six percent for FY 1985-86. She pointed out that in the next fiscal year there is a possibility that the Fund will have approximately $492,000.00. Councilman Runnels asked what type of effect the increase of one percent will have on the fund for the next fiscal year. Deputy Director of Finance Schroeder stated that the increase in the tax rate went into effect on July 11, 1985 and the revised revenue figure is $461,000.00. He pointed out that it is possible the revenue figure might be even higher due to the increase in busi- ness that will be generated by the Hilton. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the Council should attempt to define exactly what it is that brings in tourism and to what de- gree. She suggested that some criteria be established that will enable the Council to determine exactly what activities promote tourism in accordance with the intent of the laws regulating the use of the hotel occupancy tax revenue. Councilman Tongco stated that approximately $285,000.00 of the the fund is committed to debt service on the Co~nunity Center and Chamber of Commerce. She pointed out that a large portion of the fund is appropriated for festivals and concerts, which should not be considered "advertising and promotion." City Manger Bardell noted that the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment is sponsoring a slow pitch softball tournament during the upcoming weekend, which will attract approximately 900 to 1500 individuals to the community. He stated that perhaps some of the Parks and Recreation Department activites, such as the summer concerts, should be moved under the expenditure category for the "Arts." n:,qS! 52 WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 3 Councilman McIlhaney suggested the possibility of retaining a percentage of the fund to act as a contingency for special events that occur but are not budgeted for prior to the fiscal year. She stated that the thrust of the fund should benefit the Hotel/ Motel industry and suggested that criteria for this fund should be directed at activities which generate business for the indus- try. City Manager Bardell suggested that a "Special Events Fund" might be established to address activities that are not considered dur- ing the budget process. Councilman Tongco expressed a desire to review requests at an earlier date during the budget process, possibly two or three months prior to budget approval. Councilman Bond arrived at the meeting. The Council concurred to refer the matter concerning establish- ment of guidelines for the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to the Finance Council Committee. Councilman Bond pointed out that careful attention should be giv- en to the restrictions and requirements for the use of the hotel occupancy tax revenue as delineated in the current law. Councilman Tongco suggested that the committee review the "Adver- tising'' category. She stated that in the advertising section consideration should be given to more organized activities and suggested the possibility of establishing a vacation journal de- scribing activities in the area. Councilman Boughton referred to City Manager Bardell's comment on the slow pitch softball tournament and noted that the city hosted the TAAF Swim Meet over the past weekend. She stated that Texas A&M University and the Cities of Bryan and College Station joint- ly will bid to sponsor the Texas Games which will occur over a two weekend period in 1988. Councilman Bond noted that athletic events for young people bring a large number of parents and families to this community. City Manager Bardell stated that two workshops on parks mainte- nance and equipment maintenance are jointly sponsored each year by the Parks and Recreation Department and Texas A&M University. Councilman Bond questioned whether in accordance with the law there are some activities that are currently being funded through the General Fund that meet the criteria for funding under the Ho- tel/Motel Tax Fund and if so is there a possibility for these WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 4 funds to be redirected in order to free up some of the General Fund revenues. A~enda Item No. 3 - Presentation by staff on commercial container garbage problem. City Manager Bardell presented the item. He identified the equipment, procedures and problems illustrated in a series of slides shown by Mr. Rudy Jones, Political Science Intern. Mr. Jones, Political Science Intern, referred to the report he had forwarded to the Council and invited any questions. Councilman Tongco asked what is the average number of service years for the city's garbage trucks. Director of Public Services Miller stated that the older trucks have an average service life of approximately four years with minimal maintenance and the newer trucks have an average service life of approximately eight years. Councilman Tongco asked what is the price of a new truck. Miller replied that a new truck would cost approximately $54,000.00. Mr. Councilman Brown questioned what is the life expectancy of the containers. Mr. Jones replied approximately five years. Councilman Brown asked about the maintenance requirements for these containers. Mr. Miller stated that the frequency of main- tenance on these containers will depend on their location and how they are used. City Manager Bardell stated that this is a continuing problem. He explained that this item was presented at an early date to al- low for it to be incorporated into the normal budget considera- tion process. He suggested that if the Council determines that it is feasible for the city to take-over ownership of the commer- cial dumpsters it should consider the addition of a shop in the plans for the construction of the new Maintenance Warehouse for Public Utilities, in order to tackle maintenance of the dump- sters. Councilman McIlhaney asked if consideration had been given to lo- cating larger dumpsters at shopping centers if the city obtains ownership. City Manager Bardell replied affirmatively. City Manager Bardell referred to a survey of the State of Texas that shows College Station has having the third lowest residen- tial rate in the State. In addition, he noted that in a national WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 5 survey, only seven or eight cities had lower residential rates than College Station. City Manager Bardell stated that with this proposal it is not in- tended to place a burden on the General Fund, but it is expected that the Sanitation Fund be maintained on its own. He suggested that if the city takes-over ownership of the dumpsters, that credits be given on bills to balance out the purchase price of each dumpster. He explained that these credits will be based on the assessed value of the dumpster at the time of the take-over. He explained the proposed method for take-over of the commercial garbage containers. Councilman Runnels asked what is the growth rate for commercial dumpsters and suggested that the projected estimates be incorpo- rated into the recommendation. Director of Public Services Miller stated that the growth rate is approximately fifty to sev- enty-five dumpsters per year. Councilman Runnels suggested that estimates of the costs and rev- enues for the startup of this proposal be prepared. City Manager Bardell stated that the information will be prepared and returned to Council for consideration. Councilman Tongco asked if there are any companies in the private sector who are interested in providing the services for mainte- nance, repair and sale of commercial garbage containers. City Manager Bardell replied negatively. Councilman Tongco asked if the city has a policy which addresses the condition of dumpsters. Director of Public Services Miller stated that the dumpsters must meet the Health Department's standards. He stated that Texas Commercial Wastes leases the roll-off containers in College Sta- tion. Councilman Runnels asked what is the estimate for the amount of time a dumpster would be out of commission for repairs. Director of Public Services Miller replied approximately two days. City Manager Bardell stated that if the dumpsters all belonged to the city a dumpster would be rotated in place of the dumpster that was removed for repairs. Councilman Tongco stated that this proposal would include addi- tional costs not supplied, such as personnel and materials. She suggested that the city approach Texas Commercial Wastes to de- termine if they would be interested in this proposal. WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 6 Councilman Bond stated that the city would need to develop a franchise mechanism so that the city could build in controls. Councilman Brown requested that the staff estimate revenue fig- ures for this proposal using lease figures of $2.55 per cubic yard per month and $3.17 per cubic yard per month. After further discussion, City Manager Bardell stated that the staff would return the additional information requested in one month on the Workshop City Council Meeting agenda. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of construction of a sidewalk/ bikeway on Southwest Parkway. Director of Capital Improvements Ash presented the item. He re- ferred to his memorandum dated August 1, 1985, distributed in the packet. He stated that the staff has developed two alternatives for the construction of a sidewalk/bikeway facility along South- west Parkway to provide access along the thoroughfare serving both Bee Creek Park and South Knoll School. He briefly described each alternative and provided a breakdown of the estimated quan- tities and unit prices of items for the project. He pointed out that the totals are estimates and that unexpected expenses could arise. He recommended Alternate B for construction. Councilman Bond stated his personal observation was that the sidewalk would accommodate both pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the funding for this project would be from unencumbered interest earnings on 1984 General Obligation Bonds. Councilman Brown asked if any federal funds are available for this project. Traffic Engineer Black stated that there might be some federal funds available from the project to construct the bikeway at the Texas A&M University entrance. He stated that a reimbursement of $39,000.00 could be applied for at the rate of seventy-five percent resulting in a total of $31,000.00. Councilman McIlhaney asked about the possibility of constructing the eight foot sidewalk on the north side. She stated that if the eight foot sidewalk will be needed in the future it would be wise to construct it to that width now, rather than waiting and having to go back and enlarge it in the future. Director of Capital Improvements Ash pointed out that construc- tion of an eight foot sidewalk on the north side will require landscaping to be removed in certain places on the route. Councilman McIlhaney stated that if additional sidewalk will be WORKSHOP CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7, 1985 PAGE 7 needed in the future consideration should be given to construc- tion of a six foot section on the north side at this time. Councilman Bond pointed out that there is a large amount of existing four foot sections on the north side and it would be very expensive to form a six foot section to the four foot sec- tions already in place. He noted that the four foot sidewalk is fairly generous. Councilman McIlhaney asked when construction is anticipated. City Engineer Pullen replied that construction is anticipated in November. After further discussion, Councilman Boughton moved to direct the staff to construct a four foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Southwest Parkway, in addition to constructing handicapped ramps and other improvements to provide safer access along the thor- oughfare for pedestrians and bicyclists. Councilman Brown seconded the motion. Mr. John Wormuth questioned the policy of bike lanes on both sides of the street; and, whether bicycles will be prohibited on Southwest Parkway. Councilman Tongco stated that construction of the sidewalk is ad- dressing the concern for the safety of the children in the area not the adults. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0, with Mayor Halter ab- sent. Agenda Item No. 5 - Adjourn. Mayor Pro-tern Runnels adjourned the meeting at 5:45 P.M. ATTES.T: /% Dian ~ City Secretary Robert C. Runnels, Mayor Pro-tem "'":5157