HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/24/1985 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES
4:00 P.M.
Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton,
Bond, McIlhaney, Runnels, Brown, Tongco
Assistant City Manager VanDever, City
Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones,
Corm~unity Development Director Stevens,
Community Center Director Calliham,
Personnel Manager Dickson, Purchasing
Agent McCartney, Administrative Assis-
tant Magoon, Printing Coordinator Fry,
Council Coordinator Jones
Mike Hachtman
See guest register.
The meeting was called to order with all Councilmembers present
except Councilman Bond.
A~enda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns.
Councilman Runnels questioned when the new speed signs will be
installed depicting the five mile per hour reduction in speed
zones on Texas Avenue. He inquired into the work that is being
done on Holt Street.
Councilman Boughton noted that the signs have been installed.
Councilman McIlhaney referred to the problem between Post Oak
Mall and Post Oak Square concerning access between the two devel-
opments and suggested that the Council address the problem so
that it does not occur in the future.
Mayor Halter noted that currently if two developments were being
constructed similar to Post Oak Mall and Post Oak Square they
would be required to provide joint access.
Mayor Halter distributed a memorandum to the Council concerning
Council Committee assignments and requested that each Councilman
rank in order the committees according to preference and return
the list to him at the Regular City Council Meeting, April 25,
1985. He stated that the Council should consider appointing oth-
er individuals in the community who have experience in auditing
to serve on the Finance and Budget Committee.
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A~enda Item No. 2 - Presentation on airport by University Offi-
Mr. Charles R. Cargill, Vice President for Operations at Texas
A&M Universtiy, presented the item. He introduced Mr. H.E.
Raisor, Manager of Aviation Services, who showed a slide presen-
tation depicting the activities occurrinG at Easterwood Airport.
Mr. H.E. Raisor noted that the changes that are occurring at Eas-
terwood Airport are slow and subtle, but are movinG the facility
forward in keeping with the times. He listed the projects that
have been completed and those that are proposed in the future.
He further stated that one of the proposed projects is the con-
struction of the North Terminal Complex and showed a map depict-
inG the infrastructure for the expansion.
Councilman Bond arrived at the meeting.
Mr. Cargill explained that the Texas A&M University Board of Re-
Gents determined that the extension of Runway 1634, from 5200
feet to 7000 feet, is top priority and has elected to provide the
bulk of the funding for this project. He stated that the cost of
this expansion will be approximately 6.4 million dollars; there-
fore, this expenditure will greatly limit the availability of fi-
nancial resources that can be provided by Texas A&M University in
the future. He noted that all the operating income Generated by
Easterwood is returned to the airport to finance improvements.
He stated that Texas A&M University contracted with Lockwood,
Andrews and Newman to develop a master plan for Easterwood Air-
port. He distributed a handout which delineated the proposed
projects, the time table for each project and the amount of fund-
inG required for each project. He stated their purpose for at-
tendinG the meeting was to inform the Council of what is happen-
inG at Easterwood Airport and to make an informal request for
funds in the amount of $100,000.00 annually to aid in the expan-
sion of the Airport. He pointed out that the Intergovernmental
Liaison Committee will be making a formal request for this fund-
inG in the near future. He asked the Council for consideration
of this request.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation of Operatin~ Budget for FY
Assistant City Manager VanDever presented the item. He explained
how the budget was set up and presented a brief summary. He
stated that the staff prepared the Budget for FY 85-86 usinG a
conservative approach, considering the state of the economy and
attempts by the Federal Government to reduce the deficit. He
pointed out that the Library proposal and the request by Texas
A&M University as previously presented were not included. He
further stated that the Budget for FY 85-86 includes a recommend-
ation for a six percent (6%) increase in water rates. He noted
that capital requests for the proposed Drainage Division will be
funded through Bond Funds and operating expenses will be funded
through interest income. He listed the additional information
for each division included in the Operating Budget for FY 85-86
as follows: goals and objectives; activity descriptions; and,
pie charts on revenues and expenditures.
Councilman Halter asked how the staff calculated the figures for
the Revenue Sharing Fund.
Assistant City Manager VanDever stated that the city has taken
the position it will lose the Revenue Sharing Funding as of Sep-
tember 30, 1986. He noted that the projected funds for FY 85-86
have been allocated.
Councilman Bond asked if there was an itemization of salaries in-
cluded in the Operating Budget for FY 85-86. Assistant City Man-
ager VanDever explained where the itemization of salaries for
each division is located in the document.
The Council requested a comprehensive list of salaries for each
Assistant City Manager VanDever noted that with the increased
pressure by citizens for higher level ambulance services the an-
nual cost of service has been driven to approximately one million
dollars. He pointed out that the Budget for FY 85-86 includes a
recommendation for an increase in Ambulance fees from $40.00 to
$185.00. He noted that this increase will generate approximately
$100,000.00 in revenues, which will defray approximately twenty
percent (20%) of the cost.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration of a date for Public Hearing
for FY 85-86 Revenue Sharing and Operating Budgets.
Councilman Boughton moved to set the date for the Public Hearing
for FY 85-86 Revenue SharinG and Operating Budgets for the Reg-
ular City Council Meeting, May 9, 1985.
Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unani-
mously, 7-0.
The Council concurred to schedule all of the Public Hearings con-
cerninG the Budget for FY 85-86 on the Regular City Council Meet-
inG Agendas.
Mayor Halter noted that the city's Charter states that the budget
shall be finally adopted not later than June 27, 1985, and if fi-
nal action is not taken by that date the budget as submitted by
the city manager shall be deemed to have been finally adopted.
He requested that an item concerning funding for the library^
proposal be scheduled for future consideration. UU~866
Agenda Item No. 5 - Auditors to address the City Council.
Councilman McIlhaney introduced Ms. Peggy MCCormick and Mr.
Charlie Chapman, representatives from the auditing firm Deloitte
Haskins & Sells.
Mr. Chapman presented a brief introduction of the firm and listed
the other governmental entities they service.
Ms. Peggy MCCormick explained the auditing process that is going
to be followed. She stated that the audit work will be completed
by August, 1985 and the final report will be rendered on Septem-
ber 30, 1985.
Mayor Halter expressed his desire for the city to continue re-
ceiving the Municipal Finance Officers Association Certificate of
Mr. Chapman replied that the city's audit will be reviewed thor-
oughly to assure that it meets all the required guidelines for
the MFOA Certificate of Conformance. He noted that Deloitte
Haskins & Sells recognizes the importance of this award to the
Mayor Halter stated that after the Audit Review Committee is es-
tablished a meeting needs to be scheduled with representatives
from Deloitte Haskins & Sells.
Councilman Bond asked what is the appropriate procedure to follow
if an individual Councilmember has a specific question to direct
to the auditors.
Mr. Chapman recommended that the Council set some type of policy
to address this matter.
Councilman Runnels suggested that any specific questions from in-
dividual councilmembers should be directed to the Chairman of the
Audit Review Committee.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of Twin City Mission's solid waste
disposal problems.
City Attorney Locke presented the item. She stated that Twin
City Mission has requested funding from the city to aid in pay-
ment of their garbage disposal fees.
Mayor Halter explained that Twin City Mission for a number of
years has collected white goods, such as washing machines, dry-
ers, refrigerators, etc., which they have not been able to uti-
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lize and the City of Bryan now intends to charge them a disposal
fee for these items commensurate with Bryan's normal charge. He
stated his opinion that the city would normally pickup these
items and the fact that Twin City Mission has removed these items
has saved both cities a tremendous amount of money. He further
stated that the City of College Station has some obligation and
recommended developing some type of policy to deter situations
similar to this from occurring in the future.
Councilman Tongco noted that the City of Bryan charges its citi-
zens a fee for removal of white goods.
Assistant City Manager VanDever suggested that the city could al-
low them to use the landfill free of charge.
Mayor Halter requested Assistant City Manager VanDever and City
Attorney Locke to investigate the matter more thoroughly and pro-
vide additional information to the Council.
The Council concurred that they are sympathetic to the plight of
Twin City Mission.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn.
Mayor Halter adjourned
the meeting at 5/45 P.M.~
G~ry Haler," Mayor
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