HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/12/1986 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 5:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Bond, Tongco Boughton, Brown, McIlhaney, Runnels None City Manager Cole, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, City Engineer Pullen, City Attorney Locke, City Secretary Jones, Director of Planning Mayo, Personnel Director-Dickson, Utilities Office Manager Piwonka, Assistant Office Manager Albright, Administrative Assistant Magoon, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, Finance Director VanDever, Council Coordinator Garrett See guest register. Agenda Item No. 1 - Council Concerns. Councilman Tongco commented that items on the regular meeting agenda pertaining to group presentations and sesquicentennial events should be presented on the workshop meeting agendas. Councilman Boughton reminded Council about the dedication at Gabbard Park of a memorial plaque in memory of Letcher Gabbard. This presentation will be held On Feb. 28, 1986 at 1:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2 - A public hearing on the Budget for the fiscal year 1986-1987. Councilman Runnels stated he would like for the public to address to the council any concerns about the budget. Mayor Halter opened the public hearing. Lawrence Bravanec asked the council to question its continued subsidization of the Industrial Park. He noted that this subsidization involves a sale to the Foundation at an interest-free loan. He also referred to the sale of a very valuable piece of property located by the water tower. Mr. Bravanec commented to the council about the growth rate and taxes increasing, and about the declining ratio of houses sold in proportion to houses on the market. He concluded by saying that CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PAGE 2 the Industrial Park may be located at the wrong place at the wrong time. Mayor Halter thanked Mr. Bravanec for his comments. No one else spoke. The public hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of a historical marker for the University Faculty Housing Sesquicentennial Project. Mayor Halter noted the application for the historical marker is completed and has been sent to the State Historical Con~ission requesting approval. He asked Council for approval of the expenditure for the marker which will cost $800 to $900. The marker would be placed at a location where faculty housing used to stand. Councilman Tongco asked if this was a new project or a sesquicentennial project. Mayor Halter stated that the location of 110 various historical housing facilities have been found as a part of the sesquicentennial projects approved earlier by the Council. Councilman Tongco asked if there were markers for each location. Mayor Halter responded by saying this historical marker is for all the historical houses which qualify. Councilman Boughton moved approval of the funding for the historical marker. Councilman Runnels seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 4 - Presentation regarding City's insurance program. City Manager Cole stated that the city is having difficulty in locating good liability insurance and the staff would like for the council to provide direction in this matter. Assistant Finance Director Schroeder began his presentation by referring to a memo showing the types of policies and the status of each. First, the comprehensive general liability shows a significant increase in the premium in the TML program from the premium the City had under its most recent policy. He stated this policy expired 01/01/86 and the city has not been able to find a writer for the amount of coverage. Secondly, the Public Official Liability has a drastic increase in premiums and expires 02/15/86. He noted the total premiums of the current policy, $465,306.00 and the TML program, $664,759.00. The staff has three basic options which could be used in this situation. First, the city has the option to join 100% in the TML program. TML is able to provide all coverages in the private sector market at a reasonable rate. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PAGE 3 These four basic areas are the comprehensive liability, public official's liability, the law enforcement liability and the paramedic liability. The second option is the self insurance program, which would include hiring a consultant to analyze the city's insurance situation and present a program which would be feasible. Mr. Schroeder mentioned the staff has talked to consultants who would be able to have a report at the end of April in order to put the self insurance program in the budget. Assistant Finance Director Schroeder stated that the third option would be to pursue both the TML program and the self insurance program. He noted that this option would be very costly. He also noted that TML offers a large-city program, for which the City of College Station may qualify through a waive process. The staff recommendation would be to pursue the TML large-city program, and also to hire a consultant to evaluate the city's insurance program and examine the option of the self insurance program. Councilman Brown asked what amount would the comprehensive general liability premium decrease with a deductible. Mr. Schroeder noted there is a maximum deductible of $25,000.00. This will decrease premium by $40,000.00-$45,000.00. The four liability insurance premiums from TML totals $360,000.00 and the $25,000.00 would decrease this amount by $53,000.00. Mr. Cole asked how a $500,000.00 deductible would effect the premium costs. Mr. Schroeder noted the premium amount would probably be around $160,000.00. Councilman Brown asked if there were an experience modifier on the liability. Mr. Schroeder replied there is not an experience modifier on this liability coverages. Cathy Locke explained there has been one in claims court recently, and another is in Federal Court. These are the only two since 1983. Councilman Bond asked what was covered on the physical damage liability. Mr. Schroeder responded by saying that the vehicles which have greater than $75,000.00 are covered under this policy. Councilman Brown asked if there are other cities self-insured. Mr. Schroeder explained this would be part of the consultant's study. Councilman McIlhaney inquired about time limits and flexibility. Mr. Schroeder replied the staff would like to pursue the big-city program through TML because there is a greater amount of coverage. Councilman Bond asked what would be involved in qualifying for the big-city program. Mr. Schroeder explained there is basic criteria, for example, the first $300,000.00 program will be a premium set at $300,000.00. The city now has a premium of $223,000.00 for a $300,000.00 program. Councilman Bond also asked if the big-city program has a better rate structure or higher deductibles. Mr. Schroeder stated there are higher deductibles and a higher risk at the local level. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PAGE 4 Councilman Boughton asked if there is a way of proving to TML the City could handle the higher deductible. Mr. Schroeder replied this will probably be required during the process for the request from the City to TML for inclusion in the big-city program. City Manager Cole summarized the staff recommendation to hire a consultant at an approximate cost of $10,000.00, to make recommendations and to apply for the self-insurance program, and to proceed with a request to TML for the large-city program. He also pointed out the interim risks involved. Councilman Bond asked if there is a problem with the auto liability. Mr. Schroeder stated there is a binder with the carrier from last year and he sees no problem with the coverage of the auto liability. Mayor Halter stated the staff needs council direction on the recommendation to hire a consultant to evaluate a self-insurance program, and establish the criteria needed from the city to join the large city program. Councilman Brown moved approval for the staff to proceed with the recommendation they requested for the needs of the insurance program. The council concurred. Mayor Halter noted he will be attending the meeting of the Texas Political Subdivision and he stated he will relate the city's situation regarding the liability insurance. Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration of request for funding for the Brazos Pre-Natal Clinic (Reference: Council meeting of December 18, 1985.) City Manager Cole stated that he felt the city should contribute con~unity development funds instead of contingency funds. This will require a public hearing which could be scheduled for the March 6, 1986 city council regular meeting. Mayor Halter stated that Brazos County has a high infant mortality rate and he requested the city to continue the funding for the clinic. Anne Hazen, a representative from the Brazos PreNatal Clinic, explained that the county pays the salaries and Bryan funds the clinic through the Community Development process. She stated there are 143 patients and the Dept. of Human Resources is not able to keep up with the Medicaid even though some patients could qualify for the insurance. She also noted the Board of Directors contribute money to the clinic from their personal funds. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PAGE 5 Councilman Bond moved approved of the Community Development Funds to be used for the funding of the Brazos Prenatal Clinic. City Manager Cole stated the process to issue the money will take 2-3 weeks. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Agenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of a proposed ordinance amending and superceding Ordinance No. 850, the Zoning Ordinance, and all amendments thereto, as well as all other ordinances in conflict with this ordinance; providing a revision and updating of the zoning regulations, including but not limited to site plan review, parking requirements, landscaping, sign regulations, amendment procedures, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and enforcement and penalty provisions, all in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the development of this City, and in accordance with the provisions of the Articles 1011a-~., V.A.C.S. (85-804). Mayor Halter mentioned the suggested change of flag regulations. A1 Mayo, Director of Planning stated the staff recommends one corporate flag per premise and the maximum height, 40 feet; maximum size, 100 sq. ft. Mayor Halter asked Mr. Mayo to expand on the possible revision or interpretation of what constitutes a church, to avoid continual trips to P&Z for revised use permits. Mr. Mayo stated that the distinction of where a church ends and a business begins is not clear in the ordinance. Mayor Halter suggested the flag be called a "business" flag. Councilman Runnels commented the flag should be called an "organizational" flag. Councilman Runnels moved approval of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance regarding flagposts requirements. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion which was approved unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Halter stated there would be a public notification of this action. Councilman Bond wanted clarification of the revision of the Rooming/Boarding House clause. Councilman Boughton stated the Lancaster homes are rent houses that are still in the single family residential zoning which do not allow more than 4 unrelated persons under one roof. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1986 PAGE 6 Councilman Boughton stated that at the first meeting in March, approval of the revised zoning ordinance would be considered. Mayor Halter mentioned the fishing at Bee Creek Park is open everyday for the general public. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting at 6.' 25 p.m. Gary Ha~, Mayor ATTEST: D~~o~ne~s "ty Secretary