HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 19S9 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, McIlhaney, Birdwe11, Gardner, Schneider, Haddox STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretar~ Jones, Assistant City Manager Woody, Executive Director Harrison, Executive Director Piwonka, Development Services Director Ash, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Attorney Banks, Assistant City Secretar~ Hooks STUDENT GOV,T LIAISON: Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register. Agenda Item No. i - Discussion of FY 1989-90 ~n-ual Budget. Mayor Ringer asked the Council to present any questions they may have at this time. Councilman McIlhaney asked if funds existed in the Parks and Recreation Fund to appropriate to the Aggie Swim Club. Mr. Schroeder replied that he has not heard back from Mr. Beachy; however, funds are not available at the present time. Mayor Ringer noted that he met with John Crompton of the Aggie Swim Club since his presentation at the last council meeting. Ms. Anne Bell of the Visitors and Convention Bureau has offered to meet with Mr. Crompton to see if Chamber funds are available. He stated that establishing an organization that would work with these types of groups would be the proper method of funding, similar to the Arts Council which funds various art related type events. Mayor Ringer gave a brief background description on the funding capacity of the Athletic Federation. Councilman Birdwell stated that the hotel/motel contingency fund has $8,000 available monies. Councilman McIlhaney made a motion to request the Chamber to work with the groups to seek funding for their expenses in attracting participants from outside communities. Councilman Schneider questioned which organization is the logical place for these funds, Athletic Federation or Chamber. 007417 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Page 2 Mayor Ringer responded that when the Federation was initially established, it played the role of providing funds for these types of groups. However, in the later years, surplus monies have not been available. Mayor Ringer stated that four options are before the Council, as follows: 1) The Council may fund the Swim Club directly from its budget; 2) request that the Swim Club work with the Athletic Federation; 3) request that the Swim Club work with the Chamber; and, 4) The Council may direct the Athletic Federation as part of its role to fund this organization. Mayor Ringer repeated Councilman McIlhaney's motion. Councilman Haddox stated that he has a problem with asking the Chamber to fund this organization without the city's funding additional monies to the Chamber. Councilman McIlhaney commented that she would rather have this problem solved this year, rather than being faced with similar problems next year. Councilman McIlhaney's motion did not receive a second. Councilman Brown moved to fund the Athletic Federation an additional $2,000 to use for funding the Aggie Swim Club with the stipulation that in the future the Athletic Federation would serve as the clearinghouse for requests for support funding of athletic type events. Mayor Ringer noted that a representative from the Chamber serves on the Athletic Federation board. Councilman Birdwell seconded the motion. Councilman Schneider asked why the Athletic Federation is not part of the Chamber. Mayor Ringer replied that the Federation was historically organized to coordinate events and to help organizations which seek money for different athletic events. The Federation board is composed of membership from the two cities, the Chamber, the University and members-at-large. Mayor Ringer indicated that he would be willing to attend their meetings. Student Gov't Liaison Maloney commented that the Athletic Federation provides other services in the community. Mayor Ringer repeated the motion made by Councilman Brown. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Discussion of hotel/motel funds concluded. 007418 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Page 3 Councilman Birdwell inquired about the electric rates and the significant reduction to larger users. He explained the percentages for residential users and commercial users. He commented that if the structure was equitable the way it was before the reduction, then it would seem that there would be the same percentage of reduction regardless of the use. Ms. Piwonka explained that the services are continually moving toward cost of service. She stated that the numbers in the budget are based on the average customer for each class. Councilman Birdwell asked if there is documentation showing cost of service breakdown by class of customer. Ms. Piwonka stated that she will provide him the information. Aqenda Item No. Z - Up4ate on propose4 CIP/Bond Eleotion. (counoil Issues No. 3 and 12, 1989-90) Development Services Director Ash presented this item. He reviewed several items since the last discussion on this issue. Mr. Ash pointed out that the major project, Lotrak, has been slowed somewhat, and the Board of Regents has not made a decision on the funding of the Lotrak project in respect to A&M's funding; therefore, the scheduling for that particular project has been extended and it is not necessary for the city to make an absolute commitment by January. Mr. Ash pointed out that the deadline for submittal to the Justice Department is October 20th for a January 20th election date. He emphasized that there is no reason why the Lotrak project must be on the same ballot as the General Obligation bonds. Mr. Ash presented overhead transparencies summarizing the staff steering committee's recommendations. He referred to three uniform election dates that have been selected for the proposed general obligation bond election, August llth, May 5th, and January 20th. Mr. Ash clarified that a special election can be held for general obligation projects at any time the council deems it to be in the best interest of the public. Staff has recommended that the general obligation bond election be held on August 11, 1990, providing adequate time for staff to prepare a bond election. Mr. Pullen gave each councilmember a booklet listing the proposed general obligation projects for the bond election. These include a library, Wolf Pen Creek, Northgate, Parks Acquisition, new park development, and street programs. Councilman Haddox asked if the January 20th date would be too soon for staff to prepare adequate information for the Justice Department. Mr. Ash replied that it would be almost impossible for staff to meet the October 20th deadline and receive input 00741 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Page 4 from the Planning and Zoning Commission, a citizens committee, and Parks Board. Councilman Haddox stated that he would prefer a March election date. Councilman Birdwell asked if the Justice Department has changed their procedure in what they require. City Secretary Jones replied that the city must submit the order of election including the propositions. City Manager Ragland commented that he perceived that the Council does not want the Lotrak project with the general bond election. Secondly, the staff has provided a list of projects to be re- viewed by a citizens committee for their consideration. He added that there may be other projects added to the list. Nevertheless it will take approximately six months to go through the process. Councilman Birdwell asked that clarification be made about the submission to the Justice Department. Assistant City Manager Brymer remarked that the 90-120 day period is a preferred or suggested date. Mayor Ringer asked if charter revisions must be held on uniform election dates. Ms. Jones replied affirm- atively. Mayor Ringer noted that the charter revision committee is finalizing their recommendations and will present their report to the Council sometime next month. Mayor Ringer noted that the committees should be appointed as soon as possible. Councilman Haddox emphasized that he preferred a March or April election date. Councilman Gardner asked who served on the steering committee. Mr. Ash replied that the committee consisted of staff members from departments which had capital improvement projects. Mayor Ringer stated that from the discussion held today, the Council prefers staff to work toward a May election date. Mayor Ringer restated that there are two citizen committees to be established; the library committee and the CIP committee. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the previous library committee consisted of nine members and the CIP committee consisted of eighteen to twenty-three members. Mr. Ash stated that he will provide the council members a list of the members who served on these committees in the past. Councilman McIlhaney asked if it would be possible for the staff and the Council CIP committee to meet in October before the citizens committee begins. Mr. Ash stated that the staff will arrange a calendar based on the proposed election date and report back to the Council. 007420 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Page 5 Mayor Ringer asked staff to advertise for applications. Mayor Ringer would like for Council to have sufficient time to look at the Capital Improvement Projects booklet. &aenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of a resolution reqardinq th~ Board of Reqents of Texas &&H University to plA~ mad construo~ additional parkinq facilities. (Council Issue No. 62, ~989-90). Mayor Ringer stated that he would like to add a statement to the resolution: "In the future, A&M provide appropriate additional parking in conjunction with the construction of new buildings." Councilman Birdwell suggested adding another statement beginning with "Whereas, the two multi-level garages currently planned or under construction will not be adequate to solve the parking problem." Mayor Ringer added a statement after the last paragraph to read as follows: "And be it further resolved, that appropriate additional parking be provided in conjunction with construction of new buildings." Mayor Ringer suggested that the sentence beginning with the second "Whereas", the word only be placed at the end of the line. &qenda Item No. 4 - Discussion A-d consideration of revisinq th, schedule of dates for city council meetinqs in October, Novom~er. and December ~989. The council discussed several dates. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the fourth Thursday in October is the first day of the TML meeting. The council concurred to meet on Wednesday, October 25th at 4:00 p.m. for the regular meeting, Wednesday, November 29th at 4:00 p.m. and November 30th at 7:00 p.m. The council also concurred to meet one week in December, the 13th and 14th. Mayor Ringer noted that he will be absent on September 28th. asked Mayor Pro-tem Brown to reside at the meeting. &qenda Item No. 5 - Council Concerns. He Councilman Gardner reported that the Parks Board was enthusiastic about Wolf Pen Creek Phase I. Mr. Gardner inquired about the staff's response to several council priority issues. Mr. Ragland replied that the staff will be coming back to the Council the first meeting in October with a report of action plans on each council issue. Mr. Gardner also mentioned that the Parks Board, at their last meeting, asked him to mention to the Council the problems associated with the musical performance agreement. He read a letter written to the City Attorney by Mr. Beachy. Councilman Gardner asked the City Attorney to report to the Council on this matter. Mayor Ringer asked Mr. Ragland to schedule this item on a future agenda. 007421 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, September 13, 1989 Page 6 Councilman Birdwell remarked that the reports from the media on the E911 system have confused the public. Mr. Birdwell also discussed the bonfire relocation issue. He stated his concern about the current location and feels the Polo Field would be a suitable site. Mr. Birdwell noted that he responded to the Eagle Editorial on drug testing by writing a letter to the Editor. A copy of his letter was provided to each council member. Councilman Haddox mentioned that he met with the future president of the Chamber of Commerce and he had stated that he was confused about the E911 system. Mr. Ragland responded that he will provide a copy to the councilmembers with a follow-up report written to the news media. Councilman Brown reported that he met with Gail Todd of the Bryan Independent School District and she had mentioned the school's desire to repair old homes through the building program at the school. Mr. Ragland stated that both school districts are optimistic about the proposal; however, the factor exist about injury to the students. He indicated that a report is currently being prepared by staff. Mayor Ringer asked the City Affairs Committee to meet. He also noted that the City has been asked to form a Census Advisory Committee to promote cooperation during the census in 1990. He asked Student Gov't Liaison Maloney to publicize the census taking throughout the university and encourage students to volunteer to serve on the committee. &qenda Item No. 6 - City Manaqer Concerns. Mr. Ragland reported that all three suspects involved with the burglary/murder at the Texas Coin Exchange have been jailed. He noted that the Police Department is preparing a seminar to teach merchants preventative measures for these types of situations. The council expressed their appreciation to the Police Department for their efforts. &qenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. ATTEST: itY Se~et~ry Dian Jones APPROVED: 007422 PROJECTED REVENUES FY 1989-90 SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 Reimbursement from City of Bryan for Mapping Funds from FY 1988-89: Emergency Services Fee Collection: Interest: Total Revenues FY 1989-90 $ 27,977 $407,553 $367,000 $ 16,068 $818,598 007518 BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT BUDGET COMPARISON 1987-88, 1988-89 & 1989-90 September 13, 1989 PERSONNEL: SUPPLIES: Office Supplies Postage Printing EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: FY 87-88 FY 88-89 FY 89-90 ACTUAL ESTIMATED BUDGETED $ 20,825 $ 59,420 $ 98,404 575 $ 950 $ 2,000 451 $ 1,100 $ 7,000 92 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 -0- -0- $ 500 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: Communications $ 565 Building Rental $ 1,444 Equipment Rental $ 914 Legal $ 2,000 Acct/Personnel Svc. $ 1,940 Audit -0- Travel $ 2,330 Training $ 525 Insurance $ 4,332 Dues/Sub. $ 45 Car Allowance $ 1,250 Mapping -0- Public Information -0- Other -0- CONTINGENCY: CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: ** CAPITAL RESERVE: 2,125 $ 2,000 1,155 $ 3,500 2,189 -0- 6,000 $ 6,000 5,820 $ 5,100 1,689 $ 2,300 4,000 $ 4,000 3O0 $ 1,000 661 $ 5,600 80 $ 200 3,000 $ 6,000 65,224 $ 27,977 -o- $ 5,000 26,640 $ 1,000 -0- -0- $ 60,000 $ 2,635 $ 14,382 $ 5,000 $139,078 $407,553 $572,017 TOTALS: $179,001 $606,288 $818,598 ** FUNDS SET ASIDE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF E-9-1-1 007519 BRAZOS COUNTY EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS DISTRICT BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 13 September 1989 EXPENDITURES Personnel: Executive Director Data Base Manager Administrative Sec. Supplies: Office Supplies Printing Postage Equipment Maintenance: Contractual Services: Communications Building Rental Equipment Rental Legal Acct/Personnel Svc. Audit Travel Training Insurance-Liability/Content Dues/Sub. Car Allowance Mapping Public Information Other Contingency: Capital Expenditures: ** Capital Reserve: $42,000 $36,000 $20,4O4 2,000 7,000 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 3,500 --0-- $ 6,000 $ 5,100 $ 2,300 $ 4,ooo $ 1,000 $ 5,600 $ 200 $ 6,ooo $27,977 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 98,404 $ 13,000 $ 500 $ 69,677 $ 60,000 $ 5,000 $572,017 TOTAL $818,598 ** Funds Set Aside for Implementation of E 9-1-1 007520 1989-90 BUDGET EXPLANATIONS SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 PERSONNEL: The Rural Addressing Project work by CAD Associates should be finished by October, so E 9-1-1 Database development will switch to high gear. As is the case with most Districts, a Data Base Manager will be needed starting this Fiscal Year. The District has held off hiring anyone until needed. There will be an undetermined increase in worker's compensation insurance and health insurance for District employees and a 4% increase in salary for the District Secretary. The slight salary increase for the secretary is a result of Bryan's proposed 4% salary increase to keep the salary competitive in the community. There is no salary increase figured for the Executive Director. SUPPLIES: Office Supplies will be reduced by $1,000, while postage and printing will stay the same to cover mail outs of new addresses and other 9-1-1 information. CONTRACTUAL SERVICES: There is a decrease in this account as the Rural Addressing project work by CAD for the District will be complete. The City of Bryan's portion of the project is yet to be billed, so that will remain. Most other services have been reduced except for a slight rise in the liability/content insurance premiums. Liability coverage will be increased to $3 million aggregate and $1 million per occurrence. With our current office arrangement, there is no need to lease a copier or a personal computer. The District has it's own P.C. now, and is cost sharing a copier with the City of Bryan. TELECOMMUNICATIONS: This account will remain the same. TRAVEL/TRAINING/TRANSPORTATION: Auto allowance was increased by $3,000 to provide for the Data Base Manager, who will be doing extensive driving in the County tracking down residences and checking new locations. Travel/Conference stayed the same with funds for one National Conference and two State Conferences for the Director and Data Base Manager. PUBLIC INFORMATION: This account will stay the same until cut-over when the advertising and public information is needed. 00752! CONTINGENCY: This account has been reduced from previously budgeted and will contain the insurance deductible in case any claims are filed against the District. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES: A P.C. workstation will be needed so the Data Base Manager has access to the mapping system and the E 9-1-1 database. The current P.C. will serve as the host computer and word processor which will be networked to reduce hardware costs. CAPITAL RESERVES: Funds set aside to purchase the E 9-1-1 system hardware, software, and other telephone company conversion costs. 007522 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1989 4:00 P.M. 11. 12. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10. 20 00742