HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/1989 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1989 ?:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Haddox, Gardner, Schneider, Birdwell, McIlhaney STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, City Attorney Locke, Public Information Officer Ca11iham, Assistant City Manager Br~mer, Assistant City Manager Woody, PARD Director Beachy, Asst. PARD Director Clsneros, Planning Director Callaway, City Engineer Pullen, Council Coordinator Hooks VISITORS PRESENT: see guest register. Agenda Item No. I - Acknowledgment of the 50th Anniversary off the College Station City Park Board. Mayor Ringer stated his appreciation to the staff for giving the reception celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Parks Board by the Council. Many former parks board members were present. Agenda Item No. 2 - Siqninq of a procl-~ation desiqnatinq Jun~ 4th as "Cancer Survivors Day.'. Ms. Beverly Kunkel came forward to accept the proclamation, which was signed jointly with the City of Bryan. Agenda Item No. 3 - Signing of a procl-mation eom-ending the Board of Directors and staff of the Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse and its citizens Regional Task Force for their work in establishlng a Brazos Valley region~] detoxification center. Ms. Mary Mattingly of the Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse, accepted the proclamation. Agenda Item No. 4 - Signing of a proclam~tion relating to a community project educating young children to "Just Say No" to alcohol and drugs. Ms. Mattingly also accepted this proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. 007294 city Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 2 &qenda Item No. 5 - Siqninq of a prool-mation desiqnatinq 27th as "Buddy PoDDv DAY',. Ms. Suzie Velasco and Miss Kristie Musgrove, the "Buddy Poppy Girl," accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Aqenda Item No. 6 - Siqninq of a proclamation designating June as ,'Learn to Swim,, month. Cindy Szabuniewicz, PARD Recreation Instruction Supervisor, and Gus and Goldie, accepted the proclamation signed by Mayor Ringer. Agenda Item No. 7 - Consideration of a resolution authorizing the creation of the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corp- oration and authorizing the participation of the City of College Station, and, consideration of funding. Councilman Haddox moved approval of the resolution authorizing the creation of the Bryan/College Station Economic Development Corporation, adopting the charter, by-laws, estimated budget, and the following changes endorsed by councilmembers during the discussion held at the workshop meeting: each city shall appoint one member each year, and, the Executive Director will be included in Article IX, Conflict of Interest. Councilman Schneider seconded the motion. Councilman McIlhaney expressed her hope that the ad hoc committee can move on and begin the search for an executive director. Mr. Thornton expressed his appreciation for the support from all entities. Councilman Gardner asked for clarification of the funding process. Mayor Ringer responded that the Economic Development Board will be funded from this year's budget beginning October 1, 1989. He added that the money funded toward the College Station Economic Development can be utilized toward the Joint Board in the interim. Councilman Haddox commented that money from Brazos County will also support this board. Councilman Gardner stated concern about the bylaws relating to the board's ability to add members without the council's consent. Mayor Ringer commented that the board will have a difficult time recruiting members to the board without the support of the councils and working with the councils. The vote was taken on Councilman Haddox' motion to authorize approval of the resolution. It carried unanimously, 7-0. 007295 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 3 Aqenda Item No. 8 - Consideration of a. ordinance -mendin~ Chapter ? of the Code relatinq to Health and Sanitation, by creatinq a Section 8, Retall Food Store sanitation, and providin~ for an effective date. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1810. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell commented that he will vote against this ordinance on the basis that the city does not need to reproduce state regulations into city ordinances. The motion was approved by the following vote of 6-1: FOR: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Haddox, Gardner, Schneider, and McIlhaney AGAINST: Councilman Birdwell Aqenda Item No. 9 - Consideration of an ordinance amendment for Chapter 7, Section 1-C of the Code relatlnq to weeds and other unsiqhtly vegetation (Councll Issue Councilman Birdwell stated his proposal for this ordinance, as follows: 1) Delete item 4 under the exemption clause. 2) Add an item 4 as follows: "The cultivation of wildflowers from January 1 to June 1 of each year in areas where grasses and weeds do not exceed eighteen inches (18") in height." 3) Change the appeal process so that all appeals shall be heard by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. 4) Add the following paragraph: "The appeal procedure provided for above shall not be available when the notification by the Building Official is based on weeds or grasses over eighteen (18") in height and the notification occurs after June 1." Councilman Brown added another exemption to this list, The parks department shall be exempted. Councilman Haddox agreed. Councilman Haddox suggested that the proposal submitted by Mr. Birdwell to add the cultivation of wildflowers from January 1 to June 1, should also include a concentrated area of wildflowers. He also suggested changing the time from January 1 to March i and the latest time shall be June 15. Councilman Birdwell stated that the main purpose of the ordinance is to prevent a fire hazard. Mr. Jim Baker, 1119 Ashburn, addressed the Council. He presented a petition of 1300 signatures supporting the amendment to Ordinance No. 699. He shared several concepts and concerns expressed to him during the process of collecting the signatures. He alluded to several issues regarding health and fire hazards. 007296 city Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 4 Mr. Baker added that the wildflowers should not be a threat, and should be allowed to go to seed. Mr. Baker asked the persons in the audience to stand who were in favor of the amendment and those who were opposed to the amendment. He added that he would prefer an August mowing date. Mrs. Kling addressed the Council. She agreed with the changes proposed by the Council. She asked that the weeds and grasses be lowered to 12", in the fourth exemption. Mr. J.H. Hinojosa, 2704 Sandy Circle, addressed the Council. He commented that many wildflowers and grasses are in Southwood Valley. He mentioned that wildflowers will also be beneficial in conserving water. Dr. Robert McGeachin, 1208 Glade St., spoke to the Council. He stated that wildflowers add a great deal to the aesthetic appeal. He agreed with the appellate process. Dr. McGeachin stated his preference for a later mowing date. Ms. Ann Hunter, 1116 Ashburn, addressed the Council. She added that the council's amendments to the proposed ordinance were acceptable. She mentioned that mowing dates are very important. Ms. Sherry Ellison, 2705 Brookway, addressed the Council. stated that she would prefer to see a concentrated bed of wildflowers. She Councilman Haddox mentioned that there are hundreds of vacant lots in College Station that do not comply with the current ordinance. He pointed out that the Council is considering these regulations primarily to protect the citizens in residential areas who might be abused by someone who takes advantage of the ordinance. Mrs. Bobbe Baker, 1119 Ashburn, commented that she would prefer an August mowing date. Ms. Nan Mefferd, 1107 Ashburn, remarked that she agreed with the proposed changes by the Council, but she would rather see a 12" height limit for grasses and weeds. Mr. Bob Wharton, 1111 Dexter, addressed the Council. He pointed out that there are some wildflowers which do not bloom until June 1st. He also noted that several wildflowers require grasses to grow with them, for instance, Indian Paint Brushes. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1811 adopting an ordinance amendment for Chapter 7, Section I-C, of the Code of 007297 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 5 Ordinances relating to weeds as recommended by the Community Appearance Committee and city staff with the following changes: - Delete (4) under the exemption clause. - Add (4) as follows: "The cultivation of concentrated wildflowers from March 1 to June 15 of each year in areas where grasses and weeds do not exceed eighteen (18") in height." - In the last paragraph pertaining to the appeal procedure, change all references from "Community Appearance Committee" to "Zoning Board of Adjustments". - Add the following paragraph: "The appeal procedure provided for above shall not be available when the notification by the Building Official is based on weeds or grasses over eighteen (18") in height and the notification occurs after June 15." The motion was seconded by Councilman Haddox. Mayor Ringer noted that in order for the Zoning Board of Adjustments to grant a variance, a majority of the Board must vote in favor, rather than a majority of those present. Mr. Cisneros remarked that the 18" height is satisfactory to the Parks Department. He added that the operations of the Parks Department would be better served if it were covered under the ordinance along with everyone else. Councilman Gardner moved to amend the original motion by changing the mowing date of June 15th, to August 1st. The motion did not receive a second. Councilman McIlhaney remarked that the first step has been taken in resolving this issue. She expressed her hope that this ordinance meets the needs of those concerned, as well as the needs of those who wish to grow wildflowers. Councilman Gardner mentioned that the city should enforce this ordinance on a systematic basis, rather than waiting for a complaint. Mayor Ringer added that one of the council issues relates to an active code enforcement; he pointed out that this topic will be discussed at the council retreat. Councilman Gardner moved to keep the ordinance as written in regard to the appeal process to the Community Appearance Committee. No one seconded the motion, Councilman Birdwell's original motion was approved by a unanimous vote of 7-0. Mayor Ringer thanked the Community Appearance Committee for their hard work on this project. 007298 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 6 Agenda Item No. 10 - CONSENT AGENDA. 10.1 - Approval of the minutes of the City Council Workshop Meeting, Wednesday, May 10, 1989, and the Regular Meeting, Thursday, May 11, 1989. 10.2 - Approval of purchase request for general liability and commercial property insurance coverages. 10.3 - Approval of funding and award of Professional Services Contract for the Annual Resistivity Survey and Ground Water Monitoring of the Rock Prairie Road solid waste landfill. ($15,200 from Operating Budget, Landfill; staff recommends BME, Inc.) 10.4 - Approval of a purchase request payable to Riewe & Wischmeyer, Inc. in the amount of $341,000 for the design of several water and sewer capital improvement projects. (1983 CIP: #SS1001, #SS1002, #SS1004, #SS1003, #WT1001, #WT1002, #WTiO02, #WT1004, #WT1005). 10.5 - Approval of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to approve a grant application through the Brazos Valley Development Council to create a crime analysis unit within the C.S. Police Department. (will require $3,361 city cash match, available within CSPD operating budget) 10.6 - Approval of a resolution on proposed legislation. The above items were approved by common consent. Agenda Item No. 11 - Hear V~sitors. No one spoke. Aqenda Item No. 12 - Closed session to reoeive staff report [6252-17¢2) (r)_]. discuss land acquisition [6252-17 (2) (f)] and personnel [6252-17 (2) Ca) _]. 12.1 Staff Report [6252-17(2) (r)]. 1. Legal Report. 2. Administrative Staff Report. 12.2 Land Acquisition [6252-17(2)(f)]. 1. Discussion of Parkland Acquisition. 12.3 Personnel [6252-17(2) (g) ]. 1. Discussion of appointments to citizens advisory boards, commissions, and committees. 007299 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, May 25, 1989 Page 7 The council moved to closed session at 8:30 p.m. Aqenda Item No. 13 - Action on closed session. No action was taken. Aqenda Item No. 14 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: C~t~y~~nes APPROVED: ~r 007300 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL MEETING, MAY 25, 1989 7:00 P.M. 18. ~ 24. 25. 30. 007305