HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER L3, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Haddox, McIlhaney, Gardner, and Schneider Councilmen Birdwe11 and Brown City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Jones, Finance Director Harrison, Management Services Director Piwonka, Personnel Director Diokson, City Attorney Locke, PR & Marketing Manager Calliham, Development Services Director Ash, Assistant City Manager Woody, Budget Director Sohroeder, Parks and Recrea- tion Director Beaohy, Assistant Director Cisneros, Assistant City Secretar~ Hooks See guest register. The meeting was opened with the following quorum of officers present: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Gardner, McIlhaney, and Schneider. Agenda Item No. 1 - Presentation and consideration of artwork mural for College Station Train Station. Mr. Steven Beachy introduced this item. He stated that a councilmember expressed an idea to staff that something be painted on the wall at the temporary depot. Subsequently, Ms. Jane Bevins, A&M Consolidated High School art teacher, was contacted and asked to provide the council with artwork sugges- tions and cost estimates. Ms. Bevins and one of her students presented the artwork proposal. Ms. Bevins stated that the estimated costs are not to exceed $500.00. Amtrak has expressed an interest in participating and might provide the paint and brushes. Councilman Haddox arrived at the meeting. Following general discussion about the size, colors, and location of the design, Councilman McIlhaney moved approval of the expenditure of $500.00 for the materials and the students' mural for the north wall of the College Station train station. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 5-0. 007571 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 2 Aqenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of Citizen's Survey Proposal, and consideration of direction to staff on this project. (Council Issue No. 41). Ms. Peggy Calliham presented this item. She introduced Dr. James Dyer of the Public Policy Resource Laboratory, TAMU. Dr. Dyer reviewed the procedures, timing and various details of the process. He noted that the telephone survey of 500 citizens would be conducted in early spring. He pointed out the follow- ing purposes for the survey: 1) to establish an information baseline for monitoring city activities; and, 2) to determine factual information and reactions relating to specific issues. He stated that the most important element of the survey is the creation of the instrument. Dr. Dyer noted that two focus group meetings may be useful. The groups would consist of city staff, members of the Census Committee, and citizens representing community interests. He stated that a final report on the survey will be presented in May. Councilman Haddox commented that he would like to see a councilmember represented on the focus group. Ms. Calliham replied that the external group of citizens, such as the Census Committee, could also include two councilmembers. Dr. Dyer invited input from all councilmembers. Ms. Calliham added that the Council will see a final copy of the survey before it is conducted. Councilman Schneider expressed concern about using a telephone survey rather than a mail survey. Dr. Dyer replied that the response rates are much better in a telephone survey. Councilman Schneider inquired about the purpose of the focus group. Councilman Gardner commented that he has experience with surveys relating to Planning. He questioned the cost factors involved and stated his preference for a mail survey rather than a tele- phone survey. Councilman Haddox suggested adding an incentive prize to the telephone survey. Councilman Schneider emphasized that the survey needs to provide the best information possible. Dr. Dyer pointed out the experience level of the interviewers who will be used for the project. The council concurred to accept staff's recommendation to continue the survey project and to use a focus group comprised of 007572 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 3 the Census Committee and two councilmembers, who will be appointed by the mayor. Mayor Ringer noted that any council- members interested in serving with the committee, should let him know. &qenda Item No. 3 - Discussion and review of bids for medical, llfe, AD&D. Lona te~n Disability and Third Party Administrator for calendar year X990. Personnel Director Dickson reviewed the background history of the city's self-insurance program. She noted that the City Manager charged an employee task force committee to look at the insurance plan and the cost for dependent coverage. Ms. Dickson recognized the committee members. Mr. Jim Herter from Robert Lazarus & Associates reviewed the proposal analysis and recommendations. He explained that specifications were distributed and proposals received on December 4th. Councilman Haddox asked Mr. Herter to explain how the total claims liability for Donovan was derived . Mr. Herter pointed out that the three firms, ALTA, DONOVAN and EBS are third party administrators; ALTA and EBS use the same re-insurance company. Mr. Herter further explained that ALTA and EBS has estimated benefits of $1,488,000 paid on all dependents and employees in the coming year, based on past history of claim payments for the City. Ms. Dickson stated that with the revenue received by the plan (the city and employees increase of its contribution), and through the cost containment features proposed by the task force, the staff hopes the city will not come near the maximum liability level. Ms. Dickson noted that consideration of this item has been placed on the regular meeting agenda. Staff recommends approval of the bid from Donovan for the Stop/Loss and Administration of the medical program, and, is requesting approval to implement in- creased dependent coverage premiums and changes to the plan. City Manager Ragland commended the task force. Mayor Ringer expressed appreciation to Ms. Dickson and the members of the committee. Mayor Ringer stated that Councilman Birdwell requested that Agenda Item No. 9 be withdrawn from the agenda. 007573 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 4 Aqend& Item No. 4 - Disoussion of the question of future power supply for the City of Colleqe Station. (Council Issue No.2). Assistant City Manager Woody presented this item. He introduced Mr. Kiah Harris and Mr. Bob Collins of Burns and McDonnell. Mr. Harris presented graphs to the Council. One graph showed the historical growth rate, 8.7% and projected growth rate, 3.5%. He compared the proposals from Gulf States Utilities and the TMPA Cities. Mr. Harris stated that the net result would be a reduc- tion in wholesale power cost, resulting in $100 million savings if the existing rate were carried to the year 2000. Mr. Harris reviewed the following considerations for analysis: 1) load growth for College Station; 2) fuel escalation; 3) TMPA capacity addition; 4) GSU's actual system costs; and, 5) trans- mission of service from the city of Austin. Councilman Haddox asked if GSU or TMPA estimated fuel escalation differently. Mr. Harris replied that in the analysis, a 7% fuel escalation cost was added for TMPA and 5% for GSU. This includes each power supplier's escalation for their rate. Councilman Schneider asked if Mr. Harris analyzed the contribu- tion that economic development would have on the fuel costs. Mr. Harris stated that he will show graphs of the economic develop- ment impact. Mr. Harris referred to Table I - Comparison of Project Costs. Councilman Haddox asked Mr. Harris to provide dollar figures for the three phases throughout the next ten years. Mr. Harris noted that the TMPA analysis does not include the six- million dollar participation proposed by TMPA. With this credit, the offers from GSU and TMPA are essentially equal in dollars. Mr. Woody reviewed the remainder of the packet information. Councilman Haddox asked if the Texas World Speedway has been cost analyzed. Mr. Woody responded that the city has discussed with GSU how the transaction will be worked out in the event the growth pattern continues to develop and annexation occurs. He noted that an agreement has also been set up with the City of Bryan. Councilman Haddox questioned a representative from TMPA about the $6 million credit. Mr. Wilkerson stated that the credit will be used toward the joint facility between Gibbons Creek I and any other units at Gibbons Creek. Mr. Haddox clarified Mr. Wilkerson's response by stating that the city would assume the liability for a certain amount of money less the $6 million. 007574 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 5 Councilman Schneider asked for the time table in regard to the partnership with TMPA. Mr. Woody referred to a time table in the packet. Councilman Haddox requested that representatives from both entities reiterate any valid points they felt should be expanded. Mr. Dan Wilkerson, representing TMPA, addressed the Council. Stating his intent to clarify a point relating to the cost in 1997, he explained that the City may possibly be participating in combustion turbines if the City chooses TMPA. He stated that he would only point out that Mr. Harris might specify how he determined the cost. Mr. Wilkerson concluded that the TMPA proposal was fairly well represented by Mr. Harris. Councilman Haddox asked Mr. Harris to explain how he calculated the figures relating to the combustion turbines. Mr. Harris replied that the figures'~aken from TMPA's proposal were the estimates of what TMPA thought the combustion turbine would be in 1997 and the projections of what College Station would be required to use from it. He further explained that he also looked at the cost based on 1989 dollars and its estimated cost in 1997; these numbers were fairly close. Councilman Schneider asked the TMPA representatives to describe their economic development role. Mr. Wilkerson responded that each city of the TMPA is individually involved in its own economic development; he added that TMPA's rate structure helps high load factor customers coming online. Mr. Ed Ilshner, City of Bryan, commented that TMPA supports proposals of large firm industries; however, each city sets its own industrial rates. Mr. Jim Richardson of GSU spoke to the Council. He stated that the city presently utilizes service from GSU, and the contract expires December 1991. GSU is offering at this time, a 10-year contract starting April 1, 1990 which shows a substantial re- duction from the current rate. He stated that during the 10 year period, a firm rate has been offered for the first six years and nine months, which carries through the end of 1996. The last three-and-one-fourth years of the agreement, the city would have the following options if GSU applies for a rate increase: 1) cancel the contract with 60 days notice; or, 2) cap it with the producers price index for electricity during the same time period. Additionally, GSU has offered a ten-year extension option to the City; GSU will agree to negotiate during the last two years of the agreement another ten-year agreement, with the assurance that if an agreement is not reached on the second ten years, then for a period of time the city will be covered by the producers price index cap. Mr. Richardson stated that GSU has a significant reserve margin in generating capacity. Mr. Richardson noted that he would like O07575 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 6 to have the opportunity to compare numbers with Mr. Harris to verify load charges and energy charges. Mr. Richardson mentioned that GSU has an active and aggressive economic development program. He mentioned that GSU has initiated the "TEAM CITIES PROGRAM", a highly visible program in the cities they serve. Councilman Haddox asked that the figures be checked once more for further clarification and so that each party understands how these figures are derived. Mr. Richardson pointed out that the substantial difference in historical rate of growth for the City of College Station and the projected load growth. Based on GSU's offer, should the load growth approach the historic level of 10% per year as opposed to the 3.5% projected for the future, load growth figures GSU has offered will be much more attractive than the analysis given. &qenda Item No. 5 - Discussion and consideration of the passaqe of a resolution providinq for the taxation on personal property. Mr. Glenn Schroeder explained this item. He stated that the Legislature recently allowed exemption of personal property not used for production of income. He stated that the exemption is automatic unless Council states they would prefer to continue taxing these items. No motion was offered; no action was taken by the council. Aqenda Item No. $ - Discussion and consideration of whether to pass an ordinance imposinq an ad valorem tax on goods, wares, merchandise, and other tangible personal property qualifying for a freeport exemption. Mr. $chroeder stated that on November 7, 1989, the voters of Texas approved an amendment allowing the tax exemption of freeport goods. He noted that very little property value would be eligible in College Station; therefore, staff recommends allowing the exemption to go into effects Mr. Jack Speer of the B\CS Chamber of Commerce made several comments to the Council. The Chamber has recommended that this resolution not be passed. During discussion, council members commented against the tax proposal. No motion was made. Aaenda Item No. 7 - Presentation on proposed joint participation with the City of Bryan and TAMU in a study addressing regional wastewater treatment. Mr. John Woody presented this item. He stated that he and the City Manager met with Mr. Robert Smith of TAMU concerning a 007576 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 7 wastewater study initiated by the University. The University is anticipating expansion of its facilities and is asking the City to participate in the engineering study to determine the feasibility of a regional wastewater treatment facility. The City of College Station's share of participation is $10,000. Councilman Gardner asked if the study is too critical not to wait until the census is underway. Mr. Woody replied affirmatively, and pointed out that the state requires permits for entities that have wastewater treatment facilities. The University is applying for a permit very shortly and in order to meet requirements, a study is necessary. Aqenda Item No. 8 - Presentation on proposed donation of property on the East Bypass Feeder Road, owned by the Church of Christ. PARD Director Steve Beachy presented this item. He described the area of land located along the East Bypass and the lower Bee Creek Corridor in the vicinity of Emerald Forest Park (Zone 4). Mr. Beachy showed several pictures of the property; features include a native foot trail and a natural pond referred to as Head Lake. Councilman Haddox noted that the oak trees on this tract are beautiful. Mr. Beachy described the following liabilities that would be assumed with ownership of this pond. 1. Debris used as fill 2. Floodplain 3. Maintenance (probably $25,000 annually) 4. Limited access 5. Hazardous slopes He also pointed out the assets noted in the site analysis, as follows: 1. High visibility from the Bypass 2. Park linkage factor 3. Water feature 4. Natural areas Director Beachy pointed out that no land cost is involved in terms of land acquisition. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the city might apply for a state grant if the property were developed as a rest area. Mr. Beachy replied that he is not sure; however, procedures in applying for a matching grant through the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department would be similar as the process taken for Wolf Pen Creek. Councilman Haddox stated that Allen Swoboda, developer of Emerald Forest, has indicated that he would dedicate a portion of his property to enable the city to provide access and link the parks together. 007577 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 8 Mr. Beachy stated that the proposed use for the site is in compliance with the Plan 2000. He noted that the estimated development time would be about two-and-a-half to three years. The Parks Board has recommended to the Council that consideration of the land donation be delayed until after a water analysis has been made and drainage and engineering reports have been studied. Mayor Ringer commented on the possible financial impact of committing money to this project; he suggested that the Parks Board also study the impact this project would have on other developments already scheduled. Councilman McIlhaney stated that the area is used extensively by the residents in Emerald Forest; she added that she would like to see something done to this property to preserve the natural setting. She pointed out that the existing drainage problems will eventually need to be addressed. Councilman Haddox stated his support for pursuing the offer of the A&M Church of Christ to donate this property, so that the city would have the possibility of developing the property in the future. Mayor Ringer referred to the liability risks involved until the improvements are accomplished and to the long-term liabilities if the property is not properly maintained. He stated that if the council wishes to consider this proposal further, then staff needs to prepare a time table that would allow the Parks Board sufficient opportunity to look at the studies and make a recommendation. Mr. Beachy mentioned that the water analysis will cost between $3,000 and $4,000. Councilman McIlhaney asked staff to look at the option of applying for a matching grant, and possibly, to have the CIP Committee look at this item for the new bond package. Councilman Haddox emphasized the importance of this project and suggested that staff should spend staff time on this idea and if necessary, put another project aside. Councilman Gardner remarked that these offers are not critical at this time. He encouraged staff to conduct further studies. Councilman Schneider supported Councilman Haddox's comments. Mayor Ringer asked the PARD staff to look at the project in terms of the Parks Board recommendation and along with the several concerns expressed by Council (for example, liability factors, impact on other parks projects in the Plan 2000, and the engineering study for potential drainage problems). 007578 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 13, 1989 Page 9 Councilman Schneider asked when the staff will report back to the Council. Mr. Beachy replied that they may be able to prepare a report by the end of January or early February. Aqenda Item No. 9 - Discussion of a contract between the Colleqe Station Economic Development Foundation and W.D. Fitch. The item was withdrawn. Aqenda Item No. 10 - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner reported that he received a phone call from a citizen upset that a free circulated newspaper was thrown continuously in his yard. The citizen contacted the newspaper, but they have not taken any action to have this nuisance stopped. The City Attorney noted that she will send him a letter stating that it is the freedom of the press. Councilman Schneider stated that there have been several committees formed to discuss the bonfire issue. Mayor Ringer stated that he has been contacted by the Speaker of the Faculty Senate to serve as a resource person to their appointed committee. Mayor Ringer reported that the item'for discussion on the bonfire has been withdrawn from the December 14th Agenda. Aqenda Item No. 11 - Citv Manaqer Concerns. Mr. Ragland reported that the War on Drugs Report will be presented to the Council in February. Also, he commended Bill Harrison for his Investment Report. Aqenda Item No. 12 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:30 p.m. ATTEST: City Se.o~tt~ry Dian Jones APPROVED: May~ 007579