HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/22/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY. MARCH 22, 1989 4:O0 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, McIlhansy, Gardner, Birdwe11, Haddox, Schneider STAFF PRESENT= City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Jones, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, City Attorney Locke, City Engineer Pullen, Finance Director Harrison, Budget Director Schroeder, COmmUnity Development Director Fette, Planning Director Callaway, Asst. City Engineer Smith, Zoning Official Kee, Chief Staff Accountant Hubbard, PIO Officer Calliham, Council Coordinator Hooks STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON= Shannon Maloney VISITORS PRESENT= See guest register. Mayor Pro-tem Fred Brown called the meeting to order. Agenda Item No. I - Update on Bryan/College Station Small Business Development System~' Results of Phase I - Marks2 Analysis {Presented by Ms. Judy Appelt of the Council for Economic Action. (Council Issues No. 2 and No. 14) Community Development Director Dan Fette introduced Ms. Judy Appelt of the Council for Economic Action. Ms. Appelt updated the Council on the market identification system, which is one of six major components of the Small Business Development System. She briefly described five other components of the Small Business Development System. Mayor Ringer arrived at the meeting. Ms. Appelt explained the methodology for the urban business identification system based on the central place theory. She mentioned that a meeting will be held with Dan Fette and officials from Texas A&M, and the City of Bryan, to formulate and design a survey which will be sent out to industries identified 007207 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 2 as being "undersupplied" or in "equilibrium." The idea will be to find out if these firms are interested in expanding in Bryan/College Station and to determine their needs for assistance. Councilman Gardner asked if a fee is charged to attend courses. Ms. Appelt replied that a fee of $25.00 is charged for the shortcourse and $250.00 for the long course. Mayor Ringer thanked Ms. Appelt for her presentation. Aqenda Item No. 2 - Presentation of the Comprehensive Financial annual Report. Finance Director Harrison introduced this item. He pointed out that the fiscal year changed to October 1 through September 30, which meant that the past fiscal year covered fifteen months from July 1, 1987 through September 30, 1988. Another major change was that the in-house finance department staff was significantly involved in the preparation of this annual financial document. Mr. Charlie Chafin and Mr. Stewart Snow with Deloitte, Haskins & Sells, the city's auditors, came forward to present the 1988-89 Comprehensive Financial Annual Report, the Report to Management, and the Single Audit Report. Mr. Chafin asked the Council to refer to page 19 in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the Independent Auditors' Report; he explained the letter. Mr. Chafin noted that in the next two years, the city will have a complete inventory of all fixed assets. Mr. Chafin stated that the auditors conducted a Single Audit of the city'~ federal funds as required by the Single Audit Act of 1984. Mr. Chafin expressed his thanks to the Finance Staff for accepting the responsibility of completing the Comprehensive Annual Finance Report. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Chafin to explain the Schedule of Federal Financial Assistance listed in the Single Audit Report. Mr. Chafin replied that a federal program will be for a period of time that does not necessarily coincide with the city's fiscal period. On this particular schedule, the expenditures relate to the amount for the fifteen months ended September 30, 1988 and the program amount is the total amount for its full period of time of which some monies have been expended. Mr. Chafin explained to Councilman Birdwell the procedure for which the reports are dated. Mr. Harrison commented that the amount of time between the last day of field work and the 007208 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 3 issuance of reports will be reduced due to the fact that staff will be compiling the reports themselves. Councilman Birdwell inquired about the condition of accounting records. Mr. Chafin responded that the accounting records in the past were for internal use and then the responsibility of outside auditors to take those records and put them in a format. It was impossible for the staff to do this. Since that time, the staff has worked very hard to adapt the accounting records to the Annual Report. Councilman Birdwell stated that he has a problem with the accounting approaches used for the Annual Financial Report and the Budget Manual. He added that the accounts are categorized differently for each document. Mr. Chafin mentioned that it would be a decision of the Council to decide which way they would rather have the documents prepared. He stated that the Budget manual may be easier to alter toward an accrual basis. Mr. Harrison responded that each of the two documents is accomplishing a different goal for the organization. Mr. Birdwell mentioned that he would like to see both documents clearly understandable for anyone who reads them. Councilman Brown moved approval of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fifteen month period ended September 30, 1988. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. &qenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of a proposed ordin~noe -meadin~ Section 6 of Chapter ~0 of the City of Colleqe Station pertaininq to the parkinq, standinq or storinq of vehicles, recreational vehicles, trailers or trucks in residential areas ~-d providin- for the prohibition of parkinq vehicles on front yards A~cludi~q driveways and a special exception procedure (Council Issue Nc.S) City Attorney Locke explained that the Council received from the staff two definitions for driveways. Planning Director Callaway presented a slide presentation showing four areas in the city where situations exist with vehicles parking on front lawns. He summarized the staff's definitions for "driveway". He indicated that a gravel driveway would be a logical solution in low income areas; in some cases, gravel drives already exist. He pointed out another problem in that there are several cases where it is difficult to tell where a gravel driveway ends and the turf area begins. Mr. Callaway noted Ghat the proposed ordinance also relates to boats and trailers. 007209 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 4 Councilman Brown stated that he would like to see the city allow adequate time for owners to comply with the regulations. Ms. Locke stated that 10-30 days are given for the current parking ordinances, depending on the kind of work which needs to be completed. Mr. Birdwell commented that this time may need to be lengthened. Councilman Haddox expressed his concern that staff should be reactive to the complaint. Councilman Brown agreed and added that he would prefer the definition for gravel driveway. Councilman Birdwell suggested the ordinance read that after the first complaint, three months should be allowed for the owner to comply with the regulations; or, some reasonable amount of time. Further discussion continued. City Attorney Locke asked the Council to consider whether or not to include recreational vehicles, trucks or trailers as part of this subsection. Mayor Ringer noted that a public hearing on this item has been scheduled for the regular meeting. &qenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of a prelim{nary plat - Emerald Forest Phase 8 and a related proposal oonoerninq oversizA participation in a bridge and street. City Engineer Pullen described this item. He referred to a map showing Emerald Forest Phase 8 including a major bridge structure which would be required to carry traffic across Bee Creek, as part of Appomattox. He indicated that this bridge qualifies for oversize bridge participation because, 1) it is located in the city limits; 2) it is located on a minor arterial; and, 3) drainage from both subdivisions have water which flows through the creek. Mr. Pullen pointed out another alternative for access to the new subdivision; it included traveling parallel of the East Bypass and avoiding Appomattox and the creek crossing altogether. Mr. Pullen noted that the estimated cost to construct a structure across the floodplain would be $400,000; $200,000 would be for the bridge structure alone. City's oversize participation would be approximately $60,000 maximum for the bridge. He noted that funding is available at this time. 007210 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 5 Staff recommended the city participate in oversize bridge participation according to the ordinance. Mr. Allen Swoboda, developer for the project, addressed the Council. Mr. Swoboda explained his proposal that the city build the 1100 foot structure across the floodplain; and, at the estimated cost of $400,000, his share would be 40% of the cost, and the city's share would be 60%. Councilman Haddox asked if this time is appropriate to discuss the Emerald Parkway overpass. City Manager Ragland responded that staff is looking for a sense of direction from the Council on oversize bridge participation. Councilman Haddox remarked that the city should consider looking into participating in oversize bridge cost. Discussion was held regarding the city's options for partici- pation. Mr. Pullen defined the physical features of the bridge structure and street. Mr. Swoboda explained why his proposal included the entire 1100' structure. Councilman McIlhaney suggested that further discussion be held by a Council Committee and refer back to the Council with a recom- mendation. Mayor Ringer selected the Capital Improvements Com- mittee which consists of Councilman Brown, Chairman; Councilman Gardner, Councilman Schneider, and Councilman Haddox - alternate. Mayor Ringer asked that the Committee look at the-options of participation and also look at the realignment of Emerald Parkway. Mayor Ringer mentioned that consideration of the preliminary plat has been placed on the ~egular meeting agenda. At the time of the vote, approval can be made subject to negotiation in relation to the bridge. Aqenda Item No. 5 - Report to Council concerninq the Cit¥,s Stormwater Control and Floodplain Ordinance. (Council Issue No. 46) City Engineer Pullen and Assistant City Engineer Mark Smith presented this item. He stated that this item was brought to Council because of concerns expressed by citizens and councilmembers since the passage of the stormwater drainage ordinance last year. He explained several objectives of the stormwater management policies. ,. 007211 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 6 Mr. Pullen addressed the historical background of the city's floodplain program. He added that the City initiated a master drainage plan that was strongly supported by the voters in August, 1983. City Manager Ragland pointed out that the staff conducted an extensive six month review process with engineers, consultants, and developers before the ordinance was presented to the Council. Councilman Haddox stated that several people have approached him expressing objection to the ordinance. Councilman Birdwell mentioned that there are problems in the ordinance regarding the FEMA maps and the current city floodplain maps. Mr. Smith stated that the city has a published set of maps and a drainage system analysis which is part of the stormwater management plan developed in 1986. The city has FEMA maps which the federal government provided the city at the time it joined the National Flood insurance program. The purpose of the FEMA maps provides base data to administer the city's programs in compliance with their regulations. Mr. Smith pointed out that revision of the FEMA maps was not part of the analysis study. Mr. Smith addressed the issues raised by developers concerning the drainage ordinance. He responded to Councilman Birdwell's concern about the revision of FEMA maps. He stated that discussion was held with FEMA and their response was uncertain. Another reason for not making the changes, is that the city can operate with the current maps. Councilman Birdwell stated that the ordinance references the 1981 FEMAmaps. He emphasized that the city has an obligation to proceed with the process and submit the data asking FEMA to revise their maps. Mr. Smith responded that upgrading the 1986 study to include the revision of the maps would cost $80,000. Councilman Haddox indicated that he shared Mr. Birdwell's concern. He suggested sending letters to all realty firms and abstract companies notifying them of the discrepancies between the FEMA maps and the city maps. The Council agreed that staff should proceed with Mr. Haddox's suggestion. Aqenda Item No, 6 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox reported that he was approached about the traffic light at Welsh and Southwest Parkway. Councilman Birdwell read a statement he prepared regarding the · topic of "rap music". He stated the following comments: 007212 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 7 "I am very disturbed by the coverage which the Bryan/College Station Eagle afforded the activities of this Council in the matter of "Rap music". THE FACTS At our last meeting we had a very short discussion of this subject after a local disc jockey pointed out to us the extremely explicit nature of some of the tapes being sold locally. (The EAGLE reporter left the meeting before this item came up.) During that discussion I suggested that the only thing we could do would be to ask the staff to work with local store managers to see if they would voluntarily restrict the sale of this material to minors. Councilman Haddox said he saw nothing wrong with that. Councilwoman McIlhaney asked a question. The Mayor said we would look into it. Subsequently the Police Chief wrote a letter to local merchants asking them to voluntarily restrict the sale of this type tape to persons under the age of seventeen. Apparently at least one of the merchants took exception to the Chief's letter and complained to the Eagle. The Eagle ran a story saying that Council had banned the tapes. On last Thursday the Eagle in three separate editorials condemned the council for acting as censors, trying to act as parents when that was not our job, and suggested that we had over stepped our bounds. OPINION Now I firmly b~lieve that the Eagle has a right to express any opinion that they want to on their editorial page. However, I also believe they have a responsibility to get their facts straight. This Council in no way banned any tape. Ban is defined in my dictionary as to curse, to prohibit, or to forbid. 'I submit that we did none of those. I support the Chief 100 percent in the letter that he wrote to the local merchants. It set out the problem and asked for voluntary assistance. No one supports the 1st amendment any more than I do. I concur with those who say that what a child sees or hears is for the parent to decide. However, I submit that when extremely explicit material is freely available in the community, parents are denied their ability to exercise that responsibility. I believe we have a duty to do what we can to help parents as long as we are not infringing on the rights of others. Our action did not prohibit anything. If some merchant made a decision on what to do in his store based on the Police Chief's letterhead or the prestige of the Council, then that is good use of our prestige as far as I am concerned. It would, of course be 007213 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 8 much better if they made their decisions based on the merits of the situation. I am convinced the EAGLE invented the so called "Rap ban" and gave it much more attention than it deserved. I asked the Opinion Editor of the EAGLE to come out and listen to the tape of our meeting. He agreed to do so; but, as of today, has not done SO. One radio station has reportedly had numerous phone calls opposing our activity in this matter. I have received practically no unsolicited comments. The comments I have received support Council action. In summary, I believe the action by Council and Staff was appropriate and in the best interest of the City. Now I ask you what action can we take to get an equal amount of coverage devoted to the drug problem?" Student Gov't Liaison Maloney asked about the traffic light sensor at Jersey Street and Anderson. Staff will respond to this. ~genda Item No. ? - City Manager Concerns. City Manager Ragland presented to each councilmember a staff report regarding cases which are being pursued since the adoption of the anti-neglect ordinance. He also reported that he received a phone call supporting the proposed vehicle parking ordinance. He passed out a copy of the March Sales Tax Receipts. Mr. Ragland mentioned that the city received a merit award in land- scape and planning analysis for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Study. He also mentioned that he received correspondence from the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation in relation to the Wellborn Road-Railroad project. He pointed out that the State Highway Department will be asking Council to accept the project by resolution. A cost estimate may be presented to the Council prior to the end of May. Mr. Ragland reported that the Gulf States Utilities case filed in Austin does not affect College Station customers. PIO Officer Calliham stated that she has been asked to speak to the Brazos Valley Museum group on the city's input into their long range planning. She asked Council to read the letter and provide feedback to her. 007214 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, March 22, 1989 Page 9 Aqenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. The Mayor adjourned the meeting at 6:25 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: City ~~' 007215 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1989 4:00 P.M. 17. 2. 18. 19. Bm 20. 21. e 22. 23. 24. 10. 25. 11. 26. 12. 27. 13. 28. 14. 29. 15. 30. 007216