HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1989 4:00 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, McIlhaney, Gardner, Birdwell, Haddox Schneider. STAFF PRESENT= City Manager Ragland, Assistant to the City Manager Piwonka, City Secretary Jones, PIO Officer Calliham, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Woody, city Attorney Locke, Finance Director Harrison, Public Services Director Miller, CIP Director Ash, Budget Director Schroeder, Asst. Public Services Director LaBeau Aqenda Item No. I - Presentation of Public Information Pollc¥ and 1989 Communication Plan. (Council Issue No. 5) Public Information Officer Calliham presented this item. She stated that the members who worked with her to update the Communication Plan were Linda Piwonka, Dian Jones, Councilman Gardner, Councilman Brown, and Councilman Schneider. Using an overhead presentation, she displayed and explained the public information policy statement, the goals and objectives of the 1989 Communications Plan, and the action plans associated with the goals and objectives. Councilman Schneider arrived at the meeting. Councilman Gardner asked staff to find out what different types of events are covered by the university television station, KAMU. Ms. Calliham replied that she will talk with KAMU officials to learn w~at the limitations are. Councilman Haddox mentioned that greater citizen input might be received if the City could utilize the television channel to make presentations on different viewpoints. Ms. Calliham stated that there is no cost in using the cable channel, but the equipment is expensive. Councilman Brown commented that the "State of the City" forum held last year for elected officials was a nice way for the council to communicate with the public on specific issues. Ms. Calliham responded that the Chamber of Commerce will not be 007120 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 2 holding this event again. Mr. Brown stated that the city should initiate a program of this type. Councilman Schneider stated that he endorses the action plans listed. He added that perhaps every week some type of action should be taken to keep the citizens aware. Ms. Calliham briefly reported on the cost comparison for printing and postage of the "News from City Hall". She stated that the present cost annually is $6,242 or $.62 per household. If the publication were printed in-house, the cost annually would be $12,624 or $1.26 per household. She added that the disadvantages of in-house publication outweigh the advantages because of the higher distribution costs. Her recommendation to the Council at this time, is that the City continue to utilize the benefit of the school district's mail-out at the non-profit rate. Councilman Birdwell asked if staff would investigate the costs to purchase an advertisement in the EAGLE newspaper and PRESS news- paper to reach more people. Councilman Schneider concurred. Mayor Ringer suggested two possibilities: 1) look into purchasing a one-half or one page advertisement five or six times a year; and, 2) work with the EAGLE to supplement an ad with a once-a- month column to highlight particular points. Councilman Haddox suggested that the staff investigate possibilities with all the media. Councilman Brown mentioned that the city should look at having a local video produced to televise on Channel 24. Ms. Calliham mentioned that many people watch Channel 24 for the job opportunities. The Council concurred that the Communication Plan looks very good and the program should continue. &qenda Item No. Z- Report on schedule of reconstruction on Sebesta Road. Assistant Public Services Director Joe LaBeau addressed the Council. He stated that Sebesta Road has sporadic pothole problems, and the question has been raised on when repairs will be made and what type of maintenance will be done. He referred to the Pavement Management System, which was brought to the Council in November 1987 and is a computerized inventory of all the city streets and the condition of the surfaces of those streets. The streets are listed in priority by maintenance 00712.1 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 3 needs. He stated that the two basic components to the maintenance program are 1) sealcoating, and 2) major rehabilitation. He noted that Sebesta Road is scheduled for pothole "patching" in the summer of 1992. Mr. LaBeau reviewed three options for the Council to consider, as follow: 1) to continue with the present schedule; 2) to move Sebesta road to the top of the reconstruction list; or 3) to completely reconstruct Sebesta Road. He reported staff's recommendation that, if the Council does not perceive any special circumstance in relation to Sebesta Road, the present schedule should be continued. Councilman Haddox asked about additional methods of patching potholes and mentioned that the patches do not seem to last very long. Mr. LaBeau responded with a description of a procedure that involves patching the base. Councilman McIlhaney asked if the priorities are periodically reviewed in relation to the amount of increased traffic in a particular area. She noted that more traffic will be developing on this road because of the new playing fields. She also asked if the city could receive help from the county, since much traffic is generated from the residents of Foxfire. Assistant City Engineer Smith replied to Mrs. McIlhaney's questions; he stated that the plan will be re-evaluated annually to address the changes which occur. Councilman Birdwell mentioned that the traffic count should be as important as pavement condition. After further discussion, Mr. LaBeau noted that the city traffic engineer conducted an average traffic count on Sebesta Road; 1280 motorists traveled this road in a one day period, a very low amount. Councilman Gardner asked what type of designation does Sebesta Road have on the Plan 2000. Mr. Smith replied that this street is defined as an urban collector street. Mayor Ringer stated that Sebesta Road is serving residents of the county, for access to the East Bypass. Councilman Haddox commented that many residents use alternative routes other than Sebesta Road, because it is so rough. Councilman Birdwell asked the City Attorney if there are state laws which prohibit the county from maintaining the road within the city limits. Mrs. Locke replied that she was not sure. city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 4 Mr. Birdwell remarked that staff should explore the idea of asking the county for assistance. Councilman McIlhaney mentioned that she was aware of residents who would like to see Sebesta Road resurfaced, but not a complete reconstruction. Mr. LaBeau mentioned that curb and gutter extends the life of the street. Agenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of proposal to revise the investment policy for the City of College Station. (Council Issue No. 24). Finance Director Bill Harrison presented this item. He stated that the city's current investment policy was adopted by council in January 1988. The update serves as a clarification to issues mentioned in the policy last year; the changes were provided to the Council in their agenda packets. The most important change is the recommendation that an investment committee be established to monitor investment activity for compliance with policy provisions and investment results, and to approve securities dealers to do business with the city. He presented his reasons for this change. Councilman Haddox asked if the city has fidelity insurance for its employees. Mr. Harrison responded that the city currently has a blanket bond for all city employees, and staff is currently looking at a treasurer's bond for the City Manager, Finance Director, and Budget Director. Councilman Haddox mentioned that the city should have a fidelity bond to cover the possibility that someone may be dishonest or mismanage. Mr. Harrison pointed out that the city is looking at a $1 million dollar treasury bond. Agenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of expanding the "Consent Agenda', to include other routine items. Mayor Ringer explained that several council members have expressed ways to make the council meetings more efficient by placing additional items on the consent agenda. He stated that the city manager and the city secretary have prepared a list of items, and a memorandum from City Secretary Dian Jones is provided in the council packet. The memorandum describes some of the content of consent agendas used by other cities. Councilman Haddox stated that he has no problems adding items to the consent agenda, if the same withdrawal procedure would be maintained. Councilman Birdwell concurred; he stated that he would prefer not having ordinances on the consent agenda. Mayor Ringer agreed that ordinances should not be included. 00712 . city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 5 Mayor Ringer read several items which the City of Bryan includes on their consent agenda. Mayor Ringer described several categories of items and asked for comments. 1) Approval of the minutes. Mr. Birdwell pointed out that corrections should be given to the city secretary prior to the meeting. 2) Change orders. The mayor commented that information would continue to be provided through the cover sheet and support material in the packets. 3) Contracts. 4) Items discussed at workshop meetings other than proposed ordinances. 5) Resolutions. 6) Budget Transfers. 7) Quitclaim deeds and easements. Mr. Ragland pointed out that some items fall under a category he describes as "housekeeping", such as payment of renewal fees for the wastewater treatment plant. He noted that this type of item usually does not require discussion. Mayor Ringer stated that the agenda will reflect the change, on a trial basis. He asked any council member who is uncomfortable with items placed on the consent agenda, to contact him. He reminded the council that any individual member could remove any item for discussion and separate consideration. Agenda Item No. 5 - Council Concerns. Councilman Haddox reported that he received an inquiry from a property owner in the Lincoln Center area, about the increasing crime rate in this area. This property owner stated that he would write each councilmember. Mr. Haddox assured this person that his remarks would be forwarded to the Police Chief. Mr. Haddox reported news from the Parks and Recreation Department meeting held at noon today. This meeting was held between the school system, the parks board, and representatives from the Boys Club. Interest was expressed by the Boys Club to provide a facility in the Southwood Valley Athletic Complex. He pointed out that this club would also be available to girls. Mayor Ringer commented on Councilman Haddox's remarks and concurred that the crime rate has risen in the Lincoln Center neighborhood. Councilman McIlhaney reported that neighborhood watch groups are being formed. She added that in response to neighborhood watch concern, the city should let the people know the process of having street lights installed. City Manager Ragland replied that staff will look at the procedures and bring this issue back to the Council. Councilman Schneider reported that he received many comments on the traffic problem which occurred during the straight-shot 10K run last Sunday. 007124 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 6 Mayor Ringer added to Mr. Schneider's comments. He commented that the editorials in the EAGLE and BATTALION stated that more publicity should have been provided to the citizens prior to the event. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the local papers are the media to whom the city looks in giving publicity to this event. Councilman Brown stated that he received several calls; he asked if there are other routes for the 10K Run. Mayor Ringer replied that this issue is discussed every year. He gave reasons why Texas Avenue is chosen. Councilman Brown stated that the Health Department has not been paid by the cities of Bryan and College Station, since October. City Manager Ragland replied that the payment was sent. City Attorney Locke responded that the insurance provision in the contract has been reviewed and sent to Bryan for their review. Mr. Brown stated that he received an inquiry about cars parking on front lawns. He asked that this item be placed on the council agenda. Mayor Ringer stated that he will place this item on a workshop meeting agenda. Councilman Gardner referred to Ordinance No. 1233 which limits terms of office for P&Z Commissioners to 2 terms or 5 consecutive years. He recommended that this provision be re-examined and that this item be placed on the March agenda. Councilman Birdwell seconded Mr. Gardner's request to place this item on the agenda. He said, however, that he will not support the idea of unlimited service and would endorse some kind of limit. Councilman Gardner discussed how the ordinance addresses the topic of absenteeism by commissioners. Mayor Ringer stated that this item will be placed on the agenda. Councilman Gardner asked the Mayor to clarify the letter he sent to the Council on the topic of Charter Revision. Mayor Ringer stated that he thought it might be a good idea to collect all the Council's requests to give to staff at one time. Also, it would be better for the Council to forward to the committee a list of charter provisions for which consideration of revisions have Council support. Councilman Birdwell expressed his concern about the "depression" of the railroad, and improvements on Wellborn Road. He stated that one-way streets will affect the small businesses along Wellborn Road. He encouraged staff to begin collecting infor- mation on traffic counts at the places which might change. 007125 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, February 22, 1989 page 7 Mr. Birdwell asked other council members if they thought it might be a good idea to place a referendum on the next election ballot in regard to the city's participation in the Wellborn railroad relocation project. Mr. Haddox commented that if this issue were placed on a ballot, he hoped an abundant amount of information could be provided to the citizens. Mayor Ringer commented that there will probably not be enough information available by election time and certainly no information on the costs. He added that at some point, if the city is willing to participate they will only be able to do so through the passage of a bond issue. Student Gov't Liaison Maloney requested a copy of the conceptual plan of the Wellborn Road Relocation. Agenda Item No. 6 - City Manaqer Concerns. Mr. Ragland reported that the city received the $40,000 matching grant for the regional water supply study. Also, Lone Star Gas has withdrawn its request before the Railroad Commission. He responded to Councilman McIlhaney's concern of sediment in the water lines on the east side of the Bypass. Aqenda Item No. ? - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:47 p.m. APPROVED: ATTEST: City Sec~ft~y Dian Jones Ma~ JL~_~k~ Ri~q~r 007126