HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/11/1989 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAYv OCTOBER ~Lv L989 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: STUDENT GOV'T LIAISON: VISITORS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Schneider, Haddox, McIlhaney, Birdwell Gardner city Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, city Secretary Jones, PARD Director Beachy, Budget Director Schroeder, Police Chief Strope, Assistant City Attorney Navarro, Personnel Director Dickson, Planning Director Callaway, Development Services Director Ash, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Shear, Assistant City Engineer Smith, Public Information Officer Calliham, Assistant City Secretary Hooks Shannon Maloney See guest register. Aqenda Item No. I - Review of Pay Plan Audit by Ralph Anderson Associates. City Manager Ragland introduced David Eisenlohr of Ralph Anderson & Associates. Mr. Eisenlohr conducted the pay-for-performance system audit and compensation study. He highlighted the findings and recommendations in the executive summary. He explained that the pay-for-performance system is composed of the following components: classification plan, job evaluation system, compensation plan, and employee performance appraisal system. Mr. Eisenlorf summarized the findings and observations of the classification plan, which is the document process by which the organization decides titles and job descriptions. He pointed out that the City does not have formal written classification concepts. He noted that job description contents are brief and said that this is a problem within the system. He reviewed the recommendations of the classification plan as follows: 1. Reorient the focus of the classification plan through city wide updating, in other words, an updated study. 2. Implement a revised job description format. 3. Streamline the classification plan, consolidate classes. 4. Uniformity of allocation standards and titling conventions. 5. Involve personnel staff in all organizational changes. 007501 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 1989 Page 2 6. Develop and implement an intensive technical training program. 7. Establish a program for regular maintenance of classification system. Mr. Eisenlohr reviewed the Job Evaluation System which is the technical process used by the staff to determine the relative value of jobs. He pointed out that the content and use of the job evaluation system is not widely understood. He stated that the City Manager has established a standing job evaluation task force. He outlined the recommendation of the Job Evaluation System. 1. Staff periodically review the job evaluation system factors, levels, and weights. 2. Review all job evaluations and eliminate obsolete classes from system. 3. Appoint a standing review committee, which has already been completed by the City Manager. 4. Personnel Department should review and analyze all requests for reclassification. 5. Develop a job evaluation manual for use of Personnel staff and committee members. Mr. Eisenlohr reviewed the Compensation Plan recommendations. 1. Formally establish survey labor market selection criteria. 2. Establish and document formal compensation philosophy. 3. Create separate salary schedules for broad families of work. 4. Discontinue "red circle" designations. 5. Enforce established minimum and maximum pay limits. 6. Administer the pay program as a "pure" pay for performance system. 7. Remove the City Manager, City Attorney, City Secretary, Municipal Judge, Assistant City Managers, Executive Directors, and Directors from the classification and comp- ensation system. Mr. Eisenlohr explained the performance appraisal system recommendations. 1. Require formal employee/supervisor discussion and docu- mentation. 2. Provide for clear definition of performance factors and rating scales. 3. Require written documentation of all performance evaluations. 4. Clearly communicate the linkage of performance appraisals and compensation system to employees. 5. Continue performance appraisals twice a year. 6. Supplement management and supervisory appraisal instruments with an individual performance objectives component. 7. Encourage continuous documentation and feedback. 8. Develop a performance manual and provide intensive training to managers and supervisors. 007502 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 1989 Page 3 The final set of recommendations are general in nature and do not relate specifically to any of the prior categories. 1. Consider retaining professional assistance in the imple- mentation of selected study recommendations. 2. Consider adding staff to the Personnel Department. 3. Formalize a Pay Plan Review Committee. 4. The City should develop and publish an employee handbook describing the principal features of the pay-for-performance system. Councilman Brown commented that the pay program currently in operation is complicated and cumbersome. City Manager Ragland commented that the employees have a problem understanding how the system works. Councilman Birdwell commented that he endorses the merit pay plan, but staff must have adequately trained managers and supervisors to administer the plan. Councilman Schneider asked if the consultants looked at the turnover rate in different areas. Mr. Eisenlohr replied that there was considerable difficulty in employing and retaining employees in the technical services division. Also, the labor market survey indicated that this division was not competitive in the salary market. Mr. Eisenlohr noted that a compensation study was conducted. He explained that the job market analysis resulted in the following recommendations: 1. Public Safety Family - no adjustment 2. Support Services Family - no adjustment 3. Management and Professional Family - no adjustment 4. Maintenance and Trades Family - +4.0% 5. Technical Family - +16.0% He clarified that the survey responses indicate that, on average, market rates will increase in the 3-4% range for fiscal year 1989-90. Councilman Birdwell asked if the jobs marked above the survey line in the salary structure graph were consistent with the Gulf Coast cities. Mr. Eisenlohr noted that the salaries in the Gulf Coast cities are lower because of the state's economic woes. Personnel Director Dickson referred to the memorandum in the council packet. She noted that staff has begun working on several of the consultant's recommendations. Mr. Harrison explained that the cost of implementing the market adjustments to the pay scales amounted to $112,000. These monies will be allocated from vacancy savings for the next twelve months. 007503 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 1989 Page 4 Mr. Birdwell asked Mr. Harrison to describe the impact on next budget year, FY 1990-91. Mr. Harrison replied that there will be no additional impact because the pay scale adjustments will become part of the base budget. Further discussion was held. Councilman Haddox stated that he concurs with Ms. Dickson's recommendations. Councilman Birdwell asked Mr. Harrison for the total payroll budget for next fiscal year. Mr. Harrison replied that based upon a monthly payroll of $1 million, next year's payroll at this time would be $1,060,000. Councilman McIlhaney asked if outside assistance will be used to conduct training. Mr. Ragland replied that the city will need outside assistance; however, much of the work will be conducted in-house. He stated that funding is available. Mr. Eisenlohr remarked that Ralph Anderson & Co. will conduct employee orientation meetings as specified in the current consultant contract. Councilman Schneider moved approval to accept the report, establish the five pay plans, and adjustments to the pay scales and ask staff to respond to the other recommendations, effective November 1. Councilman Haddox seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell noted that the agenda item does not state council action at this time. He asked that this item be placed on the next regular meeting agenda for consideration. With the agreement of Councilmen Schneider and Haddox, Mayor Ringer restated the motion as follows: Moved approval of report, and asked staff to respond to the recommendations and direct staff to place on the agenda for October 25th. A vote was taken and approved unanimously, 7-0. &qenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of amendinq the Personnel Policies and Procedures Handbook to include a policy on Educational Incentive Pay (Council Issue No. 24). Ms. Dickson was available for questions. Councilman Birdwell commented that the agenda item cover sheet explained the issue very well. 007504 City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 1989 Page 5 ~qenda Item No. 3 - Discussion of amendinq the Personnel Policies and Procedures Handbook to include a Policy on Education Reimbursement (Council Issue No. 80). Councilman Birdwell reiterated his comments as stated in the above item. &qenda Item No. 4 - Discussion of the city,s current 3 year Housinq ~ssistanoe Plan. Community Development Director Fette defined what the Housing Assistance Plan is. He noted that the city is required to submit Housing Assistance Plans as a condition to receive block grant funds. He stated that this is the first year Housing Assistance Plans have been submitted to the City Council. Mr. Fette referred to the supporting materials in the packet. He clarified that a maximum of 300 units will be accepted in the existing housing category. Councilman Brown moved approval of the plan. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 7-0. Aqenda Item No. S - Council Concerns. Councilman Gardner stated concern about how the new committee's charges are made. Mayor Ringer stated that the Library Committee's charge is to examine the operation of the library, make recommendations to the Council whether a permanent library should be built, or continue to operate lease space. Councilman Gardner commented that he does not feel the Council has been allowed enough opportunity to make a contribution to the list of CIP programs. Mayor Ringer stated that he will meet with the committees at their first meeting to provide initial guidance. Mayor Ringer stated that he will furnish any councilmember's suggestions to the committee. Councilman Haddox asked if there would be a problem if a councilmember submitted his individual ideas to the Committee. Mayor Ringer remarked that ideas can be submitted to him or the chairman of the committee. Councilman McIlhaney reiterated that staff will present a list to the committee: and, as part of its charge, the committee is to receive other requests. Once all data has been received, the committee will begin to prioritize all the requests to recommend to the Council. 007505 city Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, October 11, 1989 Page 6 Councilman Gardner expressed another concern. He questioned the content of wording in the paragraph describing the purpose of the consent agenda listed on the agenda. Mayor Ringer asked staff to remove "by the City Council" from the consent agenda. Councilman McIlhaney reported that the Community Center Advisory Committee has requested input from the Council on the Christmas Open House. The Committee also asked if the city had an archives, if not, it might be a good idea to set up an archives with the University. Mayor Ringer commented that this would be a good idea for the Historic Preservation Committee to research. Councilman Schneider commented that the picture in the Eagle of the Mayors and city officials from Bryan and College Station promoting "Public Power Week" was very good. Student Gov't Liaison Maloney mentioned that a meeting will be held at the MSC, Thursday, October 19th to discuss the MSC expansion. Councilman Birdwell commented that the council has not reviewed fees for activities other than park fees. He noted that this review of fee structure was part of the council issues two years ago. Mr. Ragland noted that the revenue manual was prepared for the Council. Councilman Brown thanked Mr. Brymer for his quick response on the high school building trades program. Councilman Haddox commented that he has not seen a positive article on the potential President Bush library. Aqenda Item Nc. 6 - City Manager Concerns. Mr. Ragland referred to several memorandums he presented to each councilmembers. Aqenda Item No. 7 - Closed session to receive staff report [6252-17(2)(r)]. 7.1 Staff Report [6252-17(2)(r)] 1. Power Supply Negotiations. The council moved into closed session at 5:50 p.m. Aqenda Item No. 8 - &djourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: APPROVED: ~r 007506 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1989 4:00 P.M. o 12. 13 4 14 5 15 16 17 18 19 10. 20 007507