HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/1990 - Regular Minutes City Council'I~IU]k~Y, ~ 13, 1990 7.'00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Gardner, B]rdweil, Mc]]haney, Crouch Councilman Schneider City Manager Ragiand, City Secretary Hooks, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Harrison, Executive Director _M..anagement Services .Piw.onka, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Assmtant City. Manager Woody, Development Servtces Ash, Planning Director Callaway, Senior Planner Kee, City Engineer P.~.en, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Right-of-way Agent E..at...!~, Budget Director Schroeder, Utilities Office Manager A]bright See g~est register. /L_-~___,4- !_tent_ No. 1 - ~_,?~a of a ~tlon for VOTE 90 CAMPAIGN. Mayor Ringer reaa the proclamation. Ac,~__,4~ !__tern_ No. 2 - Pres_aa__~_~ of C.,ertlfl~te of Apprec~m to Lisa lVl~_vfleld - I~cal Resident for crimea Concern. Ms. Lisa Mayfield accepted .t. he .C..ertification of Appreciation from Mayor Ringer. Ms. Mayfield detected the oil spill at Bee Creek. Ag~___,4m !t__,~__ No. 3 - Presentatlo~ of C.,erflfleate of Dlsltnction for City's nvestment Policy. Mayor Ringer presented Mr. Bill Harrison with the Certificate of Distinction award for his excellent work on the city's investment policy. Mayor Ringer announced that this award is presented to the City of Co.llege Station from the Government Finance Officer's Association for its reporting of governmental accounting. Glenn Schroeder accepted the award. 007972 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, Septeraber 13, 1990 Page 2 (~1) Approval of the nunut.e.s of the Council s Workshop Meeting, August 23, 1990, and the Regular Meeting, August 23, 1990. (5.~.) Approval of renewal .of TRW Contract for the collection of the cities delinquent utilities and delinquent ambulan? acco. u_ms.. (5.3) Approval of transfer of $200,000 from ~enera~ tuna reserves to ~ec~ca~ Benefit Fund. (5.4) Consideration of a resolution auth.o, rizing the Mayor to execute a _ commercial users service a~eement w~th the State Department of Highways .a~.d Public Transportation to allo-w "Dial Up" access to their automated motor vehicle title/registr, ation records. . . (5.5) Consideration of a resolution authorizing the City M .a~. ager to enter into a contract with the Texas Dep..artment of Highways and Public T.ransp~ortation to provide funding for continuation of the "TRASER" computerizect tratnc enforceme.nt pr?gram. (5.6) Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an . addendum Number 2 .to. Agreement .for lease, occ.upancy, and use o.f public property and the prowsmn of advertising and tourist promotion services for the City of College ~tation. . (5.7) ConsideraUon of a resolution authorizing thene mayor toto execute an intera~enc¥ agreement for participation in the BrazosValley Narcotics Traffic-king[T. ask Force for FY 90-9_1. _ ....... (5.8) Cons~d.eration of a contract for the lease of surpms nre nose to me ~razos County Pre. cmct. One Volunteer Fire Department. (5.9) Cons~deraUon of a contract for the sale of a fire hose to the Beaver Creek Volunteer Fire Department. (5.10) Approval ora resolution amending personnel Poli.cies and .Procedu.r.es , Handbook regarding insurance premiums for service retirees ana occupauona~ disability retirees. 5.11) Approval of a change order for the public services building improvements, roject No. GG-1001. . . . (5.1~.) Gonsideration of a resolution authorizing the Traffic Management Program ant application and grant agreement. . . . .1.3) Consideration of final payment for engineering des~gu services for the design of improvements on the extension of Dartmouth Avenue (CIP 0-81-81-17). 5d. 14) Approval of a request t9 purchase on Bun.w..h..eel Tensioner Bid #90-49. equate funds are available m the FY 1989-90 Utility Fund. Staff recommends award to TSE International, total purchase price $11,995.00. (5.15) Approval of a re_~.est to purcahse electric substation materials for. substation expansions, B~d #90-41, total purchase $212,398.36, funds available in URB 84 Bond, miscellaneous projects. Staff removed Agenda Item No. 5.10. The remaining items were approved by coramon consent. 007975 City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, September 13, 1990 Aaenda Item No. 5.10. - Approval of a resolution amending Personnel Policies and Procedures I-~_~dbook re.gara~g insurance premiums for service retirees and occupation;~_l d~.~ab,_~ty re~ees. Mr. Harrison explained that the council discussed this item at their workshop meetina, and two changes were made. He stated that service retirees can continu-e to be covered at their own expense until age 65. The effective date was amended to read December 31, 1990. Councilman Birdwell suggested that this resolution become effective for all employees who retire aider December 31, 1990. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the resolution with the recommended changes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]]haney which carried unanimously, 6-0. _~__,~tna Or~t,tm~_cei to remove U~ ~,an~.~__~_ ~..m IMm ~m ,4__,~mtt__~ d,,~,,te,~; end L-~_,~_ g ~_qe~ ,~ lB to _aivo ×M2~ f~uth__flrlty to ~cu~t ~ viflonces far schools~ Ms. Jane Kee explained the item. The first portion of the item revises the current definition of do..rmitory in the Zoning Ordinance to .al~.ow a private dorm to. locate in College Station. The purpose of the amendment ~s to remove the requn'ed affiliation with the University. The second portion of the item includes a variance procedure for landscaping. Upon the request of the CSISD, staff prepared an ordinance amendment nPrOvtdina a variance procedure for landscaping procedures for schools. She oted that this issue was brought up by the CS1SD because of the new junior high school site. The P&Z denied approval of the amendment. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. CSISD Asst. Superintendent for Business, Mr. David Nell of 2814 Celinda Circle, addressed the Council. Mr. Neff presented landscaping plans. Councilman Mcnhaney.asked if the plan meets point system requirements. Mr. Neil compared the original plan with the revised plan. Ms. Kee remarked that in the case of the school, there is more parking, more concrete. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Aaenda Item No. 7 - Co~eidemtion of an ordinance 8nten~ the Zardna ~ce rehthta to the above item. Councilman Crouch stated that if money were no object, the school could easily meet point requirements. 007974 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 13, 1990 Page 4 Ms. Kee pointed out that the plan on the left meets the point requirements. The ordinance is restrictive in two areas: First, the point total must be met. Secondly, half of the point total must be in canopy trees. Beyond this, the applicant has flexibility toward design. Discussion continued. Councilman Birdwell moved to separate this item and consider the items separately. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Birdwell moved to approve Ordinance No. 1859 amending Section 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, specifically to remove University affiliation requirements from the dormitory definition. The motion was seconded by Councilman Grouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. The council discussed the second issue of landscaping. Councilman Birdwell suggested that staff re-evaluate the point system for landscaping. Councilman Brown commented that a landscaping plan at the high school was adequate. Councilman Gardner commented ~at the point system does not adhere to design. He suggested that the variance process be heard by a board of qualified persons in the area of landscaping. He added his objection toward the ordinance and stated that the point system may need review. No further action was taken. mdiI~ No. 8 - Coasideration of 'Remmst for City Participation' as by _Reg.__ ~ Parkway, Inc., in a water line to serve the Greeamwofld in a water line which will serve a along and easta of SH 6. City Engineer David Pullen presented this item. He pointed out that the Development Policies council committee met and discussed this item at the request of the Council. Staff recommends installation of water service in accordance with the subdivision ordinance re..qu~rem, ents and the installation of a 12" line along SH 6 at this time. Oversize parttc~paUon is recommended in the amount of the difference in cost 007975 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, September 13, 1990 Page 5 between the 12" line and the 10" line required for fire protection. He stated that the developer has presented several options and if council desires one of these options, staff reconu~ends option D. The City Attorney prepared alternative agreements. Councilman Birdwell asked how staff determined that a 10" line was required. Mr. Pu~l.. en replied th.at the project ~s required to provide itself with fire . protection, and m this case, the minim~ fire flows in a 10" line is ap?.ropnate 8" line t'~ows according to the ".key. farces". He note.d ~.at the fl.o.w of.war, er in. a..n at a dangerous velo.city for this size .pipe. line aha m oraer to get me velocity down to an appropriate level, a 10" line ~s reconunended. Councilman Brown poi~..ted out that the building is only. ?00 sq. ft. and ~ey .co~d use their water well until development occurs. Councilman Crouch pomtea om that the city's key rating is based on procedures and this situation could danger the city's e~surability if we allow this exception. Councilman Birdwell ~entioned that under the current policy procedure, if someone extends services offsite, and at a later date, another developer comes ties into the line, no provision is in the ordinance that requires the developer the cost. Mr. Pullen commented that there is a pro rata ordinance, but the statutory impact fees have caused this ordinance to be ineffective. Councilman Crouch contmented that the Development Policies committee unanimously upheld staff recommendation for oversize participation. City Attorney Locke briefly summarized two alternative agreements. Councilman Birdwell moved to enter into a development agreement with Regency Parkway which would allow them to op.erate without any w.ater .s. ervice from the city, place in the agTeement any protections necessary xor me cny, re. quire. Re 'en-c.g .~ to pay the c- ity $10,000. which the city will use to build whatever s=e pipeline ultnnately constructed m the future. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Mr. Michael Davis stated that he had no problem with this. The vote was taken and carried by a vote of 4-2. FOR THE MOTION: Mayor Ring.er, Councilman Brown, Birdwell, Mcnhaney AGAINST THE MOTION: Councilman Crouch, Gardner City Attorney Locke was direct.ed by Council t.o _look. at developing an impact fee structure for the city..Mayor Ringer suggested that the Development Policies Committee also participate. 007976 City Council Regular Meeting Page 6 Thursday, September 13, 1990 A~nda Item No. 9 - Approval of ~ Plat - ~reensw~rld Subdivi~n (90-214). City Engineer Pullen recommended approval. Councilman Brown moved approval of the final plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney which carried unanimously, 6-0. Aoenda Item No. 10 - an 1990-91 Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1860. The motion was seconded by Councilman Birdwell which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Birdwell stated concern about the addition of personnel, specifically to adding a level of supervision in the Finance Department. A~mda Item No. 11 - D~cuss~n and co~Memtion of an ordinance adopt~nq chan~ in eleca, lc rates. Councilman Btrdwell moved approval of Ordinance No. 1861. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney. Mr. Schroeder pointed out two revisions for security light charges. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. Counc.'.~man Mcnhaney moved approval of Ordinance No. 1862. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion. Councilman Birdwell moved to amend the ordinance by changing the sewerage service rates for consumers outside the city limits to 1.15 times the amounts set forth in (a) and (b). Councilman Brown seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 6-0. The motion to approve Ordinance No. 1862 as amended carried unanimously, 6-0. Aaa. cia Item No. 13 - Discussion and considera~m of a ~esolution ralattn~_ _to sm~itation rates. - Councilman Birdwell moved approval of the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney which carried unanimously, 6-0. 007977 City Council Regular Meeting Page 7 Thursday, September 13, 1990 Acmp~__ Item No. 14 - Hear V~tors. Mr. David Neal, 2814 Gelinda Gircle, addressed the Council. He reiterated that he .would appreciate the council looking at the point system in the Zoning Ordinance to assist the school district in this case. Mayor Ringer asked staff to look into this issue further. ~__,~___et. !t__-,m No. 18 - ~e~ m-~-~___,~_ to r~_-~ s~r ~ r625~-17f~JCr~1 mu]_ ~'I-~[Y) Staff l~[,~rt [62§2-17(2)(r)] A. Legal R.epo~ .2) Potential Litzga~io .n [62~2-17 (2) (e)] A. Texas Centro~d Ranch The council convened into closed session at 8:9.5 p.m. ~,~___,.t~ !__m~_ No. 16 - AcOrn on closed session. The council reconvened into open session at 8:84 p.m. No action was taken. Agenda Item No. 17 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:§§ p.m. ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: 007978