HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-1524 - Ordinance - 06/14/1984ORDINANCE NO. 1524 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE NECESSITY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PORTION OF LINCOLN STREET IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, PROVIDING THAT THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS ON SAID PORTION SO CONSTRUCTED BE ASSESSED A SHARE OF THE EXPENSE, PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING, AND PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE IN THE EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council hereby declares the necessity for the construction of a portion of Lincoln Street in the City of College Station, Texas, by raising, grading, filling the same, installing concrete curbs and gutters, paving, sidewalks and installing drains, inlets and storm sewers as provided in the plans, with necessary incidentals and appurtenances, at the location described as follows in that portion of Lincoln Street from Ashburn Avenue to University Drive (F.M. 60), all as is shown on the plat attached hereto as Exhibits A NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station: That the property owners of the abutting property on said port~on of said street to be improved and constructed be assessed a proportionate cost of said improvements, same to be on a per linear foot basis for curb and gutter, sidewalks and paving. The cost of the curb, sidewalks and gutter shall be borne by the property owners and the cost of the paving to be shared by the property owners and the City in proportion provided by law. Notice shall be given by advertisement inserted at least three (3) t~mes in a newspaper published in the City as required by Article l105-b of the Texas Revised Civil Statutes of a public hearing to be had on the ordinance providing for such improvements to be made and assessing property owners and fixing a lien against the abutting property to cover the cost of said improvements. II. This ordinance shall be cumulative of all ordinances in the City of College Station, Texas; and in the event of any conflict with any prior ordinance, the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall be controlling. III. This ordinance shall become effective and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretary. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 14th day of June , 19 84 · Attest: City Secretary,/ 0.4ZTa ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF LINCOLN STREET EXTENSION ITEM roadway excavation roadway fill lime stabilized subgrade limes:one base 8" :hick type "O" asphalt 1.5" thick concrete curb & gut:er 27" R.C.?. 30" R.C.P. 48" R.C.P. concrete headwalls with inlets reinforced concrete sidewalk EST. QUANTITY EST. UNIT PRICE 745 C.Y. $ 3.50 6124 C.Y. 7.00 13464 S.Y. 2.00 11830 S.Y. 10.00 11830 S.Y. 3.25 4950 L.F. 5.70 50 L.F. 25.00 50 L.F. 32.00 200 L.F. 55.00 5 ea. 2000.00 2475 L.F. 9.00 TOTAL +10% contingency ITEM TOTALS $ 2608.66 42869.12 26928.00 118300.00 38447.50 28215.00 1250.00 1600.00 11000.00 10000.00 22275.00 $ 303,493.28 30,349.33 333,842.61 ESTIMATED ASSESSMENT CALCULATIONS ITEM QTY. UNIT COST TOTAL % ASSESS ASSESS curb & 2 L.F. $ 5.70 $11.40 100 $ 11.40 gutter walks 1L.F. 9.00 9.00 100 9.00 subgrade 5.33 S.Y. 2.00 10.66 90 9.59 base 4.22 S.Y. 10.00 42.20 90 37.98 asphalt 4.22 S.Y. 3.25 13.72 90 12.35 other 1L.S. 28.01 28.01 90 25.21 COS:8 COST PER FOOT TO BUILD 608 STREET 105.53 +10% con:ingency 10.55 116.08 APPROXIMATE FRONT FOOTAGE ASSESSMENT $ 58.04/FRONT FOOT APPROXIMATE ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE 4800 FEET APPROXIMATE TOTAL ASSESSMENTS $ 278,592.00 rtFr K J PARK CITY HALL Cily of College Slation POST OFFIC~ BOX Og~O I I01 ~ AVENUE ~ ~ ~GI~ STATION. TEXAS 77840-2,4OO April 5, 1984 MEMORANDUM TO~ The Honorable Mayor & City Council FROMt E[rey B. Ash, Director of Capita[ Improvements REz Ho[leman/Dartmouth Project No. G-Sl-81-11/G-81-81-17 Attached you will find a sheet which gives the breakdo~ of the assessment estimates for the above referenced project. I believe this sheet is self explanatory. The estimated project coots aho~n on this sheet ere those coats incurred in the construction of a 47 foot roadway for Holleman Street. This wider section was included in the estimated project cost after direction of the Council's last meeting. This 47 foot roadway would necessarily involve the acquisition of 70 feet of right-of-way on this project, as initially proposed a 39 foot street ~ould have been constructed in a 60 foot right-of-way. The right-of-way coats for the Mo[leman/Dartmouth project (Ho[leman 39 feet back to back width) as per appraisal is estimated at $ 275,982.00. Additional coats needed to go from a 60 foot right-of-way to a 70 foot right-of-way ~ould involve two separate sections. O~e section (the undeveloped section from Lassie Lane to the presently developed section of Holleman Drive lu the Post Oak Mall area) would include an additional right-of-way purchase estimated at $ 27,434.00. The other section would involve the purchase of an additional 5 feet on each side of the existing 60 foot right-of-way on Holleman Street from Lassie Lane westward toward Texas Avenue through a presently subdivided area of land. The estimated cost for this additional right-of-way ~ou[d be $67,200.00. Additional costs that are involved in this project include: Utility Re[ocation in the old section $ 25,000.00 of Holleman from Texas Ave. Co Lassie Lane. Engineering Fee of six percent (6[) for the proposed project 94,831.00 Additional Redesign Fees 14,000.00 0 2'76 David Pullen, C~ty Engineer C~ty of College Station ·ost Office Box 9960 CoLleAe Station, Texas 77840 let'- Dartmouth-Holleuan Project City Job No. G81-81-17 and G81-81-11 De~Kr. Pullen, Aepez our telephone conveEsation Hatch 16, 1~84, ! eubuit to you the follovinf flsures: Dartmouth Holleman (57° B-B) $620,$87.70  B-B) $865,339.30 $1,485,927.00 Dartmouth (57' B-B) $620,587.70 (47' B-B) $934,929.30 $1,555,517.00 $48,004.75 Il for additional cost of coustructLon £cou Texas should be noted chat these esciu&ted cost breu~dovus ace bused on ou~,pc'elLul.uar7 e-,tLuatee-qliCe4.%..J.laL'K, ho 1984. Zf you have any quesCldMO)~.V~ L£ I u~7 be of auy aeeLa~&u_.e_.~o~.~pleuee feel £zee Co call. ' ~. m~ly, ~hn D. OZsen JDO/JD