HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1954 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF C 1TY COUNCIL T9EET ING October 18, 1954 The City Council met in postponed session with the following present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Orr, Boyett, Seeger, and Sorrels; City Manager Boswell; City Attorney Barger; and City Engineer Benson. Visitors present were: Dr. F. B. Clark, Howard Badgett, S. R. Wright, Homer Hunter, George Fagan, Lawrence Parker, Eugene Rush, John E. Blair, District Engineer of the Texas Highway Department; Ernest L. Brown, Jr. with Moroney, Beissner and Company; and Ralph Cole of the Battalion. Tit•. Badgett met with the council to discuss traffic at Farm Highway 60 and Spence Street. He explained that the college has plans to close Spence Street to through traffic. The council thought it would be advise - able to give notice of this plan in the Battalion in advance of the change. Mayor Langford read a letter from John E. Blair, District Engineer for the Texas Highway Department, with reference to the estimated cost of widen- ing State Highway No. 6 through the corporate limits of the city. Estimated cost of widening pavement to sixty-four feet, complete with curb, gutter, and storm sewer, is 16'30,000.00. Mr.. Blair stated that this estimate was a revised one and that the cost had been materially reduced because the State Highway Department had assumed the obligation of that part of the property belonging to the State of Texas and under the jurisdiction of A & M College. Council man Sorrels made a. motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that liessrs. Gibb Gilchrist, S. L. Loveless, J. C. Culpepper and Cal Graham be appointed to constitute a. committee to study ways and means of financing the highway widening project and that Mr. Gilchrist serve as chairman of the committee. The vote of the council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Dr. F. B. Clark requested authorization to extend a six-inch water line from the line lying in the alley between Lots 2 and 3 of Block 7 in The Knoll. Addition southward in Caudill Street to the limits of the city and to further extend a six-inch water line into the South Knoll Addition. It was moved by Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Sorrels, as follows: 1. That Dr. F. B. Clark be authorized to extend a six-inch water line from the line lying in the alley between Lots 2 and 3, Block 7 in. The Knoll Addition southward in Caudill Street to the limits of the city; 2. That the city reimburse Dr. Clark in the amount of 0175.00 towards the cost of aforesaid extension; 3. That the city reimburse Dr. Clark in'the amount of u150.00 for each residential utility connection as made to said extension until full roim-- bursement is made; 4. That Dr. Clark be authorized to connect a six-inch water line to; the end of aforesaid connection to extend into the South Knoll Addition; 5. That if and when said South Knoll Addition is incorporated within ®®511 Minutes of City Council Continued October 1.8, 1.954 the city, said F. B. Clark shall be reimbursed in the amount of �P150.00 for each residential utility connection then existing and at the same rate for subsequent connections for a period of ten years or until reimbursement has been made in full, if before the expiration of ten years; 6. That title of both of aforesaid lines be granted to the city under terms and conditions set forth above; 7. That the city attorney be directed to prepare a memorandum of agree- ment incorporating the aforesaid provisions and that the mayor be authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the city when prepared. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Boyett, that Ordinance No. 197, an ordinance receiving certain tracts of land owned by A & M Consolidated Independent School District into the city limits, be adopted. The vote of the council. was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Sorrels made a. motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that the city manager be authorized to enter into a contract with Andrews and Parker for the construction of a six-inch water line and fire hydrant adjacent to A 8c M Consolidated School in the amount of $2,415-00. with the understanding that A & Iii Consolidated School is to pay $1,200.00 of this extension as per agreement. After a general discussion a request from A & M Consolidated School, that the city participate in the cost of a bridge in a proposed street on school property, was tabled for the time being. The city manager was directed to investigate this project thoroughly and report his findings at the next council meeting. Mr. Eugene Rush discussed with the council the possibility'of erecting a shelter for A & M students who catch rides at the north gate. Councilman Boyett made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that Mr. Rush be allowed to erect the shelter after he had submitted plans showing type of structure and location for approval by Mayor Iangford and City Manager Boswell. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. Homer Hunter presented to the council a summary of cost estimates on sewage works improvements. The total estimated cost was $365,000.00, Ivfr.' Hunter exhibited maps of the proposed sewer lines and assured the council if this plan were followed the city would be adequately served. I�Ir. Ernest L. Brown, Jr. representing Moroney, Beissner and Company, presented to the council a proposal for financing of sewage works improve— ments for the city. Councilman Orr made a. motion, seconded by Councilman Sorrols, that Mayor Langford by authorized to sign a contract with Moroney, Minutes of City Council Meeting Continued October 18, 1951 d � Beissner and Company, in connection with the proposed revenue bond issue. z The vote of the council was unanimous in favor of the motion. (L Ob The next meeting of the council was set for 7 p.m., November S, 1954 for the purpose of calling an election on sewage works improvements and p discussing other matters pertaining thereto. Q G1 Z Q I-- APPRCVED: Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary Q z Q 00513 V) RI