HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1991 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CI'IT COUNCIL I~E~ Mayor Ringer, Councilmen Brown, Crouch, Birdweil, Gardner, Schneider, Mcl]haney City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, IUsk Manager Willey, Development Services Director Ash, Assistant City Manager Woo.dy, l:~ance Director Harrison, Asst. Public Services Director Smith, Senior Planner Kee, lanning Director Callaway, Executive irector Management Services Piwonka Trey Jacobson See guest register. Mr. Fred Benson accepted the proclamation on behalf of the engineer professionals in the commtmity. Item No. 2.1 -Approval of the minutes of Janu_~t 23, 199! Mayor Ringer note. d that Councilman Birdwell asked that the minutes be corrected. The rrunutes reflected the change. Mayor Ringer indicated that Items No. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 were approved by common consent. Aq_encla Item No. 2.7 - Ratification of purchase order for !~,~d accl~,i~ition for water well sites, Clyde and Irene Porte~e!d, tot_,J amount $28,000. - Mr. Harrison stated that the council provided the council with a revised agenda item cover sheet with property description attachments. Councilman Birdwen moved approval of the p~chase order in the .amount .of $25,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]]haney which carned unanimously, 7-0. Item No. 3 - ~ o~ a ~rs~o!__,,tl_mt_ to c _o-~Dop~__~'__ Curl~ld~_ Wsste ~ Golle~..oa m~d t tlon - em ROm~~ O11 Saves ~ Dennis Smith of the Public Services Department described this item with a slide presentation. 008089 City Council Regular Meeting Page 2 Thursday, February 14, 1991 Councilman Crouch moved approval of Resolution No. 2-14-91-03 supporting the Curbside Waste Off Collection and grant application. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of Resolution No. 2-14-91-04 amending the sanitation rate resolution to include medical waste rate. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. Ammda Item No. 5 - Coaa~Temtian of an ozdlnam~ r~___m~b~_ ~ ~. lt!_,~__k Jt ~__. a from R-6 Multi-F__a_a_a_a_a_a~Resld~tlal to C-N N~hood Ms. Jane Kee explained the item. She noted that the public hearina on this item was held at an earlier meeting. She stated that the Planning and Z~ning Commission recommended unanimous approval. Councilman Gardner commented that A-P Administrative Professional is the appropriate zone. tl?8~r ~e.r d~cussion, Councilman Birdwell moved appro ,v~... of Ordinance No. ,r.e.z.o_.nm, q Lo.t 2, ,Block. A, Culpepper Plaza from R-6 Multi-Family Residential -.~1 NelgnDornooa tmsmess. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. Senior PI .anner Kee explained this item recommending approval of the plat with the following conditions. a. Side....wal~. be installed along one side of Brookwa.ter. b. Additional access to Rock Prairie should be coordinated. (.th~.,ou.g.h the platting, o.f. adjacent sections of Woodcreek) a_~ me ume of final platting. . c. A general note on the plat should indicate that drainage channels are in utility easements but will not be maintained by the city. d. Brookwater have 28' wide pavement. ts. Kee m..en~oned th.at a final plat will be brought befo. re council in the.near ute declicat~ng the right-of-way which will tie Stonebndge to Rock Prairie and provide the second access. 008090 City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, February 14, 1991 Councilman Crouch asked if the dedication of right-of-way include the ..g ness of ..the developer to pay for all or part of the street. The developer s m the audience and responded affirmatively. Onm. F..aln .M. cDou_gal of T.A.C. Realty came forward to address the question raised .ut parking: H.e re~.o .n]m.e.n. ded .the proposal sub~tted by the Planning and g ~omn~sslon whictt ctlcl not include parking on one side of the street. Councilman Brown moved approval of the plat with staff and Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider. Councilman B dw.e.,n inquired about the drainage ditch along the lot lines. Mr. McDougal replied that he is lookina into two types: 1) a box ditch, and 2) reinforced concrete pipe. - Councilman Birdweli made an amended motion to the approval of the plat to not  ow box drainage along the back lot lines. The motion was seconded by ouncflman Crouch. City Manager Ragland mentioned that staff is 1.ooktng into stRxflvision ordinance changes. This can be brought before council m a workshop session. %ou.n. cilman..Mc]lhaney indicated that previous concerns were expr.essed about o .atrt~ proo~ems on Shadowcrest. Nlr_..McDougal replied that he ~s aware of aramage problem. He added that this project will not add to the problem. The amended motion carried by a vote of 7-0. The original motion as amended carried by a vote of ?-0. Mr. Ash briefly summarized this item. Councilman Schneider moved approval of Ord~an?e No. 18,89., The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which camed unanuuously, ?-0. It~m No. 8 - C-~-__-4,4-,,~_,m_ of an orcltpn,,,--,, _r,~'n,],-~,~a tm _m~-,_ ,~ a~_~. Major Ed Feldman addressed this item. He stated that the clarification in the uniforms and vehicles as stated in the ordinance will benefit the police .department and the security personnel. He added that there will not be an m'tpact on ex~sting businesses. 008091 City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, February 14, 1991 Page 4 City Attorney Locke pointed out a change in the ordinance. Mayor Ringer noted the change to read in the second paragraph, "the problems that have been caused or could be caused". 4Cou. n..cllm~an Birdwen moved approval of Ordinance No. 1883 .amending Chapter oz me ~ode by amending Section 14 by regulating the weanng of badges and uniforms and the displaying of vehicle color and identification similar to the College Station Police Department. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney which carded unanimously, 7-0. Ammda Item No. 9 - Aoumval of ,, re~o!u__tg~n_ ~_t~~ th, _~. ,,yar to _,~____,~u_~ an aamement for lease with LA. Ford __for_ the Amtr~_ ._q~e,~_ City Attorney Locke explained this item. She noted that the cost of the lease has increased and several limitations have been made. Mrs. Locke stated that the Amtrak Station building is movable. The city has an investment in the slab and parking pavement. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement for lease with L.A. Ford. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwell voting against. ~A~nda. Item No. 10 - Adoptiaa of a resolu__eon_ whereby the _Cl_~ of tlon consents to desio~__ - _tina tl~ _~__ty of Bryan with D,~_,~_ -*;,,d Mr. John McBeth, Administrator of Brazos Transit, addressed this item. He noted that the resolution can be rescinded by the City of College Station in the future if they so desire. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the resolution. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch. Mr. McBeth explained how the funding is allocated. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0. _Aaenda Item No. 11 - Hear Vi~! _tots_. No one spoke. 008092 City Council Regular Meeting Page Thursday, February 14, 1991 ~_.,~___a. T,_~ No. 13 - ~__,~,4__ h~n [625~.17f~_ fo~. and discuss 12.1 Staff Report [62§2-17(2)(r)] a. Legal Report 12.2 Litigati.o.n [6.2..5.2-1.7(2)(e)] a. Pending Litigation -Juan Moncivias 12.3 Perso..mt. eI [.6252-17(2)(.~)]. a. 1. Historic PreservaUon Committee The council moved into closed session at 7:50 p.m. Agsnd~ Item No. 13 - Actian oa closed s~do_~. The council reconvened into open session at 8:24 p.m. The following action was taken. Councilman Birdwell moved t.o. settle the worker's compensation claim for $25,000 plus seven years medical to Juan Moncivias. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown and carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Crouch moved to appoint C~mthia Sampson to the Historic Preservation Committee. The motion was- secondeaby Councilman Schneider which carried unanhnously, 7-0. _Ammd~ Item No. 14 - Ad.~ount. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:26 p.m. ~TEST: . Gity ~ecretary Gonni~ Hooks APPROVED: OO8095 GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR HEETING THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1~', 199~ 7:00 P.M. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. I0. 20. 008' 01