HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/1991 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMayor Ringer, Counciln~embers Brown, Mc~haney, Gardner, Schneider, Crouch Councilman Birdwell City Manager _R.a. gland, Asst. City Manager Bryme.r., Asst. Czty Manager Woody, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Harrison, Deputy Finance Director Schroeder, City Planner Callaway, Development Services Director Ash, City Engineer Pullen TreyJacobson V/SITOI~ PRE~: See guest register. Ammda Item 1 - Skmina Ma umclamatian ~ the week of Auril 1-7. 1981. u s tioti uaitv DevekV: t Week. Mayor Ringer read the proclamation. Ms. Jo Carroll, Community Development Director accepted the proclamation. She mentioned that the "Big Event" will be held on April 13th. Mr. Ernie Moore of the Governor's Energy Management office presented this award to Charlie Shear, Energy Supervisor. This award is for Mr. Shear's accompllshm.e, nts in the local government energy management program and his work at the C],ty of College Station. Age~_.da Item No. 3 - Preseatatkm o~ award far 1991 Govs~nr~at ~ Devalo~meat Award o~ IVleric Mr. Carol Ziegler, District Engineer for the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation presented an award of merit to the city's administrators and the City Council on behalf of the Texas Society of Professional Engineers. Mayor Ringer congratulated the engineering department for their efforts. hop meeting, March 13, 1991, and the regular meeting, March 14, 1991. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 28, 1991 Page 2 (4.2) Approval of a resolution authorizing the City .M. ~.ager to enter i~.to.. agreements with local pharmacies in order to prowde low cost prescription drugs. . (4.3) Consideration for approval to enter utto contracts for five optional relocation program structures through the community development block grant 4rogram. . . . .4). Consideration of authorizing staff to negotiate and enter into a contract .for sereices related to the design and development of a streetscape plan (Cotmcil Issue No. 13) PURCHASE REQUEST t4.5) Request. for p~chase approval of one (1) ..Tandem Drive Motor Grader for andfiU operations, Bid #91-39., Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency (BVSWMA). Funds will be available through Certificates of Obligation, as approved by the BVSWMA Board. Staff recommends award to Stewart & Stephenson as low bidder meeting specifications, total purc. hase $97,735. (4.6) Request for approval of emergency repairs tO Caterpillar 973 loader used in landfill operations, BVSWMA, Mustang Tractor, $10,67.1..15. (4.7) Request for purchase a.p. proval of two (9.) submersible pumps and control panel for lanrlfi11 operations, Bid #91-36, BVSWMA. Funds are available in BVSWMA, staff recommends award to Hahn Equip. as low bid, $11,616. (4.8) Reque.s.t for purchase approval of one sixteen yard scraper for lanr]~11 operations, Bid #91-30, BVSWMA. Funds available through Certificates of Obligation. Staff recommends award to Mustang Tractor as low bid, $174,9.59. The council approved the consent items. ~~.. Item No. 5 - Pres~_a, tlon__ of _em__ 1990 Cc~_f~~il~ Ann,,-1 ~mq~,! Mr. Bill Harrison highlighted several of the major points in the CAFR. He stated that ~ is the first year that the city has contracted with two auditing firms, Deloitte-Touche and Ingrain Wanis, P.C. Mr. Harrison pointed out that the gener~ fund revenues for 1990 were $7.9 million, 5 percent over budget. The utility funds r~.enues were $4 millio.n net income; however, most of the monies have been reinvested in the operation of utilities. ~r. ,'ro_m .W..~[]i.~ of Ingrain and W~lli.~ and Co. made several comments on the Single Audit ltepon from Deloitte and Touche and the Letter of Management. Mr. Jeff West of Deloitte and Touche addressed the Council. He stated that one of the respons'.~bilities of an auditor is to report any "r..e,portable conditions". He explained that ut 1985 a material weakness was identified in internal control. He further explained that the city .does not have a a detailed record supporting the city's general fixed assets, for utstance, streets, capital improvements. He noted that. the City has taken steps to improve.the accounting of these assets. The auditors feels that the city meets an auditing standards. City Council Regular Meeting Page 3 Thursday, March 28, 1991 Mr..W~est stat.e.d that i~. pastyears, the auditors have .suggested that the city consider retair~g an internal auditor to tr~. p..rove the internal controls o_.f the.city. In Ueu of this, the city has adopted a disciplined bud.g, etary process. Ttterelore, the auditors did not feel it was necessary to repeat this comment in the report Councilman Mc]].haney moved to accept and approve the 1990 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 6-0. Mayor Ringer thanked Mr. Bill Harrison for all his hard work in bringing such lOOd reports to the Council and the council will miss him. Councilman c]]haney repeated the Mayor's comments and she commended the staff on their support and dedication to present these comprehensive reports. Age~.da Item No. 6 - A public hea~.g oa the q~_.estian of grantinq a reauest for taZ abatement, SJ[. Holditch & Associates. an~tcant. Mr. Jim Callaway stated that the council informally agreed to enter into an abatement agreement with S.A. Holditch with respect to a propose.d expansion on February 28th. He stated that the tax abatement involved is estimated to be $4,000 annually based on the esfimat.ed value of the building and current tax rates. He further stated that the applicant has requested that 9.1 new employees will be added over the life of the abatement. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. Mr. Allon Fish, Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce spoke in favor of the proposal. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. sA~lditchltem No. 7 - Cmuddem~ of an ordinance to grant a tax abatement to & Associates. Councilman Brown moved approval of Ordinance No. 1886 designating Re. investment Zone No. 1 for commercial tax abatement with Mr. S.~. Holditch and Associates for a period of three years. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried by a vote of 5-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. Councilman Brown thanked the Chamber for their assistance and that this is a good step for the city and the community. Councilman Schneider moved to approve the tax abatement agreement with SA. Holditch and Associates in the reinvestment zone. The motion was seconded by Councilman McJ]haney which carried 5-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 28, 1991 Page 4 ~ Item No. 8 - A ~ he~dng for consideration of a rural serndt_ to cmtduct operations for the producti~m of o~1 snd g~s with Union Pacific _ Assistant City A~orney Neal Coates .explained this item. He referred to the designated location on the map prowded. Mr. Coates addressed staff consider, atlons. He stated that a drainage permit has been issued. A~.so., if off production ~s succes, sfu.1, then a landscaping plan must be submitted w~thin thirty days. Such plan will.include scre. enmg to obscure the site. He further noted that the storage tanks will be located onslte. The applicant has agreed to provide its own fire service. Mr. Coates s.t. ated that the staff is currently working on a revised ordinance to bring the ordinance up to date. However, the changes are not substantive to this request. Councilman Crouch asked if the off trucks, etc. will cause a hazard to the streets. She also asked if the drilling will be an impact on the residential area that will eventually surround the goifcourse. Mr. Coates replied that the landowners are aware that the proposed off site will be ~er.e. and they do no fores.ee any co .n~i..'cts with future development. He indicated that the Project Review Conumttee addressed concerns about the streets. They concluded that it would be better to require the trucks to travel along Greens Prairie Road. Another concern addressed by the PRC was that the l~eavy water trucks that might travel the road. 1VI~.,. Co. ates further stated that Union Pacific Resources has indicated that they will drill a water well for use in the off operations; therefore, the number of heavy trucks traveling the road will be limited. Councilman Mcl]haney asked if there are problems with the drilling near the landfill. City Manager Ragland replied that the city recently purchased property north of the existing landfill for the removal of dirt. There are no plans to move across Greens Prairie Road. Eventually, our landf~l! may be closed. Councilman Schneider asked staff to further explain how the drilling company will provide its own fire protection. Mr. Coates re. plied that the Fire Marshal indicated th.at ~ere is not a fire hydr.ant close to the s~te. If a fire occun'ed, then oil fire specialists would be brought m to contain the fire. However, the city will be at the site if the fire lost control and spread. Mr. Ernie Bruchez, legal counsel for Union Pacific Resources, spoke to the council in favor of .the request. He addressed the concern of trucks traveling along G. reens Prairie Road, the water well, and the fire protection. He state.d that Umon Pacific Resources has agreed to assume all responsibility regarding fires. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 28, 1991 Page 5 Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Crouch moved approval of the rural permit to Union Pacific Resources. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 6-0. ~,,~___,4, _Ttm~ No. 10 - C.o.,,d,4,~n~_,~_ of n Fi~__c~L~_ ~~m~, with ~ Chert_ ~i~,,tt,~ts - _s~_ oad Reading of the Ordinance. Councilman Schneider moved approval of the second reading of the franchise agreement with Doux Chene Apartments. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Jri~_,4n Tt__m~t No. 11 - Coition of a Franchise Agreement with Pebble Creek - Second Rmdtng of the Ordinance. Mr. Coates noted that $100.00 is recommended for the annual franchise payment. Councilman Brown moved approval of the second reading of the franchise agreement with Pebble Creek. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mc]lhaney which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 12 - Hoer ~. No one spoke. ~ TMm No. 13 - Closed session to receive staff report [6282-17(2~(r~)]. land a. Legal Report (13.90 Land Acq-~-~ition [6252-17(9.)(0] a. Parkland (13.3) Personnel [62159.-17(Z).(g)] a. Committee Appointments Historic Preservation Committee The staff recessed to closed session at 7:50 p.m. Agenda Item No. 14 - Action on closed sessian. The council reconvened into open session at 8:09 p.m. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, March 9.8, 1991 The fonowing action was taken. Page 6 Councilman Crouch made a motion to enter into an agreed ju.d. ge..ment with the Kahans and Fe~genbaums for $125,.0..0.0 minus the parkland dedicaUon and street assessment for the purchase of additional parkland for the Wolf Pen Creek Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider wMch carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Brown moved to appoint Mr. Eric Shulte to the Historic Preservation Committee for a two year term ending May, 1993. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 6-0. Agenda Item No. 15 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. AT/~EST: ' ~o~ks Secretary,