HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/23/1991 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES WEDNES~4.~ ~3, 1991 COUNCII~ ~ PI~SENT: Mayor Ringe.r, Counciimembers Brown, Schneider, Bn'dweil, Mci]ha. ney, Gardner, and Crouch City Manager Ragland, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Assistant l~ity Manager Brymer, Assist~ar.t.t City anager Woody, Personnel D~rector Pavlinski, Senior ,. . Planner Kee, P1 ~a~tin. g _~rector Canaway, Development Services ~.irector Ash, Executive Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Harrison, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka ~ GOV"I' IZ/t]SON: Trey Jacobson VISITO~ PI~SENT: See guest register. Mayor Ringer opened the meeting. ~. !__t~m_ No. I - ta~ ab~~t # and . ---- - Planning Director Jim Callaway presented this item. Councilman Birdwell discussed the maximum time period for tax abatement. He noted that state law is 10 years. bCuO .uncflm,an Schnei.cl. e,r tnqui~.ed about the. specific criteria where a t .argeted sm,es? nas a capna~ cost that exc.eeds $250,.000. He asked how this number cW~o~.~e.rn~ed. Mr. Callaway replied that this figure was a consensus of the Further discussion was held on the tax abatement period. Mr. Allon Fish of the Ch .a:mb_e_r of Co .mn~_erc_e explained that each .c. ase will be reviewed on its o.w~. me~t. He added that the Council has the ability to amend these policies fairly easuy. - sCCt~c.' ~fl~ma.n Birdwell moved to add the following sentence in Section C (Specific .ha): in no .c. as_e_ _w_0uld tax abatement exceed the maximum allowed by e mw presenuy 100% for 10 years. Councilman Mcnhaney seconded the motion wMch carried unanimously, 7-0. 00807 City Council Regular Meeting Page 9. Wednesday, January 9.3, 1991 Councilman Birdwell referred to Definition No. 18 - "Regional Service Facility". Discussion was held on appropriate language. Councilman Birdwell moved to delete the words "to service goods" and replace with 'to provide services" and change the next to last sentence to read, "...individuals serviced are at least 50 miles from the location in the city". Councilman Crouch seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Crouch referred to Definition 1~.: "Other Basic Industry". Mr. Fish remarked that a comprehensive application will be required by each organization. Councilman Gardner addressed several issues in the policy statement. He stated that he is not in favor of the entire policy as a whole. Councilman Gardner asked about the criteria for a reinvestment zone. Mr. Callaway replied that the statutes require certain criteria for the creation of a reinvestment zone. Mr. Robert Worley of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council. Councilman Gardner continued with comments regarding the impact study an..d. the cost benefit analysis. He expressed his concerns for growth expansion w~th public money. Councilman Crouch pointed out that more diversity means security. Councilman Birdwen commented that economic growth enhances opportunities and the city has made an investment hoping to gain adequate returns. Councilman Brown expressed his support for tl~ tax abatement policy. He corrumended the Chamber on the specific criteria stated in the policy. Councilman Schneider agreed with the proposed policy statement. Mayor t~-tger added a statement to Section C - Specific Criteria as follows: Type of jobs created. Mayor Ringer also ~n~'..'de. a suggestion to change the first part of D. 3 to read as follows: "~ter e.stablishing thebenefits of the proposal, the economic development entity n~y propose that the City offer in a tax abatement agreement." Counc'_~h'9. an Birdwell made a motion to approve the ..above changes stated by Mayor Ringer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. 008075 City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, January ~.3, 1991 Page 3 Councilman Birdweil referred to 7.C. He made a motion to chanae this sentence ,to read .as fo,ll,o, ws: ,"p. lann,ed o.r potential use of the property would constitute a nazara to punuc saIety'or health." The motion was seconded by CounciLman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman .Birdweli also referred to page 6, (e). He moved to change the statement to include the annual average pay of all new jobs. A second to the motion was not made. Councilman Schneider moved to adopt the economic development policy, including tax abatement policies and procedures as amended with the changes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown wMch carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. Mayor Ringer expressed his appreciation to the city staff and the Chamber of Commerce staff for their efforts[ MMr..an~. Fish remarked that the meeting held the.previous week was a success.. .co _mmun[ty lea.dem gatheredtogether m a workshop setting to establish pnortties for econonuc development in the community. - Councilman Birdweli reported to the council that the Joint Economic evelop.m. ent. Corpor.ation a_cc.ep, ted a $9.0,000 funding proposal from GTE orporauon to provide a telev~lon program that features promotional literature. Ms. Piwonka, Executive Director for Management Services addressed this item. She stated that the contract for library services with the City of Bryan will expire June 30th of this year. Mr. Charlie Shear highlighted the changes in the contract. toun.cilman Mcllhaney asked if the library o~eratina hours could ch~,~,',~ rather an m.c. rea.sing the hours. _Mr. Shear ,rep..fyd' that th~ library staff.fel'~--t~t~-' ernauve hours were not feasible. Ms. Plwonka stated that service ~n~e ,anc,em.ents mentioned by Councilman Mcl]haney could be considered during nuaget process lor next year's budget. ..C. ouncflman Brown moved to approve., the contract with the City of Bryan for ~t~rary services and request stilt to discuss the alternatives as decision packages in the budget process. The motion was seconded by Councilman Birdwell. 008074 City Council Regular Meeting Page 4 Wednesday, January 23, 1991 ka~OunC ..l..hnan Mc]lhaney stated that she would like to see staff be. gin .wor .ki~.g on .r.m~,,,,tion re .g-,arding additional operating hours. She has recerved inquiries U! BI.IS service. Co__uncflman Mci]hah .e~.. made a motion to amend ~e previous motion requesting staff to report back w~th a proposal on several options regarding the increase of library hours. Councilman Crouch seconded the motion which carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Birdwen voting against. Mayor Ringer restated the motion as amended. The motion included approval of the contract and request staff to prepare a proposal for increased operatina hours and report back to council; and, to include a decision package durin~ the budget process for the transference of library books. The motion carried unanimously, 7-0. Counc'..fl..m. an ,B._trdwell _stated th.at he would_favor asking the v..oters to reconsider a proposmon omerent than prevmusly stated in the bond election and ask staff to also address the two major objections expressed by voters. One being that the ~.le was.n, ot determin.ed., an.d two., the library was proposed as an independent ran/: ne suggested that the city lo_ok at determining a site. The council agreed to have this issue placed on the next workshop agenda. No. 3 - CO~ {3~.1} A~ppr.o.val o..f min.u!e.s' for the Regular Meeting, January 10, 1991. . ~,~.~.) uonslcteranon oI mas Ior Bee Creek, Lemontree, and Parkway Parks site improvements. (recommend award to low bidder, Brazos Se~ces, kc.; $33,000) ~o3..3,) A_ppro~_ of annual purchase order, for payment of landfill solid waste fees me 'rexas L~epartment of Health, Permit ,~,,1,4,44~,~ tot~ .expendi.ture is $57,5..00. Funds available in BVSWMA budget) ,[,~.,~j .nequest mr purchase 9f Collins Type I Ambulance, funds available a~ n_.u.a.i]ete.d in G. eneral Fund, Fire Department (EMS), staff re.c. ommends award to ~oums ,',,mntuance through Houston-Galveston Area Council, total purchase $49,88~..5~.. ,:s ~eque.st for p_urch.a:?e a.?.p.ro, val of swimming pool chemicals, Bid #91-13, u. ep_anment, Aquatics Dn,.mon. Funds. budgeted in Fi' 1990-91 General Fund, start rec..ommends award to Progressive Chemicals. Inc as low bidder meeting .,specmcations, total bid $14,912.00. ' ' . (3.6) l?[equest for approval to renew annual blanket purchase order for off and grease, Brenco Marketing Corp., total contract $20,000. . (3.7) Request for approval of Relay and Control Panels and Fiber Optic Cable, Bid #91-10, funds available in URB '84 Bond, Public Utilities Electrical Division. Total purchase price $470,370.50. 9.8) Request for ~pproval of substation maintenance, Bid 1-0.9: P.u~. ~.Ec U~_fles. De~.ent, fun.ds budgeted in Utility Fund. Recommend ,a~w~r~, a.~o ~c~.orq ~:ngme. enng, total pnce, $19,040. [o.~) ~pprov-,u os extension of blanket P.O. for standard insurance (Life, AD&D, LTD coverage). 008075 City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 1991 Page 8 (3.10) Approval of extension of blanket P.O. for FlexRx. Councilman Birdwen removed Consent Agenda Item No. 3.7 and 3.8· The remaining items were approved by contmon consent. Item No. 3.7 - Relay and Control Panels and Fiber Optic C~h]_e, total purcba~ $470,370.50. Councilman Birdwell asked if it would be possible to receive an explanation from the Public Utilities Division about the services and expenses incurred with this particular project. Mayor Ringer ask.e.d City.Manager Ragland and Public Utilities Director Woody to address CouncilmanBn'dweil's concern. Councilman Bh'dweil asked for an explanation of the bid evaluation on the relay panels. Ms. McCartney replied that the percentaae l~enalties were included in the bid .pa. cket.o Acc.o?ding to state law bidding p_r~cti-ces, the city cannot allow any aevmtions ri'om me minimum specifications. In this case, the percentages were advertised accordingly and the bidders were aware. Item No. 3.8 - Substation Maintenance Bid #91-09, total price $19,040.00 Ms. McCartney stated that the Contract Review Committee reviewed the contract and recommended the indemnity provision in this particular case. Councilwomen M. cIlhaney moved to approve Consent Agenda Item No. 3.7 and No. 3.8. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch and carried unanimously, 7-0. Senior Planner Jane Kee presented this item. Staff determined that this establishment meets the definition of a "nightclub". She reported that the Project Review Committee voted in favor of this request. The Planning and Zoning denied the request. Ms. Penny Pennington Sled, 807 Winding Yeaya St., College Station. She . ~resenteda floor plan a~.d operating hours of the nightclub. She asked council ~o_r_a_pproval of the pernut. She pointed out that the establishment is not within ;~oo feet of a church or school. Mr. Dudley Sr_ni_'th, 4200 Nagle, spoke to the Council. He expressed his opposition to this request. cUnC.'..flm .an Bird. weil mo..ved .to grant the conditional use permit for Da.quid's, · w~th the unaerstanatng that the applicant applies only for a beer/wine ense. 008076 City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, January ~.3, 1991 Page 6 Councilman Gardner seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The m.o. tion c..arried by a vote of 4-2, Councilman Crouch and Councilman Schnetder voting against. Ammda Item No. 5 - ~ o~ final ~!:~ - Ms. Veronica Morgan presented this item. Councilman Birdwell moved approval of this final plat with the Planning and Zoning Commission recommendations and staff's reconvnendation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, ?-0. _Am,~__,4- l'__*,~t_ No. 6 - ~J~,l,J~l,11111fl_fl~,_ ~ A wlhlln ~~ ~ n~-- C~n T -' Ms. ~e stated ~at ~e p~Uc he~g ~s not closed at ~e last mee~g; · ~efore, ~e p~Uc he~g sh~ con~ue. Ms. Kee began with a staff presentation. She presented slides showing the existing property and surrounding lots. She mentioned that a .petition w~_s received in. oppositi.on to_this rezoning request...In order for me council to approve me rezonmg, they must do so by 3/4 majority vote. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning request to R-lA. Ms. Kee explained the procedures using the rezoning process versus the variance procedure. Mr. Mike McClure, 179.9. Broadmoor Bryan representing the applicant, spoke in favor of the rezoning request. Mr. James Burke, 39.08 Bahia, addressed the council. He stated he circulated a petition that stated opposition to the rezoning. Many neighbors are opposed to this request. The public hearing was closed. 008077 City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 1991 Page 7 ~C, ou~, c~ ,,Birdwe. ll_rnoved adoption of Ordinance ..No. 1879 rezoning Lot 82, moc~c o, ~oumwooa Terrace, :Section 3-C from R-1 Single Family to R-lA Single Family. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown The motion carried by a vote of 6-1, Councilman Gardner voting against. ' ~ T__t~m_ No. 8 - C_~_ ~4,.l__,~a _~t_ of a re~"_--j r~ _~__ ~,,d~__~a.-~ ~',l~t ,~ Councilman (.~ardner moved approval of the revised master preliminary plat of Glenhaven. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brown. Councilman Crouch pointed out that this plat will leave a stubbed out street off Glenhaven. She expressed concern about the aesthetics and drainage problem. Councilman Crouch amended the motion to request staff to work with the developer to discuss curbing. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion wMch carried unanimously, 7-0. The motion to approve as amended carried unanimously, 7-0. Major Ed Feldm.an addressed this item. He stated that Lt. Mason Newton talked to the resale businesses in town. Councilman Birdwen suggested that the $5.00 limit for any item be raised to $20.00. tl~ further ,~!~.cussion_, C. ouncilman Birdwen moved adoption of Ordinance No. and s .u~. stt~ting the item amount from $5.00 to $20.00 on pages one and ee, e~ective dateMarch 1. The motion was seconded by Councilman Schneider which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Birdwell removed this item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mcnhaney which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Birdwell moved adoption of staff recommendations. The motion was 008078 City Council Regular Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 1991 Page 8 seconded by Councilman Brown which carried unanimously, 7-0. Ammd~ Item No. 11 - Hear ~. No one from the audience spoke. 4~y. or.l~n.~er reported that the TML Legislative Briefing will be held February .m_ Austin..M.ayor Ringer asked s_taff to prep~e a letter to Senator Jim Turner ana ~tepresemauve Ogden inviting them to attend. HMay.or. RL~_ ger al.s.o reported that he spent Christmas vacation in New Zealand. e v~sit, ed. the City .of Wellington, sister city of our city's parks department. He presenTea a lapel pm to each Councilmember. Mayor Ringer stated that he received a request from members o.f ~e support gro.up..of families whose members are over.s..e, as to receive pernuss~on to tie ,red/w~te..Fnlue or yellow ribbqns aro_und utility pol_es along T .e~. as Avenue. Staff nas no objection subject to a letter of aareement for removal time. etc. This would be an expression in support of th~ troups efforts and families of the troops. Councilman Bh'dwell mentioned charter amendments. He hoped some of the more urgent issues could be placed on the May ballot. Mayor Ringer pointed out that an ad hoc committee has been formed to look at the charter amendments. City Manager Ragland reported on his informational handouts. Councilman Birdwell made reference to the sales tax report. He noted that the sales tax revenue is lower tlds month. Councilman Gardner asked if the bond issues will be discussed again. Mayor Ringer stated that this discussion will be held at a later time. ~.Item. No. 13 - __c:~os~_~_ ~,~__ to _receive A. ~t~ Rep0~ .... 1. Legfl Re~ 1. P~M~d 2. wen sites C. Pe~o~el 1 D~cussion Co~ee · ? Appo~ents Co~~ Appe~ce Co~ee Dem~ R~ew Bo~d The council moved into closed session at 7:00 p.m. 008079 City Council Regul~ Meeting Wednesday, January 23, 1 991- Page 9 Aaenck Item No. The council moved back into open session at 7:42 p.m. Mayor Ringer noted that Judy Arnold and Ka..therine.Wood resigned from ~e Commu~_ ty Appearance Committee. Councilman Bm'dwell moved to appoint Sandra Gaston to the Community App. earance Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which carried unanimously, 7-0. Councilman Gardner moved to appoint Mr. Ward Wens to replace Mr. Julius Gribou on the Design Review Bo. ard while Mr. G .r~,ou is .out of the. country. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crouch which camed unanimously, 7-0. Mayor Ringer announced that citizens are needed for vacancies on the Conv~unity Appearance and Structural Standards Board. _Aaeack Item No. 14 - Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:44 p.m. ATTEST: APPROVED: 008080 ~UEST RE~STER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEET~N~ WEDNESDA¥~ ~ANUARY 25~ ~99~ 4:00 P.M. ll. 12. 13. 14. e 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20. 008081