HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/1991 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMINUTES ~ COUNCIL WOI~SHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1991 4.'00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councihnembers Brown, Birdweli, Mc]]haney, Schneider, Gardner, Crouch City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Assistant City Manager Woody, Executive Director Management Services Piwonka, Executive Director Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, City Engineer Pullen, Director of Development Services Ash, Asst. Public Services Director Smith, Purchasing Agent McCartney See guest register. Agead~ Item No. I - l~scussicm of conseat sgend~ items listed mt Thumd~¥, Councilman Birdwell removed Consent Agenda Items No. 3.4 and 3.6. Mayor Ringer removed Consent Agenda Item No. 3.15. Agenda Item No. 3.4 - Contract for enqineering services for the design of CIP Project No. SS-1014, Graham Road Sanitary Sewer Extension. City Engineer Pullen explained that the reason outside firms were selected in this case, is due to their ability to complete the work on time and their resources available. He pointed out that the local firms are qualified. Councilman Birdwell stated that the decision has not been made on the extension of the city limits. He also noted that there does not appear to be a definite route for the sewer line. Councilman Birdwell suggested that a local firm can do this job. City Manager Ragland clarified that each firm was contacted, and the local firms commented that they were very busy and would be pushed to meet our time frame. City Manager Ragland stated that if it is council's desire to negotiate with the local firms, then the staff can begin in the order of the local firms as presented. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1991 Page 2 Councilman Btrdwen mentioned that he will recommend at the regular meeting that a motion be made to start negotiations with the local firms in the order presented and find out from the firms if they can meet the time frame. Aaenda Item No. 3.6 - Approval to increase the number of post,OhS in 1~ Budqet by one. Executive Director for Management Services Piwonka came forward to answer questions. Councilman Birdwen stated that he would be in favor of one supervisor and seven employees and not add more employees. Mrs. Piwonka explained the need for an additional employee. She stated that the MIS Director position was downgraded to a supervisor position. The additional person is for an analyst to support the Municipal Court and Public Safety System, which is a technical support position. Mrs. Piwonk~ further explained that this position will not create additional dollars in the budget. Mrs. Piwonka stated that the ~_r$ personnel will be able to operate more effectively by adding this technical position. Councilman Brown supports Mrs. Piwonka's recommendation for the addition of one lWS staff member. Agenda Item No. 3.15 - Resolution author~L-tg the execution of a tax abatement aareement with C.C. Creations. Mayor Ringer noted that the applicant has indicated that a minimum § year tax abatement period is essential. City Planner Callaway explained that the previous discussion held on this item indicated that the applicant was conservative in his estimates of jobs. The applicant has indicated that the 5 year term is critical to the location process and provided realistic projection as to their intentions. The agreement revised the employment projections. Mr. Callaway pointed out that the agreement states the owner will submit a report on annual employment figures. The staff addressed Aoenda Item No. 3.9. Award a contract to Austin Tr-m- Sianal Construction Co. to construct a tr~c signal at the intersec~on of University Drive. Gary Lange, Technical Se~-ices Superintendent, addressed the Council. He City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1991 Page 3 identified the specific changes to this item that were not presented in the council packet. Staff received a letter from Texas A&M with respect to the increase of their contribution to this project in the amount of $9.,500. He also mentioned that Mr. Phil Springer, owner of the local McDonald's committed $1,9.00 to the project. Mr. Lange pointed out that the staff desires to negotiate with the contractor to remove the island presently shown on the plans with council's approval. Mr. Lange clarified that a left turn from Spence Street remains prohibited. The council agreed to the recommendations made by Mr. Lange. Mayor Ringer mentioned that it would be appropriate to send a letter to Mr. Springer expressing the city's appreciation for his contribution. Executive Director Linda Piwonka introduced Mr. Larry Monroe, cable consultant, and Dave Halprin of HollyAnne Corporation. Mr. Monroe described the cable system capabilities in the areas of public education and governmental access programming. Mr. Halprin presented a video demonstration of the safety alert monitor. He also demonstrated the equipment ~i-~played at the meeting. Councilman Brown asked the price of the unit per household. Each unit is sold to the cable operator for approximately $50.00 to $70.00, and the cost is assumed by the cable consumer. The cost to the municipality is minimal. Mr. Halprin explained that in some communities the cable operator has made the service available to non service subscribers. However, the monthly charge is higher to non subscribers. The control box is approximately $6,000 installed. Councilman Crouch asked if there is a chance of false alarm. Mr. Halprin replied that this is virtually impossible. Councilman Schneider asked if this system furnishes other capabilities. Mr. Halprin replied that this is not equipped for a home security system. Ms. Piwonka stated that there are other technologies like this and the city will be investigating these. This item was brought to the Council for their information. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1991 Page 4 Aaeada Item No. 3 - Dlsotulsk~ of tax abatement with respect to Lockheed Sumx SVstems, Inc. This item was removed. City Planner Jim Callaway presented this item. He stated that the recently adopted 1991 Building Code included revised permit fees. These fees are established by the building code and set by the Building Code of Congress. Mr. Callaway presented a transparency listing the new fees. He added that the building permit fees have not changed in 14 years. The fees doubled since that time. Since the adoption of the new Code, the home builders have expressed concerns about the new fees. Because of their concerns, a decision was made to delay the implementation date to January 1 st. Mr. Callaway further stated that a request was received from the Homebuilders Rssociation to phase the new fee increases over a five year period. A copy of their letter of request was provided in the council packet. Mr. Callaway explained a typical building permit case. With a $119,800 home, the previous fee is estimated at $261.§0 under the old schedules. The new fee under the revised schedule is $520.00. The changes will increase depending on the value of the home. Mr. Callaway also reviewed the comparison of building permit fees in relation to the building inspection department budget. Councilman Birdwell commented that a taxpayer expects that the city should cover the cost of building inspection with building inspection fees. Mr. Callaway remarked that staff may not recover all the cost. He stated that he does not have a brealcdown in the number of inspections that do not include a permit. Councilman Brown ]eft the meeting at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Callaway explained that the staff feels the revised fees are appropriate with demands in service. He recommended that the city review the fees annually. Councilman Crouch mentioned that the staff should have taken steps to notify the home builders. Nevertheless, she agreed to implement the entire fee at one time. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1SS1 Page 5 City Planner Callaway remarked that it was the staff's intent to bring the information concerning the code changes to the users of the Code. Staff is sensitive to the fact that customer service was not delivered in this case. Councilman Birdweil mentioned that the council discussed placing the annual review of all fees on a workshop agenda. Mayor Ringer announced that representatives of the building industry were present to speak. Mr. Jay Skrivanek, President of the Homebullders Association appreciated Mr. Callaway's comments. He indicated that this city is not a "haven" for home builders because there is fierce competition. He stated that the builder is recovering from the recession but it is slow. He concluded by stating that the increase should not be implemented in one increment. Mr. Don Borski, President-Elect of the Homebullders Association addressed the Council. He did not agree with the new fees. Mr. Noble Handy, a local homebuflder spoke to the Council. He made several comments about the fees. He believed that a hardship to the homebullders at this time was not justified. Mayor Ringer responded to Mr. Handy's comments. He stated that the council has approached city services with the idea that the services which benefit a small group of individuals as opposed to the public at large, should be more self supportive. Therefore, the small group should pay for a larger portion of those cost of services. Councilman Birdwoll stated that the building inspector's salaries have increased substantially over the past fourteen years. Mr. Handy asked the council to consider phasing the fees over a period of time, rather than placing this burden at one time. Mr. Skrivanek remarked that the permit fees will not fund the entire building department functions, nor should they. The entire community benefits from construction. Councilman Birdwen responded that this increase will not change the competitiveness in the housing industry. Discussion continued. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1991 Page 6 City Manager Ragiand sunvnarized that the rates developed by the Code of Congress for this region are fair and accurate. Mayor Ringer explained to the council that they consider two questions in making their decision: 1. Who is responsible for the fees? 2. Is it appropriate to increase the fees at one interval, as opposed to the phase in over a period of time? Councilman Birdwen suggested that Mr. Callaway provide an estimate of labor and operating cost involved to provide the building inspection senrice. Mayor Ringer thanked the homebuilders for presenting their views. J~_.am,.d~ Item No. 5 - Coup.~ Coat. ems. Councilman Birdwell commented that a notice in the TML Legislative Update reported that the Health Department has proposed to adopt the Solid Waste regulations on January 2§th. He requested that a resolution be prepared for the next workshop agenda, expressing the council's opinion on the new Health Department solid waste rules. Councilman Birdwell corrunented that the staff should do a better job in notifying the pubUc that the city is changing fees, etc. Mr. Ragiand replied that the staff is has taken extreme note of this rrdstake. Councilman Gardner reported that he received a complaint from a citizen regarding the driveway at the end of Merry Oaks and Domin~. Councilman Crouch requested that a council committee be established to brainstorm about development near the proposed George Bush Library site. Mayor Ringer remarked that the University has formed a committee and this corrunittee is in the process of preparing a briefing to present to the City Council. Councilman Schneider asked what measures are taken during the holiday season for home security. Mr. Ragland responded that the staff has a standard operating surveillance procedure. The police have become more proactive in communicating the word to the students and the Apartment Association on security measures. Councilman McIlhaney reported that the Council Relations Committee met with the school board ad hoc committee to ,']i-~cuss the on-going working relationship regarding long range planning and current issues. The committee suggested that this become a standing committee to meet on a regular basis. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 1991 Page ? Mayor Ringer reported that he represented the city at Post Oak Mall and received a plaque from the local Garden Clubs in the community. The natural Christmas Tree decorated by the Garden Clubs is very attractive. Mayor Ringer asked Councilman Crouch to represent the city on the High Speed Rail Task Force. She agreed. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the local conununities received monies for involvement in the Brazos County Community Prevention Coalition on War on Drugs. The first meeting will be held next Tuesday, December 1 ?th. Councilman Gardner volunteered to attend the meeting. City Manager Ragland reported no concerns. _Agenda Item No. 7 - AdJotmt. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:55 p.m. APPROVED: Secretary Connie Hooks GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1992 4:00 P.M e 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 10. 20.