HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/26/1992 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORI~HOP i~.TING W~NN_~DAY, AUGUST 26, 1992 4:00 P.M. Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Mcllhaney, Crouch, Gardner and Kennady Councilmembers Brown and Schneider City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, Executive Director of Fiscal/ Human Resources Schroeder, Executive Director of Management Services Piwonka, City Attorney Locke, Development Services Director ASh, City Engineer Pullen, Assistant City Engineer Morgan, Public Information Officer Calliham, Parks Director Beachy, Project Manager Keating, Administrative Assistant Community Services Skocypec, City Planner Callaway, Community Development Administrator Carroll, Transportation Planner Hard vIsrrol~ PRESENT: See guest register The meeting was called to order at 4:07 p.m. Ag~_ nda Item No. I - Discnassion of consent agenda items listed on__ Thursd_ ~/, Anom~_t 27th ~ons~nt agend~ Agenda Items No. 4.2, 4.3, 4.4. Mayor Ringer asked if comments were received from adjacent roperty owners on the animal permit requests. Written comments were presented to the ouncil concerning two of the applicants. Agenda Items No. 4.12. Councilman Kennady expressed opposition to the purchase of the pool slide. Aacnda Item No. 2 - Presentation by various public a~n~es which have submitted req,,_c-sts t~ th~ city_ for funding_ through th~ 1992-93 bud?t a__l~o~_ '.ti_'on - Mr. Allon Fish, Executive Vice President of the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council. He briefly discussed the 1993 goals of the Chamber and Visitor Bureau. Mr. Maher Hathout from the Hilton spoke in favor of funding to the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Mr. Fish introduced Lynn Stuart to explain the purpose of the Business Incubator funding request. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 26, 1992 Page 2 Mr. Fish remarked that the Bryan Development Foundation has committed funding for four years. He further stated that there is a need for the Small Business Development Center to establish a visible international trade center. Councilman McIlhaney asked when these groups graduate, is there a mechanism to assist them in future financing as the businesses grow. Mr. Stuart explained that it is important to the businesses to remain in Bryan or College Station. Mr. Frank Murphy described the type of businesses and the growth these companies have experienced. Ms. Topaz Hughes, Executive Director of the Brazos County Community Council consisting of the Brazos County Information & Referral and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program came forward to address the Council. She stated that the I&R is seeking funding in the amount of $12,000. This agency is not funded by the Community Development Block Grant funds this year. She described different programs provided by the agency. Ms. Hughes further stated that no grant monies are available. RSVP requested funding in the amount of $4,000. The RSVP program does receive federal money, but they must match funds from the community. Executive Director Josie Peacher and Mr. Randy Michel spoke on behalf of the Brazos Food Bank. The requested funding is $25,000 for the purchase of food. Mr. Michel expressed a concern with the amount of people being turned away because the demand is so great and the food is limited. Ms. Terry Hall remarked that the Food Bank is a safety net for the B/CS community. She also noted that neither the County or the City of Bryan are funding the Food Bank. Mr. Floyd Wells of the B/CS Mayor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities came forward to address the council. This agency requested funds in the amount of $1,650. Mr. Wells discussed the agency's budget. Mayor Ringer suggested that he also request funding from the City of Bryan. Ms. Mary Ellen Pate and Ms. Fang of the Brazos Maternal and Child Health Clinic, Inc. came forward to speak on behalf of the clinic. The clinic is requesting funds in the amount of $31,000 from both Bryan and College Station and a similar amount from State funds. Councilman McIlhaney asked Ms. Pate if they would be working with the Brazos County Health Department. Ms. Pate replied that the clinic does receive funding from Brazos County, but the clinic is a non-profit organization and if the Clinic became a part of the Health Department, the Health Department would encumber the clinic's budget. Councilman Kennady stated that he supported the clinic. He asked if the clinic is committed to the goals of the Ad Hoc Health Services Committee. Ms. Pate stated that she is on this committee and is in support of all the goals. Councilman Kennady also stated some concerns with a non-profit organization not having more fund raisers. Further discussion continued. Mayor Ringer asked if them is certain criteria for the people that are served. Ms. Pate replied that the patients are screened to determine their eligibility. Ken Bost, Executive Director of the Brazos County Health Department came forward to present the budget of the Health Department. The Health Department requested funds in the amount of $71,639. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 26, 1992 Page 3 Councilman Crouch asked Mr. Bost what monies are designated for indigent health care that the county receives and who is monitoring how well this money is being spent. Mr. Bost replied that Brazos Valley Development Council is designated to perform this task. Laura Klesel and Tom Wilkinson of the Brazos Valley Development Council came forward to address the council. The funds requested is for a new program called Family Self-Sufficiency. The funds requested is in the amount of $25,000. Ms. Klesel briefly explained the program. Mr. Wilkinson stated additional comments. Ms. Klesel stated that monies received from College Station would be utilized by families who live in College Station. Councilman Crouch asked Ms. Klesel if there is any funding provided for counseling to participants to determine which kind of schooling would lead to an actual job or where there is a need for a job. Ms. Klesel replied that the goal of the program is after 5 years the family has to be economically independent. Mayor Ringer asked Mr. Wilkinson to provide the council with data on the indigent health care. Mr. John Nichols and Laurie Bell of the Arts Council came forward to present this item and answer any questions the Council might have. The money requested by the Arts Council is in the amount of $139,000. He briefly explained what services the Arts Council provides to the City. Mr. Barry Harding, Carol Reynolds and Chris Galindo representing the B/CS Athletic Federation came forward to present this item. Mr. Harding briefly described that the mission of the federation is to promote health and physical fitness through sporting events which attract individuals from a wide age range and from people both within and outside the B/CS area. He briefly described some of the events the Federation has scheduled. The funding request is in the amount of $14,500. Councilman Kennedy expressed a concern with the Federation not having fund raising events. Ms. Reynolds explained that in the past a major sponsor has been St. Joseph Hospital, but if they do not continue the sponsorship, the Board will plan for fund raising events. Mayor Ringer asked Mr. Harding if they are requesting Bryan for funds. He replied that they have not in the last couple of years, but plan to do so in the future. Mr. Barry Harding of the Noon Lions Club presented this item to the Council. The funding request is in the amount of $5,400. Ms. Pat Cornelison, President of the Board for the Economic Development Foundation came forward to present their funding request in the amount of $140,000. Mr. Worley is currently working with 30 prospects that range in size from 5-1000 employees. Ron Schmidt, President and Diane Craig, Executive Director of Brazos Beautiful were present to speak on their request for funding in the amount of $11,000. Ms. Craig presented the Council with a brief profile of activities in the past year. Age_ nda Item No. 3 - Discu~ion of Tex'~a Hon-alng Trust Fund Application. Community Development Coordinator Jo Carroll and City Planner Jim Callaway came forward to present this item. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, August 26, 1992 Page 4 Ms. Carroll explained that this program is for low income housing. The proposed project is for the construction of 20 new rental units. This will include 4 two bedroom units, 12 three bedroom units and 4 four bedroom units with a private investor which is Mr. Sammy DeStefano. Mr. DeStefano is proposing the rental units to be placed on scattered sites in the Eastgate areas and possibly on Cooner Street. It will include four units for the elderly and disabled which two of the four units will be wheelchair accessible. The subsidy will be a 20 year deferred forgivable loan. Ms. Carroll itemized the package totalling $800,000. The city contribution would consist of approximately $25,000 for in-kind services which would include staff, legal and accounting costs. She asked the Council to wave the permit and utility tapping fee, approximately $15,000 for the construction of the new units. Ms. Carroll described the rental agreement. The Council commended staff and felt this was a very worthwhile program. Assistant City Engineer Morgan and Transportation Planner Hard presented this item. Ms. Morgan briefly discussed the ordinance amendments with the Council. The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval of the ordinance at the August 6, 1992 meeting. Transportation Planner Edwin Hard presented the bikeway portions of the ordinance. He mentioned that the bikeway master plan should be revised. Mr. Hard presented the council with the results to a survey sent to several residents regarding bikeways and sidewalks in the city. Councilman Crouch complimented the staff on sending a survey and asking citizens for their input. A~nda Item No. 5 - Diacu~on of an ordinsnco sme~n_dino _Chapter 2, 1,2,3 and 4 of the Code of Ordinnn_e~_8 of the City of Coll_~ Sts~iOn and l'~!~to.~_-~_~! find diacuasion of a maolution addin~ Administrative Assistant Marc Skocypec came forward to present this item. Laurie Sinclair of Post Oak Pets came forward to address the Council. She expressed concerns with the wording of the ordinance and the definition of wild animals. Councilman McIlhaney questioned the enforcement procedure on the latest provision regarding the restriction of ferrets in households where children are 40 pounds or less. City Attorney Locke mentioned that unless this was reported it would be hard to enforce. Age_ nda Item No. 6 - Council Cnmment~ Mayor Ringer mentioned that he and Councilman Brown would be absent on September 9th, a workshop meeting date. He suggested that the workshop meeting and the regular meeting be City Council Workshop Meeting Page 5 Wednesday, August 26, 1992 held on Thursday, September 10th. Mayor Ringer mentioned that the first meeting in October is a TML meeting and several councilmembers will be attending this meeting. The Council agreed to hold the Budget Retreat on Wednesday, September 2nd at 1:30 p.m. in the Utility Service Center. Councilman Gardner asked when the council would receive a report on the Business Park. Director of Development Services Ash replied that this has been placed on the next council agenda. Al~nda Item Bio. 7 - City Manager Comments. No comments were made. A~_ nda Item No. 8 - Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. ( ~EST: ~ L~y~'Se~:retary Connie Hooks APPROVED: c.._ _.. ---~j ~,~.0~.,I Mayor Pro-tem Fred Brown GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNEBDAY, AUGUST 26, 1992 4=00 P.M