HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1726 - Ordinance - 09/24/1987ORDINANCE NO. 1726 AN ORDINANCE ASSESSING PROPERTY OWNERS FOR THE COST OF REPLACED SEWER LINE LATERALS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AND FOR LEVYING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE COST ANO FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN UPON SAID PROPERTIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE MANNER AND METHOD OF COLLECTION OF SAID ASSESSMENTS AND THE PERCENTAGE OF INTEREST THEREON. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Sta- tion, Texas, heretofore ordered on February 14, ]987, that the sewer system in the said College Hills subdivision of the city be replaced and improved, necessitating the installation of new lat- eral lines on the property of individual property owners in the College Hills subdivision. Plans were provided as well as spec- ifications and in accordance with the specifications theretofore, said lines were improved as follows, to-wit: Gilchrist, Ashburn to Munson; Munson, Gilchrist to Frances; Ashburn, Gilchrist to Woodland; Wood- land, Ashburn to a point 3]5 feet northeast on Woodland; Marstellar, Gilchrist to Woodland and woodland to a point 110 feet northeast. governing lines; WHEREAS, prior to the construction of the project the body prepared estimates of the costs of the lateral WHEREAS, the contractor provided the cost of lateral line extension on the property of each property owner; and WHEREAS, the City Council proposes to assess the cost of such lateral line improvements against the owners of the property abutting thereon and against such property, said improvements being the lateral lines to service the particular tract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THAT: The City of College Station does hereby assess the cost of said replacements on said portions of lateral lines against the property thereon and against the owners of such property and said assessments to be levied in exercise of the power granted by the Acts of 1985, 69th Legislature of the State of Texas, First Called Session, by Article ]]]0g, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, and adopted by vote of the people in an election held on November 5, 1985. 005115 Ordinance No. 1726 Page 2 II. Said contractor, in his bid has set the price for lat- erals and the same are hereby adopted and approved as the amount to be assessed against the property owners and are attached here- to as Exhibit A. III. Consent forms have been given to the City under Article 1110g, Section 4, and none of the attached consents have been withdrawn. IV. The amount to be assessed against such parcels of prop- erty and the owners thereof, are herein described in letters to the property owners as set out in Exhibit B and the assessments recover the cost of these improvements. A hearing has been held by and before the governing body of the City of College Station, Texas on this the 24th day of September, 1987, at 7 P.M. at the City Council Chambers of the City Hall of the City of College Station, Texas. VI. Interest shall not accrue during thirty days after the completion of the work on each property. Thereafter assessments against the property owners shall be a personal liability of the owners of such property and first and prior lien on the property against which assessments are levied and shall be due and payable over a five (5) year period at eight percent (8%) interest per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. VII. The City Secretary of the City of College Station is directed to give notice to the real property owners of the prop- erty abutting upon said portions of the street and to all other interested parties of the levying amount thereof by publication in a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the City of College Station, Texas and that further the City Sec- retary is to direct that notice be sent to each of the property owners of the assessment, the amount thereof, and of the time in which it must be paid. 005116 Ordinance No. 1726 Page 3 Notice by advertisement shall in all cases ficient and binding whether or not any other kind or notice has been given. be suf- character of PASSED and APPROVED this the 24th September , 1987. day of APPROVED: ATTEST: Cit~yy S~ecr~ try APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney 005117 City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 II01 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840-0960 August 13, 1987 Mr. K. A. Manning 1217 Marsteller College Station, TX 77840 Dear Mr. ~anning: This letter serves as your REVISED Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The information from the Legal Department sent to you on July 29 explains the procedure to either accept or reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 1217 Marsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is $464.00. Please disregard the bid price of $1,316.00 sent to you on July 29. Please inform the City Secretary Dian Jones of your decision in writing by Monday, September 14, 1987. I have spoken with the contractor about the dust problem. If it remains or becomes a problem do not hesitate to inform Project Inspector Bob Pursley on-site or call me at 764-3570. Sincerely, Michael J. Cronan Project Engineer City of College Station POST OFFICE BOX 9960 II01TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840-0960 August 13, 1987 Mr. John Cochran 1824 Shadowood College Station. TX 77840 Dear Mr. Cochran: This letter serves as your REVISED Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The information from the Legal Department sent to you on July 29 explains the procedure to either accept or reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 1207 Ashburn the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is $464.00. Please disregard the bid price of $1,398.00 sent to you on July 29. Please inform the City Secretary Dian Jones of your decision writing by Monday, September 14, 1987. Sincerely, Michael J. Cronan Project Engineer EXHIBIT A2 005119 / 61 - Mit'e Cronan ~ ('ity ()f (.'ollc~c ,%lflti()n gawn Y. Cox 900 Woodland Parkway College Station, lexas 77R4Q Dear ';s. Cox: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front uuder the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley btilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Wooolands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explaino procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 990 Woodland Park,lay the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $1,188,00 Sincerely, Michael J. Cronan Project Engineer 005120 61 - Itl ke Cronan City of Collc_ffc $1atiou mrs, Jack Gray 1218 Munson College Station, Texas 7784~ Dear Mrs, Gray: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 76~-3570. For the property located at I~IR ¥,mn~n. the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to th~ front Sincerely, Pro3ect Engineer G1 - M~e Cr0nan ( ii, ~.i ¢'o!lct~c .qlalion John R. Richards 1210 ~unson College Station, Texas 77840 Dear tlr. Richards: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 1210 '~unson the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities. Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to tho front is: $1,689,00 ,. EXHIBIT A-5 005122 61 - [l~e Cron~u City of( .licit ,qtation qilliam J, McGuire 1204 Munson College Station, Texas 778a~ Dear ;~r, ~IcGulre: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-35?0. For the property located at 1204 "uns0n the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front ~s: $1,188.00 '[lzchaol J. rronan Pro.lee t Engineer EXHIBIT A-6 005123 61 - M~l,e Cronan Wayne [, Etter 1200 Munson College Statlon~ T,=xas 7784q Dear Mr. Etter: This letter serves as your Notlce of Bld Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by CouneiI on JuIy 23. The attached information from the Legal Department e×plain~ procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. ~f you have any questions concerning this matter, caII me at 76~-3570. Pot the property located at 1200 ~unson the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbb]g Company, Inc. to change the yarQ service line from the back the front is: $1,491,00 Sincerely, Hichael J. Cronan P.ro ject Engineer EXHIBIT A-7 005124 61 - Mike Cronan City of College Station Ra~,~ond Staten 1211Harsteller Colleae Station, le×as 77840 Dear Mr, Staten: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement eoutract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning th~s matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at l~ll Marsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $1,398.00 Hichael J. Cronan Project Engineer EXHIBIT A-8 005125 M~chael Cron~n Mr. Sld Stevens 1209 Marsteller College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Mr. Stevens: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazes Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at ~no tl.~.r.11.r the lump sum bid price submitted ~ Brazes Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $909.00 Sincerely. /flichael ,J. Cronan Project Engineer 005126 EXHIBIT A-9 Mr. Theo Holleman 20t South Tzmber College Station, Texas 77840 Dear Mr. Holl eman This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For tile property located at 12N5 Marsceller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $780.00 Sincerely, Pro ~lec t Engineer E%:HIBIT A-10 O05127 61 - Mlt~: Cronan ('iix ,)f (',)llc~c ,qtalio~, ~oger Il, Gl~cL 1202 )'unson College Station: le~as 77849 Dear 'r, Gl~ck: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities. Inc.. the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 1202 !!unson the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to th~ front Is: $1,048,00 . :;inter,? ] y. EX. B T -ll 005128 61 - IilJ'e Ciollall Git3' of C~11¢~c 51alicm Mildced F, Jones 1212 Ilunson Colloge Station, Texas ?l~mO Dear ils. Jones: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Prxce to have your yard service line changed from the back to the Front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilitxes, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--Colle§e Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept oF reject the bid price. IF you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 76~-3570. For the property located at 1212 Hunson the lump sum bid price submitte~ by Brazos Valley Utilities, Jnc for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbin~ Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back Lo t'ne. Front is: $909.00 S~ncerely, P~-oje,'t EXHIBIT A-12 005129 Joseph C. Fontana 1216 rlunson Colleqe Station, Texas 778~q Dear Hr. Fontana: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-35?0. For the property located at 1216 ~unson the lum~ sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbin~ Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front Is: $1,148,00 Szng~rely. Ilzchael J. Cronan Project En~71nee! bi - I,l~., C~onan City of Collcg¢ ,%{atio,x F.S. Higq~nbotham 1220 Munson Colleqe Station, Dear H,' Hlgglnbotham: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanztary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 73 The attached ~nformatlon from the Legal Department explainn the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any oue~t~ons concerning this matter, call me at 764-3570. For the property located at 12Z0 t~unson the lump sum bid.price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry P1,Jmblnc Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back ~o thc. £ron' ~s $1.689.00 a-14 005131 Myles Coleman 1207 Marstel let Colleqe StalAon, Dear tlr. Coleman: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--Colle~e Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 27. The attached information from the Le§al Department explainG the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If 3ou any questions concerning this matter, call me at For the property located at 1207 Marsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley UtilitIes, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to tho front is: $845,00 Sincerely. I/~/chae] J. Cronan Pt'o ,jo,.' t kncinee r EXHIBIT A-15 005132 61 - {~h].e t.~'Onal~ (;il>' of College blali~ Franc~$ ~y t. he 310 Rosebud Bryan, lexas 7~8~1 Dear .~s, Nythe: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line chan§ed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--Colle§e Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept o£ reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at ?64-75?0. For the property located at 1213 ~arsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $903,00 S.I/lC e i''~ 1¥, Hleh,~e ~ J E~:HIBIT A-16 0051 3 61 - I'h:.e C. ronan Ci~.x of Collcgc $1ation David & Shelly Davis 1208 Harsteller Colleqe Station, Texas 7~840 Dear qr. & qrs, Davis: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line chan§ed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase Il--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at ?64-35?0. For the property located at 1298 '~arsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front Since rD ly. ' 'iichao 1 J Cronnn Fro jo,.t Engl,~t.¢. r EXHIBIT A-17 n051.t4 61 - l.iike C~onan /Citv of ('ollc¢c ,~tati~m '.-lal ter Nendler 1215 I1arsteller College Station, Texas 77840 Dear !lr, Wendler: This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at For the property located at 1215 ~arsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities,'Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to front is: $845.00 .btncnre ly, ,/1 ,'~ }15~ c, 1 ,T C t'oi'l,: T1 F"~ ',-pt EXHIBIT A-18 005135 61 - I'hke Cronan {:,l.x of College Station Dr. A.B. Cathcart 1200 ~)arsteller College Statmn, lexas 77940 Dear 'ir, Cathcart'. This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you have any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-J570. For the property located at 1200 Marsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Br~zos Valley Utilities, Inc for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the fron[ is: $909.00 EXHIBIT A-19 005136 Doualas P. Venuti ]20~ Marst~ller Colle? S,at]on, Texas 77840 Dear .qr. Venuti~ This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazos Yalley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--College Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The attached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept o£ reject the bid price. If you have any questions concernina this matter, call me at For the property, located at 1202 Marsteller the lump sum bid price submitted by Brazos Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbing Company. Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $780,00 Sine, erely. /rli'chael J Cronan P!'o jec t Engzneer 005137 EVHIBTT A-20 dame G. Bacon 1206 Parsteller Colleqe Station, Texas 77840 Dear 'Is, Bacon' This letter serves as your Notice of Bid Price to have your yard service line changed from the back to the front under the terms of the contract of the City with Brazes Valley Utilities, Inc., the contractor awarded the Phase II--Oollege Hills Woodlands Sanitary Sewer Replacement contract by Council on July 23. The sttached information from the Legal Department explains the procedure to either accept of reject the bid price. If you )lave any questions concerning this matter, call me at 764-35?0. For the property located at 1206 ~arsteller the lump sum bid-price submitted by Brazes Valley Utilities, Inc. for the work performed by their subcontractor Curry Plumbln~ Company, Inc. to change the yard service line from the back to the front is: $845,00 Sincerely, Il.eh., ] J (ronan EXHIBIT A-21 005138 005139 EXHIBIT B-1 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LIP]E I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at /2/0 /~/~A/-~~/ WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I l~kewlse con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely glven, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus gimple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City CouncIl of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the tabove-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued Interegt the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and DATED EXHIBIT B-2 Signature Of Own¢'~ _ /} /~ ,~ Representative: /~.~/~ Printed Name: U~4/ 005140 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at, ~ ~ ~~ WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus slmple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and of College Station will lien. DATED this EXHIBIT B-3 day of ~¢~4~ ;~¢~ , 1987. Signature of Owner ) or Authorized /- ~ 6~"~~. Representativ~'''~ Printed Name: Z 05141 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation a~d upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. DATED thxs EXHIBIT B-4 J ~ day °f ~' 1987" Signature of Owner or Authorized . Representative. 005142 RECE VE :- ? 1 1 CONSE~ '10 DJ~LOC~ COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Statitn will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permissxon for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and 1 ien. DA~ED this //.~ day Of J EXHIBIT B-5 , 1987. Signature of Owner or Authorized (~5W'~£ 6~'-4fJ <~%/. .' /-- ~ RECEIVED ;-71 1 1987 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacxng the present College ~ills trunk sewer line, I hereby giv, my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will lien. DATED this ~ '~ issue a release of the assessment and day of ~-f;~c',,,b~- , 1987. EXHIBIT B-6 Signature of Owner Representative: Printed Name: /"~'~ ' n05144 RECEIVED SEP! ! CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state thdt I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at ~ %~¥~CD~-~- WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus s~mple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the princtpal amount of the assessment and accrued Interest the City issue a release of the assessment and of College Station will lien. DATED this \~ EXHIBIT B-7 Signature of Owner or Authorized Representative: CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at ./~/~ '/]'/6/~O/~/ WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will lien. DATED this .~ issue a release of the assessment and day of ~ , 1987. Signature of Owner _ .,, 005146 EXHIBIT B- Representative. ~ ' . '~9-~j~ Printed Name: ~~ CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- EXHIBIT B-9 RF..CF. NF-..D SIP 0 8 tire of the~)t~n~r of th~ property ~ocated prasent Collage Hills trunk qawer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. ~ DATED this day of , 1987. of Signature. Owner/~ . /Q.___~ ,/ Representative: O05147 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at ~&'~ ;~ARITF//eQq W~EREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- locatzon plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and principal amount of the of College Station will lien. DATED this EXHIBIT B-10 , 1987. Signature of Owne ~ ,. _.__ / or Authorized Represent at ire: Printed Name: nu5148 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at ./-7 q ?-. WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus ssmple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property For the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. DATED this EXHIBIT B-ii Signature of Owner or Authorized ~ Representative .' CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at. [~/% r WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the p~esent College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my cons-nt to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. DATED this ~-~-- day of EXHIBIT B-12 , 1987. Signature of Owner or Authorized Printed Name: 005150 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and 1 i en. ,,, Representative: Printed Name: LQ~ EXHIBIT B-13 005151 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the prescnt College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is c~pleted to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. , ~XHIBIT B-14 Signature of Owner or Authorized ~ Representative: Printed Name: ~)d)fl~F.$ ~. ~-A;~--~ 05 52 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the presel%t Col!cgu Hills trunk sewer llnel I bet-by g]v- my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City and of College Station will lien. DATED th~s Iq issue a release of the assessment dsyof ., 1987. Signature of Owner or Authorized Representat ire: Printed Name: ~ 005153 EXHIBIT B-15 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at. J~ of College Station will WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the prespnt College Hills trunk sewer line, I hpreby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that ! will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (]0%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and lien. DATED this /~ day of~ , 1987. EXHIBIT B-16 Owner Signature of ~ or Authorized Representative: Printed Name: 005154 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and principal amount of the of College Station will lien. DATED this Signature of Owner ,~_~__ or Authorized ~__~~,~ Representative: ~'~,~_ ~ / EXHIBIT B-17 05155 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE RECEIVED I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at .~L bt,,.~/~,,~ WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and of College Station will lien. DATED this day of '~ ~.u._,~' ,-,~ ~'_ , 1987. Signature of Owner or Authorized ' ~ ~, ,.~ Representative: ~ ~.~,..,~ ._' /, ( ~)6 Printed Name: .P S ,u ,~ ¥, ~;e~ .-is n05 ] 56 RECEIVED O 5 19B? CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE SILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized ' ' , . tire of the owner of the property located at~. / ~ ' WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, I hereby give my conseDt to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment ~ lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will lien. DATED this " issue a release of the assessment and , 1987. Signature of Owner or Authorized Representative: ' ' Prznted Name: EXHIBIT B-19 f105157 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE RE. CF..NEO ~,~ '1 7 1Q~e~7 I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at / WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the present College Hills trunk sewer line, ! hereby give my consent to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of such re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will be attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City issue a release of the assessment and of College Station will lien. DATED this or Authorized ,' Representati,,e: / . &'/./'~.-_ Printed Name: ~.x,iIB~ B-20 005 158 CONSENT TO RELOCATE COLLEGE HILLS SEWER SERVICE LINE I hereby state that I am the owner or authorized representa- tive of the owner of the property located at /~O~ Md~O~ WHEREAS the City of College Station will be replacing the presaat Colleg~ Hills trunk ~wer line, I hereby give my con~cnt to the contract for the relocation of the service line from my above-stated property to the trunk sewer line. I likewise con- sent to the assessment for such relocation. I hereby state that my permission for such location is freely given, and that I understand no part of the relocation will be paid by the City of College Station. I further agree that I will have five (5) years from the day the work is completed to repay the cost of SUCh re- location plus simple interest in an amount not to exceed ten per- cent (10%) a year as set by the City Council of the City of College Station. I also understand that as a result of the above-stated assessment a lien will De attached to my property for the total cost of the relocation and upon my payment of the principal amount of the assessment and accrued interest the City of College Station will issue a release of the assessment and lien. DATED this RECEIVED A'.;$ 2 0 !987 .× Iszz