HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1718 - Ordinance - 08/13/1987ORDINANCE NO. 1718 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE RICHARD CARTER LEAGUE, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA- TION, TEXAS: Pursuant to an application and request filed w~th the City of College Station, Texas that a twenty foot (20') wide utility easement sltuated in the 24.95 acre tract in the Richard Carter League deeded to Donald Lamar, Sr., according to a deed recorded in Volume 579, Page 321 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, more particularly described on the attached Exhibit No. 1 and depicted on the attached Exhibit No. 2, be abandoned and va- cated, the City Council of the City of College Station hereby authorizes the Mayor and the City Secretary to execute a quit- claim deed to said parcel of land to Warren C. Harmon. PASSED and APPROVED this 13th day of August, 1987. APPROVED: ATTEST: Dian Jo~s,~i~ Secreta y ~or 005096 Application to Vacat~ Utility Easement No. E~IIBIT NO. 1 Being that portion of that certain public utility easement situated in ~t,e RICHARD CARTE~ LEAGUE ir the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: f'O' Utl£1ty Easement (to be abandoned) Being a 20 foot }'ubllc Utility Easement $1tult,;,~ in th~. ~t~.q,.. i, r~ tr*ct in thC Richard Carter League deeded to Oonal,] Lamar, br., ,le,:o e~corded zn Volnme 5P), Page 321 oi' the Dee,a llecor,l~ os br'anuv l u, Jnt. y, Texas, and Oeu]g lr~ ['eet elthe~ side o[ a center l~ue being more p. ifr lcUla~ ly C'~MMENCINb: aC a h~ghway r~ght-of-way monument ~n the west rlf~ht.-,,l-woy line FHENCE: J 7~°52'01'' W - ~6-q5 ~eet to the }uINT OF THENCE: N bno4]'Oh'' W - 487.D~ feet alo~g existing sewer line to, ~ [,ulnt THENCE: N o]°l...'h7" W - 385.08 feet along 'l,] line ~o ~ pulnt Fur corner: THENCE: S b5.°00'43" W - 100.13 leer to the erld ul' the centerl~n~ EA' EMENI N,J. CuMMkNCING: at a hlgHwa~ ~lght-of-way mor0~ment 1~ the we~t ~lght-oi-way ~.,I otdt~ Hlg[mwaf NO. b, same being the northw~et ,:uFneF o[ ]HENtE: ~. f~.°5~'01" W - 7b.55 Feet and N bO°gl'Oq" W - ~ .INT ~F THEN. E: ~. r~°~,~.'5'5" W - f'og.of F~et tu the emi ol th,~ centerllne n05097 Application to Vacate Utility Eas~r~nt No. EXHIBIT NO. 2 The following is a plat or sketch of the utility easement sought to be vacated in tbe above ntanbered application, showing the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, abuttin8 lots. the block or blocks In which the portion of the utility easement sought to be vacated is situated, and tbe addition or additions in which the portion of the utility, easement sought to be vacated is situated. Also. the names of record owners of the abutting lots are shown. Md-t 005098