HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1714 - Ordinance - 06/25/1987ORDINANCE NO. 171{~ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER I OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY ADDING A SECTION PROVIDING FOR THE MICROFILMING OF RECORDS{ REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH{ PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE{ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, L That Chapter I o! the Code o! Ordinances o! the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by eddin8 a section, to be numbered section 27, which said section shall read as followsl "SECTION 271 RECORDS - RETENTION, DISPOSITION AND MICROFILMING MICROFILMING OF RECORDS The city secretary may provide for the duplication of city records by a micro-photoSraph or microfilm process which accurately and permanently copies, reproduces, or orisinates public records on film by followin8 the procedures stated in the followin8 parasraphm. (1) Types of Records That May Be Microfilmed All books, papers, maps, photosraphs or other documentary materials regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by any alliency of the City of College Station in pursuance of any law, or in connection with the transaction of the public business, and prepared, preserved or appropriate as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, investigations, procedures, opera,ions or other activ- ities of the municipal governmant or because of the informaUonal value of data containad therein, may be microfilmed by order of the city secre- tary. (2) Standards Set All microfilm will be of a quality to meet the standards required by the United States of America Standards Institute for archival quality, density, resolution and definition, emicept that microfilm intended only for short- term use, as determined by the city secretary or her designee. (3) Reeponsibilities of OriRinatinR Department (a) Requests and Certification - All requests tor the microfilmin8 of records will come from the department and division heads or the person or persons in charse of an offic~ Each such person shall check and cert,fy that each microfilm record is a true and correct dupl,cation o! the or,ginal record maintained in the files of their department or office, 005032 (b) Records and Index - An accurate record of ail microfilm shall be maintained by the orll~inatin$ department, includinl~ an appropriate index whereby any document, paper, book, map or photograph may be retrieved as quickly as possible. Whenever such microfilm shall be properly indexed and placed in accessible files, it shall for ail purposes become an official record of the city. (k) Disposition of Original PubUc Records (a) Original public records which m'e microfilmed in compliance with this ordinance may be destroyed at the direction of the city secretm-y with the advice and consent of the city attorney, unless otherwise required by Federal Law or State Law. Any original public record, the subject matter of which is in litigation, may not be destroyed until such litigation is final. Refore any original public records are destroyed or disposed of, notice shall first be given to the State Librarian or State Archivist, and if such records are, in his opinion, needed for the State Library, the records shall be transferred thereto. (~) Public Access The public shall have free access, upon request, to mformaUon in m{cro- photographs or microfilms to which they are entitled under law. Indivi- duals requesting copies of microfilms will be charged for the cost of making the copies and, ii it is necessary to search or compile information from the records, an additional charge will be made." II. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealeck III. Should any section, para&raph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any purpose, the remainder of this ordinance sh~ll not be ~ffected thereby. IV. It is hereby found and determined that the meeting at which this ordinance was passed was open to the public, as required by Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S., and that advance public notice of time, place and purpose of smd meeting was given. 005033 That this ordinance shall become effective upon its passase and in accordance with the Charter of the City of College Statlon~ Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 25th. DAY OF June 1987. APPROVED: ATTF_ST'- Dian 3one~, ~f/Secretary 005034