HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1709 - Ordinance - 06/11/1987O~DINANCE ~). 1709 AN O~DTNANCE AIHH}~)ING C}~%l'l'~a{ 11, SBCTION 4, OF ~'HE (DDE OF O~Di~NCES, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE ST~%TION, TEXAS RELATING TO SCHEDULE OF P~.TES FOR ELB<"I~IC SERVICE; AID, PNOVIDING FOR, AIl EFFf~TIVF DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY ODUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATIG{~: That Chapter 11, Section 4.A of the Code of Ordinances of the City cf College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: The monthly rates to be charged consumers for public utility services, namely electrical connections, shall be in accordance w]~] the schedules as follows: (1) Electric Rate - Schedule R (Residential Customers) (a) Applicable to single-family residential customers for all domestic usage where all enelgy is taken through a single meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - A. C., 60 cycles per second, single phase, 120/240 volts. (c) Rate: Service Charge: $5.50 pe~ mont~., plus ~e~gy Charge: $0.]054 $0.0754 $0.0684 $0.0603 kwhr for the first 100 kwhrs, kwt~r for the next 400 kwhrs, per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500, e~cept; per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500 used pe~ month in the billing months of Nov~be~ through April. 0050{0 ORDI%]A}~CE NO. 1709 PAGE 2 (2) (d) Multiple dwelling units where served under one (1) master meter shall be billed under Pate Scheo~le I~-l. (e) Power CostAdiustment -The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schc~ulePCA. (f) Automatic Leave On Service - Customers who qualify for automatic leave on service will be billed at the above rate, except the monthly service charge will be deleted. Customers will be required to contract with the City for this service prov]sion. Electric Rate - Schedule R-1 (Master Metered MultiPle Dwellin~ Units1 (a) Applicable to multiple dwelling units for all d(mlestic usage where all energy is taken through one (1) Faster meter. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and re]ulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, sing]e-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 170/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase custom,ers served via under-ground primary to pad- mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 oL 277/480 volt service. (c) Pate - The monthly rate charge for service under this schedule shall be determined as follo~m: ~%e average kwh usage per month per dwelling unit shall be determined by dividing the total monthly kwhrs purchased, as determine(] by t/le City's maste~ meter, by eighty-five percent (85%) of the total number of f~rmanentl9 constructed dwelling units. The individual rate charge pe~ dwelling unit shall thence be computed on the basis of t~,e average kwh usage per month per dwelling unit figured at the fo]lowing rate: 005011 ORDI~}~CE NO. 1709 PAGE. 3 (e) Service Charge: $5.50 per month per dwellin9 unit, plus Energy Charge: $0.1054 $0.0754 $0.0684 $0.0603 per kwhr for the first 100 kwhrs per kwhr for the next 400 kwhrs. per k~h~ fo~ all kwhrs over 500, except; per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500 used per month in the billing months of Novembe~ thLough April. The total monthly bill shall thence be determined by multiplying rate charge co~uted under the above rate by eighty-five percent (85%) of the r, umbe~ of permanently constructed dwelling units. Power Cost Adjustment -The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be Increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PC~. ~m~-$~lere electric service is submetered, the words "dwelling unit" in the above rate and minimum bill clauses shall be replaced with the wo~d "sukm]eter". The customer operating the submete~ing system shall provide electric service to his tenants and render bills therefor in strict accordance with the electric submetering rules and regulations as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas in Substantive Rule No., a copy of which ls on file in the off~ce of City Secretary. All records and repoits provided for in these rules and regulations, other ~an those specified be]ow, shall be made available to the City upon request. The customer shall not impose any additional charges on his tenants over and above those charges whJch are b~lled by the City. For verification purposes, the customer shall, within five (5) days after his tenant's bills are rendered each month, f~le a written report with the City showing a reconciliation of his blll~n9 to his tenants plus the billing for owner used energy with the charges which are billed by the City. This report shall provide as a minimum the fo]lowing ~nfor~mt]on: 005012 O~DIN~CR NO. 17 09 PAGE 4 A calculation of tile average cost per kilowatt-hour for the current month. A listing of all submeter readings and bil]lngs, including kilowatt-hour usage metered and total rate charge, for the currentmonth. (3) Electric Pate-Schedule SC (Snsll Commercial Cusf~,~rs) (a) Applicable to non-residential customers billed through a siug]e meter whose monthly kilowatt demand does not exceed 10 KW. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad- mounted tzansformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. (c) Pate: Service Charge: $8.00 pe~ month, plus Energy Charge: $0.3124 $0.0975 $0.0675 per kwhr for the first 200 kwhrs; per kwh~ for the next 800 kwhrs; per kwhr for all kwhrs over 1000. (d) ~ -Demand meters maybe Jnstal]ed on all such customers if (1) the installed load would indicate that demands over 10 kilowatts wouldbe experienced; or (2) if the monthly energy usage exceeds 3,500 kilowatt- hours. A customer on this schedule whose demand exceeds 10 kilowatts for any bi]3zng period shall be billed unde~ Schedule LP-1 for the ne~t twelve-month period beglnning with the current month. (e) Power Cost Adjustment - ~ne monthly charges ~3der th3s rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. 005013 ORDINANCE NO. 1709 PAGE 5 (4) Electric Rate - Schedule LP-] CMedium Co~ulercial a~d Inr],,-~trial Cusf~rs) (a) Applicable to all co,,me~cia} and industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and where the monthly kilowatt demand is between 10 KW and 500 KW. Service will be furnished under this rate schedu]e subject to the established rules and regulations of the City cove~ing this type of service. Before service is furnished hereunder, an individual service agreement contract between the Customer and the City may be [equired outlining all details of ~e se£vice to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,a70 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-ground primary to pad- mounted transformers will be fuznished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. (c) Rate: Service Charge: 815.00 per month, plus Demand~arge: 9.00 per KW of monthly billing demand, plus EhergyCharge: $0.0418 $0.0368 per kwhr for the first 50.000 kwhrs; per kwhr for all kwhrs over 50.000 (d) Minimum Honthl¥Charge - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: i) $105.00 per month plus applicable powe~ cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. ii) The sum of service chargeand demand chargeunder the above rate plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. 005014 ORDINANCE NO. 1709 PAGE 6 (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's service contract with the City, plus applicablepower cost adjustment on the kilowatt- hours used. ~- The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less than 60% of the peak demand measured inthe twelve month periodending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer billed under this schedule continues for a period of twelve consecutive months without a demand in excess of 10 KW, Schedule SC shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. Likewise, a custome~ on thi~. schedule whose demand exceeds 500 KW for any billing period shall be billed under Schea~le LP-2 for the next twelve month periodbeginning with the current month. Power Factor - Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 to the actual power factor. P ' ' - WT~ere service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such ~oltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected fo~ the transformer losses) at the City's option. Power Cost A~justment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be Increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule FCA. ~ - Where the customer reimburses the C~ty for the cost of purchasing and installing the required demand metering equipment, as selected by the City, to continuously monitor a customer's load peak demand, this off-peak rider sba]] apply in computing the 005015 O~D~ANCE NO. 1709 PAGE 7 (5) customer's monthly electric bill. Under th3s rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: i) The peak demand measured during the period defined as the on-peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak period exceeds the peak demand measured during the on-peak period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 60% of the peak demand measured in the t%;elve month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this ridez are defined as follows: On-Peak Period - 6:00 A.M. through 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday Off-Peak Period - 11:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M. on ~londay through Friday and 11:00 P.M. on Friday through 6:00 A.M. on Monday. Electric Rate - Sch~nle LP-2 (Larae C(x~ercia]. and Industrial] (a) Applicable to ali commercial and industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one polnt of delivery and where the monthly kilowatt demand is between 500 K~{ and 1500 K~. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Before service is furnished however, an individual service agreement contract between the customer and the City may be required outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. (b) Character of Service - A~., 60 cFc]es per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase 005016 O~DTN~NCF, ~D. 1709 PAGE 8 (c) (d) (e) customers served via under-ground primary to pad- mounted transformers will be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 volt service. Pate: Service Charge: $ 50.00 per month, plus Demand Charge: $4375.00 e 8.25 for the first 500 KW billing de~and; per KW of monthly b~l]ing demand for all additional I~, plus f~ergyCharge: $0.0363 per kwhr for the first 250.000kwhrs; $0.0333 pe~ kwhr for all kwhrs over 250.000. Minimum Monthly Charae - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: i) $4,425.00 per month plus applicable powez cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. ~e sum of service charge and demand chargeunder the above rate plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's service contract with the City, plus applicablepower cost adlustment on the kilowatt- hours used. ~- The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less than 60% of the peak demand measured in the twelve monthperiodending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer billed undeL this schedule continues for a per~od of twelve consecutive months w~thout a 005017 OBDINANCE KD. 1709 PAGE 9 (f) (g) (h) demand in excess of 500 KW, Schedule LP-1 shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. Likewise, a customer on th~s schedule whose demand exceeds 1500 KW for any bil]Jng period shall be billed under Schedule LP-3 for the next twelve month periodbeginningwiththe current month. Power Factor - Should the po%~er factor be lower than 0.90 lagging, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 to the actual power factor. P~m vic - Where service is taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Meterin9 may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at tile City's option. Power Cost Adjustment -Tne monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. kQ~ -Where the customer reimburses the City for the cost of purchasing and installing the requlred demand metering equipment, as selected bytheClty, to continuously monitor a customer's load peak demand, this off-peak r~der shall apply in computing the customer's monthly electric bill. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: i) · he peak demand measured during the period defined as the on-peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak period exceeds the peak demand measured during the on-peak period. Uowever, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 60% of tile peak den~nd measured in the twelve month period ending w~th the curient month. The periods for application of this r~der are defined as follows: 0050{8 O~DTNANC. E NO. 1709 PAGE 10 (6) On-Peak Period - 6:00 A.M. through 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Frlday Off-Peak Period - 11:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M. on Monday through Friday and 11:00 P.~. on Friday th, ough 6:00 A.M. on Monday. Electric Rate - sch~,~le LP-$ (Industrial Customers) (a) Applicable to ali commercial and industrial customers where service is taken through one meter at one point of delivery and who contract for at least 1500 KW of monthly demand. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule subject to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. Before service is furnished however, and hereunder and individual service agreement contract between the Customer and the City may be required outlining all details of the service to be supplied, the terms of the contract, and the obligations of each party. (b) Character of Service - A.C., 60 cycles per second, single-phase, 120/240 volts; three phase 120/240, 120/208, 240/480, 277/480, 2400/4160, 7200/12,470 volts as available at point of service. Three-phase customers served via under-gzound p~lmary to pad- mounted transformers wi/] be furnished only 120/208 or 277/480 voit service. (c) ~ate: Service Charge: $ 50.00 per month, plus De~nd Charge: ~ergy Charge: $12,375.00 for the first 1500 KW of monthly billing d~and; $ 7.75 per KW for al/ additional KW of bil]ing demand, plus; $0.0335 per kwhr for the £1rst 500.000 kwhrs; $0.0295 per kwhr for all kwhrs over 500.000. 005019 G~DINANCE }D. 1709 PAGE 11 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Minimum Monthly Charae - The minimum monthly charge under this rate schedule shall be the highest one of the following charges: l) $12,425.00 per month plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. ii) The sum of service charge and demand charge under the above ~ate plus applicable power cost adjustment on the kilowatt-hours used. iii) The minimum monthly charge specified in the customer's servlce contract with the City, plus applicablepower cost adjustmentonthe kilowatt- hours used. B~.~.~l/_~-The billing demand shall be in the maximum 15 minute measured kilowatt demand in the billing period, but not less than 60% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. Unless otherwise specified in a firm electric service contract agreement, if at any time a customer billed under this schedule continues for a period of twelve consecutive months without a demand in excess of 1500 KW, Schedule LP-2 shall apply beginning with the first month succeeding such twelve month period. ~- Should the power factor be lower than 0.90 lagglng, the City may adjust the measured demand by multiplying by the ratio of 0.90 to the actual power factor. P vi - %;here service ]s taken by the customer at the City's available primary voltage and where the customer owns, operates, and maintains all service facilities, except metering equipment, required to take service at such voltage, a credit of 2% of the base rate charges will be allowed. Metering may be primary or secondary (corrected for the transformer losses) at the City's option. Power CostAdjustment -The monthly charges under th~s rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a powe~ cost adjust, lent calculated in accordance wi~lSchedulePCA. 005020 O~DINANCF. NO. 1709 PAC~ 12 (i) ~k ~der - Where the customer reimburses the City for the cost of purchasing and installing the required demand metering equipment, as selected by the City, to continuously monxtor a customez's load peak demand, this off-peak rider shall apply in computing the customer's monthly e!ectrzc bill. Under this rider, the demand for billing purposes shall be adjusted to be as follows: i) The peak demand measured during the period defined as the on-peak period plus one-half the amount the peak demand measured during the off-peak period exceeds the peak demand measured during the on-peak period. However, in no case shall the billing demand in any month be less than 60% of the peak demand measured in the twelve month period ending with the current month. The periods for application of this rider are defined as follows: On-Peak Period - 6:00 A.M. through 11:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday Off-Peak Period - ll:00 P.M. through 6:00 A.M. on Monday through Friday and 11:00 P.M. on Friday through 6:00 A.M. on Monday. (7) Electric Rate - Schedule SL f100 Watt S~nritv Liahts) (a) Applicable to service ]00 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request. The customer will be required to contract for this service for a period to be determined by the City. Service will be furnished under this rate schedule sub3ect to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - Security lighting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, control units, and the necessary securzty lighting circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. 005021 GRDIN~CE.~. 1709 PAGE 13 (c) Pate: $8.00 per month per light. (d) Power Cost Ad~ustment -The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the appllcat%on of a power cost adjustment ~Dased on estimated 39 kwhrs per light per billing period) calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. (8) Electric Rate - Schedule SL {200 Watt Security Liqhts) (a) Applicable to service 200 watt security lights installed and maintained by the City for customers at their request, the customer will be required to contract for this service fo~ a period to be determined by the City. Service will be furnished under this late schedule sub]ect to the established rules and regulations of the City covering this type of service. (b) Character of Service - Security l~ghting equipment, including lamps, fixtures, control units, and the necessary security l~ght]ng circuits, transformers, guys, anchors, fittings, etc. will be furnished by the City subject to the payment of an installation fee as set by the City. (c) Rate: $11.50 per ~nth per light. (d) Power Cost Adiustment - The monthly charges under this rate schedule shall be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the application of a power cost adjustment ~Dased on estimated 75 kwhrs per light per billing period) calculated in accordance with Schedule PCA. (9) Electric Rate - Schedule PCA {Po~r Cost Adjustment Factor] The formula for calculation of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor shall be as follows: PCA= ~C - [P)(K) -CF S 005022 ORDINANCF~O. 1709 PAGE 14 Power cost adjustment factor ($ pe, kwh) rounded to the nearest 0.0001 cents. Total wholesale cost of energy purchased by the City from its supplier for the immediately preceding billingmonth. ($) P Total energy purchased by the City from its supplier for the immediately preceding billing month. (k~h) K = Base wholesale power cost ~'ncluded in the City's retail electric rate schedules. ($.04 per kwh) S = Total estimated kwh sales to City customers for the current City billing period. Correction factor adjustment to be applied in the current billing month to provide for correction of the variance between actual and estimated power cost adjustment revenues derived from the Power Cost Adjustment Factor for the second preceding billing month prior to the current billing month. ($) ~ne formula for calculation of the Correction Factor is as follows: CF = (A) - (B) where (A) = The actual power cost adjustment revenues received from application of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor in the second preceding billing month. ($) (B) = The actual power cost adjustment revenues which should have been collected from application of the Power Cost Adjustment Factor in the second preceding billing mo~th." 005023 O~DIS~CE NO. 1709 PAGE 15 II. THAT CHAPTER 11, SECTION 4.F OF ~{E CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF COT.'r.~"GE STATION, IS HF~E~Y AM~m3 TO READ AS FOLLOWS: "F. Effective Date of Rates These rates shall be effective on all invoices submitted by the City of College Station to users on or after July 1, 1987." III. Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this ordinance be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any purpose, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Vm And, it is ordained that this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance w~th the City charter of the City of College Station. PASSFD ~I~D APPROVED T~IS llth DAY OF June , 1987. Dian Jones, ~ Secretary 005024