HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-1691 - Ordinance - 01/08/1987ORDINANCE NO. 1691 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, an affidavit having been made by the owner of the here- inafter described territory adjoining the incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that there are two registered voters residing within the boundaries of the hereinafter described territory and that the affiant is the sole owner of the hereinafter described territory; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid affidavit having been filed with the City Secretary who has certified the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hear- ing at City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on December 4, 1986, and the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on December 11, 1986, on the question of receiving certain territory into the city limits; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council by virtue of the authority conferred by Article II, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, by this ordinance does hereby receive such territory within the incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, such territory being more particularly described as follows: Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the S.W. Robertson Survey in Brazes County, Texas, being a part of that 956.1 acre tract con- veyed to W.D. Fitch by J.A.C. Developers, Inc. by deed dated 13 July 1984 and recorded in Volume 703, Page 8 of the Official Records of Brazes County, Texas, and being more particularly described in the Exhibit aA" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Attached to and incorporated herein as a part of this Ordinance is a service plan, marked Exhibit "B", providing for the exten- sion of municipal services into the duly described territory, said plan having been presented at the public hearing heretofore named. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 8th day of January, 1987. ATTEST .- ulan Jo~es; 'City Secretary APPROVED: ~yor 004956 2n2.12 ~cre Pratt Ail that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated Developers, Inc. by deed dated 13 July 1984 and recorded ~n way line of State Highway NO. 6, N 49' 48' 46" E - 129.43 fee= Thence along the proposed northeast right-of-way llne of State H19hway NO. 6 as follows= N 40' 10' 24" W - 720.85 feet; N 45' 53' 03" W - 201.00 feet; N 40' 10' 24" W - 1554.45 feet; N 33' 10' 32" W - 148.81 feet; N 39' 35' 36" W - 320.75 feet; City Llmlts llne as fo/lows: N 4" 21' 18" %; - 68.47 feet; Along the arc of a curve to the r~ght {R~950') through a zentral angle of 20" 30' 00", the chord of which bears N 50° 53' 4~" E - 338.09 feet to the P.T. of sa~d curve; N 61° 08' 43" E - 205.82 feet to the P.C. of a curve to the left (Rtl050'): Along the arc of sa~d curve through a central angle of 45° ~8' 59", the chord of which bears N 38' 24' 12" E - 811.81 feet to N 15' 39' 44" E - 653.73 feet to the P.C. of a curve to ~he rLqht (R=950'): 00% the chord of which bears N 21~ 39' 44" E - l~.u0 feet ~c N 27° 39' 44" E - 100.60 feet; '4 70' 36' 42" E - 70.71 feet; Along =he arc Df e curve to the left (R-2050') %hr2ugh a centra~ S 65" 47' 38" E - 467.04 feet; S 43° 57' U4" E - 2487.51 feet to an angle point: S 36" 55' 39" E - 985.64 feet to the most easterly corner Of this S 49' 48' 46" W - 2520.57 feet, at 830.98 feet pass an ~ns/de 0049 7 E~hibi t ",~" 1986 - PETITION FOR ANNEXATION FROM W. D. FITCH SERVICE PLAN A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PLAN OF SERVICE FOR ANNEXATION OF A 202.12 ACRE TRACT OWNED 8Y W. D. FITCH LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF STATE HIGHWAY NO. 6 APPROXIMATELY 2200 FEET SOUTH OF GREENS PRAIRIE ROAD. WHEREAS, HB-1952 requires a plan of service be adopted by the governing body of a city prior to passage of an ordinance annexing an area. WHEREAS, the City of College Station is contemplating annexation of an area bounded as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" NOW, THEREFORE, SE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of A~ticle 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended by HB-1952, there is hereby adopted, for the area bounded as described in Exhibit "A", the following plan of service: a. Police (1) Patrolling, radio responses to calls, and other routine police services, using present personnel and equipment, will be provided on the effective date of annexation. (2) Additional police personnel and patrol cars will be added to continue the present level of police services throughout the city, including the newly annexed areas as required. (3) Traffic signals, traffic signs, street markings, and other traffic control devices will be installed as the need therefore is established by appropriate study and traffic standards. b. Fire (1) No additional equipment or personnel will be required to serve the expanded City. c. Emergency Medical Service (1) NO additional equipment or personnel will be required to serve the expanded City. d. Water (1) Water for domestic, commercial and Industrial use will be available from the City of College Station water supply. An 18" supply line is currently under construction along Highway 6 Exhib~_t "B" 0 0 4 9 5 8 that will stop approximately 600 feet away from the property. The water system will be expanded as development requires it. e. Sewers (1) The necessary sewerage to serve this area will be constructed in accordance with applicable City policy and ordinances. A 12 million gallon per day wastewater treatment plant is planned to ultimatly serve the area. smaller package treatment plants are planned to provide interim treatment until the permanent treatment plant is completed and a collection system developed. The package plants will provide service as soon as the upstream collection system can be constructed. f. Electrical (1) Initial Electrical service to this area will be provided from the existing system within the City. g. Refuse Collection (1) The same refuse collection service provided within the City will be provided in this area in accordance with the policy and ordinances of the City. h. Streets (1) Emergency maintenance of the existing streets (repair of hazardous chuck holes, measures necessary for traffic flow, etc.) will begin on the effective date of annexation. (2) Routine maintenance, on the same basis as within the present City Limits, will begin on the effective date of annexation. (3) Construction, reconstruction and/or resurfacing of streets, installation of storm drainage facilities construction of curbs and gutters, and other such improvements will be made as the need arises and in accordance with the policy and ordinances of the City. i. Inspection Services Any inspection services now provided by the City (building, electrical, plumbing, gas, housing, weights and measures, sanitation, etc.) will begin in the annexed area in accordance with the current City Code on the effective date of Annexation. J. Planning and Zoning The Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction of the City will extend to the annexed area on the effective date of annexation. City planning and zoning requirements will thereafter encompass the annexed area. Ail areas will be zoned A-O until permanent zoning classifications are established. Where prior planning studies 004939 have been $onducted on 5peel/lC pazcels, permanent zoning may be established upon the effective date of annexation if requested by the property owners or initiated by the city council. k. Street Lighting Street lights will be installed in substantially developed commercial and residential areas under the standards currently prevailing in the existing city and in accordance with the policies and ordinances of the City. 1. Recreation Residents of the annexed area may use all existing recreational facilities, parks, etc. on the effective date of annexation. The same standards and policies now used in the present city will be followed in expanding the recreational program and facilities in the enlarged city. m. Miscellaneous (1) Street name signs where needed will be installed within approximately thirty (30) months after the effective date of annexation. 004940 C-I A/P PROPOSED ANNEXATION 202.12 ACRES ~AII NUMBIII, BB-BO.4 TYI~I O1" C~ABI, ANNliXATION 00494i I~i. ANNIN~a i'llVlBION