HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-1670 - Ordinance - 08/14/1986ORDINANCE NO. 1670 AN ORDINANCE RECEIVING CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, an affidavit having been made by the owner of the here- inafter described territory adjoining the limits of the City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that there are no register- ed voters residing within the boundaries of the hereinafter de- scribed territory and that the affiant is the sole owner of the hereinafter described territory; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid affidavit having been filed with the City Secretary who has certified the same to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing at City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on July 17, 1986, and the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on July 24, 1986, on the question of receiving certain territory into the city limits; NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council by virtue of the authority con- ferred by Article II, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of College Station, Texas, by this ordinance does hereby receive such territory within the incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, such territory being more particularly described as follows: Being a 49.089 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Crawford ~urnett League, A-7, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of the 29.9 acre tract described in the Deed recorded in Volume 317, Page 752, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and also being part of the 44.84 acre tract described in the Deed recorded in Volume 411, Page 484, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more particularly describ- ed in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Attached to and incorporated herein as a part of this Ordinance is a service plan, marked Exhibit "B", providing for the exten- sion of municipal services into the duly described territory, said plan having been presented at the public hearing heretofore named. PASSED and APPROVED this 14th day of August, 1986. ATTEST: ]qS~ PETITI~N FGR ANNEXATION FROM AREA PROGRESS CORPORATION W. D. FITCH, PRESIDENT SERVICE PLAN A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PLAN OF SERVICE FOR ANNEXATION OF A 49.089 ACRE TRACT OWNED BY AREA PROGRESS CORPORATION W. D. FITCH, PRESIDENT LOCATED ON ROCK PRAIRIE ROAD. WHEREAS, HB-19hi ~.,i,~,~,.~ a plan of service be adopted by ~he govern~n] b.~,]y of a city prior to passage of an ordinanL,, annexing an area. WHEREAS, the City of College Station is contemplating annexation of an area bounded as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Section 1. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 970a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, as amended by HB-1952, there is hereby adopted, for the area bounded as described in Exhibit "A", the following plan of service: a. Police (I) Patrol~ng, radio responses to calls, and other routine police services, using present personnel and equipment, will be provided on the effective date of annexation. Addit~ona! p,,lice personnel and patrol cars will be added tr, [untinue the present level of police s~rvices through,~ut thc city, including the n~wly annexed ~reas b. Fire Traffic s~gnd]s, traffic signs, street markings, and other traf£~c control devices wll! be installed as th~ need therefore is established by appropriate study and traffic ~tandarda. (1) No add~t~,,nal equipment or personnel will be required to serv, th~ expanded C~ty. c. Emergency Medical Service (1) No addlt~una! equipment or personne! wi]! be required to serve the expanded City. d. Water (l) The waf~l ,{3qtr{but{on system fnr this ar-a plate i'(. R×H,E~'I'T "'R" (1) The sanitary h~w,.r c~,l]ectlon system for th~ ,. ar,., w~ll be installed as d~c~b,.d zn "Exhlbzl "B"" Electrical (1) Initial Electrical Service to this area will be provided from tl~ ~xl~ftn9 system within the C~ty. Refuse Collection (1) The same refuse ¢'ol)ectir. n service provided within the City will be provided i~l this area in accordance witl~ the policy and ordinances of the City. Streets (1) Emergency maintenance of of hazardous chuck holes, traffic flow, etc.) will annexation. the existing streets (repair measures necessary for begin on the effective date of (2) Routine maintenance, present City Limits, of annexation. on the same basis as within the will begin on the effective date (3) Construction, reconstruction and/or resurfacing of streets, Installation of storm drainage facilities construction of curbs and gutters, and other such improvements will be made as the need arises and ~n accordance with the policy and ordinances of the city. Inspection Servic~ Any inspection servi(e£, now provided by the City (building, electrical, plumbing, gas, housing, w~igl~ts and measures, sanitation, etc.) will begin in the annexed area In accordanc~ with the current City Cnde on the effectlv- date of Annexation. Planning and Zoning The Planning and Zoning Jurisdiction of the City wi]! extend to the annexed area on the effective date of annexation. City planning and zoning requirements will thereafter encompass the annexed area. All areas will be zoned A-O until permanent zoning classifications are established· Where prior planning studies have been conducted on parcels, permanent zoning may be established upon [he effective date of annexatl,~n if requested by the pr,>p~r~y ~,wne~s or initiated by the City Councll. $~r,-~et Llql]tlnq Street lights will be installed in substantially developed commercial and residential areau under the standards currently prevailing in the existing city and in accordance witl% the policies and ordinances of the City Recreation Residents of the annexed area may use all existing recreational facilities, parks, etc. on the effective date of annexation. The same standards and policies now used in the present city will be followed itl expanding the recreational program and facilities tn the enlarged city. Mlscella_____neous Street name signs where needed will be installed within approximately thirty ($0) months after the effective date of annexation. LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit "A" Map ~ "1" Exhibit "B" Map # "2" Legal Description 49.089 acre tract Subject Property Water and Sewer Service Description Water and Sewer Map AREA PROGRESS CORPORATION ~9 080 ACP~S TRACT CRAWI~ORD BURNL~T LEAGUe. & BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS PrELD notes oS · 49.089 ecres tract or parcel of lmtd lying the Deed recorded in ¥ol~a~e ]17, Page 7~2, of the Deed Records BraiDS County, Texas, amd also beit~ I~rt o~ the b~8~ acres Jescribed in the Deed recorded in Vol~e ~ll, ~e ~8~, o~ the B~NNZ~ at a 5/8-inch iron rod ~o~ ~rkt~ the co.er of the ~.9 acres t~ct, enid iron ~d be[~ loca~ tn reco~ed In Vo~e 778, ~&e 7~, of the ~ed Reco~a of County, Text, aa~d ~ron rod ~rk~ ~ inferior ell co.er ~a the ~CE S ~8' 1~' 3~' E aZo~ the no.he.st Ztne of the ~.9 acres Tract, s~e bet~ a southwest City Lt~t Line o~ the City of ~ollege S~at[on, Te~s, for a disuse of 2~1~.~ fee~ ~ a for co.er in the cen~erl~ne of the ~[sting Eock ~[r[e said point ~rking ~he north co~er of the C[~y of Colle~ Station q 9] acres tract described in the Deed r~orded in Vol~e ~8, ~]0, of the ~ed ~ecorda of Bravos Cowry, Te~ T~NCE S 51· ~6' ~' · along ~he centerl[ne of Eock be[~ the northwest line off the City of College Station ~.~ acres t~ac= and the City of College Station 1~.8~ acres trac~ described in rhe Deed recorded In Volume ~8, ~e 232. of the ~ed Eeco~a of trac~ described in the Deed recorded in 7olde 5~2, ~ge ~2~, of P~NCE ~ ~Se ~%, 53 ~ alo~ the co~on line off ~he ~.8~ acres ~he 0 ~8 acres trac~, at a dish.ce of ~.20 feel pass a 1/2-inch the eas[ co~er of a ~.OO acres trac~ described [n the ~ed reco~ed [n Volume 819, ~e 826, of ~he Deed Eeco~s of B~soa ~exas, con~[nue alo~ the ea[d e~on line, e~e bel~ ~he ~heas~ lxne of the sa[d 5.O0 ac~s tract, at a diet.ce of ~5.08 fee~ a 1/2-inch iron rod fo~d ma~i~ the no~h co.er of the 5.00 s~e be[~ a southeas~ City ~im[t Line of the City of College T~CE N $1· %2' ~" E along the no~hwest lines of the ~.~ acres tract and ~he 2~ 9 acres tract, same being the sou~heae~ line mf the lq 2 acres ~ract, same being a southeast City L[a[2 ~ne '~e '~ty of College Station. Texas, for a distance off ?~6.11 feet The APdA PROGRBSS COBPORA?IO~ dose here~y grate that there rite no described pr~percy, end shat the AIt~A PR0~RBSS CORPOIqATZ0~ ~e the descrLb~d on B~hibLt 'A' etteched hereto and md· · pez~ hereof. WZTNEB8 OUR HAffD at College StetLon, Tezea this the 30th dey of April 1986. AREA PRO~ftBS8 COItPORA'I'Z ON ACXMOMLEDGI4KNT T~E S?AI~OP ?~AS X COUNT~ Of BRAZOS X ~e ch· person and o~£%cer ~hoee nmue S~a~e o£ Texel. Printed Ky ccnn~Lme~on expAre~~~