HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1994 - Workshop Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1994 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT 5:30 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Crouch, Mariott, Hickson, Fox, Mcllhaney COUNClLMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmember Kennedy th~.~ ~ ,. The Mayor called '<~ [t~ ~_,,.50 p.m. items outlined ~~ ~~ A~enda Item N~ - ~ ~~ pur~~'~''?'' ' ' ~'~ ~Ker~tewater Infrastructure Uana,ement S~ ~ ~6~ ~b~hic,~mation System. Purchase Price ~.~5~ ~'- '~ ~' ' '~ :'' .... ""~ Councilman Fox .~h,~m ~r~e~~he long range use plan. Robe~ Gadbois replie~~ ~yc ~e add~t~t-the information will be gathered and maintained to be useful f6'~'a~'planning models. A~enda Item No. 2.2 - Approval of Pebble Creek Real Estate Contract Councilman Fox inquired about thirty feet of right-of-way to Pebble Creek Group. Economic and Development Services Director Elrey Ash explained that several years ago an agreement was made between the College Station Economic Development Foundation and Mr. Fitch to dedicate right-of-way to the City for the construction of a roadway known as Enterprise Avenue. At that time, the city agreed to furnish half of the right-of-way along the 200 acres, and pay for half the construction of roadway. The city also agreed to participate in a water line extension which would serve both the 200 acres and Pebble Creek. Subsequently, it was decided that Enterprise Drive would not be extended through to Pebble Creek, thereafter, the roadway would extend from Marsh City of College Station Providing Customer Service £xcellence Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 1994 Page 2 Blvd. and be a part of the Pebble Creek Subdivision. Mr. Ash pointed out that CSlSD is considering a new school site on 15 acres. To summarize, the City agreement allows for the dedication of 30 ft. of property along the north side of the Business park to Pebble Creek and Pebble Creek Phase V, and a 70 ft. right-of-way from Marsh Blvd. to Pebble Creek. The city shall pay monies not to exceed $105,000 for half of the construction of Enterprise Avenue, and no more than $17,500 for waterline construction. A.qenda Item No. 2.5 - Bid #94-26 - Request for contract services for day to day work on city's electrical system. Councilman Hickson asked for clarification based on the amount of dollars allocated in the bidding process on Exhibit A. Bob Pohl explained that the contract is for a series of work units on various types of construction and distribution systems. The Iow bid of $442,715.09 was accepted by staff because staff felt the amount would suffice for this year. A.qenda Item No. 2.7 - Resolution supportin.q the TAMU Special Events Center. Mayor Ringer and Councilman Hickson added language to the resolution submitted in the packet. A,qenda Item No. 2.11 - Consideration of final plats for Emerald Forest Phases 10 and 10A. Councilwoman Mcllhaney asked a question regarding the access to the new phases and the deteriorating conditions of the roadways. Brett McCully, Project Engineer displayed an overhead of the plat. Mr. Ash explained that the access road to the wastewater treatment plant will be a gravel roadway with a 30 ft. easement and not a public roadway. He further added that Mr. Swoboda submitted these plats in accordance with the terms of the development agreement. A,qenda Item No. 2.13 - Final Plat for Estates at River Run, an ETJ subdivision Councilwoman Mcllhaney inquired about the future roadway system in this area. Assistant City Engineer Veronica Morgan mentioned that staff discussed roadway connections to Highway 60 with the applicant. Councilwoman Mcllhaney suggested the staff keep this issue in mind because this idea may be a topic that the county commissioners, TAMU officials and the City should discuss and plan ahead. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 1994 Page 3 A.qenda Item No. 2.9 - Final Plat and Site Plan of Waterford Apartments in the Troy Subdivision located along the west side of Dartmouth Drive approximately 190 feet north of the Col,(late Drive intersection. Councilman Fox asked if the residents on Colgate were aware of this development proposal. Mayor Ringer stated that hearings were held and the residents voiced their concerns with the original proposal; subsequently, the owner revised his plans, and the residents seemed pleased with the new conditions imposed upon the owner by the Planning and Zoning Commission. AQenda Item No. 2 -- Status Report of Development Review Process. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer introduced this item. He stated that in the past few months focus group meetings were held between the development community and staff to receive input from the customers and thereby, implementing procedural changes to improve the development review process. He stated that changes made to date were administrative or procedural. Future changes may require ordinance or policy changes. Assistant Director of Economic and Development Services Jim Callaway identified the common theme areas agreed and the problem areas to be addressed by staff. Two changes included the centralized review of the plans and coordinating a single point of contact to make arrangements with any conflicts or changes within the plans. Mr. Callaway pointed out that basic changes were implemented in the area of site plan reviews, plat submissions, and other related materials. Mr. Callaway provided Council with the draft version of the citizens development policies handbook. He suggested the Council retain these booklets in their council binders for immediate reference. Positive and negative comments were expressed toward the staff's suggested changes. Mayor Ringer asked council for staff direction on the three proposed suggestions identified by staff. The council concurred that the Planning and Zoning Commission may be the proper authority to consider and make decisions on minor applications. The council also agreed that the process of bringing to the City Council's agenda plat reviews and consideration stage is appropriate, thereby, utilizing the current procedure. The item regarding combined Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council zoning hearings was not decided at this point. Further discussion to be held on these topics at a later date. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 1994 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 3 -- Presentation and discussion of Economic Development pro.qram, policies and procedures. Executive Director of the B/CS Economic Development Corporation Robert Worley, and College Station EDC representatives John Anderson and Dick Birdwell came forward to make this presentation. Mr. Worley provided Council members with a proposed draft package of the EDC marketing plan which outlined the Corporation's mission statement, goals and objectives (ends and means statements). He presented various aspects of the marketing plan. Discussion was held on the due diligence package requirements for the prospects. The plan additionally addresses the B/CS EDC as the decision making authority for projects $100,000 and under. Councilmembers discussed the qualifying factors to determine priority considerations for community investments. Councilwoman Crouch suggested the ranking or scoring system to weigh the priority projects. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Birdwell made additional comments. Mr. Worley addressed the financial commitment of the City of College Station to the B/CS EDC in the amount of $200,000. He explained the use of these funds. Mr. Birdwell mentioned the importance of informing the public of the benefits to both communities no matter where a prospect is located. Mr. Anderson concurred. Discussion was held on current incentives the community of College Station offers new prospects and what steps should be taken to bring these businesses to College Station, keeping in mind the opening of the Business Park. In summary, the council expressed support of the idea for a B/CS EDC marketing plan. Mr. Birdwell, Mr. Anderson, and Mr. Worley left the meeting. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer addressed the Council on the topic of real property asset management. He outlined the purpose of the policy statements, goals, and discussed land management principles. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, June 8, 1994 Page 5 City Manager Ragland stated that the staff is seeking feedback from the council to address the questions within the Economic Development arena. He proposed a few questions for council to begin thinking about. Mr. Ragland made comments about the EDC marketing plan proposal. Following further comments, the Mayor selected Councilmembers Mariott and Crouch to serve as the subcommittee to the EDC to make recommendations on the marketing plan. Councilman Hickson shall serve as an alternate. Mayor Ringer asked staff to continue working toward a real property asset management policy and bring a proposal back to the council on a future workshop agenda for further discussion. Additionally, the council and staff should also review the B/CS Economic Development policies and marketing plan for discussion at a future meeting. AQenda Item No. 4 -- Committee Reports No comments were reported. AQenda Item No. $ -- Council Calendars Mayor Ringer reminded the City Council of their invitation to attend the Bryan City Council Special Meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14th. A=enda Item No. 6 -- Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: