HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1994 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1994 CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Mayor Pro-tem Mcllhaney, ER.~, ~.~uncilmembers Mari~~ion, Kennady COUNClLMEMB ~.~. ~ers Cro~nd Fox "" ~' ~ ~'"' '"~ ity Attorney ~~¢¢~}~cke,.~~ Cit~{.~nager B~mer, City ~:~;~ ¥~.. %~nn~~_~ ~er Kuenzel ,.~,~,~ .% .-..:. .... , ~ ~.e~ ;~ Mayor Ringer ~lled the~~~~t~ordof ~t 7:~:~,$:' STATUTORY AGENDA (1.2) (1.3) (1.4) Approved Iow bid in the amount of $181,150 to J.H.W. Contractors. Funds available in Community Development Budget. Approved annual contract with G&K Services of Bryan for renting and cleaning of employee uniforms in the amount of $65,000. Funds available in FY 1993-94 General, Utility and Sanitation Funds. Bid #94-47 - Approved exterior painting and repair of Public Services Center Roof, Facilities Maintenance Division in the amount of $24,999 to Thorn Painting. Funds available in FY 1993-94 General Fund. Bid #94-94 - Approved contract for distribution transformer PCB testing as mandated by EPA and TNRCC, Electric Division with JACO, Inc. in the amount of $229,000. Funds available in Utility Fund. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, June 23, 1994 Page 2 Statutory agenda items were approved by common consent. CONSENT AGENDA (2.1) Approved minutes for Special Meeting, May 19, 1994, Workshop Meeting, June 8, 1994, Regular Meeting June 9, 1994, and Executive Session, June 9, 1994. (2.2) Approved Ordinance No. 2070 amending Chapter 10, Section 2-D of the Code of Ordinances regarding special hazard intersections controlled by stop signs. (2.3) Approved Ordinance No. 2071 vacating and abandoning a portion of a 40 ft. drainage easement, located on Lot 7, Block 1, Emerald Forest Phase 2, more commonly known as 8603 Rosewood. Applicant, Emil Ogden. (2.4) Approved amendment to Governance Policy to include the Strategic Issue Policy. (2.5) Approved amendment to City of College Station Policies Manual Section 1E Employee Benefits, Holiday. (2.6) Approved additional positions in the Planning Divisions Building cost center to perform building inspection duties. Strategic Issues No. 3 and 4, Community Appearance and Economic Development; and Ends Statements No. 5, Quality Service and No. 8, Civic Pride. (2.7) Approved final plat for Cat Hollow Subdivision, located adjacent to existing Glenhaven Subdivision between Glenhaven Drive and Dominik Drive (94-218). (2.8) Approved final plat for Ponderosa Place 1, Tract F, located on the northwest corner of Rock Prairie Road and SH 6 west frontage road. (94-219) All consent agenda items were approved by common consent with the exception of Agenda Item No. 2.6. Aaenda Item No. 2.6 Councilman Kennady removed this item. Mr. Kennady made a motion to add an additional building inspector on a full time temporary basis until the upcoming budget is discussed and subsequently consider this as a permanent position. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, June 23, 1994 Page 3 The motion died for lack of second. Following further comments, Councilman Mariott made the motion to authorize staff to advertise and hire two Building Inspectors and an additional vehicle and necessary equipment. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 4-1, Councilman Kennady voted against. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION AQenda Item No. 3 - Public hearing and consideration of an ordinance rezonin.q 17.33 acres near the southeast comer of Rock Prairie Road and Highway 6 from C-2 Commercial Industrial to R-$ Medium Density Apartments. Applicant Edward Uvacek (94-108). Staff Planner Kuenzel summarized this rezoning request. Planning and Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Kennady made the motion to approve Ordinance No. 2072 to rezone 17.33 acres near the southeast corner of Rock Prairie Road and Highway 6 from C-2 Commerical Industrial to R-5 Medium Density Apartments. Councilman Mariott seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. AQenda Item No. 4 - Public hearinq and consideration of third and final readin¢~ rec~ardin~ proposed franchise agreement with Advance Hydrocarbon Corporation for disposal of saltwater through a pipeline system in the right-of-way of Rock Prairie Road. Mayor Ringer opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Ringer closed the public hearing. Councilman Hickson moved approval of Ordinance No. 2073 on the franchise agreement with Advance Hydrocarbon Corporation. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimosly, 5-0. City Council Regular Meeting Thursday, June 23, 1994 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 5 - Discussion and consideration of citizen committee appointments. Councilman Kennady made the motion to appoint John Nichols as Chairman of the Community Appearance Committee and Sara Jones as Vice Chairman of the Community Appearance Committee. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. Councilman Mariott made the motion to appoint Kathryn O'Briant for a one year term on the Community Appearance Committee to replace Doug. Welch. Councilman Hickson seconded the motion which carried unanimously, 5-0. Councilman Kennady made the motion to appoint Gary Halter as a member of the Historic Preservation Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hickson which carried unanimously, 5-0. Agenda Item No. 6 - Hear Visitors. Councilwoman Mcllhaney reported that Bryan/College Station was one of five cities selected to make a presentation to AMCC Board of Directors in Amarillo on Thursday, July 28th with regard to the 1996 AMCC Conference. Agenda Item No. 7 - Adjourn Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 7:20 p.m. ATTEST: / ~ ' ~t~ Secretary ~onnie Hooks APPROVED: GUEST REGISTER CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING THURSllAY, JUNE 23, 1994 7:00 P.M. 11. II. 12. 111. e 10. 1tl. 20.