HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/1994 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMAYOR Larry J. Ringer MAYOR PRO-TEM Fred Brown CiTY MANAGER Ron Ragland COLLEGE STATION COUNCILMEMBERS Hub Kennady Lynn Mcllhaney Vernon Schneider David Hickson Nancy Crouch MINUTES CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1994 4:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ringer, Councilmembers Brown, Kennady, Mcllhaney, and Crouch COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Councilmen Schneider and Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Ragland, Assistant City Manager Woody, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, City Attorney Locke, Asst. City Attorney Shively, Director of Management Services Piwonka, Director of Fiscal/Human Resources Schroeder, Finance Director Cryan, Asst. Public Services Director Smith VISITORS PRESENT: Refer to guest register Mayor Ringer called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. A.qenda Item No. 1 - Discussion of Statutory and Consent Agenda Items outlined on Thursday, January 13th acmnda. No items were removed for discussion. A.qenda Item No. 2 - Discussion of policy considerations re.qardin~ ;)rol~osed prohibition of sale/possession of tobacco products by minors. This item was brought before the Council at the request of Councilmembers Mcllhaney and Crouch as a follow up to the presentation by Dr. Shipman to the City Council on this particular issue at their September 23rd meeting. Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer directed the Council's attention to the agenda packet materials, specifically a memorandum to the City Manager about the policy issues regarding this subject. City of College Station, Texas Providing Customer Service Excellence City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 12, 1994 Page 2 One of the principal concerns by councilmembers related to problem areas associated with tobacco sales and possession of cigarettes by minors and future health implications. Police Chief Feldman spoke to the Council about the specifics in terms of policing aspect and enforcement efforts. To conclude discussion of this item, the City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance with regard to placement of vending machines and prohibition of possession of cigarettes by minors. In addition, the Council asked staff to produce an ordinance for council consideration to prohibit smoking in any public establishment. The Council based their requests on the overall public health issue. Agenda Item No. 3 - Presentation on solid waste service delivery options. City Manager Ragland introduced this item. He pointed out that this presentation is based from the staff's point of view toward the issue of privatization and franchises on solid waste collection. Assistant City Manager Brymer presented background information on solid waste collection. He proposed four major points for city councilmembers to review and consider with respect to the solid waste collection efforts and franchising decisions based on policies which establish effective framework. Mr. Brymer explained in greater detail the solid waste franchise policies. One major point is that all privatizing decisions of governmental functions should be granted as a franchise. Following, further explanation of the solid waste franchise policies and recommendations, staff requested council's denial of the Mayfield franchise application before the Council on the regular meeting agenda. Mr. Brymer suggested that the staff review and analyze the service quality and pricing toward the end of the current franchisee's agreement. If the results indicated a need for change, then the staff would prepare an RFP and solicit proposals. Councilmembers consented to the process of requesting proposals for solid waste collection toward the conclusion of the two year agreement with Texas Commercial Waste. Councilwoman Mcllhaney emphasized that the city is responsible for protecting its investments. City Council Workshop Meeting Wednesday, January 12, 1994 Page 3 Agenda Item No. 4 - Committee Reports: Councilman Crouch presented a progress report on the Brazos 2020 visionary process. Ms. Crouch also mentioned that she attended the meetings of the Expo Park Committee and briefed the council on its action plan. Agenda Item No. 5 - Council Calendars Mayor Ringer reminded councilmembers of the council retreat on Saturday, January 15th and the Special Meeting on Wednesday, February 16th related to Cable Franchise Negotiations. At:lenda Item No. 6 - Discussion of Council's Perpetual Aaenda No discussion was held on this agenda item. Agenda Item No. 7 -Adjoum. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m. ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks APPROVED: