HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/1996 - Workshop Minutes City CouncilMayor LYNN MCILHANEY Mayor Pro Tempore HUB KENNADY City Manager GEORGE K. NOE COLLEGE STATION Council Members BILL FOX LARRY MARIOTT DAVID HICKSON DICK BIRDWELL BRAD MARTIN MINUTES COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1996 3:00 P.M. COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Mayor Protem Kennady, Councilmembers Mariott, Birdwell, Fox, Hickson STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Noe, Assistant City Manager Brymer, City Secretary Hooks, Acting City Attorney Nemcik, Public Relations and Marketing Director Calliham, Director of Finance Schroeder, Community Development Director Carroll Mayor Mcllhaney called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. ARenda Item No. 1 -- Discuss consent and statutory agenda items listed for regular council meetinq of Thursday, Au.qust 8, 1996 Councilmembers selected items from the consent agenda to be discussed during this time. Staff members Jo Carroll, Kent Laza, Edwin Hard provided the necessary information. Item 6(c} -- Sale of 128 Southland to the Brazos Valley Community Action Agency for use in new affordable housing program initiative Item 6(e) -- Oversize participation for installation of an underground drainage system adjacent to the Grand Oaks Subdivision. Item 6(h) -- Establishing 50 mph speed limit on Rock Prairie Road between SH 6 east frontage road and Greens Prairie Road. Providing Customer Service Excellence Workshop 8~8~96 Page 2 Item 6(i) -- Speed limits on SH 6 frontage road in south College Station and amending the city's traffic code to reflect one way operation of Highway 6 east and west frontage roads in College Station. Item 6(i) -- Contract with Galin Corporation in the amount of $532,210 for Rock Prairie Road Landfill section 13 Development Project. Item 6(n) -- Purchase order to Department of Health and Kinesiology at TAMU for annual health and fitness evaluations for Fire Department in the amount of $17,490. A,qenda Item No. 2 -- Discuss proposal from Ralph Anderson & Associates for City Attorney search Councilman Fox inquired about a particular option within the proposal. This item shall be considered during the regular session. A.qenda Item No. 3 -- Discuss ends statement #3 Health and Public Safety Mayor Mcllhaney established a 15 minute time limit for discussion of this item. She referred to a summary prepared from previous discussion on July 11, 1996. Mayor Mcllhaney strongly expressed the benefits of receiving information from other entities and groups and the impacts they have experienced with different programs in the various communities. Council discussed the city's responsibility to delivery of health care to individuals. In conclusion, council agreed to hold a future workshop meeting to receive input from representatives of the Texas Health Department. A.qenda Item No. 4 -- Present the 1996-97 Annual Budqet City Manager Noe presented the proposed budget based on the city council ends statements. Improvements were made in the descriptions of service levels and performance measures and staff continues to implement action plans on council strategic uses and re-engineering and efficiency efforts in the departments. Mr. Noe explained the proposed funding allocations in each fund. Council asked staff to provide a list of consultants who serve on various studies and projects included as part of this budget. Workshop 8~896 Page 3 Council discussed the schedule of dates for public hearing and budget adoption. A.qenda Item No. 5 -- Present the 1883 Depot project alternatives and locations. Members of the Northgate Revitalization Board were recognized by Mayor Protem Kennady. Staff member Todd McDaniel explained the council's past action, the current status of project, project scope and project options. Staff recommended Alternative 2 in the amount of $250,000 for development and $50,000 in annual operation and maintenance costs. He noted that the TAMU class of 1994 has withdrawn their contribution. Staff requested council direction on whether to move forward with the Train Depot project. Council discussed potential location sites and the responsibility of ongoing maintenance. After substantial discussion regarding funding, Councilman Hickson made a motion to table this item with no expenditure of funds or staff time to be applied toward this issue at this time. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried 5-1, Mayor Protem Kennady voted against. A.qenda Item No. 6 -- Citizen Committee Appointments Mayor Mcllhaney noted that Mr. George McLean, a recent appointee to the Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board is not a licensed architect. She asked for council agreement to note his position as a "citizen at large". Mayor Mcllhaney directed staff to contact the Local Chapter of the Architectural Association to solicit licensed architects to fulfill the position. She asked Planning and Zoning staff to prepare an ordinance amendment to reflect the change in membership requirements of this board and bring back to council for consideration. Councilman Mariott made a motion to appoint Marsha Sanford to the Community Appearance Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fox which carried unanimously, 6-0. Councilman Fox made a motion to appoint Dr. Bryan Howard to the Historic Preservation Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mariott which carried unanimously, 6-0. Workshop 8~8~96 Page 4 A.qenda Item No. 7 -- 1998 AMCC Conference Mayor Mcllhaney pointed out that the Cities of Bryan and College Station will host the AMCC Conference in July, 1998. The cities are required to host a breakfast meeting at the Waco conference next summer. She asked council to begin thinking about this event and new ideas. Future workshop meetings will be necessary to coordinate the opening reception in July, 1998. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Discuss desiqnatin,q FM 2818 and SH 6 as named memorial hi.qhways. Councilmembers Birdwell and Kennady requested this item be placed on the workshop agenda for Council to discuss their level of interest in the possibility of placing names on these roadways in College Station. Mayor Mcllhaney referred this item to the City Affairs Committee to coordinate with the City of Bryan and Brazos County. If the two entities are interested, staff will bring this item back to council. Council asked for a detailed cost estimate. Agenda Item No. 9 -- Committee Reports Councilman Fox commented briefly on problem areas related to the budget of the 911 District Budget regarding dispatch services and the identification of monies to the County and Bryan. Mayor Mcllhaney encouraged Mr. Fox to review the Brazos Animal Shelter budget because of similar aspects. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Council Calendars August 14 - Special Meeting to canvass election returns September 19 -- Region 10 meeting, September 19 September 27 - Council Dynamics Workshop November 13-16 - TML Meeting in Corpus Christi Mayor Mcllhaney proposed a monthly Mayor/Council breakfast meeting on the third Friday of each month. Approximately 50 citizens will be selected from the utility roll and sent an invitation. This program was benchmarked from Estes Park, Colorado. Workshop 8/8/96 Page 5 A.qenda Item No. 11 -- Adjourn Mayor Mcllhaney adjourned the workshop meeting at 5:10 p.m. The council moved into executive session. APPROVED: MaycCr Lynn Mcllhaney ~ ATTEST: City Secretary Connie Hooks