HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-1638 - Ordinance - 03/13/1986OHDZNANCE NO. 1638 AN ORDZNANCE ANENDZNG AND 8UPER6EDZNG OROZNANCE NO. 850, AND ALL OTHER ORDZNANCEE ZN CONFLZCT WZTH THZ80RDZNANCEI PROVZDZND A REVZDZON AND UPOATZNE OF THE ZONZND REDULATZOH6 AND THE ZONZR6 NAP OF THE CZTY OF COLLEGE 6TATZON~ TEXAS. ALL ZN ACCORDANCE WZTH A CONPREHENSZVE PLAN FOR THE DEVELOPNENT OF THE CZTY~ AND ZN ACCORDANCE WZTH THE PROVZDZON8 OF THE ART[CLE$ 1011a-J,V.AoC.8.1 TO PROVZDE FOR A BOARD OF ADJUETNENT AND DEFZNZN$ ZT$ POWERS AND DUTZE$1 PRE$CRZBZN$ PENALTIES FOR THE VZOLATZON OF ZT$ PROVIB/ONBi AND PROVZDZNE FOR ZTE ENFORCENENTI CONTAZNZN$ A SAVZN$ AND DEVERABZLZTY CLAUSE AND PROVZDZ#D A PROCEDURE FOR ANENDNENTI AND PROVZDZN6 FOR AN EFFECTZVE DATE. #HEREAE~ a duly appointed PLanntng end Zoning Commtaelon hmo conducted axtenatve atudtaa~ aurvnya, end conference, to codtfy end brtng up to data tho ZonJng Ordinance an,,tad tn 1978. end nmandmantl thareto~ to meet the ne,da of an expending end oromtng 01ty. eLL tn conformity mtth en approved comprnhnnafvn plan for tho development of the City. raqutred end deetgned to Lea,an ,eno,etlon tn the etreeta~ to ,,cure gaiety from flra~ panto~ and other danoaro~ promote health end general weLfare~ to provide adequate Ltght end air. to pr,vent ovgrcromdlno of the Lend. evotd undue concnntrntlon of population, mod to facilitate the economic and ed,quota pr,vi,ton of Ir,nap,fLatten. meter~ ,em,rage. drainage, achooLo~ parka end other feotLittea, to protect htatorlc atructuraai ham held pubLtc hnnrtnga end oubmttted final report to the City CounotLl and WHEREA$~ ArttoLae 1011d end 1011a~ V.A.C.S. empowers the City to nmend~ to euppLemant, oh,no,. ,odtfy or repeal the Zoning Ordtnanoel end · BEREA$. ArttcLn lO¶¶g. V.A.C.D. amp,mere the Zoning Board of AdJuetmant to conatder the Zoning OfftctaLI end WBEREAR~ the Ctty CounctL hem gtvan due nottce of haarinoa related to Zontng WHEREAB~ aLL requirement, of ArttcLea 10¶1d~ ¶0¶to. and lO¶¶g~ V.A.C.$. wtth regard to oh,ncaa tn a zoning ordtnenoe have been met. NOW THEREFORE~ BE ZT ORDAZNED BY THE CZTY COURCZL OF THE CZTY OF COLLEGE $TATZON~ TEXAE= PREFACE Thte ordinance ta end nhaLL hereby bm codtftnd ea Chapter ¶E of the CoLLege Station Code of Ordtnenoea end ,heLL be referred to ae the Zontng Ordinance. 'btm ordinance rapLncao end ouparcedaa nntlrnLy Ordinance 850 and subsequent amnfldmontBi providing then limn shaLL continue to appLy aa to thB enforcement of violations mhtch occurred thereunder end vioL,clone othermtae not subject to the enforcement of the prcvtalonn of th1, ordfnanoa. ALL violation, of tho provJatonn of this ordtnenoe ,courting after tie effective date shiLL be proaacuted or subject to eof.remnant hereunder~ trrlapeottve of ih,thor Or not guoh conduct would have been tn vt,Lenten of any prior ordinance,. ALL nrdtnanoaa pertaining to the cLannlftontton for uae of pnrt1ouLnr ptaoca of property ihaLL bm unaffected hnreby~ end euoh ordtnanoel nra hereby oonfirmed. Zontng Ordinance page 1-1 6ECTZON 1. 1.1 ESTABLZGHNENT OF DZSTRZCTgB PROYZgZON6 FOR AH OFFZCZAL ZONZNG HAP OZVZBZOH OF CZTY ZNTO USE DZETRZCTBi The aevnreL dtatrlota Into mhtch the Ctty of CoLLege Station te dtvtdnd ere hereby deetgneted end deecrtbed ae foLLowal Dtetrtct A-O Oletrtct R-1 Dtntriot fl-lA Dtetrtct R-2 Dtetrtot R-3 Dtatrtct R-4 DIntrtot R-5 Dlatrtnt R-6 Dlntrtot R-7 Dtetrlct C-N Dtatrtot C-N6 District A-P Dtetrint C-1 Otetrtnt C-g Dtatrtot C-3 Dtatrtot N-1 Dlatrtot N-g Dtetrtot C-U Dtetriot P,U,D, Dletrtot C-P,U.D. AgricuLture-Open Space, 61noLe FnBtLy RentdnnttaL. StngLa FamiLy ResidentiaL, DupLex RoxtdantteL. Townhouee-Rowhouan, Apartment/Low Denntty Apertmaot/Hedtom Donetty Apartment/High Oenelty HobtLe Home Perk Neighborhood Nuntneee CommerciaL Northgate Admtnletrettva/Pro~neetoneL gnnnrnL CommerciaL CommorctaL/ZnduatrtnL PLanned ComlnrcfeL PLanned ZnduntrtaL Heavy ZnduBtrloL CoLLege end Untveratty PLanned Unit DeveLopment CommerctnL PLanned Untt DeveLopment Zoning Ordtnanoe page 1-2 [ ,' 1.g A. OB 1.3 A. OFFZCZAL ZO#ZNE HAP; The city la hereby divided Into the above zonee~ or dtatrteta~ ,a ,hewn en the OfftotaL Zoning hereby adopted by r,faranoa end deaL,red to be a part of this ordtnene,. The OfftoI,L Zoning Hap ,hail b, Identified by the signature of the Hayer attested by the Ctty 6egret,fy end bearing the 5eeL of the Ctty of CoLLage Stettoe under the foLLowing "Th~, to to oerttfy that thta 1, the OfftetaL Zontng Hap referred to tn Sectton 1 of Ordinance Ne. BOO of the Ctty of CoLLage Station. Texas. dated October. 1072.' [fa tn accordance with the provt,tone of thio ordinance end ArttcLee ¶0¶ld end ¶011e~ V.A.C.B.~ changes er, mede tn the dlltrtct boundart,, or other matter portrayed on the 0fftotaL Zoning Hep. such changes sheLL be entered on the OfftctaL Zests0 Hapw promptLy after the amendment has been approved by the Ctty CoueetL end atoned by the Hayer. Approved zontng changes shaLL bm entered on the OfflofaL Zontng Hep by the Ctty PLanner and each change .heLL be Identified on the Hap with the date end number of the ordln,nue lektng the change. No amendment to th18 ordtnanue whteh tnvoLvee matter portrayed on the 0fftetaL Zoning Hap lheLL beoowe effective until .fret ouch change and entry hag been mede on the aald lap, No change of any nature shaLL be wade on the OfftotaL Zoning Hap or matter · hewn thereon except tn oonformlty wtth procedures lot forth tn thta ordinance. Any unauthorized change of whatever ktnd by any parson or persona sheLL bo nonltdered a vioLation of thta ordinaries and punishabLe el provtded under Section 16. RegardLess of the existence of purported copies of the offtctaL Zontno Hep which way from time to ttee b. wed. or pubLtahed~ the OfftcteL Zoning Hep~ which .haLL be Located tn the offtca of the City PLenntng Dapartw.nt~ .heLL be the ftnaL authority aa to the current zoning .tatua of Land and eater ereea~ butLdtnoa and other atructuraa In the Ctty. The OffletaL Zoning Hep .haLL be avaiLabLe to the public at aLL hour. wh.n the Ctty HaLL ta open to the pubLto. REPLACEHENT OF DFFZCZAL ZONZNO HARt Zn the event that the 0fftuf,L Zontng Hap becomes daweged~ destroyed. Lost or difficult to Interpret beoauaa of the nature end/ur number of changes end additions, the City CounctL w,y. by resoLution, adopt · new OfftoteL Zoning Hep~ whtuh sheLL aupareada the prtor 0fftcteL Zoning Hap. The new OfftctaL Zontng Hep way correct drefttno or other errors or owl,atone in tho prtor 0fflutaL Zontng Hep~ but no such corraotlon ,haLL have the effect of amendtng the orlotfleL OffiGtaL Zontng Hep or any sub.squint .mendw.nt thereof. The new OfftclBL Zonlng Hep shaLL be Identified by the signature of tho Heyor~ attested by the Ctty Seoretary~ and beartng the SeaL of the Ctty end date under the foLLowing word,l "Thte t, to certtfy that th1, OfftclaL Zoning Hep eupercede, and r,pLmce, the OfftoteL Zontog Hep adopted [date of adoption of lap betn9 repLaced) ee parc of Ordinance No. OS0 of tho City of CoLLege Stetlon~ Texee." Zoning Ordtnmno, page 1-3 ' r)6 L: C UnLace the prior OfftcleL Zontng Hap hae been Leer er has been totaLLy destroyed~ the prtor map or any etgntftcant perte thereof re.atnlng~ 8heLL be preearved~ together wtth eLL avaiLabLe record, pertaining to 1re adoptten or Zoning Ordinance page 1-4 SECTION E, DEFiNiTiONS: For the purpoee or thtl ordinance, certain wcrde ae ueed herein ere defined foLLowsl ACCESSORY USE ON STRUCTURE, ON BUZLDZNE: A buiLding, ltructure, or use which: [b) ts subordinate tn eras, extent, or purpose to the prtwBry uae served! [d) te Located wtthtn the Bale zontng dlatrlct ee the prtwary uae; end occupant[s] of the principaL structure, related wtthtn the wssntng of this aec:ton tf they ere reLated wtthtn the Begged degree of conelngutnJty or affinity. ANTZOUE SHOPs A buelnees whtoh seLLI 1tale whoee vaLue ts greater then crlotneL purchase price because of age or Intrinsic vaLue. APARTRERTI An "spar:went' ts s room or group of roows used el e dweLLing for one (¶) fswiLy unit, with faclLfttee for preparing food theretn, APARTHENT BUZLDZNS: A butLdtno or pot:ton thereof used or tn:ended to be uaed BO · home for three [3] or wore fewlLtel or househoLda Living IndependentLy or each other and each equipped for preparation of food. APARTNENT HOTEL: A butLdtno ueed or tntended Co be used e8 a howe of tweLve [1E] or more feltLtssw who ere permanent reatdents, LlvJnO IndependentLy of ssoh other~ tn which buiLdlng shaLL be Located on the ftrst floor Ltvtng units for transient gueste~ end/or retetL BeLow end cervices. APPLZCANT: An Individual eeektng mn ectton~ s perwtt, or other approvaL under the provisions of thts ordinance. ART STUDZO OR GALLERY: Where objeot8 of er: ere created or dispLayed for the pubLtc enrichment or where aetd obJeote of art ere displayed for BaLe [tncLudinO the teechtnO of both paJnttng and 8suLpturtno) as the primary use of the structure. ATTENDANT BUZLDZNG: A butLdtng used to houee the manager or attendant of e pubLto or prtvata parktng Lot. AUTOHOBZLE REPAZR SHOPs Any prell:em or etruoturee when ueed for the oervtutng Zontng Ordinance pegs 2-1 ")q6 { end/or rcpotr of motor vehlcLecf including paint and body morke enotne rebuilding end minor iclntencnoe octlvtttaa, trracpoottve cf commercial gate derived therefrom. Excepted from thla definition ere residential premtoeo where not lore then tmo (RI motor vehlcLea belonging to the Lawful roctdento thereof ore InvoLved tn euoh activities at any one times and not in operating oondttton~ or mhero not wore then one [1] motor vehtcLe~ ehether or not tn opcrattno condition, and not beLonging to thc Lawful reeidenta thereof te InvoLved tn lUOh activities for a period of more then one [1) week. and only one {1] motor vehicLe may bo serviced and/or repctred each month. BED & BREAKFAST ZNNs A residentiaL ctructure where two [2] or fewer room. are four [4) et any one ttmc. BOARD OF ADJUBTNENTs The ZontnO Board of AdJuatmant of the Ctty of CoLLege 6tatton (See 6ectton 16). BUZLDZNEs A "buiLding" t8 any ctruoturc butLt for the oupport~ sheLter, or encLoauro of pereoncp chetteLa or movabLe property of any ktnd and which tc efftxed to thc Lend. BUZLDZNS COVERAGE AREAs The "buiLding coverage area" of the Lot ta the groom area covered by the structure when placed on thl Lot. BUZLDZNG OFFZCZALi Tho daotonetcd #BuiLding OfftCtBL" of the Ctty of CoLLege Stetton. or hie deatoneted repraaentettva. BUZLDZNE PLOT OR PRE#ZSESs ALL of thc Lend mtthtn c proJect~ whether one or more LoCo~ deveLoped according to · common plan or dalton for similar cr rcvtam purpoeec. The detorltnotton of the boundaries of · butLdlng plot cheLL CARPORTs A structure mhtch hca ancLoatno maLLs for Leto then 5D~ of perimeter covered mtth · roof and constructed apectftccLLy for the storage of omi [1] or wore iotor vehtcLel. CHZLD CAREs Any faotLtty or premtoae where caren [7] or more children under Itxteen [16] yearl of age reguLarLy attend for purposes of cuctody, care. or tnetructtonl end whtoh chtLdren ere not melbera of the Immediate nucLear fomtLy of any naturaL poraon actuaLLy operating the faotLtty or prcmIoaa. CZTYs Thc Ctty of CoLLege Etctton~ Texas. CZTY ATTORNEYs The "City Attorney" of the Ctty of CoLLege Station. CZTY ENSZNEERs The "Ctty Engineer" of thc Ctty of CoLLege Stetton. CZTY PLANNERs The "City PLanner" cf the Ctty of CoLLcoa Etetton. Zoning Ordtnlnce page B-E CLAGGZFZCATZON AMEND#ENT; An emending zontng ordinance which per;eLna to the rezontnO of a particuLar parceL or parceL, of Lend. ss distinguished From a change tn the provisions of the ordinance relevant and pertaining to the entire ntty, OLZNZC; An 1ns;Itu;ton, pubLtn or private, or s eta;ton For the examination and treatment of out-patients by a group OF doctors, dentists, opticians, vstertnartan8~ psychologists, or other atmiLar wsdtcaL professionaLs. COLD STORAGE PLANT; A commerciaL estabLishment where Foods or other commodities are stored et;her tn Lockers, rented or Leased. or in vaults tn bulk For distribution to the home or other commercial businesses. No slaughtering of animaLs or FowL ts aLLowed on the premises. COMMERCZAL AMUGEMENT; Any enterprise whose math purpose lB tO provtda tho generaL public with an emuelnO or entertaining ectlvlty~ where ttokata ere BoLd or Fees ooLLoctad at the gates OF the activity, ComwernisL amusements IncLude zooel nornLvaLo, expositions, miniature goLF nourses, drlvtno ranges, arcades, Fetra~ exhibitions, ethLattn eon;oB;Bi rodeoe~ tent ahems, FerrJa wheals. chlLdrene* ridge, roLLer coasters, skBttng rinks, ica rtflka~ traveLLing shows, bowLtng aLLays, pool parLors, sexuaLLy ortanted cowmarnleL enterprises ne deFtnod tn Ordinance No. 1554, tndoor shoo;tn0 ranges, and atutLar enterprises; but does not tncLuda motion ptcture theaters. CO##ZGSZON; The PLanntno and Zontng Commission OF tho City OF CoLLege Eta;Ion, Texsa. COMMON OPEN aPACE: A parceL or parcels of Lend or an ares of water or combination oF Lend end water within the etta For whlch a aJt8 pLan perwtt eoughts provtdad end made LegaLLy avaiLabLe For the uae end enJoyment residents of the proposed project. COMMON PROPERTY; A parceL or parceLs of Lend. together utth the Improvements thereon, the uae end enjoyment of whtch ere LegaLLy shared by the owners end oooupBnta of the Individual buttdtnO sties In a PLanned Un1;, CONDZTZOHAL UOE; A uae ahlch may be permitted or denied in a district, on a casa-by-case beale, subject to meettng certetn conditions or procedures oat Forth tn~ or Imposed under, thY8 ordtnenoa. CONVALEGCEHT HONE; Any FactLtty or premises reguLarLy attended by one or more persona, not members of the Immediate nucLear FamiLy of any naturaL person actuaLLy operating the FactLlty or promises, who are mentaLLy or physicaLLy hendtnepped end era under detLy wedtceL~ peyohoLogtoaL, or therapeutic care. CORNER LOT; A Lot 8butttng upon two (;] or more 8trsete at thetr Intersections. DENSZTY; The number oF dwaLLtno unite per net acre ee established tn Seotlon 7~ TabLe A, DOFlMZTORY; Any structure specificaLLy designed For the excLusive purpose of end which 18 .1thin the ownership of or to controLLed and operated by aatd Institution, or an aaeontetton or orgentzatton associated therewith end Zoning Ordinance peg· 2-3 oompr¶ood of etudonto and eLumnt. DOUBLE PARKZNG HOWl Twa poroLLeL rolo of opeoee for tho porktng of motor vehtoLmo orrmngod so that when perked, tho front end of each motor vehtcLo focoo tho front end of another motor vehtoLo oB tLLuotreted tn Section 9. DWELLZNG; A "dweLLing" !o any bufLdtng or portton thereof mhloh 18 deotgned or uood exoLuglveLy for rmotdontloL purpoeoe. END UNZTI That buiLdtng or m group of oonttguoue butLdtnoo whtoh Ltee od~ooent to m otde property Ltne for mhtoh no Joint contract of deveLopment or party wiLL agreement Ox~lte. EXTERZOR 8XDE YARDi A yord whtoh Yooee end tB paraLLeL to · olde 8troet. FANZLYI A nfomtLy' to any number of related perBono or not more then four [4] peroono, any one of whom to unrelated to another. Ltvtno OB · staBLe houeekomp~ng untO. Paroono ore reLated ulthtn the memntng of thto definition they ore raLlied by oonnongutntty, offtnlty or LegaL gumrdionohtp. FXLLZNB~ RETAZL 8ERVZCE ETATZON8 An eetobLtehmont where motor vehtcLo fuaLi end suppLIes ore reguLarLy BvOtLBbLB end BoLd me tho primary UBS, Bed where vehtoLm repair end oervtotng may ocour, provtded that anoLooed area for ouoh oervtcB and rapelro shaLL bo Ltmttod to apace for three (3] 8tendard otzod automobiles or Ltght trucke. FRATERNZTY OR BOFlORZTYI An organization of university ltudontl formed chfafLy to promote frtondohtp end weLfare among tho members. FRATERNZTY OR GORORXTY HOUBEI A structure used by · fraternity or oorortty for tho purpose of providing o room or group of room. used for 8Leeptng purpooo8 fop memo or eLL of 1to iolbero, whioh may tnoLude space for hoLdtng common dtfltng footLttlo8 for the members. FRATERNZTY OR BORORZTY NEETZNB PLACEs An oncLoeod Bpmcau room or structure uoed by · fraternity or oorortty for the purpoee of hoLdtng organization reLated Beettnge~ gethertngo or OOOtBL funotfono. GARAGE, CO#HERCZALI Any premteeo or structure itoh onoLooed work urea for servicing and repetr of four [4) or moro standard olze automobiLes or Ltoht [otondord otze] truoko, or for one (1} or more vehtcLee of Lorger BIZe. or where uny number of vohtcLa8 ora kept for renumorotlonw hire or BILe, end where motor vohtoLo fuels end 8uppLteo moy bB 8oLd me · neoondory Uae, HONE OCCUPATZONBI A home oooupotton t8 that ooceueory uae Of · dwmLLtng thee 8heLL conotltute aLL or ogle portton of the LiveLihood Df · peroon or peroono Llvtno tn the dueLLing, and t8 eubJeot to the foLLowing= [e] No home occupation 8hBLL be permitted that dome ony of the foLLowlnol 1. Change. the OUtBidm oppoormnoe of the dmiLLtngl E. Zo VIBtbLe from tho otroetl 3, Eenerotee treffto, perktng, eemereoe, or water uae tn OXCOBO Of Zontng Ordlnonoo page 2-4 mhat to normaL tn tho rooldanttoL neighborhood; 4. ReooLte tn tho off-errant or on-street parking of more then [2] vohtoLee et any one ttme not owned by member, of the onouplnt really; 5. Createe · hazard to peraone or propertYl g. RmeuLte in eLectricaL Interference; 7, Za · nuisance; 9. fleeuLte tn the outatde otoroge or diepLey of enythtngI 9. ZnoLudee employment mtthtn the homo or on the premSae of pereono other Then memberB of the occupant feltLy. (b] ExempLoa of permitted home occupattone tnoLudo, but are not Ltmtted 1. Dream making, oemtng, mhd taiLoring; E. Painting, sculpturing, or mrtttno; 3. TeLephone enamering; 4. Home oreftB much as model maktno, rug meevtng. Leptdary morketc. 5. Tutoring, Ltmtted to three [3] students at · time; E. Computer programming; 9. Bed & 9reokfaat Znn. Cc] The foLLomtng are prohibited ee home occupational 1. Barber, beeuty~ and other personal oervtoe lhope; AntmaL hooptteLi, etabLee, or kenneLs; 5. Prtvate cLubs; 6. Repatr ehopa; 6. AutomobiLe paint or repair mhope; 10. Roomtng/BoordJn0 Houee. HOHEO#NER8~ A880CZATZONI An Incorporated, nonprofit organization operating under recorded Land egreemente through which (e] each Lot end/or home owner In a pLanned unit or other deecrlbed Lend area lB automaticaLLy · member. [bi (n) The charge, tf unpaid, becomea a Ltan agatnot the property. HOEPZTAL, SANITARZUH, OR NUROZNG HONE: A buiLdtno or portton thereof, uaed or deatgned for the houetng or treatment of the sick, aged, mentoLLy tLL, tnJured, or inftrm pereona; provided that thte definition sheLL not incLude rooms tn any realdenTInL dmeLLtng, hoteLv epertlent hotel not ordinarily tntendad ~o be oocupted by IItd persona. HOTEL; A bulLdtng ueed or tntended to be meed aa Ltvlno qulrtere for tranalent Zantno Ordinance paoe 8-5 q r)/, L cLothes preeetng shop, berber shop or other eervtoe feofLittes for the guests for compensation, KZHDERGARTENs Any schooLt prtvoto or parochiaL, operated for proftt or not, attended by four [4) or wore ohlLdron et any one tile during pert of · twenty- tour [84] hour day, mhloh prnvtdee · program of Instruction or development BotlvitisI for chiLdren beLow the first erode LeveL, LOTI Aa used herstn, · "Lot" ts the phyetceL end undivided tract or psrceL of Land ee shame on s duLy recorded plot, HOBZLE HONEs A structure constructed before June 15, 1979, transportabLe in one or more sections, mhtch, tn the traveLing mode, ts etght body feet or more tn width or 40 body feet or more tn Length, or, when erected on ette, te 320 or more aquere feet, and mhtoh 18 butLt on · permanent cheBSlB end dsstgned to be used SB ·dweLLtng mlth or without · permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, end tnoLudss the pLumb~ng~ heettng, air-conditionings end eLectrtoeL lylteme. HOTELs A butLdtno or group of two (2] or more detached, aowt-detsohed or attached buildings containing guest rooms or apartments with automobile storage space provtded tn connection therewith, which butLdtng or group to designed, Intended or uood primariLy for the accommodation Df automobile trsveLsro. HULTZPLE BUZLDZNO COHPLEX: Here then one [1) prtnotpeL butLdtng on · butLdlng pLot. ONE O#NERSHZPs Property mhtch aLthough beLonging to one or more owners, he8 not been partitioned or subdivided eD el to bm owned separately by more then one psroon, whether or not reLotid or participating tn ·Jotnt enterprise. PARKZNE - ZNTERZORs Perktng rowe which era not Located on the perfphery Df the proposed project stts and further, where none of the perktng specs8 abut any property Ltne essootsted ltth the propooed proJect ette. PARKZNG - PERZPHERAL; Perking roma mhtch abut the periphery or property Ltnee associated mtth the proposed prcJeut elto, PARKZNG SPACEi A specs used for the porktng of s motor vehicle not on the paved or reguLarLy traveled portton of · pubLto street or wfthtn prfvete access eesementl end which weeCo the requtreeente of thlB ordinance ee to stze, Locstton, end configuration. PAaTURAEEI Lend used prtlsrtLy for the grozinO of entmeL stock. PERHZTTED USEs A use specificaLLy aLLowed tn one (1) or more of the verleue districts mtthout the nenesllty of obtaining e uae perwtt, PERSOHI Every natural perBon, ftrmf partnership, Jotnt venture, eeBOOtetlon~ corporetton~ or other group whtoh conducts inttvttteo reguLated hereunder PERSONAL 8ERVZCE SHOPs An establishment mhtch provtdee eervtce8 reLated to grooming, appeerenoe~ caref or repair of psrmonoL epporeLl and mhlch moy BeLL produote used or reoomlended for theme eemo purposes Incidental to the eervtcee Zontng Ordtnsnoe page E-6 provided. PR&RNACY= A store ,hare drugs era prepared ·nd/or dispart·ed. PLANNED UNZT= A Land ·rBe which h·e fndlvtduBL butLdlng ·ICes ·nd common property, designed Co be capabLe of seti·feotDry UBS ·nd oper·tton etChout the tnvoLv·m·nt of ocher property, end which h·· been approved as · pLanned unit d·veLopment under ·actions 7.10 or 7.20 of thti ordinance. PLANNED UNZT DEVELDPHENT= A 81ngLa pLanned unlt aa tntCt·tLy deltgnedl or ·ugh · unit ·e expended by ·nn·xatton of eddfttoneL Lend era·; or · Group of oonCtguoue planned unit·, ·s ·epereta enttttea or merged 1nCo a ·IngLe ocnsoLldeted ·nttty, PLOT PLANI A pL·n showtnR the uae of the Lend, co IncLude Lcoettona Df butLdtnGl, drives, ·td·w·Lk·, perking areas, dr·leeR· feoiLfttee end ocher PROJECT PLAN= DramleRe and reLet·d tnfarleCtan ILLuetreClnR a prcpo·ed prcj·ot for mhlch a use p·rmtt, ·1tm pLan permttff or p·rktnG araB/Land·c·p· ·pprovlL te aooghC, PROJECT NEVZEW CONHZTTEE [PRC]= A committee composed of the Ctcy PLanner, the Ctcy Enotneer~ end the Ch·tries of the PLenntnG end Zoning Collie·Ion or RELATED= Persona ere reLated when they are mtthtn the first or ascend degree of consanguinity or affinity. Person· are not r·L·ted by efftntty unLaoa LawfuLLy marrted, end any eeeerCed comics LaB merrtaOe mUBC b· subject Co an affidavit of record under the f·mtLy code, ar ·JudtctaL determination. REPAZR $flOP$l A shop excLu·tveLy for the repatr of hou··hoLd goods and homo equtplent~ mtthin a butLdtng mtth no outdoor gLoP·ga of 1tame or equipment, and where no nolea~ duat~ or vibration t8 dtBcarntbLe beyond the property Line, RESTAURANT: Any structure or premt·a where the principaL ·ottvtty InvoLves the Bervtng of prepared food mtth or without aLcohoL Co customers for on-premise or off-premt·· consumption {IncLuded tn thte d·ftnttton are drive-tn eattng RETAZL FOOD OTOFlE= A retaiL eetabLllhmant seLLing meetB~ frutte~ veoet·bLea, b·kery product·~ d·try products. LtohC hardware ·nd ocher 81mtLar Items whtch ara purGhe·ed far uae and/or con·umptton off Ch· premteae (may bo · drive-tn or supermarket type]. ROOHZNS/BOARDZNG HOUREi A group of rooms provtdad for persona ether then members of the oocupenC family [ge· definition of lastly) for oompeneaCton either tn a converted otngLe f·mtLy home or tn · structure epecfftcaLLy designed for such purpo·e where therl ere no oooktno facilities provtded tn IndividuaL Living untie end where leaLI lay be provtded detLy. OATELLZTE DZOH ANTENNAs A broedoeBC recetver that racetrac ·1gaBLe directLy from a laCaLLtte rather then another broedoeeC 8yetam, end ampLifies the efonet ac · FocaL point tn front of the roc·tvJng component. Zontno Ordtnanoe pare 2-7 SETBACK LZ#Es A Line lhtoh lark, thl dicta,ca a atruoture lUSt be frol the property Ltno. and ,atebLllhoa tho Itntlul required front, etd, or reor yard ,page Df , buiLding pLot. SHOPPZN8 CENTERI A butLding pLot deveLoped or uLttlateLy to bo developed with three (3] or lore ,Corel. ah.pa, ar ,oiler, IlL entlrprt,,8, and which hal 9ZNDLE PARKZNG ROll A et.gL, row or apace, for the parking of motor vehtoLe, em ILLustrated tn Se,Lion 9. DZTE PLAN: SEE PLOT PLAN STORAGE GARAGE: A ",tar,ge garage" tl any pr,Bt,el and etruoturo ueed excLuatveLy for the ,forage or more then five [5) aUtolobtLea. STRUCTUREs Anything oonatruotad, butLt or erected. BTRUCTUflE. PRZNCZPALI The principal otruotura whtoh fuLflLLo the purpoa, for lhtOh tho building plot ta tnt,,dad. TO#,HOUSEs One [1] of a group of no Lee, than three [3] nor more than tweLve [qg] atto,had dweLLtno unite, each dweLLtng unit Lo.aCed on a eeparete LOC end thereby dtetJogullhed frol oondolinlul unitl. USEs The actuaL uae[l] of · parceL of ground, ih. Char conducted within or Itch,ut structures, butLdtnge, or Ilprovelenta. An unoccupied end unueed structure ta not · Ua.. trraopocttve Df 1tn daalgn, purpooe, or uttttty. VARZANCEs A Legal lodlfioaClon of tho dtetrtot pr,vial,no ia provided for fn Section YARDs Dee Section 6.7. ZONZNS OFFZCZALs The designated "Zontng OfftotaL" of the Ctty of CoLLege Station. or hie deotgneted reprioentettve. Zontng Ordinance page SECT/ON 3. RULEE FOR [NTERPRETATZON OF DIETRICT BOUNDARZES Ihere uncertainty exists es to the boundarlee of district, aw shown on the OfftcteL Zontng Hep~ the foLLowing ruLes .haLL oppLyl 3,1 Boundaries Indtoited oB approximateLy foLLowing the center Lines of htghwsys~ or aLLeys sheLL be .on.trued Go FoLLow suoh .enter Lines. 3,2 Boundaries Indicated o. spproxlwsteLy foLLowing pLatted Lot Ltneo shaLL be construed es foLLowing such Lot Lines. 3.3 BoundarJes tndtoeted ee spproxtweCeLy foLLowing cloy Limits BhBLL be construed an foLLowing ouch cfCy LIwtts. 3,4 Bounderleo Indicated so FoLLowing ratLrood Ltnes sheLL be construed Go be wtdwey between the raiLs of the math Ltne. 3,5 Boundaries Indicated o. foLLowing shoreLtneB BhBLL be con.trued to foLLow ouch shoreLines, and tn the event of change in the shoreLine shaLL be construed BO wovtnO with the actuaL shoreLine. Boundaries Indicated e. approxlweCeLy foLLowing the center Ltnes of otresw,~ rtverl~ oanaL8~ Lokol. or other bodteo of weter .heLL be oonetrued to foLLow such center Ltneo. 3.6 Boundaries indicated aB poreLLeL to or extensions or feature, indicated tn Subsection, 3.1 through 3.5 above sheLL be ,o son.trued. Otetenoe, not spocffJoaLLy indicated In · cLassification amendment shaLL be deterltned by tho ,GaLs of ch. wep. :3.7 Ihere physical or suLtureL fo. Cures extsttno on the ground are aG yeti,nco wtCh those shown on the 0fftctoL Zontng Hepv or in other circulotences not severed by 6ub,ecCtono 3.1 through 3.6 ebove, the 9oerd of Adjustment shaLL Interpret the dl,trtct boundaries. Zoning Ordinonce Pe0e 3-1 ~ECTZON 4, APPLZCAT~O# OF D~STR~CT RE;ULATZON8 4.1 UNZFOR#ZTYI Th, raguL,tloae a,t by this ordfneno, ,1thin each district eh,iL ba wtntmuw r,guLattona and ,haLL apply uniformly to each cL,a, or kind of structure or Land. exempt aa har,tnmftar provided. No person sheLL tnttlate ,ny development or construction ,cttvlty. IncLuding site preparation, foundation forwlng~ sign erectton~ construction. ~mprovement. repetr or demoLition wtthJn a newLy annexed aras without fJr,t applying for end obtaining the appropriate parltt, or other approvals required by City No building, structure, or Land eh, LL h,r,,ftmr be used or occupied, and no buiLding or structure or part thereof shiLL hereafter ba erected, construct.d. reconBtructed, moved, or structuraLLy altered except tn conformity wtth aLL the regulations herein specified for the dlatrtct tn mhtch tt ti Loaated. #o part or · yard, or other open space, or off-.trait parking or Loadtng .pace required about or in connection with any butLdtng~ butLdtng pLot. or uae for the purpo,e of complying with th~a ordinance. 8h. LL be IncLuded ma p,rt Dr · yard, open apa.e, or off-.treat parking or Loading apace simiLarLy requtrad for any other building, bulLdlnO pLot~ or uae. Zontno Ordinance page 4-1 8ECTZON 5. NEWLY ANNEXED TERRZTORY 5,1 NEWLY ANNEXED TERRZTORYi Any territory hereafter annexed to the City or CoLLege Station sheLL be cLassified am Olatrtct A-O, for · period eot to exceed one (1} year. Zf a zone change request ia not racetved by the Ctty wtthtn thta year the Commission sheLL 1nitrate zone change proceedings. No parson reLylno on a cLaim or vested rights sheLL continue any deveLopment motivity wtthln · nelLy annexed eree wtthout first applying for end obtaining · hufLdlno permit. Ce Any parian with en lntareat tn property wlthtn e newly annexed area way apply to the Zoning OfftolsL for a determination or the vested rights such person hasB tY any, to aonttnue deveLopment ectivttae Initiated prtor to annexation. Gush determinations sheLL be baaed upon eLL pertinent recta, end upon the reLevant decisions or state end YederaL courts. The appLicant way aubwtt any mrttten evidence to the Zoning OrftctaL for sonstderetton. The Zontng OfftctaL"e written detarmtnatton~ once approved by the City Attorney, iheLL be ftneL unLess duly appeaLed to the Board Dr Adjustment pursuant to SBCttOn 15. De Any final soften or the Zoning OfftcleL way be appeaLed to the Board or Adjustment pursuant to Section 15, ZontnO Ordinance page 5-1 6ECTZON 6, NON-CONFOR#ZNS USES AND STRUCTURES Non-conforming use sheLL mean the use of sny property which louLd~ tn thc sbsencc of 6,1 Except ns h.retnoftor specified, any uce~ building or otructure 8xtstlng ut the tile cf encctwent of tho Zoning Ordinance or cLsBslftcotton amendment appLicabLe to Its use~ lay be continued evBn though such ucs~ bulLdtng or or cLocctftcctlon amendment prcvtouoLy in effect tn CoLLege Btcttcn. 8,2 A uso extctJng on the effective date of the Zontng Ordinance or cLaectftootlon olendlent oppLtaobLe tc Itc uae, which would onLy be permitted thereunder cs s conditional UBCe 8heLL bo c LawfuL non-oonfsrltng use unttL oLtcred under $ootton 14. Zn tho event of tseuonce cf · conditional ucc perwtt~ such ucc becomes · permitted and LawfuL uae. 6,3 An cxtctlng UBS or structure that tB not in compLiance with thts OrdlnBnce or classification amendment appLicabLe to the uae cr structure sheLL not be cnLorged~ extended, reconstructed, subotttutod, or ctruoturlLLy cLtered (except shouLd solo be rsqutrcd by superior Lam or by Court order) unLcscl Thc use or structure ts brought Into colpLtoncc with this ordinance; or, Except os foLLcIcl (1] When authorized by the Board of Adjustment tn cccordcnce with the provisions of Section 15, the cubotttutton for c non-confcrwtng use of (s] When authorized by tho Board of AdJuStment tn occordcncc with the provision8 of Seotton 15, enLcrgelent cr compLetion of c buiLding devoted to · non-conforming uso may be lode upon thc Lot occupted by ouch building, where Buch extension tc neoescory and IncidentaL to the extetlng USO of such building end dose not exceed twenty-five per cent (25~] cf the ortgtncL area of non-conformity. When authorized by the Board of AdJustment tn accordance with thc provisions of Section 15, · non-conforming use nay bo extended throughout those parts of · building which were icntfostLy designed or arranged for such use prior to the date on whtoh such USO or oetd butLdtng becel, non- conforming, if no structural cLtcrctlonB, except those required by Low, are made thcrstn. Zoning Ordinance pegs 6-I 9.4 Whenever a non-conforming use has been discontinued and changed to a conforming ues~ or whenever a non-conformtnO uae hca been discontinued or abandoned for more than three (3] mcntha, · presumption of Intent to abandon ectd uae shiLL have been estabLished and the right to continue the former non-ccnfDrmtng use sheLL nD Longer extat. Eubaaqusnt operation eea nen-confors~ng uae chBLL ba unlawfuL, Zontng Ordinance page SECTZON 7, 7.1 A. D. E, F, ECHEDOLE OF DZ6TRZCT RESULATZON6 DZSTRZCT A-OI ABRZCULTURAL - OPEN PURPOBEI Thta dtatrtct tnoLude8 Land, wtthtn the oorporete Ltetta of the Ctty whtch ere not cubdlvtded end ere reLativeLy undeveLoped, Xt way eLsa tncLuds those sre.8 wenttonsd tn 8ectton 5 above. Thio dtetrtot t8 deetoned to prowots PER#ZTTED UGE61 StngLe famiLy dweLLIngc. Country uLub [pubLicLy or privateLy owned]. Truck garden (IncLuding greenhouse for commerciaL purpo,e,). PouLtry production [non-cowwsrctsL]. Rtdtno academy (private], COND~TZONAL UBE6 PERNZTTEDI Refer to 6ectton AREA REOUZRENENTGI Refer to TebLe A at the end of thte section. PARKZNG REOUZNENENTgi Refer to 6action SZON REOULATZON$1 Refer to 6action 18. Zontng Ordinance psge 7-1 7,~ A, D, E. F, DZGTRZCT R-1 GZNBLE FA#ZLY REEZDENTZAL PURPOBEI Thtl dtetrfct lnctudee LBnde subdivided for 8fngLe femtty reeidenttet purpose1 end eleooleted ulel. Thte dtetrtot t8 dellined to provide eufftateflt, euttebLI reltdlntteL netghborhoodl, protBcted from tnoolpettbLe ueee~ prcvtded PERRZTTED UBEEI SteELe feltLy dwetLJnge, CONDZTZONAL USES PERHZTTED: Refer to Sectten 8.1E, AREA REgUZRE#ENTB! Refer tn TcbLe A et the end of thte eecttnn, PARKZ#G REaUZREHENTEI Refer to 8ootten g. SZeN REGULATION81 Refer to Section 18, Zontng Ordtnlnce pege 7-2 qr)l [ £L 7.g DZETRZCT R-¶A EZ#gLE FA#ILY RERZDERT~AL A. PURPOEEI Thle dtetrict is deetgned ta provtde Land ~er detached etngLe reetdentleL deveLepBent f,r eBeLLer Let etzee Btth greater design Bm D. E. F. PERRZTTED UEE8; StngLe really dBeLLinge, HOBS occupations. CONDZTZONAL USER PERHZTTEDI AREA REQUZRERENTE; PARKINE REGULATIONE; BZEN RE~ULATZONEi Refer to 8action 8.1E. Re~er to TabLe A at the and of thle 8ectJon. Refer to Section g. Re,er to Section 12. Zonlng Ordtnenoe page 7-;3 7.4 A, aB D, E, F. DZeTRICT R-2 DUPLEX REEIDENTIAL PURPOOEI Thtl d~utrlct oontotne Lend mhtch hie been subdivided for steELe family residential purposau end easooloted uson ee weLL os Larger purcell of property whtnh Lend thewsaLves to dupLex dmeLLtnge. This diotrtot ts at modurlte density. Zt moy bo uttLlzud os a tronettlonut zDna between density end other reoldent~uL UBeB. PEfl#Z?TED UGEel DupLex dmuLLIng units. SingLe fOltLy dweLLings, built under tho reotrtstlono of DJotrtut R-lA. Home ooouputIunu. CD#DZTZONAL UeEE PEEHZTTED: Refer to SonttDn B.IE. AREA REQUZREHENTG; Alfer to TsbLe A ut tho end of thio ooctton. PARKZN8 REQUZREHENTB= Refer to 6eotlDn 9. GZGN REGULATZONez Refer to Seotten 12. Zunlng Ordtnunne peer 7-4 7,5 A, DIRTRZCT R-3 TO~NHOURE PURPOREI Thto district oontatno Land Ihtch Jo to be uaod for a untquo type of dlaLLIngw ihloh to daotgned far IndividuaL olnarohtp or olnarahtp tn group of otnoLo follLy attached reetdanooo conatruoted on tndtvtduaLLy platted Lots, PER#ZTTED UaEal $tngLo really dleLLingaf butLC under tho zontno raltrtcctonl of Dtecrlot R-¶A. Tolnhouaal, Hole oooupaCtena. 6ZTE PLAN/LANDaCAPE flEVZEI REOUZREDI Refer to 6eoClooe 10 end ¶1. CONDZTZONAL UaE6 PERHZTTEDt Theee condttlonaL uaem may be eLLoled tn dtetrlcc R-3 tn addttton to any avaiLabLe under Geotton O.¶gz DupLex dlaLLtng untco butLt under the roatrtottona of Dtitrtot R-8~ each dloLLtng unto to be oonmtrucCed on leparoCaLy platted Lotw and lUet meet the fire aeplracton raqutrelentm of appLicabLe codaa. AREA REOUZRE#ENTat Refer to TabLe A et the end of thto oeotton. PARKZN6 REOUZREHE#TRI Refer to 6action 9. 6ZaN REaULATZONGI Refer to Sactton 18. Zontng Ordtnanoo 7,8 A, D. E. F, S, DZSTRZCT R-4 APART#E#T/LO# DENSZTY PURPOSE: Thte dtetrlct provtdea Lend for deveLopment of apartment end condominium entre et Low denattteB, Thio dtatrtat moy eervo BO · treneittoneL zone between LOllr density residential ereiB end other residential or non- reefdentfoL erase, PERHZTTED USES: SingLe femtLy dweLLings, butLt under the zoning reetrtcttnne of DtBtrtct R-IA. DupLex dmeLLtng unite, buttt under the zontng restrtottonB of DtBtrtct R-E, Townhouee dweLLing unite, butLt under the zontng reatriotione of District R-8 Apartment(e] end Apartment butLdfngl ConveLeecent hnmee, Nome occupations. Porktng LoSe eeuocteted wtth OthEr permitted UOeB tn Chle district. Rooming end 9sardine houses. SiTE PLAK/LANDSCAPE REVIEW REOUZREDI Refer to 9Bntione 10 end 11. CONDZ?ZONAL USE6 PEflHZTTEDi Refer Co 6BoSton 6.18. AREA RESUZRE#ENTS: Refer to TabLe A et the end of thte emotion, PARKIN6 RESU[REHERTS: Refer tn Sectlon g. SiGN REGULATIONS: Refer to Sentton 12. Zontng Ordtnenoe page 7-6 7.7 A, DIGTRZCT R-D APARTHENT/HEDIUH DENBZTY PUflPOBEz Thfl dtatrtct provtdao Lend for development or apartment end uondomtnlum unJtB et medtum denaJtlee. Thll dtotrlut may BePva OS trenattJonlL ZQUe betmeen reeldent~eL areal end nun-reeldantteL ereaoo PERHITTED USES: 81noLo fBmtLy dweLLtnge, butLt under the zontng reetrtnttona Df DJatrlut R-IA. DupLex diaLLinG untta, buiLt under the zuntnG raotrluttanl Tumnhouea dweLLing untto, butLt under the zoning Apartment[8] end Apartment butLdtnoo. ConvaLeacant holee, Home occupBtlone. Dor/~torlae. Perktn3 Leto aeBoclnted with other permitted USBB tR thle diltrtct. Rooming end boer'ding houoea. SITE PLAN/LANDSGAPE flEVZEW REGUIRED8 Refer to Seottona 10 end 11. GDNDITZONAL UGEG PERHZTTED: The foLLowinG conditionaL ueea ahaLL bB aLLowed tn addttton to any uae aLLowed under oeottnn FritePntty or aurority hDUBeO end moating pLOGeB wbtch conform requtrelent8 of tho R-3 Dtetrtut, end ere found to be compatibLe with the generaL uharaoter of the perttuuLer arae mith~n whtuh they Lonetad~ mhtoh do not Jeopardize the health, eafaty or welfare of the pubLIo by their preBenue tn the propoeed Luclt1ou, whtoh ere uonelatant with tho optrlt, latent, end obJeottvee of thla ordtnanue, end mhtch do not neOetlveLy damaOe~ effeut~ ur uurteiL the ueeo of adJooent or nearby property. AREA REGUZREHENTSB Refer to TabLe A et the end of thto mouflon. PARKZNG REGUZRE#ENTB= Refer to Seutton 3. SZeN REGULATZON$1 Refer to 8ectton Zantn~ Drdinenua page 7-7 qqll £' ,'i 7.8 A. Ba Em OZGTRZCT R-S APARTHENT BUZLDZNOS/HZGH DENBZTY PURPOSEI Thin dtetrtct contetne Lend uaed for a variety of houatng typo8, prfmortLy muLtipLe femtLy dweLLlnge. Thta district ta designed to provtda tho mtdoat range of houutng typae ee waLL ea the highest denatty In the community. PEFl#~TTED USESl SingLe fumtLy dwaLLtngo, butLt under the zoning roetrtctlonu of DtBtrtct R-IA. DupLex dmoLLtng untie, built under the zoning roatrtcttone of Otatrtct Townhouae dwaLLlno untie, butLt under the zonlng raotrtutlona o~ Dtstrlct R-3. Apartment(a) and Apartment buiLdtngo. ConvaLeooont holeB. Home onouputtDno. Dormitories. Perking Leto eeaoctatad with other permitted ueee tn thte dlutrtut. Rooming and Boerdtng houaaa. $$TE PLAN/LANDSCAPE REVZEW REOU[REDI Refer to Sootiona 10 and ¶1o CDNDZTSDNAL USE6 PER#ZTTEDi The foLLomtng uondttlonoL uaa8 aheLL ba eLLuead tn addttton to any uoo 8LLamad under Section Fraternity or oorurtty houses end moating pLoouu ehtuh oonform to eLL other requirements of the R-fl Dlutrtut, and ore found to be oompatlbLe ,tth the gaflureL ohereotur of tho partiooLer erao ulthtn ihloh they ora propooed to bo Looeted, whluh do nut Jeopardize the health, safety or weLfare of the pubLto by thutr prouonoo tn thB propoeod Location, lhluh are Denaturant mtth the aptrit, Intent, and ob3eotlva8 of thle ordtnonuu, and uhtoh do not negativeLy effects or ourtalL the uuee Df odJooent or nearby property. AREA REOU~RE#ENTSI Refer to TabLe A et the end of thtu eeottun. PARKZNS REQUZRE#ENTSt Refer to Sootfon 9. D~6N REgDLAT~DNSi Refer to Sactton t2. Zoning Ordtnenoo pugo 7-8 7,R Bm Cw Fa SZSTRZCT R-7 HUBZLE HOHE PURPOSE: Thio dtotrlct contotne Lend mhtch t8 Located, do$tgnod end t8 to be opeoJfio requtremento of Ordinance No. 927 [end amendments thereto] and the PER#ZTTED U6EBs CONSZTZONAL USES PERHZTTES: Refer to Ordinance No. 827 [end amendments thereto), AREA REOUZREHENTSz PARKZNG RESUZREHENT2: Refer to 6ectton 9. HobtLe Homee - refer to Ordinance No, 627 [end amendments t~oreto], 6ZGN RE6ULATZONSt Refer to 6ectton 12, Zontng Ordtnonco page 7-9 7 .lO DZOTRZCT C-N NEZGNBORHOOD BUBZNE$$ PURPOSE: Thio district provtdeo smaLL commercial eitca for residential oonvanllnce goods end personal service bueJneslOe. No uae sheLL be aLLowed whtch wouLd adversely affeOt thc hoeLthw eBfstyt wcLfere~ or residential character of thc nclohborhood. The ule IhaLL be · Low trsfftc generator and lheLL Got create any flotscw Light, or odors obnorwcL to tho neighborhood. No outside storooe or display of goods or IstsrtoLI sheLL bs aLLowed, PERRZTTED USESJ ALL uses permitted wtthtn the C-N Oletrtot shaLL be determined for each proposed Location by the PLanning end Zontng ColltCston pursuant to the procedures estabLished tn Oectton 10,6, Uses to be considered by the Commission eras RetetL liLle Of boor end wine only - restricted to off-prellsso consumption - g,50O square feet ICXtlUl fLoor area, flOtltL food store - gfEOO squcre feet IBXtBUl floor ergs. Restaurant providing prepared food for off-premise consumption only - 1,500 PerconoL service shops - 2,000 square feet lOXtlUl floor area. Offtosc - g,O00 equate feet maximum fLoor area, Other UBCB to bo determined by the COmmission, OPECZAL RESTRZCTZON2s Thc foLLowing opeoteL restrictions erg appLicabLe to eLL deveLopments Locoted wtthtn C-N zontng Otstriotss [o] lb) Is] [d] [m) 10,000 square feet totaL mextmul building fLoor oreo. No C-N zonlng dfatrtct shaLL exceed g agree In arcs. Adjacent C-N zontng dtctrtots shaLL not exceed · combined totaL Df R acres Ntntwum depth- ogre or Lecl ctte- t50 feet 21ts greeter then I acre- 250 feet No restaurants provfd(ng on-preltlC conluwptton or COllerctoL Clusewentl sheLL be aLLowed. DZTE PLAN/LANDSCAPE REVZEW REOUZREDs Refer to Oecttons 10 and 11. CORDZTZONAL UBE2 PERNZTTEDI Refer to Olctfon B.12, AREA REOUZRERENT2s Refer to TabLe A ct tbs end of thto sectton. Zontng Ordinance page 7-10 qr)/L ( '4 PARKINS REOUIRE#E#TSI Refer to Soctton SIGN REGULATIO#SI Refer to Section Zoning Ordlnenco page 7-11 7.11 A: Fm 6, R. Z, DZgTRZCT C-NO COHNERCZAL NORTHGATE PURPOSE: The urea described herein ts determined to bs unique and to con:sin acme historic stgntftcunoel th,refuter this special zoning dtotrtct sheLL appLy onLy tn this area and shaLL incorporate rag,La:lena destonsd to etd development and redeveLopment in c manner compatibLe mlth the chcructer of the area. The area is described se foLLows: BEOZ##Z#G et upotnt tn the csnterLtnu of Church Street end the centerLtne of NuoLe Strsetl Thence 640 degrees 24~10"E dlctence of 440.B2" to · point in University Drivel Thence S45 degrees 35'50"# a dtotenne of 703.10' to a potntl Thence 644 degrees 05vSO"W · distance of 1157.67' to a pointl Thence N81 degrees S4'4B"W s distance of 3S5.70~ to · point; Thence N6S degrees 40~38"W · dtutence of 127.09' to u point in the centerLine of Church Sire.ti Thence H44 degrees 35~50"E a din:once of 2138.30' to the POZNT OF BEGZNNZNG and containing 20.005 aurae more or Lena. PERNZTTED UOEa: ALL In R-e Bad C-1 eubjlct tc project review. PROJECT REVZE# REOUZRED: ALL pruJectu requtru P,R.C, review, AppLicants shaLL file an appLication form wtth the Clty PLanner no Lee, then ten days prior to the P.R.C. meettng Bt whtch the proposaL Is to be revtemed. The applicant sheLL be ri;tilted of the tile, deter end pLace of the P.R.C. mss:tug. Reports BhBLL be kept for eLL P.R.C. meetings. Tho P.R.C. sheLL file with the Ctty PLanner c wrttten report on tho final plan approved by the Committee, together with c copy of the ftnuL plan itssLfw certified by the City PLanner for compliance with the P.R.C. requirements. Refer to Section 10.1-C for outdeLIneu on preparation of u site pLan. APPEAL: Refer to Saurian 10.3 for the appeaL process of u decision of thc P.R.C. gPECZAL REaTRZCTZONS: Zn rev]amino · proJeCt, the P.R.C. may rsqutru traffic and purklno tmpsct etudtee, s revtum of extsttng occupancy, end other rusoonabLe appropriate dote to determine the Impact of the project. AdditionaL psrktng and Lsndscsplng Bay be rsqutred tf determined to be necssBery to relieve this tmpect. CONDZTZONAL gEE6 PERHZTTED: Refer to Sec:ton 8.12. AREA REOUZRERENTS: Hintmum front setback: 10 feat. PARKZN6 REOUZREHENT2: As rsqutred by P.R,C, 8ZGN REGULATZONO: gee Sec:ton 1S~ except freestsndtn9 and roof signs are prohibited. ZanlnS Ordinance peso 7-12 qr)6 [ .'L 7.12 Ac 0, E, F, D. DZOTRZCT A-P AD#ZN~ETRAT~VE-PROFEOOZONAL PURPOOE; Tht8 dtetriot wouLd oocowwodete seLected cowwercteL businesses whtch provtdo · sarvtce rather then BeLL producte~ either retelL or whoLesaLe, The uses aLLowed hove reLativeLy Low troFF;c Oonaretton end require Ltwtted Loootton tdenttFtcstion. PERFlZT?ED UGEO; Administrative oFFtcee. Art studto or gaLLery. Bustnaase wuotc, dsncsB or cowtsrcteL schools. Financial tnBtituttono. Doctor or dentist of FtceB. Government oFFtoso. OFFtcse~ professional or service. Photcgrspher'a atudto. Redto~ TV atetton [no tcwere). PubLtc perking Lot For operating vehicLes. ReeL estate oFFtca. Travel eoancy or tourtet bureau. Other personal service whops. OZTE PLAN/LANDSCAPE REVZEW REOUZRED; Refer to Oecttono 10 end 11. COND]TZONAL USEO PERHZTTEDI Refer to Oectton 8.10. AREA REOUZREHENT61 Refer to TabLe A Bt the end cf th~s eectton. PAFlKZN6 REOUZRE#ENTSi Refer to 6cotton 9. OZGN RESULATZONOI Refer to Oact~on 12. Zontn9 Ordinance page 7-13 ")r)fi (' ,'7 7.1G A, DZGTRICT C-1 GENERAL COMNERCZAL PURPOSE; This dtatrtct tedeetgnad to pruvtde · Location ~ur General commerciaL! retail uses ahtch serve tbs entire community and ire vtettora. PERHZTTED USES= ALL In A-P and C-3, pLu8 the foLLowtngn ALcohoLIo beverage aaLae - retelL and whoLesaLe. Arena - coliseum. AutomobiLe saLes and rentaL. AutomobiLe repair ehop. Bank. Bookstore, ratatL and whoLesaLe. BowLing aLLay. ChtLd care, 'Leaner, dry and prasuln9 pLent, Laundry end/or Ltnen supply. Domesttc houeehoLd equipment rentaL, storage. Oormttorlea. Ortve-tn 8aLee. Drtve-Jn eettng eatebLtahment. FtLLtng etattone rotatL. Zontng Ordinance page 7-14 Cw HoteL. HartnB and ftmhtaO equipment BaLes. HobtLa hale BELle! BtOrBOe. HoteL. PubLtc parktno building or Lot for operating vahtcLeo. Pricttng End reproduatton. PrtvBtB LodQBa~ frebernaL. Radio or TV orations or BtUdtoe, [no towarB). Shopptno canter. Storage garnQe. Other Sees wILL hB aonstdered by the CowwIBaion. SZTE PLAN/LANDSCAPE REVIEW REOUZREDI Refer to Sectton8 10 and 1¶o CONDZT]ONAL USES PER#ZTTEDI Tho foLLowing conditional usaa shaLL be aLLowed In LoBated. which do not Jeopardize the heaLth, OBfety or weLfare of the pubLic by AREA REOUZRE#ENTBI Refer to TabLe A Bt the end of thtB eectton. PARKING REOUZREHENTa: Refer to SBctton 8~GN SEGULATZONS1 Refer to 8action Zontno Ordtnenae page 7-15 (' .'5 7,14 A. Be Ce D, E, F, DZETRZCT C-2 CO##ERCZAL - ZRDUGTRZAL PURPOSEI Thte dlltrlct ts deulgned to provide Locotlons for outLets offsrtng oasdi and oervtceu to · Llmttod segment of the generaL pubLto. The uses tncLuded primariLy serve other commercial end fnduetrleL enterprises. PEFlHZTTED UGEGa ALL tn C-1 pLug the foLLowing; Bosrdtng kennels [pubLio]. Certtng, crottngf express etoregs, Farm ImpLement BaLes (new or uoed], otorsgof repetr. Garden [Inoludlng greenhouse], for commerotsL purposes. SenersL merchandise warehouse. Hardware [Industrial gales). Lumber end butLdlng mstertsL soles end otarsge. Hoohtne shop. ;heat moteL febrtsetton shop. SIon shop [pointing, menufeoturtng]. WeLdtng shop. WhoLoosLeo end sorvtss. Other uues I~LL be oonetdered by the Colmtsslon. SiTE PLAN/LANDGCAPE REVZE~ REOUZREDs Refer to Sections 10 end 11. CONDZTZONAL USE6 PERH~TTEDI Refer to SectJon S,IE, AREA REOOZRERENTS= Refer to TabLe A et the end of thle eectton, PARKZNG REGUZRENENTEI Refer to Geotton 9. 6ZGN RE6ULATZONG= Refer to 6eotlon 18. Zoning Ordinaries page 7-18 r)rlh£ i 7.1S A. Be DISTRICT C-3 PLANNED COHHERCIAL PURPODE: Thta dtetrtct ia designed to provide Locations for commercial ettea that are too small for many permitted uses in the General Commercial District, These should be relatively Low tra~fta oeneretora that mould haYa LtttLa Impact on adjacent areas end on adjacent thorough~area, PERNZTTED USESs ALL tn A-P pLua the ~oLLomtng! ALcohotto beverage BaLee - ratatL end wholesale restricted to o~f-preltaea consumption onLy. Car WBBh. CLeaner/Laundry. Cold storage, Garagel commercial, Radto end TV .rattans [no tewara), Repetr ahopa. Ghopptng oenter, EZTE PLAN/LAND6CAPE REVZEW REOUZRED: Re,er to Dactlone 10 end 11. COND/TZONAL USES PER#ZTTED; Refer to Eaotten 8.12. AREA REQUZRE#ENTE= Refer to Table A et the end of this Bastion. Nax~wum Lot PARKZNG REOUZRENENTRI Re~er to Section 9. EZGN REGULATZONGI Re~er to Eeatton Zontng Ordinance page 7-17 flqh('81 7 A, D. E, F. R. DIDTRZCT N-1 PLANNED ZNDUSTRXAL PURPOEE! Thtl dlotrfct to provtdod for high tenhnotogfooL, Ltght manufoeturlngf non-pnLLuting tnduotrleo, properly proportioned end deetoned for oeethotto oppeoLf mtth oontroLLod daaton of plant extertoro and conutructton motertoLI. Not only atto deatgn end Layout. but feoodea, materials. Lighting. end apparent architectural oopeota of the prnJeot ore oubJeot to revtew and approvaL. ALL vehtcLe eocene ihoLL be paved. The H-1 Dtatrtot may be compatibLe with odJaoont uooo tn any other dlatrtut~ depending upon the nhoraoter of the operattnn end the uondtttonu tmpoeud, PER#XTTED UBEEI Reeeerch and deveLopmont. Loboretnrtoo. Apparel manufacturing, Rubber end pLoottco product lenufeoturtnoo Printing end eLLtud produoto. Fabricated metaL producte manufacturing. Offtoo equipment end uuppLiea manufacturing. Offtoee. Other uueo mILL be considered by the CommtueJon. RXTE PLAN/LANDGCAPE REVXEW REOUXREDI Refer to Seuttonu 10 and 11. CONDXTXONAL USES PERNXTTEDI Refer to Section 6,1E. AREA REOUXREHENTSI Refer to TabLe A et the end of tht8 smarten. PARKXN6 REOUXREHENT81 Refer to Sectton D. OXEN RERULATZOND: Refer to Seotton 12. Zoning Ordinance pege 7-19 7.17 A. DISTRICT H-E HEAVY ZNDUSTRIAL PURPOSE: This district is designed to provide Lend for wsnufssturlng end industriaL scttvttise mith generation of nuisance cherecterletlos greeter than activities permitted in the C-S end H-1 zoning dtstrtcteo Uses wtthln this dtetrtct are not oowpstlbLe with residentiaL uses end Lower Intensity oomwBrcteL UeeB, PERHZTTED USESI ALL uses permitted in #-1 end C-S, excluding C-1 US,B, pLus the foLLowing: Atrcrsft LBndtng strtpB, ,aLee, service, rentaL, or rspBIr. Broedoastfng towers for rsdlo end teLevision. Concrete products menufecturtng. pLants. Food prosessfng Machine shops. SsLvsge or junk yards [for pipet sheet metsL~ automobiLes, Lumber, etc,, when visuaLLy screened on front, rsar~ end eLL sides with · soLid six IS] foot high fence). Storage tanks (for Liquid petroleum end expLosives], Tire shops, incLuding vuLcsntztng end retreading, Warehousing. Zoning Ordtnsnoe page 7-19 NOTE- C-1 GENERAL CONNERCZAL UREG ARE ALLOWED ZN THE FOLLOWZN6 AREA BY COUNCZL ACTZDN OF JUNE 14, 10841 ALL thor oortetn troct or parceL of Land Lytno and betng ottueted tn tho J. E. 8gott LBOEUI tn CoLL.g. 8tBtlOnB Brozoe County. Toxoau bain0 aLL of those treoto conveyed to Jerley Street Enterprtzeo by de.da reoorded tn VoLume 505. Page 70; VoLume 51B, Peg· E4G; VoLume G43~ Page 788 end VoLume 543. Rage 7B7 of the Dead Rooordl of Bt.zoo County. T.xo., theme treoto oonveyod to Drew Woode Lo.ming Corporation by deedo recorded tn VoLume E71B Page 188. end VoLume EEa. Rage 606 of tho Deed Record. of Broaoo County~ Tlxeo, aLL of that 1.086 more tract oonveyed to Drew Woodew Zno. by deed reoorded tn VoLume 403. POgB EO1 of oonvoyed to Robert CaLLaway Corpor.tton by deed. reoorded tn VoLume EGO~ Peg. 10 end VoLume 58Ew Page 18 of tho Deed Reoorde of Brmzoo County. Tax.o. led being more perttouLerLy deoortbed ee foLLomel Beginning It tho later,motion ortho ,outhmeet Ltne of the Southern Pectfto RaiLroad Right-of-may end the ooutheeot Line of Jeroey Street. Thence 8 E9 deer,el 40~37" E - 777.48 feet aLong the eouthweet Ltne of Slid raiLroad right-of-way to the Boat eeeterLy corner of that tract conveyed to Drew good, Leeetno Corporation by deed recorded tn VoLume EEO. Peg, 605 of the ed Raoorde of Or,zoo County. Tax,el Thence N SO degrees 16' EGo E - 10.00 feet to the moat northerly corner of the laid Drew VD.de, Zno. treot; Thence 6 E9 degree. 40'37" E - 37D.5 feet along the northeast Ltno of the sold Thence Seo degrees 19~ DO" W - 1De.OD feet gLen0 the eoutheeet Line of the Th,nee G 18 degreee OB'El" E - 107E.83 feet aLong the north,eot Line of the 8etd Robert CaLLaway tract to the northmeet Line of Luther Street; ThinG. 8 41 degree. EB'58"W - lEa.El feet .Long the northwest Ltne of Luther ~treet to the northeast Line Df Herren Puoh Drtve; Thence N E8 degrade 01'45" g - 2ED1.85 feet eLonO the north,eat Ltne of Harton Pooh Drive to the .ouCh. Bet Ltne of Jereey Sire.ti Thence N 45 degreeo 28'16" E - 190.46 feet along the south.eat Ltne of Jereey 8treat to the Point of Baolnfllng end containing 11.18 agree of Lend, more or (Above matte and bounde taken from Ordtoenoe 1586i pLeoeo refer to Exhibit A of that ordtnonce}. C. RZTE PLAN/LANDSCAPE REVZEW REOUZRED= Refer to 6ectton, 10 end 11. D, CONDZTZONAL USES PERNZTTEDI Refer to Sectfon 8,1R, E. AREA REOUZREHENTRI Refer to TebLe A at the end of th1, eectlon. Zoning Ordinenoe page 7-20 PARKZ#6 RERUZREHENT$; Refer to $ectton 9. SZGN REGULATZONSi Refer to $m=tton 12. Z.ntng Ordinance 7,1B A. OB DZETR~CT C-U COLLESE AND UNZVERSiTY PURPOSEs This dletrtot cent.the Leeds ehtch ere primariLy Located mtthtn the bound, flea of the Texas A&# Un~veratty eempue, The dtotrict provtdoe for advance consideration .ed pLenntng by the Ctty for deveLopment mhlch might occur in reLetton to perktng~ traffic generations and any demands mhtch mtght be placed on the Ctty's edmteletretfve or servtce functions, PER#ZTTED USEEs 8term university, Zontng Ordtnencs page ,)r)/, [_' L. [. 7.1N A. DZSTRZCT P-U-D PLANNED UNZT DEVELDPHENT PURPOSE, Tho purpose of thee district to to parntt such FLexibiLity and tm provide performance orttsrto which can result tn planned developments mhtch prodccsi [o] A moxtmum chotco tn tho type of environment sad Ltvlng avaiLabLe to the pubLIcl Open spice and recreation areas; Lc] A pattern of development whtsh preserves trees, outstanding naturaL topography end geoLogic features, and prevent, coil erostonl {dj A crscttvs opproaoh to tho uso of Lend end reLated phyatcsL development; (o] An efficient uae of Lend roBuLt~og In smaLLer networks of utiLities and streete~ thereby Lomertn9 housing costs; (F] An environment of stabLe character tn harmony mtth surrounding development; (gl A more desirabLe environment then would be poastbLa through strtct IppLtsotton of other sections or districts in this ord~nsnCeo Tho PLanned Untt DeveLopment District to deetgnod to provtda For smeLL end Large scale deveLopments tnoorporcting · single type or · variety of rsatdsnttBL end reLotBd uge6 which arm planned end deveLoped sm a unit. Such deveLopments may consist of Individual Lute or may hove common butLdtno sties. Common Lend LeGated within the PLanned Unit DeveLopment must be mn eSBonttaL and s major eLement of the pLan wh;ch is reLated to and effects the Long-term vaLue of the homes and other deveLopment. A planned untt shaLL be s separate anttty with a dtsttnct character in harmony with the surrounding development. In · PLanned Unit DevsLopment~ if msxtmum building hetghta~ minimum Lot a;zos, setbcck Ltnco, Lot mJdtho~ or Lot depths sro to be different From satobLtshed standards For the respective Lend uses, approvaL For such deviation must be ecqutrod From the PLanning end Zcntng Commission. No structure sheLL be oonatruoted mlthtn ftFteon LIE] Feet of the extsrtor property Ltnsa of the deveLopment. LOCATZON= Tho PLanned Dnlt DeveLopment may be established in any residentiaL district. Zontng Ordinance page 7-23 DUBHZSDZDN PROCEDUREI The InltteL submission to the Commission sheLL coaster of e request For zone change, e preliminary subdivision pLet~ and e preliminary development plan, Xf theme era approved by the Ccmmlaeton~ they wILL bm sent forward to chi City Council with · recommendeticn for approval of the zone change request under the condition that tho FinaL plat add ftoot development plan ilth eLL reLaTed Information 8hoLL ba presented to the CounctLo through the Collleeton~ withtn ODD [1] year Frei the deco of approval of the zone change requeatl otherlieet the zontng 8heLL revert to that prtDr to the request. Thta parted of one (1] year lay be extended For an additional parted DF tleLva [¶gl months on presentation end approval of Information acceptable to the Commission and the City CDUnClL that extenuating ctrcumatanceet beyond the control of the devaLoport have prevented cDmpLJanDe ilthin The original parted OF one [1] year. 8UBDZVZaZON PLATs The subdivision pLat shaLL be es required by the subdivision DEVELOP#ENT PLAN$I The developer shaLL present pLena, raporta and reLated lnforletton tn sufficient detatLB to enable the Commission to evaLuate the propceed development in eccordenee Itch the provtelona of thJl section. The Commission shILL tnveltJoate and eacertatn that the plane Fop the PLanned Unit DeveLopment meet the FoLLowing nondttlones That the propoaed project wtLL constitute an anvtrcnmant of euatatned desirability and etebtLity~ and That tt wILL be tn harmony with the Dheracter of The surrounding neighborhood. [b) That the project ta tn conformity ItCh the poLtCteB and gDDLD Of The Comprehensive PLan For development of the Cityy and wtLL be consistent with the 1stent and purpose of thte section. (c] That the property adjacent to the proposed development wtLL not be adversely effected. (d] That every structure containing dleLLtno units hew access to a pubLtc street dtractLy or via e court~ woLkweye or other area dedicated to the pubL1c or Dined end laintmtned by e home aeeoctgtton~ but need not Front Dp [e] Thet provfatona For the parktng of motor vahlaLee fn non-residentiaL Bread are aB established ~n $ectton 9 OF thee ordinance. [r) That the 8tandarda For the maximum FLoor 8pace permitted and for Ilntmum recreational DpDcB~ outdoor Lfvtno space, open apace~ end parking specs requirements are reLaTed to a Lend use IntensiTy rettnO [LUZ]. The Lind use ~nteniity (LUZ} For a PLanned Untt DeveLopment BheLL reLaTe to the zontng districts. The reLationship between rittnga and standards are established end are ee FoLLDleI Zontng Ordinance p ~!i~ ~) ~- ~4~-~' ~ UaE ZHTEgEzTY RATIO6 I. UT Ratine X Grace Land Ares (S,Fo] LU! Rattoa x Livtng Unite Rax.l of DweLLing FLoor Open LtvabtLit¥ Rear#tiaa Ocoupant TotaL Units/Acre Ares Opane 8paoe Specs Car Car (FAR] (0ag) (LBS) [RSR) (OCS) (TCR) Zontng Otetrtct PUD Pl 7 .18E ,77 .SO ,032 1.80 1,80 PLIO IE 15 .283 ,74 ,48 .04~ 1.20 1.40 ~ ~3 50 .990 ,89 ,40 .070 .94 ,gO ~or Area Ratto (FAR)I maximum eq. ft. of totaL fLoor ereB permitted for each equare foot of grace Land eros, Open Opeoe Ratto (OOR]: mtnteum eq,ft, of open space requtred for each eq,ft, of Ltvebt Lity 9pace Fletto (LgR]i mtnlmum aq.ft, of nonvehtcuLir open apace required for each eq.ft, of gross Lend eras, [LivabtLtty apace le · pert of open epeoe] RaereattoneL Opaoe Ratto [RGR)s minteum echft, of recreation apace requtred for aaoh eq,ft, of grace Land ares. [RacreettoneL epsom ta · part of LtvebiLity apaoe] Total Car Ratio (TCR): mtnimum number of perking epecee required for each Lfvtng Occupant Car Ratio (OCR]I minimum number of perking spaces without parktng time Ltmttl requtred for each Llvtn0 unit. Zoetng Ordinance page , }r')/.,. l' L, STAGE CONGTPUCTZONI The preliminary development pLan end tho preLiminary subdivision pLat sheLL sham aLL of the development stages end the opprnxtmate boundaries of each stage. Thc FtnsL subdivision pLat end FtnoL deveLepment plan For each Bunoacdtng stage shaLL be submitted ct not more then one [1) year IntervaLs. The common areas end FaciLities For each development OLEOS must be planned es ChBC etch home owner in the orlgtnaL planned unit end in each additionaL stage itLL have approximateLy equal Itake and benefit in the homes association's nommon FaciLities. UTZLZTZESl The method oF provtdtno screens and utiLities sheLL be in accordance with the requtremeflto of the Subdivision ReguLation Ordinance [Ordinance No. eeo], except For the variance em provtded For prtvate streets in Section 7.¶9-E above. SZGNSI alone sheLL be regulated tn each Lend UBS as estobLtlhed tn respective subsections of Section 18. HO#ES AESOCZATZON: A homes cementation miLL be requtrad if ether satisfactory arrangements have not been mede For provtdtngw spiriting end laintetninO common FaciLities including atreeCcg drtvea, service and porktn0 areaa~ common open cpecea~ end common recreational cream. The Incorporation of tho homes association must provtde For the FoLLomtng: (s] EatobLteh automatic membership tn a non-profit homes association of ILL Lot ownerc in the P-U-Dj ih] [c] AppropriateLy Ltmtt the uses of common property. Id] Give each Lot owner the rtghc to the uae end enjoyment of the mammon property. re] PLies responsibility itch the homes association For: [1] msinteponne and operation of the common propertyl FSI edmtntlCratton OF architecturaL controls; Fa] enforcement OF covenants; end (4]maintenance of aLL or part DF the extorter tmprovemente OF Individual proportfeo. PLace en association charge on each Lot in a manner whtch wiLL (1] assure eufflcient eeeoctetton funde~ end [El provide adequate eefeoucrde For the Lot ownera egolneC undeeJrcbLe hqgh chargeo. [O] Provide Chit ·Lten sheLL be placed upon property on whtch homes Give each Lot owner vot¶ng rights tn the esaociatton. Attorney and be ftLed For record with the Brezne County CLerk. Zontng Ordinance page 7-26 RELATIO# OF OTHER CITY ORDINANCES AND CODESI The previa¶one of the Housing Code, ButLdtno Coda, Fire Prevention Code, PLumbing Code and ELectricaL Code, emend other node. end ordinances, are specificaLLy mentioned ss appLicabLe to Otatrtct P-U-O (PLanned Untt DeveLopment]. A bufLdtng permit for a structure tn · PLanned Untt DeveLopment sheLL be Issued onLy after the plan, for the development have been approved by tho Commission. ALL structures tn · PLanned DeveLopment sheLL bs constructed os shown on tho approved pLane. Zoning Ordinance poge 7-27 7 .SO A. DIOTRZCT C-P.U.D, COH#ERCIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPNENT PURPOSE= The purpose of thts dlstrtct le to provide sn opportunity for fLexibLe, responsive commerciaL deveLopments whtch wiLL: (BI encoureoe creative and offlcJent USO Or commercial sites; (b) promote innovative uae or modern deveLopment cunceptsl eflde [c] ancourlge mtxed use development. Tha CommerctsL PLanned Unit DeveLopment DtetrJct la Intended for s combination of three or sore different, frequentLy Bepersted usaa, each a significant part or the development. The categories or leJor uses ere offtce~ retetL~ hoteL/moteL, restaurants, entartstnment end bsnk/ftnanctsL Institution. The pLsnntng end oonceptueL design sr · C-P.U.D. must provtda for phystcaL and functionaL integration or project uaee end COlponentl. A C-P.U.D. may coaster of tndtvtdusLLy pLatted [Oral but is not intended for traditional shopping centers under · singLe roof. Area requiremeota~ buiLding eetbscks end/or Lsodaosptno requtramanta~ msy deviate from eetsbLIihed etsndarda tr approved by the PLsnntn0 smd Zontng Commission as pert or the DeveLopment PLan. PER#ZTTED UEESa ALL in C-1 end H-l. DUB#ZS$ON PROCEDUREI The lntttet submission by the applicant shaLL constst of a request for s zone changes a preliminary subdivision plot, end s preLiminary deveLopment pLea. The zone change requeet end the preliminary pLst wtLL foLLom the estebLtahed revtsm process thrDugh the Commfslion and City CounctL. The preLtmtnsry development pLan wILL be ravlemed by hs ProJsot Review Committee cnLy~ unLBae sny one voting member of the Committee or the sppLtcsnt requests e review by the PLenntng end ZunlnO Commission. The zone charles, if Bpproved by the City CounctL, wiLL revert to the former zoning if the ftneL plot end ftnaL development plan ere not ipproved wtthtn twelve [lEI months after the date of the zone change request. The ftnsL deveLopment plan soy bs approved by the staff tf no substantial changes have been mede. DEVELOPHENT PLANSl The deveLoper sheLL present site end deveLopment pLsns or sufficient detaiL to meet the foLLowing conditions= (a] Dpectftc uses should bs designated on the pLans. (b] The eros and/or seating cspectty or aLL usaa shouLd be shown. [c] Every structure must have LegaL accBaa to a pubLic stream, as weLL aa adequate BECOme for emergency vehicles. eld] Off-arrest psrktng sheLL bo provtded tn accordance wtth Section O. Oharsd parklno msy be aLLowed with up tD e EE~ reduction tn the total cumuLsttve requirement tn accordance with TabLe 7-1. Perking essements should cover shared srsss. La] Eech IndividuaL uae should have ·mtntmum of 7E~ of tie psrktnO requirement wtthtn 300 feet or · pubLto entrance which ts smelLy eocesatbLa to the pubLto. If] Landscaping may be accompLished in Gammon areas tf platted end letntetned. LO] The ProJeot Revtem Committee wtLL revtem any chePoe in occupancy to determlne ir sdequete psrktno ts avaiLabLe. Zf any one member of the Gcmmtttls or the sppLtuant deetre8, thts change mtLL be revtesed by the Commission. Lb) A property owners' ssaoctsttcn or a msnaggmBnt corporation should bB Zontng Ordinance page 7-;6 ( estabLished unLeeB other arrangements have been Bade to tnBure responsibility rot mefntenence oF colbert eras8 DF Lsndeoeptng, psrktng. GTAGE CONGTRUCTZON= The preLiminary deveLopment pLan and preLtllnery eubdtvtlfon plat sheLL show ILL of the deveLopment areola. A FtneL plat end development pLan For each stage should be submitted For approvaL it not more thin twelve [12] month tntervlLl. TABLE 7-1 eBHARED PARKZNO GEDUCTZON FACTOR8 Perktng Adjustment Percentages (ttee oF day] UGE CATEGORY A.H. NOON P.H. NZGHT OFFice/Bank/FinanciaL IOOZ 80Z 100~ 3E~ RetaiL 70~ BO~ 75Z 80~ NightcLub 10~ IOO~ 70~ IOOZ Heateurent 30~ 10O~ 30~ 100~ Norton Pteture Houee 10~ 30~ 705 IOOS HeaLth Studio 4E~ 7OZ 90~ 100~ [ZncLudtng Dance/Aerobic] 6sim Courts 45S ?0~ 90~ 100~ HoteL/HoteL 75~ 50~ 50~ 100~ Other Usesea ~00~ 1[]0~ 100~ ~OOS TOTAL under Gectton 9, eaPercentegee OF required perktno can be adjusted onLy IF · vertenee to granted by P.R.C. or P&Zo Zontno Ordinance pare 7-69 ")qh ( (. Dzo'r, R-1 R-lA H H R-4 R-7 OZSTRI'CT USE ECHrnULE - TABLE A #ZN. U)T #ZN. LOT #]~N. LOT #]~N. FRONT IITN. OZDE #TNo ;:ZDE #TN. RF.~q )~X. 19X. '. AREA/DU #ZDTH DEPTH EETBACK ~ETBACK BT, ~'BACK ~ETBACK HEZGHT DU/AC REGZDENTZAL DTSTRZCT8 0 sores 50' 20' 15' 35' 5.000 EF 50' 100' EC'(D] 7.5'[C] 15'(F] P.5'[F] 2.5 story/35' 9.0 4,000 gF none none ES'ID) 7.5'(C} 15'(F) ED'(F} 2.5 story/35' 10.0 3,500 5F 35'(E} 100' 05'(0] 7.5'(C] Ia'IF] ~O'(F] 2.5 story/30' 12.0 E~OOO 5F EC' I00' 25'(0] [A}(B] 15'(F] EO'{F] 35' 14.0 25'(0) [A)(D) 15' GO'(F] 2.5 story/30' 16.0 a0'(0] [A][e] 15, EC'(F] 46' 24.0 LOT AREAw 6ETBAC/(5, HEZGHT DETER)IZNWn BY 8ZTE PLAN REVTBJIf DENGZTY ~BOVE 24 DU/ACME DETERJ4ZNEC BY CZTY COUN(;ZL. GEE HOBZLE HOME PARK OECZNANCE. EEC. 7.19 FOR RESTR1'CT1'ONG. C-# SEC. 7.10 24' SEC. 7.10 A-P.C-1 ,C-~,C-3 84' 100' EEC. 7.11 FOR REGTRZOTZONG. · -~u SEC, 7,g0 FOR REOTRZOTZONG. COMEEflCZAL DZGTRZCT6 as' [A][B) 10' 15' 00' [A][B] 15' 15' 35' ZECUOTRZAL DZOTRZCT5 14-1 Isa' Ecs' Ec' [A][B] 101 A - A wtnJmow ntds setback of 7.5 feet t8 rm;ufred for each butLdtno or group of canttguoun butLdtngeo Q - Lot Ltne construction on tntwrlor Lotl to aLLowed where access to the rear of tho butLdfng tn provtded on te or by dedtowted right-of-way or easement. G Line construction of residences ts aLLowed where property on both alden of Lot Ltne to owned end/or uped simuLtaneousLy by IlngLe party. DeveLopment under Lot Ltne construction requtrso prfor approval o¥ ;he Zontng OfficiaL. Zn no owes shaLL o otngLo femtLy reeidsnow or dupLex be buiLt wJthtn 15 feet of another building. D - Htn(wul front setback may be reduced to 15 feet when approved rear access tl provided. E - The wlntwul Lot etdth for duplex dweLLings may be reduced to 30 ~t./DU when eLL requtred off-ntrowt psrktng ti provtded ~n the rear yard. F - The foLLowing reetrtctinns shaLL appLy tD ncoeneory but LdingB. otrunturoB or unnB other then gerogow, cnrportB and Ltvtng quarters for fowiLy or nsrventol n wtntwow rear ontbBck of 15 feet to required! end n B~x~eum butLdlng save hetght of 8 feet t8 eLLowndo The foLLowing rowtrtGtlane OhBLL apply to garages end olrportwl · wtntmuw rear nntbnGk of ~ feet to requiredl end s wtnt~ otdo street ootbBGk Of EC foot 18 requtred for gsrogee or cnrportl that fogs onto etdn stresto. The foLLowing reBtrtntionn ~hsLL appLy to accessory but Ldtngn or otruGtureo used for Ltvtng quarters for fBwILy or BSrventol s wtntnue rslr setback ne elated In TabLe A above for thn dtntrict in which the ncoowlory but Ldtng or otruoturl In Located t. required; end · WeXtBUB nfze not to exceed 25~ of the area of the prino~peL ntru©ture tB aLLowed. Dn Lot8 wtth approved rolr ecoeen eLL nntbeokn sheLL be inneurod ~row the nearest bDundsry of the noowa, nooolnnt or aLLey. On aLL other Lntn rear Istbeckl sheLL be leisured frow the rowr property Line. Zn no event oheLL Ears than G~ Df the rear yard area [that portion of the yard between the rear setback Line of the principaL ntruoturn end the rear property Ltow) be oovored wtth oooowonry buildings, structural or USES. DU - DweLLing Untt. D~/Acrn -DwBLLtng Untts par acre. tn the zone. under one ownernhtp excLuding stroetw, parka, nrc. #tn. Lot Width - Let #tdth et front 8ntbeok Ltne. Zonln, Ord ..no. p.,. 740 [ SECTION 8. SUPPLERERTARY DISTRZCT REGULATIONS The FoLLoltng supplementary dtctrtct reguLations are hereby adopted and sheLL apply In aLL cases where specified by thtc section. 8.1 VZSIBZLITY AT INTEFlSECTION$ IN ALL OISTRICTSI On e corner Lot tn any dletrtctw nothing shaLL be erected~ pLaced~ pLanted or aLLowed to grow tn ouch a manner Be materiaLLy to twpetr vahtcLa dr;vars' vtston at ;ntereecttons, within a trlangLe defined by the property Ltnao end a Ltna Jotnlo0 two (S] points Located twenty [20) Feet beck from the property ttnee Intersection; except that Fences, weLLa~ and/or hedges way be permitted provtded that ouch Fences~ maLLs, and/or hedgeo dc not tmpsJr vision From three [3] Feet to six (6] Feet above the curb Line elevation. ACCESSORY SUZLCINGS/STRUCTURES: No occaeeory buiLding/structure sheLL be erected tn any required setback area. ExcLuded From this requirement te any portable storage buiLding/structure tF the ButLdtng OFFtclsL hem determined that tt does not require s botLdtnS parmtt. NINZRUN BUILDINg PLOTs No butLdtng pLot sheLL have Lower or Lees stringent standards or dimensions than those prescribed for respective zonec ee shown in TabLe A of thle ordinance. 0,4 ERECTION OF RORE THAN ONE [1) PRZNCIPAL STRUCTURE ON A LOT OR BUZLDZNO PLOTs Zn any district, more then one (1] structure housing · permitted principal usa may bo erected on · singLe Lot or butLdlng pLot~ but yard and other requirements of this ordinance must be met For each structure os though each were on an Individual Lot or butLdtn0 pLot. S.S EXCEPTIONS TO REZSHT REGULATIONSs The hetght Limitations cootctned tn TabLe A do not appLy to apfrea~ beLtrfeBw cupoLae~ water tanks~ ventilators, chimneys or other appurtenances usuaLLy required to be pLaced above the roof LeveL protection end not Intended For human occupancy, B,O STRUCTURES TO RAVE ACCESS; Every bulLdtng hereafter erected or moved sheLL be on · Lot or buiLding pLot mtth direct access on a public 8treet~ or mtth acceao to an approved prtvata street. ALL structures sheLL be ag Located on Lots or butLdlno plots es to provtde safe and convenient access For servicing, gtre protectton~ end the requtred on-stte pcrktng. 8.7 REOUZRED YARDS: Yards ss required tn thte ordinance ere open spaces on the or buJLdtn9 plot on whtch· building ts situated and which ere open and unobstructed to the sky by say structure except es heretn provided. Lot FRONT YARD REOUIREDs A yard Facing and shuttleO a street and extending agrees the Front of a Lot or building plot betmeen the etde property Lines end having a minimum horizontal depth measured From the Front property Ltns to · depth of the setback specified For the dtetrtct tn uhtch the Lot te Loooted, The requtred Front setback Llfle raprasentc tho Ltns ~n Front of mhtch no betiding or structure may be erected except that porches end steps open on three [3) etdas Located along not more then one-heLP [1/2] of the butLdtno may project · maximum of etx (6] Feet Into the raqutred Front yard. BeLconlesw decks, signs end marquees Located more then etght [SI Feet From the ground may project up to etx (8] Feet 1ntb the required Front ylrd. Zoning Ordinance pegs 8-1 D.8 8.0 8.10 8.11 DEAD YADD REOUZflED: A yard extending ecrosB the roar of the Lot or bulLdtng plot betmeon tho otde property Ltneo end hevtng· mtntmul depth measured Fram the reef property LIne ee specified Far the dlotrtct In mhlch the bulLdtng plot fo Located. There sheLL be nc Intrusion Into the roqutred roar yard by etotrleyo~ baLconies or other bulLdtng oxtenifono to more then otx [6) Feet. 6ZDE YARD REQUZRED= A yard Located on · Lot or bulLdtng plot extending Frei the required roar yard to the roqutred Front yard hevtnO ·mtntmum mtdth measured From the itde property Line es specified For the dlstrtct tn mhlah the butLdtno pLot fS LeGated. MAJOR RECREATZODAL EOUZP#ENTs For the purpose oF these reguLettone~ major recreetfoniL equipment la doFtned el IncLuding boats end boat tretLsre~ travel trailers, ptck-up campers or coaahee (designed to be mounted on automotive vehloLeo]~ motorized dgeLLtage~ tent tratLero~ and the LJke, end cages or boxes used For transporting recreational equJpmeat~ mhether occupted by such equipment or nat. No ouch equipment sheLL be used For Ltvtng, sleeping, home occupation, or household purposes when perked or stored on e residential Lot, or tn any Locatton not approved For such ual, PARKZD6 AND 8TOflA6E OF CEDTAI# VERZCLE6= Automotive vehtcLee or tretLero not beertno current License pLates end state motor vehfcLe Inspection stickers, or not in operating aondttione sheLL be perked or stared on any residentiaLLy -oned property onLy tn compLeteLy enclosed buiLdings. Ex=opted From thto Ire oehtcLos being repatred or servtced fn compliance mtth the derlnttfon DF AutomobiLe Repetr Shop. SCREENZNS FENCE8 REOUZREDa (1] #here there la · common stde ar rear Lot Ltne or Lot Lines between commercial or ~nduetrteL Land end developed residential areas, the owner oF aetd commercial or fnduetrteL Lend shaLL erect · Fence that Such Bcreentng Fences may be mede OF any motertoL but shaLL be et Least stx (E] Feet In hetght end sheLL Farm ·aoLtd continuous screen between the restdenttoL end non-reifdentteL Lind uses. Zn the case OF rear Lot Ltne8 such ecreenlnO Fence shaLL be continued From one etde Lot Ltne along the rear Lot Ltne to the other etdo Lot L¶ne. Zn the coeo oF stde Lot Ltnese such screening Fence sheLL be continued From the reor Lot ttne along the e~de Lot L~ne to tho Front wetback Ltne but no Farther then e pofnt FtFteen (lO] Feet From the street right-oF-way Ltne. Each such screening Fence sheLL be metaLs¶ned tn oecd condition by tho owner OF oltd buotfleee; commercial or Industrial project, For es Lea0 · tome parted ea may be needed to protect adjacent residentiaL Lend uses. Fence sheLL be erected prtcr to construction. 8HOPPZNG CENTERS~ MULTZPLE BUZLDI#6 COMPLEX AND LARGE PROJECTS ZN GENERAL= PLot pLans oF eLL ohapptng centers end muLtfpLe building compLexes end pLot plane oF other Largo scale pra~ecto which mouTd cause · considerable Impact on the City's FaciLities sheLL be reviewed end approved by the C~ty TechnicaL Zontng 0rdinance page 9-2 6.13 AB stiff prior to the ties.nco of I butLdtng permit by tho ButLdfno O~ftotlL. 6uch rivtew under thte eoboectlcn lhltL be rsstrlotsd to the rlvtew of the tmpsct of such project cai [1] tho neighboring Lind end environment, [~] traffic generation, [3] propoiod circuLation pitt.rna end ImpLications tc sifety tn the project er.l, end [4] the resultant fmpoct of luch trsfYic generation end circuLation upon edJsoent street eylteme. The Zontng OfftctlL or the developer of the project isy refer the pLot pLane to tho Ctty CounctL prtor to the ti.usage of s butLdtnO permit for finsL resolution. No butLdtng permit mILL be deLayed more thsn thtrty [30] dsyl pending resolution of such butLdtno psrmtt requeit ucLeel the bolLdtng pormtt hag been formaLLy dented by tho ButLdtng OfficteL Dr Zcntng OfficiaL. The bulLdtno permit, mhen tieuid, sheLL require conltructtoo according to tho approved plot plane construction plane and Ipectftcetionl. CONDZTZONAL OgEes The foLLowing conditionaL UBS8 may bs permitted tn sny dlltrtct mhen they meet specliL regulations and oonditlonl prescribed by the PLennfng end Zontng Commfoolon upon recomlsndstton of tho Project Rsvtom Committee through the Issuance of I Uie Perlit (See 8ectton ¶4). OetllLed examination cf proposed Locsttcn end Ull ohereotertstlcl 1o nioseeiry to mextmtzl complttbtLtty. ChtLd Care. Church.l, Community butLdfngs [municipal or non-pro,lc orgonfzettons]. HodtceL cLfnice. HuntolpeL lervloe facilities end building8 [excLuding perk. whtoh ers permitted tn any district]. Phermectsl. PubLtc Libraries. SchooLs, pubLto or dsnomtnetlonsL. TeLephone sxchingoo. people. No meohtne, process or procedure lhiLL be empLoyed on ony property tn the Ctty, tn mhlchs [1] Emtelton of smoke, duet~ nox4ous, toxto, or LethaL Oases ars detectabLe beyond the perimeter of the property. Zoning Ordlnonce page 8-3 8,14 8.15 8,10 B,17 B.16 A. above ten [10] or below ftve [5]. [3] Vibration 1o dtecerntbLa beyond the property Ltne. [4] Nolee above the ewbtant OCIBe LeveL tB discernible beyond the property Line. TE#PORARY BUZLDZNSB AND EOUZPHENT= Temporary buildings end equip.ant for ueaa IncidentaL to ocnetruotton work on prewteee Bra aLLowed tn any zone but sheLL be removed upon the completion or abandonment of conetructton work. None shaLL be Located on any pubLtc ltreet et any time during construction. Parka ere aLLowed tn any zone. Yard Fences. Fences of woodf chatnL~nk or etwtLar materieL, end Less then atght [8'] feet in height; endf fence, of brtck~ BtonoB concrete or etwtLer wet,ri,LB end LeO8 than BIX (6~] feet In height. IhBLL not be construed to be structure,, nor ehaLi they raqutra abutLdtng perwlt. Temporary SaLes Offtceo end #odeL Nomee8 Hey be Located within residentiaL dtetrtcto ne pert of en on-going reeJdentleL deveLopment. Any temporary BeLwe offtce or model home IheLL be removed or converted to · uae permitted wtthtn the district when Certificates of Occupancy have been Issued to e0z of the eeeoctated residential unite or when uae aB · BaLes OfflCe or model home hew ceased. Sion,ge sheLL be Ltwlted to one [1] eton not exceeding elxteen [1BI equate feet~ .1that attached or freeetandln9. ZF free,tending tt sheLL not be within any rtoht-of-wey. eBteLLtto dteh antennaol The foLLowing crlterto muet be observed: A butLdtn0 permit te required to tribute eefe~ permanent InstaLLation end proper Location. The maximum hetoht of any dlah antenna t8 twelve [12'] feet above grade on reeidenttaL Late end on non-residentiaL LOre when the antenna 15 Located wtthln 100 feet of I residential Lot, ResidentiaL Lots of Lass then 10~000 Bquare feet wILL be Llmltad to ope antenna per Lot. SateLLIte dtah antennae ehBLL not be Located tn the front yard end sheLL not be any cLDear then ftftean [10'] feet to any etd, or rear property Line cn any property zoned end/or deveLoped ae etnoLe feIILyB dupLex or townhouee restdontleL~ except ea In [F.] beLow. The Zontng Board of AdJugtwent may grant aLLow placement tn the front yard when necessary to provide for eutCebLe reception Df O aeteLLtta sloneL. Zontng Ordinance peg. 8-4 On residential Lota of' one acre or more the antenna may bm Located tn the front yard mtth a twenty-five (25'] foot front setback. On tracts zoned and/or developed a8 muLti-famiLy raatdenttcL, commerciaL or tnductrlaL property the antenna may be Located on any part of the property but nc cLoair then tecnty-rtvc [85'] feet to the front property Line and fifteen [1E~] flat to the rear end alda property Lines. Antenna shaLL not be pLaced In any pubLtc or private easement. Zontn8 Ordinance pcga 8-5 ,')rlh SECTZON 9, NXNX#U# PARKXN6 REOUXRE#ENTS PURPOaEI Zt lB tho purpose of thtu usctton to outobLIih tho gutdeLineo for off-arrest plrktng epsceu conllstant with the propooud Land use tel neighborhoods. 8. Avotd the troffto congestion and pubLtu Oiflty hBzurdo uououd by s fstLurn to provtde such purktng apses. Expedite the aOVelent of traffic on pubLic thoroughfares In · oafs manner, thUl Lnureeitng the cirrytng capacity of the streets sad rnductng the amount of Lend required for armors, thereby Lowering tho coat to bo~h tho property owner sad the Ctty. OFF-STREET PARKZN6 SPACES REOUZREDi Zn eLL districts, for eLL ues8, ut the or et say time any o~her uae is eutobLtehed~ there shaLL be provtded off-street A. DZMENGZONB AND ACCESS ]tab ILLustrations at end of thl8 eScttonJ: Each off-street porktng 8peGs for automobiLes sheLL hive an area of not Leos then ntnu feet by twenty feet [S~ x gO~]. An otghtien Foot paved apace Bey be utiLized where eft additionaL two feet (8') of unobotructed area t8 provtdnd for vshtcLe overhang· Each off-ltreet perking specs for truok unloading ihoLL have an adequate unLoading area, Each purktng epics and the maneuvering area thereto sheLL bo Located entirely withtn tho boundarteo of the butLdtno pLot except aa eot forth tn Chapter 3, CoLLege 6tattoo City Code. There ohoLL be adequate provisions for inornou end oorosu to eLL perking spaces, and there ohuLL be adequate Baneuvertflg 8pace CO eliminate becktng 1nra pubL10 right-of-way on majors ertertuL or coLLector errants e8 refLected tn the Comprehensive PLan for the City of CoLLege 5totton. CircuLation uisLso between or ad, aGent to head-tn [90 degree] parktng apsee8 sheLL be · mtntlum of twenty-three ]g3l) feat In wtdth, One lay circuLation uteLso utth angLed perktng uhsLL be · ·latium of twenty [20'] feet. ALL other circulation staLes shaLL be determined by tho ProJsot Review Committee. A rntBod 1BLond, not Lsoe then nix [6] inchao tn hstght end not Lee8 then etoht [6] feet tn utdth shaLL separate pubLto rtohC-of-usy frei pnrktno A retold ieLund~ not LUBe then Bix [8] Inches In hotoht end nnoompnootng not LOBe then one hundred stghty ]¶BO) equate feet tn ores with · bottom contiguous with sxtnttnO aotL, shaLL bo Located oe YeLLo·el Zontng Ordinance page 9-1 Bm Ce g,3 ZNTERZOR RARKZNSs At both end, of every stnoLe perktng rom. regardLess of tho Length of tho row. [bi PERXPRERAL PARKXNgl Between every twenty [EO] perking space,. A raised tsLend~ not Lees than stx [6] 1ache, tn height sad encowpeeslng not Loam then throe hundred etxty [360] equate feet In area wtthe bottom oonttouous with oxtsttng welL. sheLL bo Located ot both end, of every doubLe psrktng Pow rsgordLsse of tho Length of ,etd row. 8. No ,ingLe or doubLe tntertor perktng row ehoLL exceed fifteen [¶5) parking OFF-PREHZEES LOCATZSNSI For any now uos. butLdtng or structure where tho required off-street perking cannot be provtdsd on the pr,wi,we because of the size or the Location of tho Lot or buiLdtng pLot~ ouch perking way be provtded on other property under the oome owner,hip whether tn fee simpLe or · Lee,or ownership lntereet~ not more then two hundred [800] feet dtekent from the bulLdtng elto provided the proposed perking area ta Locoted tn · dtltrtct whore perking Lotl arb permitted for that uae. OEVELOP#ENT AND #AZNTENANCE OF PARKZNG AREAl Every parcel of Lend hereafter used ees pubLtn perktno eroe~ IncLuding oowwercleL parking LOtI~ automobiLe. farm equlpment~ mobtLe home~ tretLers or other open-mir sales Lot, sheLL bo deveLoped end maintained tn ocoardenoe with the requirement, tn thts ,written. SURFACZNG: Except go otherwise provlded~ eLL off-,treat perking ores, iheLL bo eLL-weather eurfeoed~ shaLL be tneteLLed~ graded to dr,tn, and maintained so sm to dlepoee of 8urfsce water accumuLated wtthtn the ere,. Parking epeoee sheLL bo mD arranged end marked se to provide for orderLy end safe porktno of vehicLes. Surfecee and ourblng requirements ,heLL bo determined by the Ctty Engineer. LZGHTZNSs ALL Ltghttng ftxturee used to ILLuminate en off-street perking area aheLL be err,need e, me to direct or ohtsLd the Ltght sway from ,ny sdJotntnO reeldsnttoL premises, NURBER OF OFF-STREET PARKZNS 6PACES REGUZRED= The number of cfr-street porktng spaces requtred sheLL be determined from the foLLowing table of OFF-STREET PARKZN6 REOUZREHERTO. The cLeeetftnettofl of ueeo referred to sheLL be de,wed to IncLude and apply to aLL Ueel, Zontno Ordinance page 9-3 HZNX#U# OFF-BTREET PARKXNB REBUXREHENTB Type of Untt Bpacee Benaretor Per Untt PLus - Far Apartment Apertmant HoteL AtrpDrt Bank8 BomLlng ALLay Bus Depot BR 1,5 (3 maximum] BR 1.5 (3 maxtmum) 260 B,F, 1.0 Church Beat ConvaLeBcent Hame Bed DupLex DweLLing DU Day Cera Center g5O 8.F, FraternaL Lodge 75 8.F. Fraternity/Borg- Peraon rity House Fretght Station FuneraL ParLor Beat GiBe Court Center Court GasoLine and 300 B.P. FueL Service .33 0,5 1,0 1,0 1.0 1,0 ,33 4.0 1.0 Aa datermtnad by the Coemtcelon Ae determined by the COmltOeion Aa determined by the Colllaeton 1/30 B.F, meattng room Ae datermtnad by the CommteaIon Zoning Ordinance page Typo of #ZN~#UN OFF-STREET PARKZNB REOUZRE#ENTN (CONT.) Unit Spaces PLus - For Per Untt HeaLth Otudto 180 B.F. 1.0 No~sL DU 1,0 Hospital Nome for Aged Bed .5 Laundry 150 B,F, 1,0 #stol OU 1.1 Horst VohtoLe 250 B.P. 1.0 BaLes & Berries lOrries/NiLes Ares] Notnr VahtoLsa 6eLms & Bervtoe [Ber¥toe Area) 100 B.F, 1,0 #sdtcoL or DentaL 150 B.F, 1.0 CLinic #etlon Pteturo Boot ,40 Houae Nioht CLub BO 8.F, 1.0 Office BuiLding 250 B.F. 1.0 PersonaL 8orvloo 280 B.F, 1.0 Bhop Private SchooL or 100 B,F, 1.0 CommerctoL Otudfo RetotL 8oLeo & 250 B.F. 1.0 8srvtco Reesourant 100 6.Fo 1.0 [mtthout oLnoboL] Restaurant 75 B,F, 1,0 [wish oLcohoL) Rooming/Boarding Parson 1.0 House AB determined by tho Commission Zontng Ordlnonos Pose 9-4 Type Generator ff~NZNUN OFF-STREET PARKZNS REOUZRENENTS [CONT.] Untt Spaces PLus - For Per Unit BaLes DtipLBy OEO S,F, StngLa FomlLy Reetdan©e Shopping Centeraa (75,000 S.F. or Laaa] Ehopptng Canteraa (Nora than 7SRO00 O.P.] DU O.O 100 S.F. 1,0 DO0 8,F. 1.0 Townhouae DU Theater 8eat Truck TermtcaL Veterinary CLtntc Warehauae NOTEI Aa deterlinld by the Coallaeton 150 S.F, ~,0 1000 8,F. 1,0 DU - DweLLIng Unltl B,F, - Square Feet of fLoor apace, Generatora of trefftc not Lteted above to ba determined by the COlWtBitOn, aPerktng epeeae w~thtn servtce bays shELL be cradttsd toward off-street perktng requirements, mere then twenty-five (SOS) percent of any chopping perktng le provtdad In accordance wtth the above Zoning Ordinance pegs g-0 90' PARKING DIMENSIONS 20' ANGLE PARKING DIMENSION~ Zontng Ordtoenee page 9-6 SINGLE PARKING ROW NOTES. MAXIMUM OF 20 SPACES BETWEEN ISLANOS ON PERIPHERAL ROW MAXIMUM OF 18 SPACES BETWEEN ISLANOS ON INTERIOR ROW SEPARATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND PARKING AREAS ~~.,, TREE PARKING LOT B' I PUBLIC STREET RO.W . J · FACE OF CURB Zonlng Ordinance OECTZON 10, OZTE PLAN REVZEW REOUZREHE#TS Prior to any development ecttVlty on the ground for any parcel of Lend tntended to be uttLtznd for other than stngLe family cr duplex development or for property in any zone to be developed purluant to · conditional uae permttf an nppLtcent muet obtetn stte plan approvlL under thiu nectton, No much development ehaLL be Lawful or permitted to pressed mJthout finaL eite pLan approvaL. ''~e pLea revtew shaLL be before the Project Revtew Committee [PRC], The PRC sheLL Jde the Ctty PLannarw the City Engtneer~ and the Chetrmen of the PLsnntng end .untng Commteefon, Any member of the committee may designate · representutive for himself to ant tn him absence. Any repreeentetive designated by the chairmen of the PLanning end Zontng Commtneton sheLL be a member of the Commtelton. The PRC ts n governmentaL body and sheLL compLy with the Open NeetJngs Act, 10.1 APPLZCATZON PROCEDUREI Any appLicant propoelng sonetructton requiring site plan review sheLL submit n otto plan including Lendscnptng Imm required by Section 11} to the City PLanner, Prior to filing en application for ettn plan revtem, In appLicant may meet mtth the City PLanner tn a Preeubmtenion Staff Conference to revtem the eppLtcettcn, the ordinance requlrementnw procedures~ and the beets aspects of the proposaL, The applicant sheLL be furntehed mtth an application form and any additional Information mhich te necessary. Site pleas must be prepared by · registered architect or engineer. Zf the plan includes nineteen [la) perktng epncee or Leen~ the Clty PLanner .heLL submtt amid plan ts tho appropriate staff for rnvlem according to the etsndnrdn established in thte ordtnencs and other ordtnnnceu of the City of CoLLege Stetton. Zf the pLan tncLudes twenty (20) spacae or more, the City PLanner sheLL scheduLe a PRC meettng. The deLiberations of the PFlC sheLL be recorded end ftLad In the Offtoe of the City PLanner. A copy of the report sheLL be sent to the individuaL(a] seeking approval of the plan, Am The appLication for stte pLan review must be ftLed no Later than ten [10] days prtor to the reguLarLy scheduLed PRC at whtch the proposal t8 to be reviewed. The appLicant sheLL be notified of the date. ttme end place when the PRC mtLL meet to revtem the proposaL. Reports shaLL be kept for aLL meetings of the PPG, end the PRC sheLL ftLn with the Ctty PLanner a mrtttnn report on the ftnnL eite plan approved by the Commttteef together mtth n copy cf the final site pLan ttaeLf~ certified by the City PLanner for compliance mtth the requirements of the PRC. The mrltten report of the committee sheLL cteerLy tndtcate mhat constttutee the butLdtng plot for purposes cf this ordinance and the eton ordinance~ elate the condittone cr requirements imported by the provintone cf ctty ordlnencee~ and sheLL leperateLy elate any additional conditions end requtrementl tmpoeed under thts sectton of the ordinance. No approvaL mY · site plan which fails tD meet the express requtremente of city ordinances ehaLL be granted unless a variance to much requirements hem been granted by the appropriate appeaLs hoard or commission prior to PRC review. ZontnN Ordinnnne paNe 10-1 C8 Required tn the appLication or therewith sheLL be the FoLLowing, together wtth any other Information reoecnobLy nmcessory For tho rovtam proceoel [oJ A request For atte plan review on on application fora provided by the City PLanner. Ih} A FuLLy dimensioned alta pLonw drain to en appropriate £ngtceertng stole on a 94" X 36# sheet of paper, rofLectlngl 1. The name, address and telephone number of the AppLicant. The name, Location and Legal deeorlptJon of the proposed project. 3. Ownership end current zoning of eLL sbutttng percale. d. A key mop. 5. Topography end Final gradtng pLan. end other pertinent dretnege tnformmtlen. 8, ALL exlattn9 streets, drtvaB, buildings, and eater courses on or adjacent to tho proposed project site. 7. FLoodpLains on or adjacent to the proposed project e~to. 6. The iocetton end etzo Of extattng utiLities mithtn or edJaoent to the proposed project SitS. g. The proposed Location. typo. end size of the FcLLoutnO: e. BuiLdings end structures. b. 8treetaw drtvao~ end ourb cut8. c. Off-street parktn9 areas with parking spaces drain end tabulated. d. 61demoLka. e. Landscape Information aB required tn Sectton 11 of this ordinance. Common open apace ettea. g. Sites For aoLtd wests containers, h. Proposed atgnage. 10. The total number of residential buiLdings and unite to be constructed on the proposed project atto, 11, The totaL number of bedrooms IncLuded tn the proposed project, 12. The danatty of dmeLLtng unite per acre of the proposed project. 13. The gross square footage of eLL non-residentiaL buildings end the proposed uae of each butLdtnO. Zoning Ordinance pegs 10-2 lO,E 10.3 Am 14. The totlL cite oreo. 15. OCher inform.=ton aa requtred bY staff. AODZTXONAL REOUZRENENTOi The Project Review Coeetttee~ or the PLenntng end Zoning ColltOlfOn tn the event of an appeal Dr dtearettonery revtem~ may Impoeo additional requirement, beyond th,e, 1Bp,wed by otty ordinance or reguLetion~ when nec,weary Co the protection or preservation of tho pubLic heaLth, safety. and general eeLfere~ or Co prooorve the Integrity of the Ctty'l colprehenetve provide forl Safe end convenient traffic controL end handling. Lb] ABBured pedeotrten eefety. (c] Efficient end aeon,eft pubLtc uttLlty end 8ant=often accsec. (dj PubLtc road Dr eCreeC ecceee. [el 6attire,tory InternaL ac.aBel pcbLtc~ private or emergency. Adequate plrktng end maneuvering ereee. [g] Note, end emtaaten controL or diaper.ton. (h) VteulL ,crowning Df facilities or area. off.naive to the pubLic or extattng adjacent deveLoplont. [I) Runoff~ dretnageu and fLood controL. [J) Sign LoG,ti,n. es on Incident Co the above considerations end the expreBe requirements of th1. ordinance. (k] Loc.=ton end den=try of buiLdings or dweLLings where topography or practices end prlnctpLee. APPEAL= An appLicant may appeaL the dect81on of the Project Review Committee to the PLlnnfnO end Zontng ComeIeoton mlthtn ftve [5] deye after the PRC Committee wee=tog. FaiLure to appeal the PRC action IhBLL con,ti=ute a contractual accept,nee of eLL condlttonl tip. Bade and a wetver end eurrender of eLL colpLetntae defect./ or potentiaL InvaLidity. whether under grote or federaL tow. An appLicant eppeeLLIng the declelon of tho PRC .heLL ftLo ten [10] coptea of the ftneL att. pLan es approved by the PRC~ Ihowtno eLL changes and requtremante Imposed by the PRC. end eocowpenlad by · written expLanation of th,e, It.me betn9 eppeeLLed. Until aeid coptea ere on flLe~ no further deveLopment approval ,heLL occur, end no further action by the Commie,fen ehBLL tek, pLeGe. An applicant Bey appeaL only carS,in nap.cie of cite plan revtee, end tn the Zontno Ordinance page 10-3 10.4 l~,E AB Ce oboenoo of dlsorettonory rsvlel by tho CoIItsIton, Dr review pursuant to · pobltton. ILL other uopecbs of Ihs site pLen shaLL bo FinaL. Any notice of appeal shaLL etas. with purttouLorlty Chh aspects whtoh ore to be oppueLud. DZSCRETZONARY REVZEW: The ProJect Rsvfow Committee Boy Forward sny efta pLan to tho PLlnnlng end Zontng Commission For review sad opprovsL within three doyB after ftLtng of the mrttten report. The PRC muut nnttfy the applicant tn wrtttng. The macps end extent of the review of tho stte pLIn by Ihs PLonntng snd Zontng Commission chiLL bo squlvoLent to that of the ProJect Ruvtew Cowltttse. The Cowlleoion shaLL, upon tlktng Final entton~ Issue · grttten rsport eetttn9 Forth ths conditions llpDoed under express utty ordlnsncuu and gepurstuLy eetttng forth any condltlonB twpoeud under SoGtton IO.E above, and Ihs reasons therefor. A revised copy of the lite plan ehollnR aLL much conditions end requtremsnts sheLL be FILsd with the Ctty PLanner. No perlite sheLL be 1.sued prior to ouch FILthS. AFter FtneL cotton by the PRC or COwltellon, on appLicant shILL Furntsh tun [10) oopte8 of tho revised SIte plan to the eenretwry of the Cowwtuolon, who BhiLL return ntno [9] to the sppLfcunt for Ual durtng deveLopment Dnne they hove been certified as correotLy rnFLeotlng the ontfon of the Commission. OPECZAL RULES FOR R-1 DZaTRZCTB; RESERVED SPECZAL RULE8 FOR C-N DZSTRZCTS; 61tu plan rlvtew end proposed usus wlthtn the C-N Neighborhood BUBIneBS Dtetrtot ere subJsct to IpprovuL by the PLenntng and Zontng Cowwtugtun. AppLloont8 shaLL FILe an appLication Form wtth the City PLanner no Less then twenty (20] days prior to tho reguLarLy scheduLed weettno of the PLanning end Zontng Commtuston et whtoh the pLan ts to be reviewed. The application Form nheLL be occomponIsd by ILL supporttnO tntorlutton rsqutred In Sectton 10.1 ubove~ e Ltut of property owners wtthtn 000 feete, and i renetpt for FtLtng Fse. The application Fee ihuLL bo determined by the City CounctL. nproperty owners wtthln two hundred (~00] Feet of the etCe sheLL be Identified by the Tax OFFtos of tho Ctty of CeLL.os Stutton. The applicant sheLL give pubLtc nottne by pubLlcotton fn u Local newspaper e8 directed by the City PLsnnor et Least Fifteen (lEI days prtor to the date Set for the pubLtc helrtng. *The Ctty PLonnor sheLL nottFy aLL property owners of record wtthtn two hundred (~00] Feet of the property in queetton St Leout ten [10] deyu prtor to the pubLic hesring by certified BitL. Tho City PLanner shaLL nott~y the oppLtnont of the date, ttwe, end pLace For the preLlltnury revtew o~ the project by the ProJect Review Committee. The ProJect Review Committee sheLL review the propoued project tn socordsnos wtth Sentton ¶0.2 prtor to the PLanning end Zoning COmltOelon ilettng. The end Zontno Commission. A copy of thfl rlport IhoLL bo sent to the appLicant. The eppLtoent shaLL ~tLo ten [1o] uopfee of tho ftnuL elbe pLln au upproved by the ProJent Revtaw Committee. showing aLL ohengso and requtrelento twpoeed by Zontn0 Ordinance pegs 10-4 shaLL hoLd u pubLic hesrtng for the purpose of approving or danytng the project plan, The appLicant or the omnars of forty percent [40S] or more of the property within two hundred [gO0] feet of the project site lay sppesL to the City CounctL any dsturllnatton lode by the PLsnntng and Zoning CommissIon. The appaoL should be lads by putttton ftLud Ilth the City Secretary Itthfn tun (10) days altar the public heertng, Zonfn0 Ordinance page 10-5 6ECTZON 11. LANDOCAPZNG 11.1 APPLZCATZON OF OECTZONs The Llndaocptng raqulrelcntl of thta Bec:ton chILL apply to aLL Land Located tn the Ctty of CoLLege 6totten end propoaed for other then ItngLe family or duplex development. Ouch Landooaptng raqulrelentl sheLL become appLicabLe as to eeuh Individual Lot et much time aa en appLication For e butLdtng perm1: on 8uoh Lot ia made, ALL Landscaping requtrcmcntc under thla aeocton ohoLL run itth the Lend: and 1to IppLtcctton ohBLL appLy BgBInBC any owner or aUbaBquont olner, Each phage of · pheacd project aheLL comply wtth thc roqufralenta of thta aec:ion. Phase Ltnea tf drain chiLL be drain twenty [80II feet or more from developed 81to eLowento [parking, butLdtnoa~ rondo, itc.]. The per:ton Left for aubaoquent phcaaa sheLL rematn of deveLopabLe oIzo and quality. No butLdtng peri1: IhcLL be togaed for c eubcequant phoae of · project unttL aLL roqulremont8 of thli cBc:ton hove been lot, Vhero i vaLid butLdlng perm1:!1 icauad prtor to thc effective date of thta Eeo:ton, the Londocaplng ordinance of CoLLege Otltton tn effect et the date of Bach lSluince shiLL appLy to ouch perm1:, DB When thc rmquiramento cf thto 8aG:ton confLtct mtth requtrowenta of other provtatono of thtc Cods! thtB Gee:ton ahaLL pravliLI provided, homever, that thc provisions of thle 6moLten ahoLL be aubordtnota cc the provisions of Sea:lone 9 end 10 pertaining to :riffle end pideatrlen Slfity end the provlitcne of Ordinance 1301. On el:mo where fLoodpLain aXil:e! the fLoodpLcfn area wtLL be cuba:rooted from or ehrubo in thtl Brae itLL nc: bo appLicabLe to thc project's Lendaoape, ZY deveLopment tn thc fLoodpLain 18 propoBadt tho atta atze [for Londacope requtrcmsnta] mILL be determined by · Line drawn 20 fast frei any developed from appropriate pLInt IotartaL tn thta zone, 11,E DEFZNZTZONO8 For the purpoco Df thfo Eec:lee the foLLowing tarwa ahaLL have the apacteL weontnga aoortbad tc thew below, whtch opccteL wanning8 ohBLL govern tn coca of conflict wtth the general dcftntttono of Oeo:fen 2. CANOPY TREEs Any aeLf-aupporttn0 woody plant mlth one weLL-defined trunk end a dlltlnct and daftntte forled crown mhtch at:Item a height of at Legit thirty (30] feet. NON-CANOPY TREEs Any 8eLf-aupporttng woody pLant with one or more trunkc whtoh ectefne a height of et Leeat Ytfteen [15] feet. EXZGTZNG TREEs Any aeLf-aupportlng woody pLant, except CeLtte oooidentoLtc [Heckberry]~ itch one weLL-defined trunk four end ope-hiLl inoheB [4.5n] in Zoning Ordinance page 11-1 SHRUBz A moody perennial pLier differing from · perennial herb by Its more moody Itel end from e tree by 1to Low ototuro end hob1; of branching from the babe. 6ROUNDOOVER= A spreading pLeat IncLuding 8od8 end grosses Less than 18 tnchoo height, whtoh ie used for erootofl oontroL. BARRZCADE AREA FOR EXZSTZNS TREES; A protected area ax;ending In · rodtue from avery protected tree that prevents lntroeton by construction equipment, vehtoLeo and people. ALL axle;tn, undergrowth ohoLL remain unttL cone;rug;ton la compLete end may bo removed at that time by hind cLeortng only. PARKZNS - ZNTERZOR - Perking roms mhtoh ore not Loom;ed on the periphery of the proposed project sits end further, whore none of the porktng spaces abut any property LOne associated mtth the proposed project elto. PARKZNG - PERZPHERAL - Parking rowe son,lB;lng of IndividuaL parking ap.cea whtoh abut the perJphory or property Ltna8 aeaoctoted utth the propoeed project PARKZNG ROWS - SZNGLE PARKZ#S ROW; A etngLe row of apace8 for the porktng of motor vehtoLee Be ILLuetroted tn Section g. DOUBLE PARKZNg ROW; Two poreLLoL rowe of apogee for the perking of motor vehfoLoo erronged eo that when perked, tho front end of each motor vehtoLe fete, tho front end Of another motor vehtoLe el iLLustrated to See;ton 9. PARKZNS SPACE - A apace used for the perking of e motor vehtoLa, where ,etd epsom to not Lone then nine [9) feet uldeB ;meaty [20] feet Long end con;etna not Leo8 then one hundred etghty [¶80J equate Feet of area. PROJECT REVZEW COHHZTTEE - A OOmlittoo oompoeed of the Dtrector of PLanning. the City Engtnoor and the Chetrmon of the PionnJng end Zontng Commteelon. or hte or her deetoneted alternate. 11.3 PLANT RATERZALS; 11,4 A. The City Forester 8heLL determine mhtch typoe of generaLLy used pLeats ore vtabLe tn the City of CoLLege SOo;ton oreo. end ho ,heLL pr.pore a guide of ouch pLante. Thto gutdo ,heLL set forth tho oonortc end scientific nemooo Th1. pLea;tag guide ,haLL be evotLobLe to eLL applicant, under this section. At the requoot of the PLanning Dopartment~ the Comutoetofl, or any appLicant, the Fore,tar mtLL determine the viability of any other pLant vertety proposed for utilization upon e plan or for inoLueton tn the guido. SZTE PLAN REOUZRE#ENT$; When atto pLan revteu by the ProJeot Rovtew Colmtttee and/or the PLanntng end Zontng Commission Il requlred~ the atto plan ohoLL oonteln the Information Listed in the Buboes;ion, beLow. [1] The Loom;ton of axle;tnO boundary Lines and dimension, of the trio;. Zoning Ordinance page 11-g (41 [91 Tho Legation of extettng end propooed utlL¶ty llaCllntl on Or adjacent the LoC end the Locetton of overhead power kings end any underground atiLt¶lee. The Locetton~ atze and type of proposed Landscaping ¶n proposed Lendeceped erase; and the elze of propoeed Landscaped eric. Botanical ALL canopy trees must bi LabeLLed Be contc¶ncrtzcd or beLLed lnd burLepped. The Loclt¶on. spec¶e8 end dteweter of cA¶atlaS trios havtnO · trunk dtowcter four end one-heLl [4,Bn) tACheS or Larocr. ALee tncLude barricade sizes tf potnte ere go be awarded. An Indication of how thc applicant plan8 go barricade the cxtattng trees, Ih¶ch ere proposed go rsostve pete¶s, from damage during construction. The Leant¶on of the propoeed ¶rrfget¶on Bye¶cB or hose cannes¶tone. ZnformeCton neccesery for verifying whether thc wtflIluw requtred Lcndccep¶ng po¶nrc hive bain wet under eubsectlona ¶¶.5[a]t 14.5(b]. TabLe L-1 [cxtsttno trees end borrtcedea). end An tndtcet¶on cf adjacent Lend ueel~ extettng development end roedweya. Zonlno Ordinance pice ¶1-3 qr)/, ' 1 4 11.5 A. LANDSCAPZN6 REOUZRE#ENTB; The required Landscaping requirlmante shaLL be determined on a potnt baste. Landscaping potnte shiLL be deterltned by either the tote[ equate footage or the tote[ number of parktng spaces of the proJect, whichever te greater. The appLicant sheLL be required to tnstaLL LendecaptnO baaed on the total number of points. The mtnlmum number of potnte for any development ta 500 potato, The number of points par spice shaLL be determined on the foLLowing bastes 0-50 spscee 51-100 spaces (next 50 epeoes] 101-200 epecee (next 100 spaces] 201+ epecee 18 points per space 10 potato per 8pace 10 paters per space 9 potnte per apace 30 potnte per 1000 equate feet of ette area. Accrued Landscaping points ere expended on Landecaptng materiel with the foLLowing potnt voLumes eprotected exlettng canopy tree variabLe (TabLe L-l] min. 4.5" ceLtper [et 10" ibove ground] Unproteoted exlettng 50 pta. canopy tree mtn, 0" caliper [et 0' ebove ground] 100 pcs. mtn, g ¶/2" ceLtpcr [et 0" above ground] Nee canopy tree [beLLed and burLeppad] 75 pti, mtn, 2" ceLtpcr [et 6ff above 9round] Nem canopy tree (containerized) 75 pti. mtn, I 1/2" oeLtper (et 6" above ground] Non-canopy tree 40 pta, mtn.5 ft. to 6 ft. Shrub8 10 pta. ale. 5 geL[on mtn. I gaLLon (dmerfe} 10 pti. per 100 aq.ft. IOOX cover tn one year (excLuding greases] from the dele of approved InstaLLation IBc determined In accordance with standards In Landscaping & Nuraery Tredew Jt betng the tntent Zocfc00rd,cence P~O~ , , ~ of thte ordlnenae to provide e then e strict requirement,] Groundnover [graeaaa] 0 pti. See Section 11.5.C.[I] & (g) lWhether a tree quaLifies aa a protected extsttog canopy tree sheLL be determined by the Zoning OrfisteL or hte deLeoate, To reoetve Lendeaepe polnte~ eLL exlettng trees Bust be In good form and condition and reasonably free of damage by Inaeata and/or dtaeaee, Uae TabLe L-1 to caLcuLate points awarded for protected trees. For each tree Looata the oorract oaLtper on the bottom of the greph~ then rind the LBrgeat barricade radium BppLtnBbLe on your alta (Left aide of the graph]. The Larger the berrlceda~ the greeter chance of aurvivaL~ thus the higher aLLowabLe points, (1) Groundaovar ti required tn perking Lot taLende~ in swaLe8 end drainage areal~ tn the 8 foot eetbeok arab provided by 6eatton 9.2.A.5. end in eLL unpeved porttona of street or highway right-of-way abutting the property. [g] Zf graB8 te to ba used for groundcover, 100~ Ltva grail groundcovar Ii required, whether by solid Bed overlay or prepLantlno end BuaoeaafuL takeover of grasses. D. Every proJect Bust expend B ltnllUl Of 50~ Of 1tO peter total on canopy treea. E. Landscaping euat be reasonably dispersed throughout the development. To renetva Landacepe potato for extettng 4.5" (or greater] oaLiper trees, e barricade with B lintlum radlua according to TabLe L-¶ must be InstaLLed prior to gradtng end conltruotlon. The barricade must remain tn pLace untiL eLL conatruction eottvttlea ere oompLated. Zf the protected tree]e] 18 Located tn ·perktng Lot iaLendB the barricaded area mcat besoms the tree]s] teLend upon project compLetion. No utiLities or sprinkLer ayetem lay be LocaCed tn a barricaded area. Tht8 aras sheLL not be used aea atorege area or dulptng area during any phaae of the project. Every deveLopment wuBt ewpLoy etther B aprtnkLer ayetem or have a hose connection wlthtn one hundred ~tfty feet (150'] of eLL Landaneptng. RspLloement of deed Landscaping must occur wtthtn forty-five [45] deye of notification by the Zontng OfftateL or hta deLegate. RepLacement materiel wuat be of eIltLnr character end the eeme or higher point total 58 the deed Landscaping. FaiLure to repLace deed Landeaeptno~ ee requtred by the Zontno OfficiaL, shaLL constitute a vioLation of thte aecttsn of the ordinance for whtch the penaLty provision way be Invoked. Zo Eroded or otherwise dtepLaoed BolL lust be removed frow the right-of-way ebutttng the project. 11.8 COHPLETZON AND EXTENBZONI Zoning Ordinance page 11-5 Thc Zontn30fflct·L or bt· deLegate shaLL revlom eLL Lendeooptng for completion tn compLiance with thto section and tho ·pproved Landis·pa pL·n. Lend·coping sheLL bi compL·ted tn COlpLt·noo with the pL·n before c Certtftcot· Of Ooouponcy i· lo·oDd. Homover, tho appLicant m·y rcootvc ·n exten·ton of four [4] months from the dote of the C·rtiflo·t· of Ooouponoy upon the ·pprov·L of an appLication for oxten·ton wtth· bond or Letter of oredtt tn the amount of FIve [$5.00) OoLL·rs tfm·l the number of Lcndccope palate required for tho project. The Letter of oredtt or bond shaLL be ·pproved by tho Ctty Attorney or hie delegate. Upon ·pproveL by tho City Attorney, tho Zoning OffIotcL or ht· deLegate sheLL ImBUe c Certificate of Occupancy. FotLure to compLete tho Landscaping according to the approved Landscape pLan st the expiration of the four [4] month pertod sheLL constitute ground· for forfeiting the bond or caching of th· Letter of credit by thc Zontng OfftctsL or btm delegate. ALso, fellers to complete tho approved Londsccptno ·heLL constitute · violation of this section. Zf vioLation of ·ny section of thio ordinance cocuro~ the Zontng Offtol·L or b18 deLegate may prosecute in HunlctpeL Court or request the City Attorney to ItL· an InJunction In thc appropriate Court of oompetcnt Jurisdiction. A fins Df not Leo· than or mare then Two Hundred ($200,00] DoLLcr· shaLL be tmponed for each day's vIoLItton, 11,7 PUBLZC PROPERTZEDg ALL matters InvoLving thc pr·oervotlon, pruning, pLonttng end rcmov·L of trees ccd ·hrub· tn pork·, ·Long City ·trllto and tn other pubLto pLBGBC chcLL bo tho responsibiLity of the Community Appearance Committee end the City Foreetor. 11.8 REVZE# AND APPROVAL BY THE PROJECT REVZEV CO##ZTTEEa 11,9 A. L·ndocepo pLane lhoLL be revt·mod by the appropriate 8toff co outLtnod tn Oectton 10.1. Zn the event that · Landscape pL·n goss before the PLanning & Zoning Commission cc per Sectton 10.3 or Section 10.43 tho PLanning and Zontng Commi·llon may consider ·nd approve any other pL·nt vcrtety not Ltmted tn tho guide on tho basis of viabiLity qn tho Local ·rea ·Lone. Tho Commtocton may require reasonabLe Bcrecnlng mtthtn · project, or of · dJ·cent Lend uses, end may reject any particular types of pL·nt, proposed tn · Londmooptng pLon~ whether cr not previousLy approved by the Commission or tho City Forester ·1 to vtsblLtty~ where · pcrttouLor type of pLeat to neoees·ry and appropriate for such ·Greening purpoouB, The Commission sheLL have no authority to reject any Landscaping pLan on the boots of typos of pLants proposed for any racoon other than viabiLity, necessary scroentng~ or utILtty PARKZNGs Parking of vehtoLec shaLL not be cLLomcd on approved Landscaped areas or on Londoooped irene for projects mhtch mere built prtor to thlc ordinance. Parktng of vehtoLeo on Landacopcd areal sheLL be oonoiderod · vioLation of thio ordtnonol~ BubJoot to the general penaLty provt·tcn· of thio ardtncnoo, Zontng Ordlnunce peg· 11-6 caliper diameter in inches LANDSCAPE POINTS FOR EXISTING TREES AND BARRICADES Zon~n9 ~rd~nence page 11-7 BECTZON 12. OZO# RESULAT~ONO 12.1 PURPOSEs The purpose of thtc eectton tl So estabLish clear and unambtguouc regulations pertaining to atone tn she City of CoLLege Oration end So promote City CounctL of she Ctty of CoLLege Ststton hereby ftnds she foLLowing LegisLative facial The proliferation of atgna creates comlercfeL oonfuelon end mckcc It The Increasing height of signs wtthln She Ctty tm en sndLesc battle for · higher end more vtetbLe ctgnf end · reasonabLe Limitation on she hetoht of stone tl necseccry so prevent vtiueL poLLution, potential wtndctorm damage, Injury ar doeth° Excecctvo hstght tn itgne creates cLuster end I1 unctshtLy and offensive So She members of thtm oounotL and many, If not meaty of She ctttzena in CoLLege Ststfon. The estsbLtchmont of e reolonsbLe waxtmuw hstght For atone wtLL aLLow effective oowmunfostJon, prevent oLtttude cowpstltfon~ end wILL nos pensLtzs smaLLer bustneee oonnernl whtoh Bey not be sbLe to compete for sertsL cuperlortty. ReasonabLe provisions pertatntno so stze, BooLe, Location, design, Lighting, permanency, end maintenance ere nacosesry So evotd vlcueL clutters preserve end twprove tho appearance end character of thc comluntty, to ovotd treffto probLemc caused by distracting alone or ltructures tn close proximity to mtrcstC, mhtch compete wtth trefftC etgna end algnaLc for the attention Df iotortctc, and So prevent dctertorstlon, dllregard, and obendonlcnt of ctSne or structures. This 8ectfon wtLL complement She provisions of the FederaL Htohway Beautification ACS of ¶O7S, rtght So tdenttfy themseLves by using atone mhtch ere IncidentaL So She tdenttfy hie or her buctncao or cctivtty~ end She rtsht of the pubLic So The Ctty CounotL finds that She rtoht aY residents of thte City to fuLLy exsrctco thstr rights of free speech by the use of signs containing non- commercial waecsgse ere subject to mtntwum reguLation regarding structural gayety end setbacks for purposes of trsffic protection. The CounctL seeks hereto So provide for tho reasonabLy prolpt removal end Zontns Ordinance page 12-1 disposaL of ouch clone oiler they have served thetr purpose, and yet to 8votd any Interference wtth First Amendment froadomo~ especiaLLy es to The CounctL finds that Instances moy occur tn tho application of thta aoctlon uharo atrtct enforcement would deprive a parson of the rsascnebLe officials apply thta eectton os tt ta wrttten~ in tho Interest of equality and folr and tmporttaL application to eLL perocns~ and that the 1E,2 DEFZN/TZON~ De XO · structure or ony part thereof, IncLuding the roof or weLL of · butLding~ or · free etandtng weLL or fence; By reason of Its form~ coLor~ wordtngB symbol daotgn, tLLuwtnotlon cr motion A sign shaLL be considered go be · single dtapLey surface, · doubLe-faced display surface, or dtcpLoy device containing elements cLearLy orgentzed~ reLated and composed go fcrm a unit. Where melter to dispLayed tn a random wanner wtthout organized relationship of etemecte or where there te reeacnebLe doubt about the relationship of eLcments~ each element oheLL be conatdered go be · otnoLe stoa; provldedB homever~ that the dtopLay of eerchandtee through oLese windows tn any zone where much merchandise nay be soLd In the ordinary courae Of huo~noea 8hoLL not conatltute e eton or atone. APARTHENT/CONDOHZNZU# ZOENTZFZCATZON SZCNI An attached sign or a freeotandtng atgn wtth permanent foundation or moorlflgsl designed for SdentlfJcetJon of · muLti-famiLy reatdenttaL pro;acta and where adequate provtafon 18 made for permanent maJntanenca hereunder. AREA ZDENTZFZCATZON SZSNI A freestanding or waLL sign wtth permanent foundation or moortngo~ deotgned for Identification of eubdtvtafone of ten (10] go ftfty [50] acreew or Identification of · dtattnot area wtthln a eubdtvJston~ and whore adequate provJatcn ts mede for maintenance hereunder. ATTACHED EZGN: A eton attached to or appLied on and totaLLy aupportcd by a pert of e buiLding. Zoning Ordinance page 12-2 alternating, erratic or fLeahtng Lights sheLL bo permitted. Landscaping vaLued es 850 points (es described tn Bastion ZZ Of She Zoning Ordinance] BhBLL be InstaLLed around each lubdtvtoton etOn, Adequate errlngemente for permanent maintenance of eLL atone end any Landscaping tn conJunction with ouch atone sheLL be leda, whtch may be through an owners association if one exists or ti creased for thla purpose. APARTNENT/CONDONZNZU# ZDENTZFZCATZON NZON! An aPartment/condominium Identification etgn lay be either an attached eton or e freeotendtnO atom. Zt shaLL be placed upon She private property of · particular muLti-famiLy project tn an N4~ NE or RB zone subject Co thl requtrelentl set retch The epertlent/condomlnluw Identification sign sheLL List She name end feotLttloe avaiLabLe end way have Loaatng or sales Information incorporated Be a pert of She itoh. A muLtt-~emtLy project lUSt have · mtnteum of 94 dmoLLlng untie to quaLify for an apartment/condominium Identification eton. Zndlrect Ltghttng ti permissibLe, but oo opttcaL effecte~ movtn0 parts, or alternating, erratic or flashing Ltghte or devtoee sheLL be permitted. DEVELOPNENT 8ZGNz A deveLopment etgn sheLL be placed upon prtvate property subject to the requirements get forth tn TabLe ZZ, A development eton ney onLy be Located upon a LoS or Lots or e platted common area wlthtn she boundaries of the pLatted subdivision So which tt pertains. The deveLopment eton for · project sheLL be removed If the project has nos reoetved· butLdtng permtt es the end of 6 months. Zf the project hie received a butLdtng permtt tho elan may stay tn place untiL 75Z of the project le teased or unttL a permanent eton 1o InstaLLed, whichever comes fireS. The deveLopment sion permtt lust be revteled by the Zontno OfftoteL for possible renewal et She end of 1E monthlo A development elan permit for · subdivision te valid ee Long me tho looser preliminary plat t6 veLtd according to the subdivision regulations, or tn the absence of · master preLiminary plat, for tweLve (IR] months after the flLtng of a flaiL pLat. The permit may be approved for renewaL for one (1] additionaL tweLve [18] month parted by She Zontng OfficiaL. The eton must be oriented Co the nearest major rtght-of-wly adjacent so tho subdivision ee ehomn on the master preliminary plat or the final plot, mhtchover le appLicabLe. DZRECTZONAL TRAFFZC CONTROL NZONI DirectionaL Traffic Control etgne lay be utiLtzed eo traffic controL devices tn off-street perktng areas subject to the requirements 88t forth In TabLe ZZ. Logo or copy may be permitted but sheLL be Leas than 50Z of the area of she directional eton. No directional traffic control etgn sheLL be permitted wtthin or upon the right-of-way of any pubLtc street unless lie constructions destane end Location have been approved by the Ctty Treffto Engineer. PORTABLE 8ZGNN= PortabLe Signs ere not permitted wtthin the Ctty LIwttl of the Ctty of CoLLege Etetton, REAL ESTATE/FZNANCE/CONNTRUCTZON NZONEi One real eotote eton nos exceeding etxteen [16) equate feet fn totaL area (excLusive of stakes end peats] may be erected et any time whtLa a property Ii offered for BaLe or Lease to the pubLtn. Properttel mtth a minimum of 160 Felt of frontage IheLL be oLLoeed one reel oolite otgn nos exceeding 32 aquera fees tn totaL eros. Properties mtth · minimum of N corel end frontage on 2 Itreete sheLL be aLLowed one reel Zontng Ordinance page 18-5 BANNER/FLAG1 Aptece of fsbrtc used for deooretfon [contains no copy or Logo] or For Identification [contain8 copy end/or Logo], DEVELOPHENT aZSNI A stgn onnaunctng · subdivision whtch has been platted, or e oeperotoLy platted phece of deveLopment theretn~ or c Lend deveLopment for uhtch · ella pLan has been approved. OZRECTZONAL TRAFFZC CONTROL GIaNt A eton UtlLtzsd os c trofftc controL dovtcs FREESTANDZNS 8IONs A eton 8upportad by one or more columns, poles or bare extended frei tho ground or from 8n ohjoot on the 9rouod, or that 16 erected on the oroundl tho term IncLudes aLL atone which ore not substantiaLLy supported by · building or port thereof, or ohtch ere substantiaLLy supported by a buJLdtng or port thereof, when the solo significant purpose of the buiLd¶no or part thereof, Js to support or constitute tho eton. FUEL PRICE SIGN; A ctgn used to edverttco thc current prtce of fueL ct Locations where fuel to soLd. HONE OCCUPATION SIGN= A sign used to tdcntify thc name end occupation of 8 person mlth · Legal hams occupation. LOW PROFILE 8ISNI A otgn with · permanent Foundation mhtch to not attached to · bulLdtnow but tc · stand-aLone ctgn and mhtch does not exceed gO S.F. tn eree end 4 feet in hetght. OFF PREHZEE 8ZGNI A 819n mhfch ldentJffcc the prtmery uses of, or primary eervtoeo~ products or goodc sold or provided on premises other then where the stgn ts Located. POLITICAL SIGN: Any ItOH whtch promotes · candidate for any pubLtc offtce cr whlch advocates ·poeitton On soy 8OCtaL Jsgoe OB tie prtmory purpose, PORTABLE SIGN= A sign which to not oFftxed or attached to reeL property by poLeo, stckec or other melberc ohtch arc placed 1nfo the groufldB cr upon some other type of parlement foundation; tretLer atoms, any eton wtth wheels or skids, end any Jign mhtoh t8 constructed eo es to e~t upon the surface of the PRENZSEOt An area of Lend planned end dc81gned 88 c stngLe comprehensive proJeCt, considered From the ttmo the plan ts ftrBt submitted to thc PLcflfltng Ocpertmeflt etthsr et plot stage or otto pLan stage. REAL ESTATE, FINANCE end CONOTRUCTION EI6N= An attached or frcestundtoo ctgn erected upon · Lot or parceL of Lend for thc purpose of advertising some for siLo or Lease, or advertising tho Furntehlno of tnturtm or permanent Financing For · projects or for the Furnishing of Labor, materiels or the proctJce of crofts on thc Job otis. ROOF SIGN: An outdoor advertising dtspLuy sign erected, constructed, or mclntctnud on tho roof of c butLdlnO or whtoh fa whoLLy dependent upon 8 butLdln9 for cupport, end mhtch proJscto shove the potnt DF ·bulLdtng wtthc FLat roof, utx feet above the wove Line of ·butLdtng with · ched~ ocmbreL, Zontng Ordinance page 12-3 gabLe or htp roof~ or the deck Ltno of a bulLdtng with a mans,rd roof. gee ILLustrations et the end of thto section. gUgDZvzgzoN ZDENTZFZCATZON gZgNt A freestanding or ,eLL sign ,1th permanent concrete foundation or moorings, designed for permanent tdenttftcotton of e subdivision of greater then fifty [50] ocrel~ end ,here adequate provision ts mede for permanent lafntonance hereunder. 1~.3 A, gENERAL PROVZSZDNg BUZLDZNG PER#ZTg= A permtt sheLL be required for the loLLs,tnB types of otonai Apartment/Condominium Zdenttftnatton eton, Attmnhod glans DeveLopment ,1gna Freestanding glans Roof gl,ns gubdtvtolon end Area Zdenttftcet~on ,tons PermttB shaLL be tesuod by the BuiLding OfftotoL ,tth approval by the Zoning OfftcloL upon rmcetpt of · properLy completed mppLtcatlon ,htch demonstrates that tho oppLtcmnt'a requemt to in accordance ,1th the provisions of this amctton and the Ctty'o ButLdtno Code. Tho fee for Bach permits BhoLL be estabLished by the City CounctL frei ttme to ttmo by resolution. RD perett shaLL be requtred for the loLLs, tnB stone; ReeL Eotote~ Finance end Construction el,no DirectionaL trmfftc control signs PoLIticaL atone Homo Occupotton at.nm gUgDZvIgzDN AND AREA IDENTZFZCATZON 6ZENI Area Zdmnttftcmtion stone sheLL be perm?tied upon private property tn any zone to Identtfy subdivisions of ten [10] to fifty [50] acres tn atze end mubJeot to the requirements oat forth tn TabLe ZZ. Area Zdontlftcetton at,no may also be used ,lthtn a Large oubdtvtoton to tdenttfy dtottnct areas ,tthtn that subdtvtelon~ subject to the requirements tn TabLe ZZ. Subdivision signs BhBLL be permitted upon privets property tn any zone to tdenttfy oubdtvtmiona of greeter than ftfty [go] ecraa~ subject to the requirements Bet forth tn TabLe goth oreo Identification and oubdtvloton at,ne must be Located on the promtseo es Identified by · preliminary or master preLiminary pLat of the subdivision. Subdivision olgno mILL be permitted only et major Intersections on the perimeter of the subdivision [Intersection of t,o coLLector or Larger streets]. At each Intersection either one or t,o subdivision ,tons may be permitted as Long oB the total area of the at,nB does not exceed 150 aqumre feet. Banners or flogs may be utilized ae oubd¶vtoton Identification et,ne but the overaLL height mhoLL not exceed etxty [80] feet. Zndtreot LtohttnO Io pormtsatbLo but no DpttcoL effects, moving parts or Zontng Ordinmncm page 12-4 as:ate stgn on each frontage atrcet mtth the area of the sign to be determined by the SlOUnt of frontage se stated above. One ftnanca eton and three construction stone [for a total Df 4 atgna)e not exceedtn9 18 equate feet in to:eL crec each [excLusive of crakes end poets] may be erected once · butLdtno peri1: has been tcaued on s property. Proper:tea Itth a mtnlmum Df 10 acres and 1,000 Feet of Frontage sheLL be aLLowed one Ftnence eton end three construction slgnu net exceeding 32 equate Feet in total area each. Peal ectctc~ ftnsnce end cone:ruction signs may be el:her et:ached or Frees:ending end onLy those VtslbLe From the 8treet are List:ed in number [see exempt atone Section 12.3 Po], ALL such stent sheLL be maintained by the percone tn control of the prsmtsee ag ag to remctn erect end tn good repair. Such stone sheLL be removed by the property owner or other person tn controL of the premises tf they ere damaged, broken or IncapabLe of remaining erect. Such stone lUet be removed by the owner or person in control of the premises when of:her the property has soLd or been Leased end/or when performance POLZTZCAL SZONe; Thta sectten does not regulate the stzaB content or Location of poLiticaL atone except es FaLLowc= 1. ND commerciaL messaoe shaLL be shown on any poLIticaL sign. 2. No poLiticaL stem which ts in excess of 2 square feet in tree may be Located= Fa) Wtthlc pubLic road right-of-way ct c distance of LOmB then ten [10] feet from the traveLed portion of the roadmeyi (b) On s corner Lot wtthtn · triangLe deftncd by the right-of-way Ltnes end s Llne jotntng 2 potnts Located twenty [SO] Foe: beck from the right-of-way Ltnes Intersections Thtc provision to neceesery to avoid dangerous distraction to drtvere caused by close proximity of such stone to automobile trefftc~ to avoid damage to automobiles which may Leave the paved surface IntentionaLLy or by acctdentf end to avoid the neceastty For pedeetrtenc to eTep into the roadway to bypess much stone, No regulatory eLternettve exists to eccDmpLteh this police power obLige:ton. Zn the event that any poLiticaL stoa lc Located n the above referenced eresa~ it chcLL be removed by the City. ALL poLIticaL stgns sheLL be removed wtthtn ten [10) days after the HONE OCCUPATZON 6ZGNE= A person having · LegaL home occupation may dtspLey c home ouaupetton stgn on the face of the butLding or porch of · residence. The Zantng Ordinance page 12-6 alga may ccntatn only tho name end occupation of the resident, Zt sheLL be attached directly to the fees of the buiLding er porch, Zt sheLL not exceed 2 square feet in area, shaLL cot be ILLuminated tn any wey~ end sheLL not project more than 24 Inches beyond the bulLdtnO or porch. No permtt lB required. No dtapLey of merchandise or other forms of commercial communication sheLL be aLLowed wtthtn· residential Brew, unLess same ere tn ROOF SZGNS: Roof stone sheLL be regulated es FreeetendtnO signs. FREEDTANOZNG EZG#$a Freestanding signs ere aLLowed onLy on deveLoped COalercteL property tn A-R~ C-1, C-2, C-g~ #-1 end H-2 zones. One freestanding eton shaLL be aLLowed tn an A-P zone only when the premise hew · mtntmum of 2 ecrea~ subject to the requirements set Forth tn TabLe ][. One Lom profiLe elgn sheLL be eLLomed tn en A-P zone when the premise hew Less than tls (8] agree subject to the requirements met forth tn TabLe ZZ. Hetght~ area and setback requtrementl for eLL other freestanding alone ere Found In TabLes ! end [Z. Oee Gectton 12.3 H. concerning banners end flags. A premise mtth Less then 70 feet oF frontage sheLL be aLLowed to use one Low proftLe eton. A premtee mlth more then 75 feet of frontage eheLL be aLLowed to use TabLe ctanderdc for one freeatendJnO eton rather than one Low proftLe sign. premtae wtth more than 150 feet of frontage shaLL be aLLowed to uae TabLe ! standards for one freestanding ctgn cr any number oF Low profiLe etgne es Long there ta ·mtntmum separation between signs of 150 feet. Premises with Les8 then 75 feet oF frontage may be combtned tn order to uttLtze ctgneoe corresponding to the resuLting frontage as described tn the preceedlng two paragraphs. The elgn applicant may elect the frontage street mhere two streets et the corner ere cLassified the eama on the thoroughfare pLan. Zf on two differently classified etreetc~ then the greeter sheLL be considered the No more than one freestanding Btgn sheLL be aLLowed on any premfBee except when eLL of the foLLowing conditions ere Beta I, The cite lust be zoned C-1, C-2~ C-3~ #-1 or H-g, 2. The site must be twenty-five [20] acres or more In area. 3. The aJte must have 1,000 feet [or more) of continuous uneubdtvtded frontage on any major arterteL street [Be cLassified tn the thoroughfare plan) tomerd mhtch one additional freeetandln9 sign ts to be dispLayed. ATTACHED DZG#DI Attached signs tn erase zoned C-N~ A-P~ C-1, C-g, C- 3~ H-I~ and H-2 are commerciaL stems under thto section. An attached stoa shaLL advertise only the nome ors ueee of, cr goods or eervtcee avaiLabLe Zcntng Ordinance page 12-7 qr) "',' mithtn the butLdtng to oh?ch tho stgn t8 attached. Such otgn .heLL be paraLLeL to the face of the buiLding, sheLL not be cantiLevered away frog the structure, end BheLL ncc extend mare than one foot from any exterlor buiLding fece~ wanaard~ oontng or canopy fame Roof Sion definition]. There sheLL be no potnted roof stgna. 9ANNERS/FLAGRI One freestanding corporate banner or fLag per preet,e, not to exceed 40 feat Jn hetoht or 100 eq.ft, in area to aLLeged tn non-residentiaL SZSN8 FOR CONDZTZONAL USES: Signs for conditionaL u,ea sheLL comply otth the reguLations for the zcntng dtatrtct ?n OhlCh the conditionaL uae ta perlttted. An applicant itehlnO to propose ate,age uetng the requtrelente of ·zontng dlotrLct different from the one In ohtch the conditionaL uae t8 permitted must recetve approvaL from the PLenntn0 end Zontng Commission es pert Of the conditionaL use permit process, After recetpt of · recommendation of the City PLanner, the Commission moy permtt the requirements or a different zoning dtetrtct to be used for the purposes of slgnoge when the Commission Finds: ¶. That the proposed eta,age ia compatibLe with otgoege aLLeged In · urroundtng zontng districts. g. That the proposed etgnsge meets the intent of this seotloo; and~ Thor the proposed atonege t. tn harmony otth the deveLopment poLtcles~ and goaLs end objectives embodted tn the Comprehensive PLan for deveLopment of the Ctty. PROHZSZTED SZGNS: The foLLowing etgne shaLL be proh?btted tn the City of CoLLege Stet~on: 1. PortabLe end TrstLer Stems. g. Off premise atgne. 3. 61gna pstnted on roof tope. 4. gaLLoons or 0o8 ftLLed obJects attached to ony preotse or structure. Banners or fLoge~ excLudtn9 the United States end Texas fLeoe~ ore prohibited tfl residentiaL zone. smd on any residentiaLLy deveLoped property {except when fLogs ore used os subdivision signs]. 81gna smd dtapLoye otth fLoshlnO~ bLlnktng or trey. LinO Llghte~ or errattc or other movtng perte~ etthor tntsrnoL or external tc the prewteo, end ortonted end vtetbLe to vehicuLar trofflC~ provided that ttoe end temperature Sling ere permteslbLe tf the maximum Brae end setback requirement8 of tht8 Bectton ere met end if the comoercloL Information or content of much signs te restricted to no more than 8 equate Feet. Zontno Ordtnonce page 12-8 r') ' ;_' Any stone mhtoh ere Intended to or designed to rnecmbLn traffic alone or lOtUlL trcFFto controL or warning to the public. 8. Any 8ton which emttm Bound, odor or vlatbLc matter. EXE#PT 6ZGNI Thc FoLLoetno Itgnc ere exempt From the requirements of thtl chepterl 01gna that ere not anally reed From beyond thc bounderlee of the Lot or parcel on which they ore Located or Frei any pubLtc thoroughfare or rcguLottone contained hereto end tn City butLdtno and eLectricaL ncdnB. 10. 11. 0FflcleL nottcce potted by government oFFIctnLe In thc performance of their dutlcc; government clone controLLing traffic, reguLating pubLtc conduntf Identifying ctreeta,cr werntng of danger. [BuLLetin bDerda or tdenttfinctton etonn encesaory to governlent buiLdtnol or other butLdtnga ere nubject to the provtetone of thte chapter.] Temporary atone erected by private property owners For thc purpose of warning of c dcnoeroue defect or condition, or other hazard to the pubLic. or by their Looetton Bcd placement tmpede traffic BnFety. reLtgtouc celebration. Temporary or permanent algol erected by pubLic utiLtttea or construction compentnn to warn cf thc LeGation of ptpcLInae, eLectricaL conduite, or other dengnrn or condtttone tn pubLtc rt0hte-oF-mny. Stone that ere df.pLayed on motor vehfcLen that ere being operated or stored tn the normaL course of c buetncnn, much es atone Indicating the name or thc type of buotnema, that ere LOClted on moving vnnl, dnLtvcry trucks, tretLnro end other commerciaL vehtcLia; but only if the prtmnry purpose DF ouch vehtcLel te not For the dfapLcy of the atone thereon, end onLy tf much vehicLes ore perked or stored tn ereen appropriate to their uae nc OOmlgrCteL Or delivery vahtcLea, eoch BI eervlnc creme or Locettone cLose to thc buefneea butLdln0Ce] ewey From pubLto treFFtc areas. 81gna cerrtcd by c person end not net on cr offtxnd to thc ground· Outdoor edvcrtletng dtepLey signs Fop eponccrB of charitabLe events heLd on pubLtc properties. Theme lions may be dlepLeyed For the duration of the event or not more then 3 deye with approval of the City Hnneger. FLaSh uned si poLiticaL nymboL8 bstn9 the United Of.ten end Texcl FLBOn only. Banners or FLogs used hoLiLy For decoration and not containing any copy or Logo end Located onLy tn non-rcltdanttcL zonceo Zonfn0 0rdtnenoe pbgc 18--9 FUEL PRZCE 6ZGNz Servtce station8 wtLL be aLLowed one sion per atta, the area of whtch shaLL not exceed 16 square feat and wtLL not be tncLudad tn the aLLowabLe area of any freestanding eton, Thta sign cannot be Located wtthln the right-of-may. R. gTRUCTURAL REOUZRE#ENTSj TB A butLdtng permtt shaLL be raqutred tn sddttton So any psrwtt under this aectton, in aocordsnco with she provtatofl8 of the CoLLoo8 SieStas Bulidln0 Code· The provisions of thta ordinance shaLL control over the prowetone of the gutLdtng Code only where cLearLy Inconsistent therewith. E. Abandoned, Dawsgsd~ or Unsafe 6ions. la) The provisions cf this section shaLL apply when in confLtct m~th tha provisions of the ButLdtng Code, but where the provisions of both ordinances ere not Inconsistent, the enforcement of either sheLL be permissibLe and remsdtea or pansLttaa cumulative. [b) ALL abandoned stone and thetr supports sheLL be removed wtthln 80 dsyB from the date of abandonment. ALL damaged atone shaLL bo repetred or relayed w3thtn gO days. The Zontn90fflctaL sheLL have authority to grant · 30 day ttme extension where he determines there ta a reasonabLe necessity for nebo, [c) Olsconttnuanoe of use or removal of any non-conforming eton or any a19n tn connection with · non-confDrmlno uae shaLL create a presumption of an Intent to abandon eatd Eton. A non-conformtn9 eton that la damaged and not repaired w?thln sixty [60] days sheLL be presumed to be abandoned. #ZECELLANEOUE REGULATZONS= No etgn shaLL be pLaced tn a Ctty of CoLLeoe Station dratnege or uttLtty easement unLess epprovlL t8 granted by the City Engineer. Location in an easement shaLL he subject to a written agreement entered Into by aLL parttes InvoLved. Any damage to or reLease]on of atone Located Tn easements becsuee of the Ctty'o uae of the easement shaLL be the responsibility of the emmet of the stoa. The City, mhsn possible, sheLL gtve She owner prtor nottce of the uae of the easement which wtLL affect the stoa. Th~e t6 aLso appLIcabLe to aLL exempt sloes, Signs may be InternaLLy or externaLLy Lighted es Long as the Ltght ts as dastgned as to be ahtsLded away from adjoining residential premises end does not Iwpetr dr~ver8' vto~btLtSy on adjoining rfohta of way. ANORTZZATZON AND ABATE#ENT OF NON-CONFOR#ZN6 SZGNSI The foLLDwtn0 types of algas shaLL become non-conformtn0 upon passage thio 8ectton~ and sheLL be brought tats compLiance or removed within 6 months of the date of thio ordinance= Prohibited alone aa deftnsd tn 8ecttoo 1E.O. Zoning Ordinance page 12-10 The City ahaLL make no payment for the uLCeration9 modification or removal Df any stoa mhere requtred by thio BBCttOn. 12o4 A, Be VARIANCES 6ENEBAL PRBVZBZONB= The Zontng Bourd of AdJUStment shaLL have jurisdiction co hear rsqueatu for a vartanoe from the termu of this auction. For the grsnt~ng of a variance. · favorable vote of no Lesa then 4 of 5 members of the Zontng Board of Adjustment aheLL be neceasery. The Board ahaLL be authorized to grant u vurlence from the tarma hereof if~ end only ti. they find that the strict enforcement of thta uectton mould crests a subatanttuL hardship to the appLicant, by vtrtue Df unique spectsL oondttlona not generaLLy found mtthtn the Ctty, and chat the graniteo of tho vurtancs mould prsBsrvs thc aptrlt end latent Of the Ordinance9 sad mould serve Ihs general Interests of the public and the applicants A#ORTZZATZON; The Zantng Board of Adjustment aheLL have authority to gre~t variances to the elorttzettun provisions of the foregoing Section 12.T. upon requeat of an eppLicsnt. An uppLtcent muat sham to the satisfaction of the Zuntng Board of AdJustment~ tn accordance mith thtu substantial evtdence ruLe, that the Investment of the applicant tn the aign ¶n question hue not been. or cannot bs~ recouped lithln the pertod Bet forth heretnl and that the strict application of the provtatona of this 0rdtnsnce ere unfelt ea eppLted to the appLicant. The Zoning Bocrd of Adjustment shaLL eatabLlah· set date for the compLiance or removaL aa to say such eton tn Ihs event that tt granta a vertence to the terms of Iht6 Section. Zoning Ordinance page 12-11 TAGLE I ALLOIf~4BI. E ~EAG FOil FI~EBST~4DZI4~ 6ZGN6 FRONTAGE HAX, AREA* (FEET) 0-50 2B 51-100 50 101-180 75 151-~RO 100 801-250 125 801~50 175 351~ 200 ~ -~0 ~5 ~-~0 504~50 ~75 551~00+ 300 1, FRONTAGE - the number of feet fronting on e pubLlc street to ehtch a sign oriented, etnoLe race etgn, or [1) aide of a doubLe fags etgn, or half the etdom of 3, The area of · freestanding alga Ie the area enGLOWBd by the mintauo 1smOthery rectangLe of vertical end horizontal Lines ehich fuLLy contain eLL extromtttee~ exclusive of supports, of a horizontal view of the eton. 4. The maximum area of any freestanding eton way not exceed etcher that atLoeed by the chart above Dr the equate or (¶/B) the dtetanca Jn feet from the bees of the eJgn to the curb or pavement edge of the frontage etreetl ihJchever 19 greater. ALLI~fAGLE HEZGHTS FOR FREESTAGDZNG SZGNS [DZETAGC~ FRON CURO/PAVENGNT EDGE Z# FEET] AT LENTI' LESS 1TIN; HEZGHT 10 15 4.5~ 15 20 6,0' 20 25 11.0' 25 30 14.0~ 30 35 18.0~ 35 40 19.0' AG 45 21.0~ 45 50 23.0~ 50 55 gO.O~ 55 BO 60 6B 3~.0~ 65 70 34.0~ 70+ 35.0~ *¶RE+ NOTEG DZETAGCE FROH CURB - the distance tn reef frow the nurb or pavement edge to the nearest pert of the elan. HEZGHT - helght of the alga measured from the eLevation of the curb or pavement edge. No freestanding alan shaLL exceed 35' Jn hetght except ae tn 5, below. On corner Lots only the frontage street [em defJomd tn 4, above] can be used to determine height and area. Tracts zoned C-1, C-g, C-3, ~ & 14-2 ltthe mtntmum 100 ' of frontage on 8.H.6 Bast Bypass lay have a sign up to a mexlmum of 50' tn helght elth a etnleua dtatance from the right-of-way of ¶00v. ne eton shaLL not be closer then BRa~ to any property zoned R-1~ R-lA, H or fl-3. Zonln0 Ordinance page 12-18 '1 ;I ,-,r T~BLE ZZ 8umnary of 81gn Re0uLetlon. 8ZGN PERH! i itu 14~XTHUH I~XZI4UI4 CI. AESTFZCATZON DI'STRTCT AREA HEZC4fl' SUROZVZSZON AREA Z,D. APT./COROO DEVELOPHENT (PROaECT) DEVELOPHENT [6UeOZVZSZ0.] TRN=FZC CONTROL REAL EBTATE FZ#ANCE/ CONSTRUCTZON A~ ALL R-4~R,-B~R-B ~L ALL ALL SETBACK NUROER PERI4TT ALL.ONED REOUTRE 1506F 16 8F 4~ IOOEF 10' 35 8F ON 50~ROW 15~ 65 SF ON 150 SF ON 7O~ROlr~ 850 8F ON )7O'RO~ ABOVE 101 FRO# ROI/ 6EC.18.3,B YE8 10' FROl4 ~ EEC,12.3,B YES 10~ FRO# RortV 1/PROJECT 1l/ YE6 /4XN, ~4DU 10' FROl4 RO~ I YEE 36F C 150 'FRONTAGE-16 ) 15D'FRONTAGE-3; E~ 10r FROH RO~Y I YE8 1/CUROCUT NO 6EC.1E.3.G NO CONS'r, NO FXNANCE NA NO ALL C 150'FRONT~E-16 6F ) 150'FRONTAGE-32 5F POI.z"r XCAL ALL NA ROOF FREESTNdOZN; FREEErAROZN6 LOW PROFZLE A~H~ ~EHPI' PROflXBX'T~D 4r 4~ FROH CURB 6~ 'fOr FRON R~ 8r 10~ FROH ~ NA 10r FROH CURO XF AREA ) 2 SF · ~IALL BE TREATB) A6 COI4HERCXAL FREESTANDZNG 100 SF 10' 10' FROl4 ROll C-1 ~C-E~C-~H-I ~14-2 BEE T~LE 1 A-P~C-I ~C-E ~C-3 ~ 80 ;:F 4~ 10' FRON ROtlf 1/PF~HZSE YES 'rF ~' 2 ACRES SEC.1;.3.K YE8 8En. IE.3.K YES YEG -b'EC.12.3.L. -6EC.1E.3.P -BEC.12.3.0.. Zontng Ordl nen=, (X)(Y)= AREA MINIMUM CONDITIONS FOR MORE THAN ONI= FREESTANDING ,SIGN I000' MINIMUM SIGN IGN 2~ ~CRE MINIMUM Zanfng Ordinance page ¶E-14 (X)(Y) = AREA FREESTANDING SIGN (X)(Y)<60 SQ. FT. LOW PROFILE SIGN Zoning Ordinance "'l fl/, '"' K LINE Zoning Ordinance page 12-16 ONE SHAI ONE LOW ONE LOW ONE LOW ONE FREi ONE FREI ANY NUM WITH 15( ~OT i FREESTANDING OR PROFILE EACH PROFILE SIGN PROFILE OR STANDING SIGN FREESTANDING OR BER LOW PROFILE SPAC I NG Zantng 0rd~nan=8 pnge lg-17 SECTION 13, DUTZES AND LZ#ZTATZON$ OF THE ZONZ#60FFZCZAL 13ol Tho Zontog OFftotsL sheLL harm tho power to make Inspections of bulLdlnou and premlssa to carry out his duties hereto. 13.2 The Zontog OFftoluL shaLL examine eLL BuiLdtng Psrmtt uppLtcattons and shaLL 13.3 The Zoning OfffcluL shaLL not grant un exception to the actual meantn9 of uny clauses order or regulation cents¶ned tn thts ordtnenos to any person mektn9 appLication for u butLdtng permit. 13.4 The Zoning OFflctsL sheLL not lake changes in this ordinance or vary the terms of thte ordinance in ourrytno out btu duttua ss Zoning OfficiaL. 13.5 Tbs Zoning OfftctsL must certtFy eLL Certificates of Occupunuy prior to tBBUSnCO by the BuiLding OfficiaL. 13,8 The Zontng OfflctuL shaLL perform the duties Imposed under the provisions of tho CoLLege Etutlon Ctty Codes aa amended from ttms to tums. 13.7 The Zoning Official sheLL interpret and appLy thtu ordinance. ZF the Zoning OFflctsL determine8 that tho meaning of u word or provision ts uncLcar~ or thst tta appLtcstzon to · particular circumstance tl uncsrtaln~ or upon mrtttun request For an Interpretation by any Interested psrty~ tho Zontng OfficiaL 6huLL prepare e written Interpretation or determlnatlan~ settleO forth the reasons end explanation therefor~ end sheLL forward same to the Ctty Attorney, UnLess the Interpretation or determ¶netlon of the Zontn9 Official tm subsequently revised tn mrittn0 by said offtclsL~ or modtflud by amendment or this ordinance by the Ctty CounctL~ thc determination sheLL be concLusiveLy preuumed to be oorrect thereafter, [n the event or en appeal free such determination by the Zoning OFficiaL under 6eot¶on ¶5~ the dectuton or the Zontn9 Board of Adjustment sheLL bo forwarded to the Ctty Attorney. Determination of the board shaLL be concLusiveLy presumed to be correct tharssftur~ unless modified by amendment of thlu ordinance by tho Ctty CounciL. 13.8 The Zontng OFFtctsL sheLL Investigate aLLeged violations of this ordtnsnce~ and shaLL conduct en organized effort to tncpect vtousLLy the appearance or aLL uses wtthtn the City, ZF s vioLation or suspeoted violation t6 Found~ enforcement sffortu wiLL be undertaken by such offtctsL~ IncLuding one or sore or the foLLowings [s] The Zontn90fftctaL sheLL forego ortstnaL prosecution For s reasonabLe time in on effort to secure voluntary compliance, [bi The Zontng OfftctsL may fiLe a oompLulnt stth the CoLLege Station #untctpuL Court whenever ouch offlctuL has probable cause to beLteve that s violation of this ordinance hew ocourred or ii occurring. The Zoning OFFiciaL shaLL not seek or obtain u warrant resuLting la the arrest of any person unless uutuuL danger to the safety or · person or property of thB public currentLy sxtetu or unLuus the person FBtLO to sign a cttutton purcucnt to 6ub-ssctton Id], Zontng Ordtnsnce page 13-1 r) r)/4 (c) [dj (f) The Zontng SfftcfeL may prepare s written nottce to be dsLtvared to · suspected vioLator prior to the fiLing of · misdemeanor compLaint or shaLL prepare ouch written nottoe to · suspected vioLator simuLtaneousLy wtth thc filing of 8 atadewecnor compLaint. Such notice may be dsLIvered fn person or by certified matL to the suapectBd violator, or to Bay person tn charge of the property where the violation ts Occurring. The Zoning OfftcteL way poet SUCh a copy tn · conspicuous place on tho property, and sheLL post such a notice tn the event that a nottce sent by certtftod mail ts returned. Such notice shaLL he tn writing, IncLude a statement of the reasons for Its Issuance, Bet forth the requirements of tht8 ortdtnence which are appLicabLe and whtch ore suspected to be or to have hewn violated, and advise the person that · complaint has been filed, tf such ts the case, or of tho date upon which · complaint wtLL ba filed. Such notice shaLL never ho an element of any offense under th~a ordinance, hut tho existence of actual nottcs to 8 person shaLL be relevant to end considered by the Court tn assessing · fine upon conviction of any offense hereunder. The Zontng OfficiaLs or duLy designated representative, sheLL have the authority to issue citations for the vJoLettcn of the provisions of thts ordinance. Zn the avant that on Individual signs a copy of the oitstton given to htw or her, ha thereby acknowledges reuelpt of come and proatsac to oontaot the MuntctpsL Court end arrange for tho entry of s pLes and a heertng where necessary, wtthtn ten [10] days of the date of the citation. Zf tho dsfendant shaLL not c~gn · citation, the Zoning SfftotsL shaLL proceed to propers 8nd file a formal oumpLatnt with the Judge of the Municipal Cuurtf end ShaLL Beak the tgauonc8 of 8 warrant, delivering Some to the appropriate Law enforcement officer for the resulting arrest of tho defendant, The ZestsO OfftcteL sheLL be entitled to present to the Judge of the HuntctpsL Court · sworn affidavit ehowtn0 probable couse to beLteva thct a violation of tht8 ordinance hOB occurred or ts Occurring upon any premtessf and to obtetn the fcsuenca of 8 warrant to enter end 1aspect such premises for evtdonce of vtoLaticne. Except pursuant to · werront~ no oon-coneeneuoL entry by such official sheLL be authorized em to any butLdJng or enoLoced structure, or portton thereof, not then open to the public. The Zoning OfflGteL shaLL be entitLed to request the ftLtng of ·petttton for extraordinary reLtef tn the appropriate courts seeking a mandatory ur prohtbttsry Injunction; sad upon reviewing such request tn wrfttng~ Betttng forth spectftc faCtS Bad provision8 of thte ordinance or requirements twposed by atta pLan hereunder uhtch are betng violated, the City Attorney sheLL pressed twwadtateLy to seek such relief, on behalf of the Ctty end the ZontnO OfftctaL. The utilization of a daveLopment agreement. Pursuant to an agreement for voLuntary compLmJnoe In connection wttha development agreement or otherwise, the ZestsO OfffutoL way tm,gao by mutuaL consent · otvtL penaLtyw whtch shaLL be petd to the General Fund of the City. Zoning Ordinance page 13-2 ,'ir)~, ,., gECTZCR 14. CONDZTZO#AL USE PERR[TS term t8 hare1, daft,ed. The Issuance of s Use Permit may be prerequisite to the A Usa Permtt la raqutred for eLL conditional uses. A Uae Parmtt may have · epeczfted time Limitation attached end may Impose condfttona other than these which ara specificaLLy set forth tn thts ordinances 14,¶ APPROVAL - RERPORSZBZLZTYI An The Camel.alan shaLL have the responsibility for the consideration of Use Permits for conditional uses es enumarited tn E.1S sitar pubLte hearing es defined heretn, 14,S PROCEDURE= COND[TZONAL USES= The Commlsaton may Issue · conditionaL use permit authorizing a conditional usa as enumerated tn Sacttons 7 end g,12 sitar an application has been filed with the Ctty PLanner and after a pubLte hearing. The appLication ahaLL be accompanied by · check mede payable to the CJty of CoLLage Station for ·ftLtng fee to be determined by the Ctty CounctL. The flLtng fee sheLL not be refund.bLs, Zf the he.ring for · uae permtt Is postponed due to an eetton of sn appLicant, an additionaL feb es determined by the Ctty CounciL IILL be requtred prior to eetebLJshJnge nel hearing dote. Until aLL fees have been petd tn fuLL~ no action sheLL be taken on any application or appeaL. Such application may be filed at the ttme of application for OutLdtng Permit or may be filed prior to ouch application for BuiLding Permit; however~ tt must be accompanied by · site plan ,honing the proposed use of the Lend end buildings end must show the surrounding Lend use tn such detail ae nec,Beery to cLertfy the cLeima made in the application. The Ctty PLanner shaLL forward such information to the Commission atth h~e The appLicant shaLL Otva pubLte nottce by publication tn · Lo,el newspaper of general circuLation et La,et fifteen [15] days prtor to a date set for ·pubLtc heertn9 before the Commleaton. The City PLanner sheLL nottfy eLL property owners of record within two hundred [SO0] feet Of the property in question by certified Letter at Least ten (lO] days prior to the date set for the pubLic hearing, The City PLanner 8heLL else .lye · report and recommendatten te the Commission on the date Df he.ring, The Commission. after res,tnt of report and recommendation of the City PLanner. may permit · conditional use aubJect to appropriate conditions and cefeguarde. when~ after pubLtc notice end heerJno~ the Commtaa¶on fi,de= That the proposed use meets eLL the mtntmum standards eaLabLtshad tn thts ordinance for thio type of UBSl (b) That the proposed UBS meets the purpose and intent of this ordinance end Zoning Ordinance page 14-1 14.4 harmony mlth tho development pOLICIeS end goaLs and obJect?yes es embodled tn the Comprehsns~ve PLan for DeveLopment of the C~ty; end [ti That tho proposed uae wtLL not be detrimental to the heaLths welfare, end safety Of the surrounding neighborhood or its Occupants, nor be substantiaLLy or permanentLy InJurious to ne?ghbortng property. The Commission lay Impose additional reasonabLe restrictions or conditions to carry out tho eptrtt end tntent of this ordinance and to mitigate adverse effects of the proposed uso, These requirements may incLude, but ors not Ltm~ted to, Increased open apooe, LDedtng and perktng requirements, sddttlonoL Landscoptnge end additionaL Improvements ouch so curbing, sidewalks sad Any person or pereono~ jointLy or severaLLy aggrieved by · dec~ston of Lhe Commission may preeent to the City Secretary sn appeaL, setting forth that such dectston tB unjust and/or eeo made tn orrsr~ tn whole Dr tn pert. The appeaL must be fn mrtttno, must epectfy the grounds of tnjuettoe end/er the patois on whtch the Commission erred and must be atoned by the appeLLant[o). Such appeaL shaLL be presented to the Ctty Seoretery within ten [10] days after the finaL dectslon of the Commission, end not thereafter. The City Secretary oheLL then schedule ·pubLtc heortnO before the City CounctL and ohsLL notify aLL property owners mtthtn two hundred [SOO'] feet of the subJeCt property under appeaL. Thio notice, tn · form prepared by the Ctty PLanner, sheLL bo sent by certified maiL end sheLL be Otven no Later than ten (10] deyo prtor to the date set for the pubLtc hearing. Notification, es prep.red by the City PLenner~ sheLL also be Otven by tho C?ty Secretary by pubLication tn a LocaL newspaper cf general circulation et Least f~fteen [15] days prior to the date set for the pubLtc hoortng. The Ctty CounolL 8heLL hoLd · pubLic hearth0 to conotdsr the oppea! end sheLL uphoLd the dectston of the Commission so tt mBS passed, overturn the decision of the Commission tn tie entirety or remand the case beck to the Commission for reconsideration of certain end specific points. RECORDZNGI One [1] copy of en approved Use Permit shaLL be given to the Darter of the property, end one (1] copy sheLL be filed tn the office Of the Ctty DEVELOP#ENT= FoLLowing the toouonce of · Use Permit, the Zontng OfflcteL shaLL insure that tf the deveLopment ~s undertaken~ it to compLeted tn compliance with .eld permtt. Zf the BuiLding Permit has not been issued by the ButLdtng OfftctoL to the deveLopment within tweLve [1~] months after tho date granted, the Uae Permtt ts automaticaLLy canceLLed. The Zontno OfficiaL, upon approval by the Ctty PLenner~ may extend the Uae Permit for up to one [1] additional six-month period upon written request from the appLicant, Ih?ch must be received before the date of canceLLation. Zoning Ordinance pege 14-2 -ltl/, '" BECTZON 15. OPECZAL EXCEPTZONB, VARZANCEB, APPEALSf AND THE BOARD OF ADJUBTHENT 15.1 CREATZON OF THE BOARD OF ADJUBTHENTI Tbs Ctty Council shaLL provtde fur ths sppcLntwsnt or a Board of AdJustwBnt sad the rsguLBttuns sad restrictions adopted sheLL be pursuant ts the provisions of appLicabLe sLetutory rsqutrelents of the State of Texas. The Board of AdJustment way, tn appropriate obese end subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, make spsctsL exception6 to tbs tsrms of this zoning ordtnancs tn harmony with 1ts general purpose end tntsnt sad tn accordance with general and speclftC rules hsrstn contained. 15.g POHERB AND DUTZEB= The Board of AdJuStment sheLL have the foLLowing powers; To hear and dsctde appeaLs where It ts sLLeoed there lo error tn any order, rsqutrewent, decision, tnterpretstton, or detsrwtnetlon made by ths Zontno OfftcteL in the snforcement of this ordinance. To Interpret tbs 1stent of the Zoning DtBtrlct Hsp where uncertstnty ex~sts because the phystceL features on the ground vary from those on the Zontng OlstrLct Hap end none of the ruLes set forth tn SsCtlon g Bp,LyE C, To hear end decide request8 for spectsL excepttnnl to= (al LBBB (h] ALLow the enLeroewent of ·bulLdtng devoted to s non-conforming uae where such enlargement 16 necessary end IncidentaL to the extettnO use of Such buiLding sad does not tncreese the area of the butLdtnO devoted to s non- conforming use more than twenty-five percent [BB~] snd doss not proLong the Ltfs of the nun-conforming use or prevent · return of such property to s conforming use. [c! ALLow the reconstruction of · non-conforming structure or butLdtnO on the Lot or tract occupted by such butLdtnO If the coat o~ reoonstructton Is Less than otxty percent (605] of the ap,raised vaLue of the structure or bulLdtno snd tf the reconstruction wouLd not prevent the return of each property to a conforming use or lncresse the non-conformity of such non- conformqng structure or building. To tntttate on 1ts mottos, or ceuss to bs presented by ~nterested property ownsre sctton to brln9 about the dlSconttnusnce of s non-conforming structurs or use under any pLan whereby fuLL vaLue of the structure csn be amortized wtthtn a deftntte pertod of ttme, taktng into constderetlon the gensraL cherscter of the neighborhood and the necessity for eLL property tD conform to ths rsguLattona of this ordtnsncs. To authorize upon appeaL variances of the yard, Lot wtdth, Lot depth, stgns, uwtn0 to spectaL conditions, I LttsreL enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance wILL result in unnecessary hsrdsh~p, end So that the sptrlt o~ the ordlnsnce sheLL be observed and substsntteL justtce done. Zontng Ordtnsnce pegs 15-I 16.3 15,4 15.5 15,8 ORBANZZATZON OF THE BOARDs The Baird oF AdJuntmant shaLL conetet of five [5] members who ore resident. OF tho Ctty end quaLIFied voters. Each shaLL ba appointed FoP · tore oF tmo (2] year., except thit tls (2] members appointed InitiaLLy .hiLL have torwl oF only one [1] year. AFter the tnlttnL appofntmnntn, two CB] lamb.ri sheLL bi appointed tn odd numbered yaera to welntotn · membership oF Flva [5) member.. Hembnr8 shaLL be rilovibLe For CHUB. by th. Ctty CounciL upon mrtttan charge. and IFter ·pubLtc hearthS. Voconulea shaLL bo FtLLed For the unexpired tape of any member whose term becomes vnonnto However. the City CounctL way provide For the appointment oF rout {4] aLternate members oF tho Board of AdJustment who choLL serve tn the obnanne DF one [1] or more reguLar members when requeeted to do as. ALL Celia to be heard by the Board oF AdJustment mILL almay, be heard by ·mtntmum number oF Four [4] members. These aLternnta melbere~ when appointed, shaLL larva For the name pnrtDd aa the rnguLer members and any vat.noise sheLL be FtLLed in the same manner end 8hoLL be 8ubJant to removaL no the rnBuLnr members. RULES AND REBULATZONOs The Board shaLL deveLop end adopt ruLes in accordance with the provtoionn oF thtn ordinance. He.tinge oF the Bo.rd shaLL bo held at the GaLL OF the Chairmen and at nunh other tile. ne tho Board way determine. Such Chairmen. or tn his ob.anna the octtng Chairmen. may administer cache end compel tho attendance oF IlLnesses. ALL meetings oF the Board 8hBLL be open to the pubLtc. The Board shILL keep mtnutno oF 1to proceodinge, Bhontng the vote, tndtuoting gush Feat. aDd shaLL keep records oF 1to nxoltnBttonn end other oFftcloL action., aLL oF ihtch .haLL be ImmediateLy FILed In the of Ftcn of the Board [the oFFice oF the City PLanner] and ohBLL be e pubLic record. APPEALBi AppnoLi to the Board oF Adjustment may be taken by any par.on aggrieved or by any oFFtcar, department, bo. rd. commte81on, or committee of the Ctty oFF.Grad by any deoteion oF the Zontno OFficiaL. Such appeal sheLL be mede wlthtn thirty [BO] deye of the date oF the notification by FtLtno mlth the Zoning OFFIoIeL and mtth the Board oF AdJuetment a notice aF appeal .pacifying the ground, thereoF. Tho Zontng OFFlntaL shaLL Forthwith tree.mit to the Os. rd aLL the pap.re conetttutIng the record oF the mutton appeaLed. An appeal Stays ILL procoadtngn tn Furtherance oF the norton appeaLed from. unLnBn the Zontno OFFtclIL certtftnl to the Board DF AdJuetwant after the notice oF appeaL .haLL hove been FtLod with hll that by rea.on oF fanta stated tn the narttFtcate netny would, tn hie Dptnlon. neuea tlm~nent peril ta Ltfn or property. Xn much cane procendlno8 BhBLL not be .toyed othermtee then by e reBtretntng order Ihtch moy be granted by the Board oF AdJustment or by a court oF record on appLication on nnttce to the oFFtGer from whom the appeaL t8 taken nnd on dun couon shown. The Board oF AdJultment shiLL hear the appeaL ntthtn Btxty (80] days Df the date oF the appeal appLication or 8unh oxtanlton aa requested by the applicant. otve pubLtn notice thereof, aB weLL ee due notice to the petites tn Inter.et. and dectde the Bell mlthtn n reasonabLe time. Upon the hearths any party may appear tn parnDn or by agent or by attorney. REVZSZON OF APPEALLED DECZSZONOJ Zn exercising the above mentioned power8 such Board may. In conformity with the prov~etnna oF thtn ordinance, reverse or affirm whoLLy or partLy, or may modify the order, requirement, dent.ton or determination nppooLLed Frow end way make hUGh order, rnqutrnwent, dent.lan or Zontng Ordtnnnna paoe 15-2 15.8 determination ae ought to ba made~ end to that end BhILL have the power of the Zontng OrflctaL from whom the appeal t8 tekefl. YBTEB RECEBBARY= The concurring vote of four [4] members of the Board sheLL be APPEAL6 FROH THE BOARD OF ADJUgTHENTs Any parson or persona or any taxpayer or any offtcarf department, board, co~wtaaton~ or committee of the Ctty, JotntLy or severaLLy, aggrieved by any decleton of the Board of AdJuBtment~ may present to a court of record a petttton~ vertftedy aetttnO forth that much dectaton t8 tLLeoaLf in whole or tn part~ specifying the 9rounda of the ILLegaLity. 6uch petttton oheLL be presented to the court wtthtn ten lID) days after the ftLtng of the deateton tn the offtce of the Board. Zontno Ordinance page 15-3 8ECTZDN 18o RESPONSZBZLZTZEB OF THE CD##ZsaZON, ZONZNB OFF~C~ALf BOARD OF ADJUaT#ENTf AND THE CZTY COUNCZL 16.1 [t sheLL be the raoponBtbtLtty of the CommlBaton to hear eLL oppLtoattona for zone ohangao end ohangao tn tho Zoning Ordlnanca~ aB pruuortbud by Lam and thto ordinance, end to reoommand gotten to the Ctty CounatL. The Comatooton hoe authority to approve oondltlonuL uoea under the provisions of Beotton B.18. ordinance. Requests for variances ohaLL be presented to the Zoning OfftGtuL end tf ,1thin the provtnoa of Section ¶5~ requeute uhaLL be sent to tho Board of AdJuutment for haertno. 18.8 The Zontng OfflGIoL t8 oharoad mtth tho lntorprutotton Iud enforcement of thou ordinance. AppeaLu of decision8 of the Zontng OfflotBL ohaLL be presented to the Zoning OfficiaL mho ohaLL forward much appuuLI mtth eLL pertinent Information to the 9Bard of AdJuutment for hearing. 16.3 The Board of AdJustment sheLL hear end dootda eLL questions uppuaLLtng decisions of the Zoning OfftGtoL end eLL other questions ue provtded fn 6uotton 15. 18,4 The Ctty CounctL hag aBLe responsibiLity for chenoea In the Zontng Nap end changes in tho Zoning Ordinance. The Ctty CounolL BhaLL not hear compLilnto Df Board of AdJuutmunC. The City CounctL shaLL also have the reuponaibtLtty of oppotnttng the PLonnln9 end ZonJnO COllJauJon end the Board of AdJustment. Zonlng Ordinance page 1B-1 SECTZON 17. A#ENDHENTS Far the purpose of establishing end maintaining sound, otsbLe, end desirable deveLopment mlthln the territorial Lfmits of the Ctty, thts ordinance sheLL not be conditions fn · particuLar area or tn the CtTy OsnereLLy, or to rezone en creep extend the boundary of en ex,sting zontnO d~etrtcT or to change the reouLeTfone end restriction8 thereof, eLL amendments to bo tn accordance w?th · comprehensive plan. 17.1 AHENDHENT LZHZTATZON; SubJect to the Ltmttetfone of the foregoing Statement of [ntentp en amendment to thts ordtnepce may be Initiated by; 17.2 17,3 17.4 17,8 [e] Cfty CounctL on 1ts own morton; (bi The PLonntng end Zontng Commlseton; or (c] Petition. REFERRAL OF AREND#ENT PETZTZO# TO CORRZSSZON; The Ctty PLanner, upon recetpt Df petttton to emend the ordinance, sheLL refer the same to the Commission for study, heorfno~ end report, The CounctL may not enact the propooed amendment until the Commission mskeo 1ts report to tho CounctL. ACTZOR BY THE COR#ZSSZON; The Cemmteoton sheLL cause · compLete study to be mede by the Cfty PLennorp sheLL give public not?ce and hoLd ·pubLto heertnO end sheLL recommend to the CounutL such cotton os the Commloeton deems proper, PUBLZC REAFlZNS AND NOTZCE THEREOF; A pubLtc heortng sheLL be heLd by the Commission before making · report to the CounciL~ end u pubLtc hesrtn0 sheLL be held by tho Council before edopttng any amendment to thtm ordinance. Nottce of tho pubLtc heBrtng sheLL be otven by publishing ouch notice et LeOBt once ~n · newspaper of general circulation tn the Ctty of CoLLege Stetton, stettno the ttms end place of such heertng end the substance o~ the proposed amendment. Thto not,ce shaLL eppeer tn setd newspaper et Least ;1;teen {1S] days prtor to The date Bet for the public heertng. PubL?ceTton of the nottce 8heLL be the responolbtLfty of The City PLanner, Nottceef the proposed zonlnO change shaLL eLsa be mede by the Ctty PLanner by melLtng notification by certified Letter to the parco, or ftrm to whom the property lB assessed, end to eLL persona or ftrm8 to whom property mtthtn two hundred [200] feet of tho proposed zontng change ts oeJessed on the Ctty tax roLLs. ACTZON BY THE COU#CZL; The City CounatL sheLL glve pubLtc notice and hold · pubLtc heertng before tektng flfleL octton of · petltton to emend ~hlo ordinance, or en amendment on 1to own tn¶t¶etton or Initiation by the EFFECT OF PROTEST TO PROPOSED AHENDRENT; Zn case · pretest egetnsT any proposed amendment to thts ordinance to presented ~n writing ~o the Ctty Secretary prtor to tho pubLtc hearing thereon duly efgnod by the omners of Twenty percent [205] or ears, elTher of the area of Lots tncLuded In such proposed change, or of The Late or Lend ImmediateLy adJOining Tho same end Zontng Ordinance pegs 17-1 17.7 ex·ending Cmo hundred [200] feet therefrom, such amendments ·heLL not beoome effactiv· except by the favorable vote of three-fourth· (E/4] of aLL members of the CounciL. PROCEDURE FOR A#END#ENT PETXTXO#I An appLication for amendments to Iht· ordinance ·haLL b· aJgned and ftLed etch the City PLanner. Such appLication sheLL be ·ccolpentid by a cheek Bade plyibLe to the Ctty of CoLLege 6Carton for a ftLtng fee to be detarlfned by the City CounotL. Setd ftLtng fee ·haLL not be refundabLe. Zf due to the action of the appLicant, the hearing for a ZOne change ta poatpcnad~ an addltton·L fa· ·h·LL b· required e· determined by the City Council to renettfy for the nil h··rlng data. UntlL aLL appLicabLe flea have been paid tn fuLL~ no ectton oh·LL be taken on any ·ppLtcetton or appeaL. CONTENTS OF PETZTZONI ALL petition· for ·mandlent· to th1· ordtnanae~ mt·hour Limtttno the rtght to ftLe eddttlonlL tnformetlon~ ·haLL cent·tn at Leeat the foLLomtnol [1] The pettttoner~a nem·~ addraa·e end tntera·t tn the petition, ea maLL e· the nal·~ addrlaa, ·nd tnt·rear cf avery p·reen hevins · La·aL or ·n equitabLe intereat In the Lend covered by the petition. [8] The natura ·nd effect Df the props·ed amandlento [8] Zf the propoa·d amandlant wouLd require · change In the ZonlnO #ap~ a fuLLy-drill·ISled lap ahowtng! The Land mhtch mouLd b· ·fie·tad by the props·ed amendment. (b] A LegaL dlearfptlon of much Land. (o] Tha pra··nt zontng cLassification cf the Land. The zoning classification of aLL ebutttng Zoning Districts. ALL pubLto end prlv·te rights-of-way end eeealenta boundtng and intersecting the Lend under consideration. [4] Zf the proposed amendment would requtre· change tn the Zcntns Hep~ the names and addressee of the genera of aLL Lend wtthtn the area to be changed by the proposed amendment. [s) The aLLeged error In this ordinance, whtch mouLd be corrected by the props·ed amendment, together itch a detaiLed expLanation oF Bush aLLeged error In the ordJnenca~ ·nd detatLed roeaona OB to hem the proposed amendment ItLL correct the BaBe, [6] The changed or changing oondtttona~ tf any, tn the area or tn the municipality genereLLy~ that make the proposed amendment reasonably (7) Evtdence that the petttion Io tn accordance itch the comprehenatve plan. (S) ALL other clrculatencee~ fo·toro, and racoons whtch the appLicant offers In support of the props·ed amendlent. Zontns Ordinance pete 17-8 17,B TINE LZHZTATION: If · potttlon for rezontnO to denled by otther the Commission or the Ctty Coun¢tL, another petttton for reclassification of the BOmB property or any portton thereof shaLL not be ftLed wtthtn a parted of one hundred and e~ghty {180] days from the dote of ftnet denfoL, except wtth permission of the Commission or City CoonctLB or upon Initiation by tho Commission or Ctty CeunolL. Zonino Ordinance page 17-3 '-)r)/, EECTZON 18. PENALTY FOR VZOLATZON 18.1 Any person who vioL·tea or FBfLc to compLy mtth the r·qutr·mente oF th1· ordtn·nc·, er who butLd· or alter· any butLdlng Dr structure tn vtoL·tton oF any plan or statement submitted ·nd approved hereunder, sheLL be guilty of · mtldcmeoncr and be LiabLe to · fine of not Les· than Twenty-ftys DoLLars [$E5.00) nor more than Two Hundred DoLLars [8800.00]. Each day such vioLation sheLL be permitted to exist ·haLL constitute · separate oFFence, The owner OF any building or pramteo· or pert theraoFe mhere 8nythtnO tn violation OF this ordtnence sheLL be pLaced or shaLL exist, shaLL be guilty oF 8 separate offense end upon conviction thereof sheLL he Fined es herein provided. Zoning Ordinance pegs 18-1 DECTZON ¶g. PRDVZOZONO OF ORDINANCE DECLARED TO BE RZN~HU# REOUZRENENT6 19.1 2n thotr Interpretation Bnd appLloatton, the provisions or this ordfnance BhaLL be hold to bo mtntmum requlramente adopted for the promotion of pubLtc health, eatery, moroLo, and genarot iBL~erB, #hanover the requtremente or thto ordinance ere at variance wtth the requirements of any other LowruLLy adopted ruLal, reguLattonB, or ordtnoncae, the requirement thot 16 moat restrictive er that impoeee htgher atendorde ee detarltned by the Zontng O~ftoteL sheLL govern. Zontng Ordinance page 19-1 6ECT[QN 20, REPEAL OF CO#FL[CT[#g ORDZNANCES OR ORDERS 0rd~nanca No. 850 end aLL ordarBf ordlnancaa, or parts of ordinance8 tn con~Ltct with thte ordinance, or Inconsistent ,tth the provtefone of th18 ordinance ara hePBby repeeLLad to tho extent neceaaary to give thta ordinance ~uLL ~orce end e~ect. Zoning Ordinance page 20-1 EECTZO# 21, SEVERABZLITY CLAUSE Should any oectlen or provision of this ordtnence bo declared by tho courto to be unconotttuttonei or tnveLId, such decfcton sheLL not effect the veltdtty of the ordtnonce es · ihoLe or any pert thereof other then the pert eD decLored to be unoonetttutlonoL or tnveLtd. Zuntng Ordtnence peso EI-1 8ECTZON EE. EFFECTIVE DATE Thte ordinance sheLL become effective ten [10] days after the data of approval and pubLtcetton. PASSED AND APPROVED thte 13th dey of Herch, 1BEE. ATTEST~ Ctty 6ec I~~ Zontng Ordtnence pege 28-1 ACCESS tar otructurss B-1 mite pLea roqutrnmnnte to parking apace B-1 mtthln C-P.U.D. 7-28 ltthln P.U.D. 7-24 10-3 XNDEX ACCESDORY BUZLDZR6S/STRUCTUREO/UOED dsrtnltton or 8-1 exampLes or 3-1 for hobo occupation 2-4,5 Lonotton requirements 8-1 AHENDNENT definition or cLoosfrtontton or OrrlcteL Nap 1-3 procedures 17-1,0t3 protest 17-1 A#ORTZZATZON or signs 12-11 Zontng Board or AdJuotmont authority 15-1 ANNEXED TERRZTORY 4-1, 5-1 APARTRENT definition of 1-2 permitted districts (see Residential Districts] APARTNENT-HOTEL 2-1 BCZLOZN2 PL0T definition of 2-2 Bors then one principaL structure CERTZF~CATE OF OCCUPANCY csrtlrtnotton by Zoning OrrtctnL Landscaping rsqutred for 11-B romovoL of signs required for 12-6 CHZLD CARE [one eLBe CondtttonoL Uoes] definition or 2-2 CNURCHEO (ese ConditionaL Uses) CLZNZC (oeo aLso ConditionaL Uses] definition or 2-3 COLLEGE-UNZVERBZTY DZOTRZCT 7-22 COHNERCZAL ANU6ERENT 2-3 CONNERCZAL DZBTRZCT3 Administrative-ProfessionaL IA-P) CommoroloL-ZndustrtoL (C-2] 7-18 Commercial Northgote [C-NO] 7-12 CommerciaL PLonned Unit DeveLopment (C-P.U.D.) 7-28 GeneraL CommerciaL (C-1] 7-14 Neighborhood-Business lC-NJ 7-10 8-1 13-1 7-13 AREA REOUZRENENTR - TabLe A 7-30 COHHUNZTY BUZLDZNGS [Bee Conditional Uses] B BUZLDZNG PERNZT sateLLite dtsh 8-4 atone 12-4 other ]refer to ButLdinO Code] CONDZTZONAL USES List of 0-3 procedures 14-1,2 CONVALESCENT HOHEB (sea CondttlonsL Uses] D DEFZ#ZTZON3 general 6-1,6~3,4,5,6~7,B signs 12-6,374 Landscaping 11-1,2 ZNDU3TRZAL DZaTRZCT6 CommerciaL-ZnduetrtsL [C-6] 7-16 Heavy ~ndustrtsL IH-2) 7-19 PLanned ZnduetrteL [#-1] 7-16 DENEZTY (Bee alee Area Requirements) definition of 2-6 msxtmum aLLowed 7-61 J JUNK VEHTCLE8 [ese VehicLes] E ENFORCEHENT penalties 16-1 proosdurae 13-176 ENVZRONHENTAL REGULATZON3 generaL 6-3,4 site pLan requirement F FAHZLY 6-4 10-3 LANDSCAPZNR definition of 11-1,2 plant [paint) vaLues 11-4,5 requirements [patnte] 11-4 L~BRAflZE8 Ieee ConditionaL Oeas] LZRHTZH8 in Industrial dtetrteCa parking Leto 6-6 alone 13-4~5 7-19 FRATERNZTY es Conditional UBs definition of 6-4 H HEZGHT3 exceptions 8-1 LImits 7-30 sateLLite dteh 8-4 signs [TabLe ZZ] 16-13 HOHE OCCUPATZON definition of 6-4,6 7-7,8,15 LOT [ese elco ButLdtng PLot) area requirements 7-30 definition of 6-6 definition of corner 2-3 N HEDZCAL CLZNZC3 [ese ConditionaL Uses] MOOZLE HONE [Bee Residential districts] definition of 3-6 HODEL HONE3 8-4 HORPZTAL (eOB Conditional Uses] (ese Commercial Districts C-1] HUNCZPAL BUZLDZN33 [aaa ConditionaL Uses] NON-CONFORHZN6 USE6 general 6-1,2 stone 12-10 epecfeL exceptions for 15-1 P PARK6 8-4 PARKZNS acoees to 9-1 dtmena~ofl8 0-1 for Home Ocoupattone E-465 Landecaptng requirements 11-1,8,3,4 off-promise 9-2 requirement8 9-3B4~8 8urfeclng 9-2 PflARNACZE6 (asa Conditional Uaee] PLANNED UNZT DEVELOPNENT definition of 8-7 reetrtcttone 7-23 -LANNXNS AND ZONZNG CO##ZGBZON definition of 2-3 dutte8 end reeponetbtLittea 1 6-1 PRENZSE (eeo ButLdtng PLot] PROJECT REVZE# CONNZTTEE (PRC] eppaeL8 of dectelone of 10-3 definition of 2-7 roapanelbiLttfee In C-NS 7-12 C-PUD 7-g6 ConditionaL Uses 8-3 Lendaoeptng 11-2 elto pLea 10-1,3,4 REeZDENTZAL DZSTRZCTS AgrtouLture-Open (A-O] 7-1 Apartment Utoh Denelty [R-6) Apartment Low Density (R-4] Apartment Nedtum Denetty [R-5) DupLex (R-2] 7-4 NoblLa Homo (6-7] 7-9 SingLe FemtLy fleetdantteL [R-1, R-IA) 7-6~6 Townhouso [R-3) 7-5 7-8 7-6 7-7 REZONZNS [eeo Amendments] 8 GALES TENPORARY OFFTCE [gee HodeL Home] 8ATELLZTE DZGH ANTENNA definition of 2-7 reatrtottone 9-4,5 SCHOOLS (ese Conditional UOee] $CREENZNG FENCES 8-g SETBACK definition of g-8 wlthtn dtetrtcte 7-30 8ZTE PLAN REVZEg (cee 6oottan 10] SORONZTY [Bee Fraternity] T TELEPHONE EXCHANGE8 Ieee ConditionaL Ueee] PUBLZC LZBRARZE6 [see Conditional Ween] ,)ri4 -'L VARZANCE8 de~tnttlan .f 2-8 general 15-1,2.3 8ataLLttB dt.h Lecat~on · 1gna 12-11 B-4 YEHICLEB net ~n operating =.edition 8-2 VEBTEO RIBHT$ 5-1 VIBZB~LZTY AT INTERBEC?~O#B 2-1 ¥ YARD8 B-1~2 Z ZONING BOARD OF ADJUBTNENT 15-1~2~3 ZO#ZNB NAP 1-2~2.4 ZONINB RAP AHENDNENTB [..e Razontng) ZONZN; OFFZCZAL appeaL. ~raB dactatona of 15-2 duttea and Limitation. 12-1,21 18-1