HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-1637 - Ordinance - 02/27/1986ORDINANCE NO. 1637 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION SIGN BOARD, AND PROVIDING FOR: FIVE (5) MEMBERS, A PERI- OD OF TWO (2) YEARS, THEIR DUTIES, AND THE METHOD OF APPOINTMENT. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA- TION, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. There is hereby created a Sign Board to be known as the "City of College Station Sign Board", which shall be composed of five members as required by statute, to determine the value of signs amortized under the City sign ordinance. SECTION 2. The term of office for said board shall commence on March 1 and shall be for two (2) years. Any members appointed to fill vacancies on said board shall be for the remainder of the term of the predecessor member. SECTION 3. Said board is authorized to establish its own rules, regulations, and by-laws, subject to ratification by the City Council, and shall provide for regular and special meetings nec- essary to carry on its business. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this the ~ day of ~ 1986. ATTEST: 'ir)4 [, 4 ORDINANCE NO. 1658 ZONING ORDINANCE GITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS MARCH 15, 1986 8ECTZOH SECTZON SECTZOR SECTZON SECTION SECTZON SECTZON 8ECTZON SECTZON SECTZON S, S. 4, S. O, 7. 10. TABLE OF GONTENT~ EetobLtshment of Districts Definitions RuLes for Znterpretetton of District Boundaries AppLication of Dfetrtct ReguLottons NelLy Annexed Territory Non-Conforltng Uoss ScheduLe Dtstrtct Dlstrtct Otltrtot Dtotrtct District Dletrtot Dtotrtct DJetrlct District Dtotrtct Distrtat DIotrlot Dtetrtct Dtetrlot Dtetrtot Ototrlct Dtetrtct Dtetrtct of DtetrJct ReguLations A-O AgricuLturaL-Open R-I SingLe FomtLy Residential R-IA SingLe FamiLy Residential R-8 DupLex R-S Tolnhouee R-4 Apertmont/Lol Density R-5 Aportlent/Hedtul DonolCy R-S Apartment BuiLdings/Nigh Density R-7 HobtLe Home C-N Neighborhood Bueinsee C-NS ColleroloL Northgate A-P Adltnletrettve-PrcreeetoneL C-1 SenersL CommerciaL C-2 ColmercteL-ZnduetrlsL C-3 PLanned CommerclsL N-I PLonned ZnduetrleL N-S Heavy ZnduotrtsL C-U CoLLege end University District P-U-D PLonned Unit DeveLopment TabLe - Land Use Xntenelty ReCtos Dtetrloc C-P,U,D, Commercial PLsnned Unit DeveLopment TabLe 7-1 8hered Perktng Reduction Fsctore OtotrIct Uoe ScheduLe - TabLe A SuppLementary Dtotrtct RoguLsttons Pegs 1-S 8-1 3-1 4-1 5-1 6-1 7-1 7-; 7-3 7-4 7-5 7-6 7-7 7-8 7-9 7-10 7-1S 7-13 7-14 7-10 7-17 7-16 7-1 g 7-2S 7-P3 7-25 7-ES 7-29 7-30 8-1 HJnIIUl Perktng Requlrelsnte 9-1 TabLe - Ntntlum Off-Street Psrktng Requirements 9-3 Grephtae - Perktno Lot ExampLes e-6 SJts PLan Rovtsw Requirements 8pactel RuLes for C-N Districts 10-I 10-4 qr)/, [; £ SECTZON BECTZON SECTZON BECTZON BECTZON SECTZON SECTION SECTZON 6ECTZON SECTZON SECTZON BECTZON 11. lB, 14, 15, 18o 17, 18, 19. SO, 81. BB. TABLE OF CONTENTS [continued] Lendeueptng 11-1 Landscaping Potnt Requirements/VaLues 1t-4 TabLe L-1 Point VaLues for Trsse/Barrtcedes 1t-7 Stgn ReguLations 12-1 Definitions 19-8 TabLe Z - Areas/Heights Freestanding Stgna 18-12 TabLe ZZ - Summary of Sign ReguLations 12-13 Sign Graphic ExampLes 12-14 Duties and Limitations of Zontng OfftsteL GondtttonaL UBS Permtts SpeotaL Exceptiones VsrfsnoeBB AppeaLs .nd the Board of Adjustment 13-1 14-1 15-1 ResponsibiLities of the Commtseion~ Zontno OfftuleL, 18-1 Board of Adjustment and the City CounutL Amendment Prouedurea 17-1 PenaLty for VioLation 1B-1 Provisions cf Ordinance DecLared to be #tntmum 19-1 RepeaL of ConfLicting Ordinances or Orders 20-1 SeversblLtty CLause EffeotJvl Date 22-1