HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1608 - Ordinance - 08/28/1985ORDINANCE NO. ]608 AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC UTIL- ITY EASEMENT ON LOT 7 IN BLOCK 3 OF THE DOBROVOLNY SUBDIVISION, 1204 CHARLES COURT, IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BE- ING PART OF A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, AND BEING MORE PAR- TICULARLY DESCRIBED ON EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. WHEREAS, on August 22, 1985, the City Council of the City of Col- lege Station, Texas, heard the application of Larry and Margaret Beerwinkle for the vacation and abandonment of a portion of an easement platted at the rear of Lot 7 in Block 3 of the Dobro- volny Subdivision, being 1204 Charles Court in College Station, and recorded in Volume 318, Page 227, of the Deed Record of Brazos County, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Pursuant to the application and request filed with the City of College Station that a portion of a fifteen foot (15') wide strip of land previously platted as a utility easement, more particu- larly described on the attached Exhibit "A", be abandoned and vacated; that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to con- vey by quit claim deed on behalf of the City of College Station any right or claim which the City has in and to that portion of said fifteen foot (15') strip of land to Larry and Margaret Beer- winkle. It is further ordained that the property owners will execute an agreement accepting and assuming responsibility for location of the structure in the close proximity of the sewer line. The property owners will accept responsibility for the maintenance of that line within the easement and that the property owners, suc- cessors and assigns will indemnify the City in the event that the line is damaged. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 28th day of Auaust , 1985. APPROVED/ , ,/ / ATTEST: , -] . CITY SE~RY- 00 .52L Field Nulc., 1201~ L.'hdrlr'_~, C_OiJ~ ! BEING a descrlptton o[ the encroachment o1' part ol' a one story house located at 120q Charles Court, on a 1.5' wide sewer easement lym~ within Lot 5even, P, Iock Three o! the DOBNOVOLNY SUBDIVISION, ctty o[ College Statron, Brazos County, l exas, accordml,, to the plat recorded m Volume 31,~, page 227, Deed Records o[ satd county and being [urther described as [ollows: COMMENCING at a l'ound chtseled "O" tn the rtght-ol-way hne ol tile cul-de-sac of Charles Court, for the common corner or' Lots Six and Seven, Block Three of ~a~d subdivts~on; THENCE S 00~03'lq'' E along the common hne of said Lots Six and Seven a dtstance or' 65.18'; THENCE N 6~032~).~'' ~' along the northeasterly right-of-way hne of said I~' wtde sewer line easement a distance o[ 21J3~' [or the POINT OF BECINNINC of satd encroachment; THENCE along the eave lines o! ~a~d one story house the Jollowing calls: S 23°20'31'' W a dtstance ot' ~.l.~'; N 6q°39':29'' W a distance o[ 61.~0"; N 2~'33'19" E a distance o! #.28'; THENCE S 6#°32'0.5" E along the northeasterly r~ght-of-way hne ol sa~d l~' wtde sewer hne easement~ across sa~d one story house a dtstance o[ 61.z~q' to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing an area o~ 2.5g.8 square ~eet more o~ less lyre§ within said 1.5' wide sewer hne easement. EXHIBIT "A" 00 52