HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-1569 - Ordinance - 01/24/1985 ORDINANCE NO. 1569
The personnel policy handbook entmtied "City of College Statmon
Personnel Polacies and Procedures Handbook," together wath the
detaaled procedural rules for disciplinary appeal and termination,
is hereby adopted as amended from time to time by City Council
Reaoiution, as the officaal personnel policy of the City of College
Station, Texas, to the same extent as if set forth at length herein.
A copy of the handbook entitled "Cmty of College Station Personnel Policies
and Procedures Handbook," together with the detailed procedural rules for
disciplinary appeal and termination, as attached to and shall become a part
of this ordinance. One (1) copy is on file in the office of the City Secretary.
Should any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of this
ordinance be declared unconstitutional or anvalid for any purpose, the
remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereb).
All ordinances or parts of ordinances an conflict herewith are repealed to
the extent of the con£1ict only.
And, it is ordained that this ordinance shall become effective from and
a£ter its passage in accordance with the caty charter of the City of
College Station.
Dian Jones,./City Secretary
Gary Ha~'t e r ~/f,l~y o r
~3~ .Ol
This Personnel Policies & Procedures Handbook superseaes all
previous manuals and/or handbooks for the C~:y of Co]l ege
Station. The policies and procedures affecting employees
are explained ~n this manual, as well as the benefits
available :omun~cipal employees.
GENERAL PROVISIONS ....................................... 1
A. Purpose ..............................................
B. Personnel Records ....................................
C. Amendment of Policies ................................
II. STAFFING AIID DEVELOPMENT ................................. 2
A. Policy ............................................... 2
B. Nepotism ............................................. 2
C. Recruitment and Selection ............................ 2
D. Employee Processing & Orientation .................... 3
E. Employee Training .................................... 3
F. Employee Promotion ................................... 4
G. Employee Transfer (DepartJnental & Lateral) ........... 4
III. TERMS OF EIqPLOYlqENT ...................................... 5
A. Probationary Per~od ..................................
B. Seasonal & Temporary Employees ....................... 5
C. T~me & Attendance .................................... 6
D. Solicitation ......................................... 6
E. Harassment ...... 6
IV. CONPE#SATION ............................................. 7
A. Policy ............................................... 7
B. Wage & Salary ........................................ 7
C. Overtime & Compensatory Time ......................... 8
D. Paycheck Information ................................. g
1. Payday ............................................ g
2. Paycheck Deductions ............................... 9
V. ENPLOYEE BENEFITS ........................................ g
A. Personal Leave (Sick Leave/Emergency Leave) ........... g
B. Annual Leave (Vacations) ............................. 10
C. Holidays ............. 11
D. Group ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .........
1. Medical & Dental Insurance .......................
2. Group Life Insurance ............................. 13
E. Retirement ........................................... 13
F. Utility Refunds or No Deposits ....................... 14
G. Credit Union ......................................... 14
d,439'7., 03
VI. GENERAL POLICIES ......................................... 15
A. Maternity Leave ...................................... 15
B. Leave of Absence ..................................... 15
C. Military Leave ....................................... 16
D. Breaks ............................................... 16
E. Political Activity ................................... 17
F. Time Off To Vote ..................................... 17
G. Jury Duty ............................................ 17
H. Dress Code & Appearance .............................. 17
I. Use of Alcohol or Other Mind-Altering Substances ..... 18
J. Polygrap~ Examination ................................ 18
K. Secondary Employment ................................. 19
L. Travel Policy ........................................ 19
M. City-Owned Vehicle Use Policy ........................ 20
N. Education Policy .....................................
O. City Manager's Suggestion Box ........................ 21
P. City Facilities ...................................... 21
VII. SAF£TY ................................................... 21
A. Safety Statement ..................................... 21
B. Dr~ver's License Policy .............................. 22
1. New Hires
2. Current EmPloyees""''"'"''"""''"'""'''''"'-'" '"''"'"''"""''"'""'''"
C. Workers' Compensation ................................ 23
F_.q~LOYEE SEPARATION ....................................... 23
A. Emnployee Resignation ................................. 23
B. Termination Processing ............................... 24
C. Disciplinary & Termination Procedure ................. 24
OEFINITIONS .....................................................
04397. o4
A. Purpose
The purpose of these policies is to set forth principles and proce-
dures that are to be followed by all City employees. The policies and
procedures contained within this handbook shall be available for
inspection and review by all City employees.
T~ese rules are not intended to be inflexible. Departments may develop
policies and procedures that are consistent w~th and within the param-
eters of the personnel rules and regulations in order to meet their
needs. Departments desiring to implement an exception to any rule or
regulation contained within th~s handbook must request, ~n writing to
t~e City Manager, approval to exercise the exception prior to final
adoption and ~ssuance to employees.
The City of College Station will maintain an Equal Employment
Opportunity Program and w~ll extend fair and impartial treatment to
al) 1ts employees and to applicants for employment or promotion. No
employee or applicant w~ll be d~scriminated against ~n any way by the
C~y because of race, color, religion, national or~gin, sex, age,
handicap, political affiliation, or belief.
B. Personnel Records
The Personnel Office w~ll ma~ntdin personal work history records of
each active employee. Records will also be maintained on inactive
employees for at least two (2) years after termination. An employee's
record is available for inspection ~n the Personnel Off~ce by that
employee. An immediate supervisor may also review information
necessary to the performance of work in the employee's f~le at the
consent of the Personnel Manager.
In accordance with State law, all information contained ~n the
employee's personnel file ~s considered confidential w~th the
exception of ~nformatlon that ~s considered by law to be a matter of
public record. Therefore, the Personnel Office will only release
employment history information to outside individuals or agencies
which ~s public record and not of a confidential nature or will not
violate the employee's right to privacy if released. The following
information is a matter of public record:
a. Name
b. Date of original employment, or if applicaole,
the termination date.
c. Current posit~on title
d. Department to which the employee is currently
It is City policy that an individual's current salary not be released
without written consent from that individual.
o4 7.0
C. /mendment of Policies
The policies and procedures contained withln this handbook may be
changed by the City Council upon the recommendation of the City
Manager, Changes in these policies will be distributed inanediately to
each department and will be periodically incorporated into the
Personnel Policies Handbook. Each employee shdll oe provided a copy
of the Personnel Policies Handbook and all amendments.
A. Policy
The City of College Station will maintain dn Equal Employment
Opportunity (EEO) Program in accordance with Federal, State and Local
EEOC laws and regulations. No employee or applicant will be d~scrim-
inated against in any way because of race, col or, religion, national
origin, sex, age, handicap, political dffiliation or belief.
B. Nepotica
No person related oy affinity (marriage) or consanguinity (blood) to
the Mayor, any member of the City Council, C~ty Manager, or Department
Head shall be appointed as a permanent employee of the City to any
office, position, clerkship, or other service of the City. This
prohibition shall not apply, however, to any person who has been
continuously employed by the City for a period of two (2) years prior
to the election of the Mayor or Councilman, or the appointment of the
City Manager or Department Head.
Departments may employ individuals who are related as spouse, as
parent-child, or as s~bling, provided such employment does not cause
one relative to have responsibility for the direct or indirect super-
vision of the other relative.
C. Recruitment and Selection
Division/Department Heads shall notify the Personnel Office of their
anticipated vacancies as far in advance as possible to permit
sufficient time for the recruitment and selection of qualified
candidates. The selection of a new employee will be the responsi-
bility of each Department Head.
It is the responsibility of both the Department Head and the Personnel
Office to assure that the appropriate procedures are used to sign up
each new employee. Each employment selection will be in accordance
with established Personnel procedures; however, the following condi-
tions shall apply in all cases:
Prior to employment, the applicant being considered to
f~ll the job vacancy must undergo a driver's license
check and a workers' compensation check by the Personnel
The starting rate of pay offered by the hiring depart-
ment must have been coordinated w~th and confirmed by
the Personnel Manager prior to the actual job offer.
In some departments a prospective employee may be required to take a
physical examination and/or psychological exam. The examination
standards for various pos~t~ons will be established and maintained by
the mring departments in cooperation with the Personnel Office. The
physical examination will be performed by a physician designated by
the Personnel Uanager and pa~d for by the City.
O. Employee Processing & Orientation
New employees of the C~ty of College Station will be processed by the
Personnel Office. During processing, new employees will be g~ven a
brief explanation of employee benefits, and will complete the
necessary forms for enrollment in the Texas Municipal Retirement
System, the group insurance program (medicdl and dental), and the
employee payroll deductions. After processing is completed, the
Personnel Off~ce will forward the new employee's paperwork to the
Payroll Office.
All new employees will be required to attend an orientation program
which is designed to furt'~'6~i-~Torm the employee of the City's
policies and procedures, as well as review the benefits provided by
the City. The Department Head will receive a letter from the
Personnel Office when an orientation program has been scheduled. This
letter will contain the date and time of the orientation program, and
a l~st of those employees required to attend.
E. FJployee Training
In order to meet ~ndividual dnd organizational needs, it is the policy
of the City to provide training and development opportunities to
enhance City job performance, to encourage nigh quality performance,
to prepare employees for new or increased responsibilities, and to
extend opportunities for individual growth, promotion, development,
and self-fulf~llment.
The Personnel Office shall assist departments in developing and
conducting training to meet their specific needs, as well as identify
resource persons and programs with the intention of increasing
employee efficiency and departmental effectiveness.
F. Employee Promotion
Employees sh~ll ~e promoted on the bas~s of sk~11s, abilities, and
demonstrated performance without regard to race, sex, age, religion,
national origin or handicapped status.
A promotion will be dccomplished after thorough review of an
employee's qualifications, previous work history, and demonstrated
performance, and shall take effect as soon as is practical w~thout
undue disruption or interruption of Uepartmen~al operations.
Each employee who is promoted shall receive an appropriate increase at
the t~me of promotion, shall serve a six (6) month probationary per~od
in his/her new position, and may have an adjusted merit date.
Any employee who fails to satisfactorily complete his/her probationary
period in accordance with established performance standards, and has
been counseled and g~ven sufficient t~me to correct any existing
deficiencies, may be terminated, demoted or reassigned to a
classification equal to tnu classification held prior to his/her
promotion if there ~s an available position.
G. E~l oyee Transfer (I)eparl~ental and Lateral )
To provide maximum opportunity for advancement to all employees and to
promote optimum staffing, ;t ;s the policy of the C~ty to encourage
the transfer of employees between C;ty departments.
All regular employees are eligible to transfer to currently vacant
positions in a d;fferent department by submitting a letter requesting
a transfer to the Personnel Off;ce. A lateral transfer within the
same department does not requ;re Personnel approval. Probationary
employees are not eligible to apply for transfer without special
approval from the;r Department Head and the Personnel Manager.
When an employee is officially notified of selection for the new
position, at least two (2) weeks notice must be given to the present
depar~nent, unless waived by the employee's current supervisor.
The merit increase eligibility date remains the same upon laterally
transferring to a position of the same pay grade, and the employee
shall serve a six (6) month probationary period with the new position.
A performance evaludtion will be conducted by the current supervisor
prior to transfer. This evaluation may be used for purposes of pay
increase ~f the merit date is less than three (3) months from the date
of transfer.
Any employee who falls to satisfactorily complete his/her probationary
period in accordance with established performance standards, and has
been counseled and given sufficient time to correct any existing
deficiencies, may be terminated, demoted or reassigned to a
classification equal to the classification held prior to his/her
transfer if there is an available position.
A. Probationary Period
In order to become a regular employee, each employee must complete an
initial probationary period of six (6) months following initial
employment or re-employment in a permanent budgeted position, and
shall be evaluated at the end of the six-month period. This
evaluation, however, will not be accompanied by an increase in pay.
The probationary period may be extended for a period of time, at the
discretion of the supervisor in consultation wlth the Personnel
A temporary employee is always assigned a probationary status upon
employment with the City. However, a temporary employee who accepts
a permanent budgeted position must serve the slx (6) month
probationary period. This probationary period will begin the day the
employee accepts permanent employment with the City.
The accrual of Personal Leave (Sick Leave/Emergency Leave) and the
eligibility to take Personal Leave (SlcK Leave/Emergency Leave) for
probationary employees begins immediately upon employment with the
City. However, Annual Leave (Vacations) cannot oe taken until an
employee is considered a "regular" employee at the end of the
probationary period, unless approvea by your Department Head.
The Department/Division Heads shall use the probationary period to
advise the employee of satisfactory or unsatisfactory progress and
recommend areas for improvement if needed. Employees who meet accept-
able standards of performance during the initial probationary period
shall be retained.
Seasonal A Temporary F_mployees
City departments may hire employees to fill seasonal and temporary
positions. Seasonal and temporary employees will not be entitled to
become members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, to accumulate
Personal Leave (Sick Leave/Emergency Leave), or be eligible for any
other benefits that tme City provides to permanent employees.
Seasonal and temporary employees will be pa~d straight =ime for any
time worked in addition to a forty (40) hour work week. No additional
payment for holiday work shall be allowed to a temporary or seasonal
employee unless specifically authorized by the C~ty Hanager.
All seasonal and temporary employees are, however, eligible for
benefits which are available under the WorKers' Compensation Act.
C. Time & Attendance
The hours during which City offices and departments are open for
business shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays.
Department/Division Heads shall implement schedules to meet these
general requirements and to provide for other specific requirements of
the department. Individual employees may be Uirected to work special
hours or shifts as determined by the needs of the department.
2. Attendance
Employees shall be required to be at their place of work in accordance
with work schedules established by their department, unless they have
been excused Dy their supervisor. Any employee who fails to report to
work, is habitually tardy, leaves the work place without proper
authorization, or misuses leave, will be subject to disciplinary
D. Solicitation
The solicitation of funds by vendors on the job site and during
working hours shall not be permitted for any reason. The solicitation
of funds by City employees within the conmaunity, will be limted and
must be approved by the City Manager. All questions regarding this
policy should be directed to the Personnel Manager.
£. Harassment
The City of College Station prohibits the racial, sexual, ethnic, or
religious harassment of municipal employees or applicants. All City
employees are guaranteed the right to work in an environment which is
free from such harassment.
Any employee who feels that he or she has been a victim of racial,
sexual, etnn~c or religious harassment should notify the Personnel
Office. Allegations of harassment shdll De dealt with in strict
confidence, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken when the
findings warrant such action.
F. Theft or Misuse of City Property
As a public employer and as public employees who are entrusted with
the responsibility of administering public assets efficiently, the
City of College Station and its employees must ensure that the City's
property, equipment, and facilities are utilized for the sole purpose
of providing services to the citizens of College Station.
The use of any City property, equipment, or facilities for personal
gain, or the theft, borrowing of tools or any other equipment without
authorization, is strictly forbidden and any such action could result
in immediate termination.
All departments should develop specific procedures to ensure that all
City property, equipment and facilities under their control are
properly Inventoried and maintained, and ~ts use is restricted to
authorized City business.
A. Policy
It ~s tne policy of the City of College Station to provide sufficient
compensation for its employees ~n order for the City to attract and
retain qualified ~ndiwduals for all posit~ons.
B. Wage & Salary
The purpose of the Pay for Performance Plan is to assure that each job
~s pa~d at a rate appropriate for the level and type of work
performed, both ~n relation to other positions ~n the C~ty and to the
City's State & Local competitive labor markets. The Personnel Manager
shall be responsible for the continuous maintenance and administration
of the plan under the d~rection of the Assistant City Manager.
When a new position is created or an existing posit~on is cnanged by
adding, modifying, or eliminating duties and responsibilities, the
Department Head will notify the Personnel Manager so a reclassif~-
cation study may be conducted if deemed necessary.
The Pay Plan is designed to provide increases to employees as rewards
for performance. The performance appraisal will establish a per-
formance level (average total weighted score) for the employee. Each
level of performance will have a specific percentage p~y increase
associated with lt. The better the performance level at or above
expectations the greater the percentage. This percentage will then be
applied to the midpoint of the grade to calculate a dollar amount. No
one, however, will receive a pay raise that would extend their rate
above the maximum for the grade, unless that position is designated by
the Personnel Manager as a "red circle" position.
For further information concerning the Pay for Performance Plan,
contact the Personnel Office
C. Overtime and Compensatory Time
Departmental administrators shall be responsible for constantly
reviewing staffing levels, work loads, and vacation schedules so as to
minimize the need for overtime work. Overtime work shall be avoided
whenever possible, but when necessary, and approved by the Department
Head, shall be allocated es evenly as possible among all employees
qualified to do the work.
Overtime and Compensatory time srlalJ be oased on the hours dctually
worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. Therefore,
overtime and compensatory time does no[ occur unless the employee has
accumulated forty (40) hours in one week's time. Those employees
subject to compensatory time will oe given a maximum accumulation of
sixteen (16) hours to use, at the approval of their supervisor, or
they may choose to take overtime pay. The accrual of overtime or
compensatory time will be accumulated at 1 1/2 times the hourly rate
or number of hours, respectively. Holiday, sick or vacation time used
will be counted as part of the forty (40) hour work week in
calculating overtime or compensatory time.
Those in administrative, supervisory or professional levels, as
classified by the Dep~rtment Head or City Manager, will be allowed
compensatory time only for approved circumstances. Work necessary
above the normal requirements of the job will be compensated by the
accrual of compensatory time to a maximum of forty (40) hours.
Compensatory time must be used within a three (3) month period or will
be lost. This will ensure that the employee takes time off and is to
be viewed as a relief measure ratner than a punishment.
Compensatory time accumulation and use must be recorded on time cards
submitted to payroll. No payment for earned compensatory time will be
made upon separation from City employment.
D. Paycheck Information
i. Payday
Most employees on an hourly wage will receive paychecks each Friday.
All other employees will receive semi-monthly pa~n~ents on the 15th of
the month and again on the last day of the month. If these semi-
monthly paydays fall on a weekend, employees will be paid on the
preceding Friday.
2. Paycheck Deductions
The following are deductions
from each employee's paycheck, if
Social Security Tax is deducted, according to law, until
the maximum tax nas been deducted.
Federal Income Tax ~s w~thneld, according to individual
salary and the number of dependents stated on the
employee's W-4 Form.
Five (5) percent of the employee's gross income is de-
ducted for a retirement fund as provided by the Texas
Municipal Retirement System (See Retirement).
The Medical and Dental insurance premium for depen-
dents of employees is deducted. This dependent
coverage ~s optional (See Medical & Dental Insurance).
Employees who are members of the Brazos Valley Schools
Credit Union and have authorized for payroll deductions.
Any amount designated by the employee as a contribution
to the United Way fund.
Other payments as required by law.
A. Personal Leave (Sick Leave/Emergency Leave)
All full-time regular and probationary employees shall earn one (1)
day of personal leave for each month of employment, or twelve (12)
days annually. The maximum accumulation of personal leave is 120
days. Eligibility to take Personal Leave (S~ck Leave/Emergency Leave)
for a probationary employee begins upon employment with the City,
unless departmental policy differs.
g o 4397, i3
Personal leave may be taken when sickness, injury, or doctors'
appointments prevent the employee's performance of duty, or when a
member of n~s/her immediate family is actually ill. For the purposes
relating to Personal Leave, immediate family is defined as those
~ndividuals residing ~n the same household (spouse, children, and
Personal leave shall be granted upon request for emergency leave
because of the death of the employee's spouse, child, parent, brother,
sister, grandparent or grandchild, and any of these relationships
related by affinity.
An employee who must be absent from work because of unforeseen illness
or other temporary disability must notify their supervisor at the
earliest practical t~me. A supervisor may request employees to submit
a signed statement from a physician in order to verify the employee's
need to use Personal Leave (Sick Leave/Emergency Leave). An employee
who misuses the sick leave benefit mll be counseled; ~f the misuse
continues, the employee is subject to disciplinary action up to and
~ncluding dismissal.
Part-time temporary employees and volunteers do not receive Personal
Leave (S~ck Leave/Emergency Leave) with pay. Permanent, part-time
employees will be pro-rated one-half the regular Personal Leave rate.
On separation from the City, voluntary or otherwise, no employee shall
be compensated for any unused Personal Leave.
B. Annual Leave (Vacations)
All full-time regular employees (except Police & F~re) shall accrue
ten (10) days paid vacation per year for the first two (2) years of
continuous service. After cwo (2) years of service, employees will
accrue twelve (12) days paid vacation per year. Upon completion of
bye (5) years of continuous service, regular employees will earn
fifteen (15) days paid vacation per year, and upon completion of
fifteen (15) years of continuous service, regular employees w~ll earn
twenty (20) days paid vacation per year.
The following chart provides information concerning vacation accrual
Upon Completion Of
Up Thru 2 Years
3 Thru 5 Years
5 Thru 15 Years
16 Years and Over
Days Accrued Per Year
10 Days
12 Days
15 Days
20 Days
Employees are encouraged to take their full vacation leave in the year
in which it is accrued. Vacation leave may be accumulated for a
maximum of two (2) years' credit. Regular employees will lose credit
for unused vacation time in excess of these maximums on the
anniversary date of hire. The actual date(s) of vacation time should
be planned with the Department Head. Department Heads should plan
their leave with the City Manager.
Police and Fire employees' vacation periods must be scheduled with and
approved by the Chiefs of the respective departments. Police and
Firefighters will earn ten (10) days of paid vacation the first year,
and will earn fifteen (15) days vacation for each following year.
Vacation with pay may not be granted until a new employee has
completed the probationary period, although vacation credit will be
accrued during that per~od.
Temporary employees and volunteers do not receive paid vacations.
Permanent, part-time employees will be pro-rated one-half the regular
vacation rate.
A City employee who resigns, is dismissed, or separates from City
employment shall De paid in a lump sum for all accrued vacation time
remaining at the t~me of separation from C~ty employment, ~f that
employee leaves in good standing. Employees will not be paid for any
vacation leave if they leave the service of the City, voluntarily or
otherwise, during their probationary peri od.
C. Holidays
permanent employees w~ll receive the following paid
New Year's Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Friday (Day after Thanksgiwng)
Christmas Eve
Christmds Day
*Day After Christmas
Employee's Birthday
If a holiday falls on a weekend, the designated day off will be either
the preceding Friday or the following Monday. All employees will be
not, fled in advance of the designated day off.
*The Day After Christmas Holiday will be taken only when Christmas Day
falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or a Thursday.
Employees must schedule to take their Birthday Holiday in advance, and
receive approval from their Department Head. This request may be
postponed due to business necessity or due to the number of employees
requesting the same day off.
Permanent, full-time employees who are regularly scheduled to work on
holidays (except the employee's Birthday Holiday) shall be paid double
time unless the holiday time itself is postponed for later usage.
Part-time employees in permanent budgeted positions whose officially
scheduled work weeks are at least twenty (20) hours per week or more
shall be entitled to pay for holidays on a pro-rated basis.
Temporary employees will be paid their regular rates on a holiday only
if required to work. No payment for holiday work shall be allowed to
a temporary employee unless specifically authorized by the City
D. Group Health Plan
I. Medical & Dental Insurance
The C~ty provides medical and dental insurance to eligible City
employees at no cost to the employee. After three months of
continuous employment, all eligible employees will be covered by the
insurance plan.
Employees eligible for medical and dental insurance may also elect to
insure eligible dependents. Eligible dependents include:
Employee's spouse
Unmarried children (including any stepchildren, adopted
children, or foster children) who rely on the employee
for their principal support and maintenance, who are
less than nineteen (19) years of age. Unmarried
children who are nineteen (19) years of age or more,
but less than twenty-three (23) years of age must be
enrolled as a full-time student. Proof of enrollment
may be required.
Initial enrollment in the medical and dental ~nsurance program does
not require employees to furnish evidence of ~nsurab~lity for
themselves or their dependents. After a period of thirty-one (31)
days, however, following the date of the employee's eligibility, a
medical evidence of insurability form must be submitted to the claims
carrier through the Personnel Dff~ce. If an employee discontinues
his/her dependent coverage and later wishes to add them to his/her
insurance, he/she must submit an evidence of insurability form as
well. The carrier may approve or deny the employee's application for
Each participating employee will be issued a medical identification
card and a group medical and dental booklet. This booklet describes
all the medical and dental benefits offered, all those benefits that
are considered to be "covered expenses", and any exclusions and/or
If an employee ~s off work without pay and has dependent coverage, the
employee must make arrangements to pay the cost of the dependent
coverage, on a monthly basis, with Personnel or Payroll.
Employees who terminate employment with the City will also terminate
all benefits on their last day of employment.
Terminating employees who were eligible for insurance coverage under
the City's prowsions, are eligible for a Conversion Privilege Plan
for medical coverage only. No conversion privilege is provided for
dental coverage. Application for this plan and the f~rst premium
payment must be made to the Insurance Company within thirty-one (31)
days after the date of termination for the plan to be effective.
Contact the Personnel Office for the appropriate forms or to obtain
further ~nformation about the plan.
2. Group L~fe Insurance
As part of the primary group health plan, after three (3) months of
continuous employment, each regular employee of the City is auto-
mat~cally covered with $10,000 of required group term life ~nsurance
and $10,D00 of accidental death and dismemberment insurance.
E. Retirement
All regular employees working twenty (20) hours per week or more, are
required to participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System.
Temporary employees, and part-time employees working twenty (20) hours
or less per week, are not eligible to enroll in the Retirement System.
Each member of the Retirement System shall deposit, Dy payroll
deduction, five (5) percent of their salary to the Retirement Fund.
The City contributes to the amount deposited by the employee in a 2:1
ratio. However, the money that the City contributes will only be
received upon retirement with the City. Employees are eligible for
full retirement benefits at sixty (60) years of age w~th ten (10)
years of credited service. An employee may choose an early retirement
at age fifty (50) with twenty-five (25) years of service, or at any
age with twenty-eight (28) years of credited service.
The Texas Municipal Retirement System provides two basic benefits to
employees participating ~n the program; disability benefits and
retirement benefits. Detailed descriptions of these oenefits are
provided in booklets published by the Texas Municipal Retirement
System. Questions concerning benefits and other provisions of the
Retirement System can be answered oy the Personnel Off~ce.
o4897.1 ?
Retirement rights for members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System
become "vested" after ten (10) years of continuous service. "Vesting"
means that if you terminate employment with the City but do not
withdraw your deposits, you continue to be a member of the Retirement
System. As a member your contributions and the City's contributions
Nil1 continue to earn interest until you retire.
The amount of the monthly benefit check which you receive upon
retirement is based on:
1.) the total deposits made, plus interest earned;
2.) a 2:1 matching ratio the City contributes;
3.) the average annual saldry during the highest three of
the last ten years' of contributing service, and
4.) which of the benefit payment plans you have selected.
An employee who leaves the service of the City and ceases to be a
member of the Texas Hunicipal Retirement System, except by death or
retirement, is entitled to a refund of all accumulated contributions
~n his/her ~nd~wdual account. This includes tile employee's deposits
and the interest credited annually by the Retirement System but
excludes the contrioution made by the C~ty.
F. Utility Refunds or No Deposits
Employees who have completed their probationary period and are
considered to be "permanent" employees of the C~ty, and whose utility
bills are in their name, may apply for a refund on their utility
service deposit or for exemption from this deposit.
Employees who meet this criteria may pick up a "Utility Office
Employment Verification and Refund Request" form in the Utility
Office. This form must be completed by the employee, ~nitialed by the
Personnel Office to verify employment, and then suomitted to the
Utility Office for processing.
This form is merely an application for refund or no deposit and may be
rejected by the Utility Office for any reason.
G. Credit Union
Employees are eligible to enroll in the Brazos Valley Schools Credit
Union. Benefits include provisions for Share Accounts, Share Draft
Accounts, Loans, Life & Disability Income, Payroll Deductions,
Certificates of Deposits, and Money Orders.
To enroll in the Credit Union or obtain additional information,
contact the Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union, the Personnel Office
or the Payroll Office.
A. Maternity Leave
Pregnancy is classified as a temporary disability and shall not be
cause for refusal to hire, (except for reasons of business necessity),
or for dismissal of an employee.
An employee requesting maternity leave may take up to eight (8) weeks
off due to pregnancy. At the end of the maternity leave the employee
shal) De entitled to return to the position held or a comparable
position at the time the maternity leave was granted. This period may
be extended due to medical necessity.
Maternity leave shall be cndrged against accrued Personal Leave (Sick
Leave/Emergency Leave) wlth pay. If Personal Leave (Sick
Leave/Emergency Leave) is exhausted during the per~od of maternity
leave, Annual Leave may be used. If Annual Leave is exhausted, the
employee shall be placed on leave without pay during the remaining
period of dlsaoility.
If an employee is on leave without pdy longer than thirty (30) days,
fringe benefits (Annual and Personal Leave) will not continue to
accrue, and the employee's merit date will be adjusted by the amount
of time absent from worK. If an employee is off work without pay and
has dependent medical and dental insurance coverage, the employee must
make arrangements to pdy the cost of the dependent coverage, on a
monthly bas~s, with Personnel or Payroll.
Male employees may take up to f~ve (5) days Personal Leave (Sick
Leave/Emergency Leave) for newborn infant care.
B. Leave of Absence
Any employee requesting a leave of aOsence WithOUt pay must submit a
written request to his/her Department Head at least two (2) weeks
prior to the date upon which the requested leave is to begin. In the
case of an emergency leave, however, Department Heads may make an
exception to this rule at the consent of the Personnel Manager.
Regular employees may be granted a leave of absence for illness,
disability, pregnancy, political activity, or for any other legitimate
purpose that has been approved by the Oepartment Head and City
337. I S
All requests for a leave of absence must De approved by your
Department Head and the Personnel Manager. A leave of absence may be
revoked by the Oepartment Head upon evidence submi:ted, indicating the
cause of granting leave was misrepresented or has ceased to exist.
Employees who take time off without approval from their Department
Head, or fail to return to work on the date expected, will be subject
to disciplinary action.
If an employee is on leave without pay longer than thirty (30) days,
fringe benefits (Vacation and Personal Leave) will not continue to
accrue, and the employee's merit date will be adjusted. If an
employee is off work without pay and has dependent medical and dental
Insurance coverage, the employee must make arrangements to pay tne
cost of the dependent coverage, on a monthly basis, with Personnel or
C. Military Leave
All employees who are me)noers of the military services, active
services, reserve units, National Guard, or other speclal units are
entitled to leave of aOsence from their respective duties without loss
of vacation time or salary on all days during which they are engaged
in authorized trdin~ng or outy ordered.
C~ty compensation for military leave is not to exceed fifteen (15)
worklng days in any one calendar year; however, the days need not be
consecutive. Time required over and above the maximum allowed
military leave must De taken as vacation leave or leave of absence
without pay, upon the approval of the Department/Division Head.
All requests for leave must oe dccompanied by a copy of the order,
d~rect~ve, notice, or other document requiring absence from scheduled
D. Breaks
If authorized by their inmnediate supervisor, employees may take two
(gl 1S-minute breaks each working day, one in the morning and one ~n
the afternoon. Such breaks shall be considered a privilege and not a
right, and shall never interfere with proper performance of the work
responsibilities and work schedules of each department. Breaks will
not involve travel from work location.
E. Political Acttvtty
No employee shall be restrained in the exercise of rights as a citizen
to express an opinion or to cast a vote. However, if the political
activities of an omployee substantially interfere with his/her job
performance or the performance of others, the City Manager may require
the employee to take a leave of absence during the campaign. No
employee of the City shall solicit contributions, donations, or
distribute campaign literature for elective City Officials while on
City time. Employees may, however, actively campaign on their own
time in a national, state, county or school board election. It is
emphasized that all such activity must occur away from the work site
and on the employee's own time.
City employees may seek election to any public office prowded that a
leave of absence has been requested and approved. Employees who are
elected to a salaried public office are required to resign from City
employment effective the date they take office.
F. Time Off To Vote
Employees are encouraged to register to vote in all national, state,
county, or municipal elections; therefore, the employee shall be
allowed sufficient time off w~tn pay to exercise this right. However,
employees are encouraged to vote before or after their assigned work
hours ~n order to minimize their loss of work time.
It is the responsibility of the employee to contact his/her immediate
supervisor and give advance notice of the time chosen to vote. The
supervisor and employee may select another time ~f the one chosen
conflicts with departmental duties.
G. Jury Duty
It is your civic responsibility to serve ~f called for jury duty.
Full-time employees w~ll be kept on the payroll at full pay during
their time off for jury duty. Your supervisor should be notified in
advance, and immediately following duty.
H. Dress Code & Appearance
All office personnel who have considerable contact with the public
shoula strive to dress and appear as professional people. When the
manner of one's dress and condition of personal hygiene interferes
with professionalism, then it needs correction, and will be the
responsibility of the Departl~nt Head. The dress code for those
employees working primarily outdoors should be considered separately
from those who work primarily indoors, and those employees who are
required to wear uniforms shall be provided the uniform by their
17 4397.2 ,
The fo1
lowing rules are suggested for those people working indoors:
No immodest or unconventional manner of dress for office
No "T-shirts", tennis shoes, track shoes, or hiking shoes.
Pressed, non-faded jeans or slacks are allowable with
appropriate tops or shirts.
Exceptions may be made by Department Heads for special
events (Brazos de Dios, Halloween, etc.)
Use of Alcohol or Other Mind-Altering Substances
Possession or use of illegal drugs, alcohol, or any other chemical
substances while on the job shall result in suspension or termination.
If an employee is taking prescribed medication that may adversely
affect his/her job performance, the supervisor should be notified
immediately. Whenever the job performance of the employee m~ght
result ~n an unsafe condition, the supervisor is authorized and
instructed to relieve that employee from duty until the situation is
J. Polygraph Examinations
Employees who accept employment w~th the City,
examination under the following circumstances:
consent to a polygraph
Public funds or property, which an employee has access to
in his/her employment, is missing or damaged;
Formai charges (complaint, ~nformat~on, or indictment) of
misconduct or other criminal offenses have been made,
which relate to an empluyee's job responsibilities, or
his/her continuing fitness for a position; or
The employee is a primary suspect for a criminal offense
under investigation by a law enforcement agency, and the
offense relates to the employee's job responsibilities
or his/her continuing fitness for a position.
Prior to the requirement of a polygraph examination, a preliminary
~nvestigation shall be conducted by the Internal Affairs Officer of
the College Station Police Department. The Officer shall summarize
existing evidence and list the employees ~mplicated by the evidence.
Only where independent evidence identifies the suspect group may a
polygraph examination be required.
An employee shall be suspended without pay upon refusal to submit to a
polygraph examination where required by these rules.
K. Secondary £mployment
The full-time position the employee holds with the City of College
Station shall take precedence over any other occupational interest of
the employee. An employee desiring and/or engaged in secondary
employment must report that outside employment to his/her supervisor
prior to accepting or engaging in such employment.
If the secondary job is hazardous, presents a conflict of interest, or
has an adverse effect on the employee's work with the City, the
employee will be asked to give up his/her outside work or to resign
from City service.
L. Travel Poltcy
The City will pay all transportation expenses ~ncurred for travel
relating to work/training. Air travel will be paid for at the
commercial coach fare rate. Any exceptions need to be approved by the
F~nance Director. If an employee takes a personal vehicle, the City
will pay $0.23/mile. This covers all vehicle costs, including gas.
The use of personal vehicles w~ll not be authorized if a suitable City
vehicle is available for use. The use of a personal vehicle must be
approved ~n writing by the Finance Director in advance of the travel.
An employee utilizing a City vehicle for travel may obtain a gas
credit card from the Purchasing Department.
All lodging expenses will be paid for at the single room occupancy
rate. An employee taking a spouse will pay the difference in rates
for double occupancy if there is such a charge. The City will pay
room charges only; no extra charges such as movies or room service
will be reimbursed. Only business calls will be paid for by the City.
A detailed billing of hotel expenses must be submitted to Accounting
for reimbursement of those costs.
All meals and miscellaneous ~tems will be paid on a Per Diem schedule
of $35.00/day for intrastate travel and $45.00/day for interstate
travel. An employee will receive the daily per diem rate for each
night the employee spends out of town regardless of actual expenses.
No receipts will be required when receiving per diem with the
exception of travel and lodging expenses. An employee who travels
out of town and does not spend the n~ght will be paid actual expenses
incurred for meals. (Employees must turn ~n their receipts to be
reimbursed for these expenses).
All travel advances must ~e cleared in Accounting no later than thirty
(30) days after an employee has returned from travel. If a credit
card has been used, it will De necessary to deliver all charge tickets
to the Purchasing Department at the t~me the credit card is returned.
All credit cards must be returned no later than forty-eight (48) hours
after an employee has returned.
u4897. 3
#. Ctt~-Daned Vehicle Use Policy
The use of a City-owned motor vehicle Oy an employee is neither a
right nor a privilege but a trust conferred to facilitate necessary
performance of job duties. City-owned vehicles shall be assigned and
used only in the performance of official duty and not for personal use
except as approved by the City Mdnager.
Operators of City-owned motor vehicles must meet certain standards and
follow the requirements as outlined in th~s regulation. Any employee
who will operate a City-owned motor vehicle ~ust possess a valid
driver's license and must have a clear driving record with l~mited
moving violations. Employees who fail to maintain a valid and appro-
priate driver's license, or driving record, w~ll not be allowed to
operate City vehicles.
It shall be the duty and responsibility of all operators of motor
equipment to report to their supervisor any defect in the mechanical
equipment and to use every precaution to prevent additional property
loss, expense, or recurrence of such conditions.
Operators of City-owned vehicles shall not transport unauthorized
individuals who are not employed by the City without specific approval
from the City Manager. All drivers will be required to obey all
traffic rules and regulations prescribed by law and to use every
safety measure possible to prevent accidents.
Operators of all motorized equipment used in the service of the City
WhO violate this regulation or become involved in any accident will be
subject to disciplinary action ~f, upon investigation, it is
determined that the employee was responsiOle for such action or,
through carelessness or recklessness, he/she contributed to the cause
of such accident.
Certain managerial personnel and employees who are on call may take
City vehicles home overnight. Th~s provision is limited by specific
approval of the C~ty Manager. Departments will submit lists of those
vehicles and personnel who take vehicles home to the Personnel Office
periodically for monitoring. There may be occasions where security
of equipment within vehicles is used as consideration for overnight
N. Education Policy
Employees requesting time off from from work to attend classes must
receive approval from their Depdrtment Head. Satisfactory
arrangements must also be made by the employee and approved by the
Department Head to make up the time outside of normal duty hours or
receive a reduction in pay equ~l to the number of noursmissed. The
class attendance must not interfere in any way with the accomplishment
of City duties and responsibilities.
It is not the policy of the City to reimburse the cost of the tuition
and fees for courses taken in pursuit of a degree.
O. Ctty Manager's Suggestion Box
tn order to improve and continue the communication between employees
and administration, suggestion boxes are located near every employee's
workplace. The City Hanager's Suggestion Box is to be used by any
employee wh~ wishes to make suggestions on improving operations or
methods, or who would like to express a positive comment about any
All suggestions should be signed by the employee and the suggestions
will only be read by the City Hanager. All suggestions will be kept
strtctly confidential; however, supervisors w~ll be informed of basic
ideas for improvements that are pertinent to their departments.
P. City Facilities
The City of College Station offers its employees numerous facilities
for personal and bus~ness use. These facilities include the College
Station parks, and their picnic pavilions, recreational facilities
(swimming pools, tennis courts, basketball courts, baseball fields,
etc.), the Teen Center, and the Community Center.
To reserve these facilities for personal use, most will require a
reservation, a deposit, or a fee that has been determined by City
Council. The College Station swimming pools, however, may be used by
C~ty employees for no admission fee. Those employees who are
~nterested in using any of these facilities should contact the
appropriate department to ootain further information on their
established guidelines.
These facilities may also be used for City bus,ness. This usage,
however, depends on the availability of the desired facility. To
schedule any meetings, appointments, or recreational activities,
contact the appropriate department.
A. Safety Statement
The City of College Station ~s interested in all phases of your safety
and health, and firmly believes that there must be participation on
your part in building and stimulating the safety efforts of all
employees. The City will attempt to provide a proper place to work
and proper equipment and tools with which to do your job so that you
can perform your duties without danger to life and health.
Safety is related to efficiency, an accident is often a warning signal
of something faulty and reveals the need for correction in design,
training, equipment or procedures. Accident prevention, both as a
humanitarian goal and as an important obligation to the public we
serve, needs your full cooperation.
B. Driver's License Policy
New Hires
Before hiring a person as a potential driver of the City's motor
vehicles, the City shall request that all applicants undergo a motor
vehicle license check to verify their driving record. If driving a
City vehicle is not required for the job, the driving record will be
retained but not used in considering the applicant for employment.
If driving a City vehicle is an infrequent occurrence and not required
for the job, a bad driving record will be used in determining the
desirability of the candidate. A bad driving record will be
considered to be two (2) moving violations within a year's time, or a
lengthy record for a three (3) year period. If a superwsor decides
to hire the candidate with a bad record, a six (6) month period of no
City vehicle driving will be in effect. A memo will be sent to the
supervisor reiterating that the employee must not be allowed to drive
a C~ty vehicle and if he does so, the responsibility will rest with
the supervisor.
If driving a C~ty vehicle is essential to the job, no one with two (2)
moving violations in a one (1) year period or an extensive number of
violations over a three (3) year period will be hired.
Current Employees
Those employees who drive as part of their joos, and who have bad
driving records will be warned tl~at one more moving violation will
result in one (1) weeK's suspension from work w~thout pay. A second
moving violation will result ;n termination from that particular
Those employees who drive ~nfrequently and who have a bad driving
record will be prohiDited from driving a City vehicle if they have one
(1) more moving violation. Three (3) moving violations within a year
will result in one (1) weeK's suspension or prohibition of vehicle use
depending on their driving frequency.
Suspension of an employee's driver's license will result in
termination from that position if that employee drives a vehicle as
part of his/her job. The City will be unable to maintain in its
employ any person who has an outstanding DPS motor vehicle warrant.
The employee will be notified of such a warrant and allowed to clear
it before any action is taken.
C. Horker's Compensation
The City of College Station provides full )~dical expense coverage for
employees who incur acciaental injuries as a result of, and in the
course of, their employment at no personal expense to the employee.
In accordance with current personnel provisions, however, each new
candidate for employment must sign a Waiver of Confidentiality form
which provides a basis for determining the applicant's desirability.
All employees who are injured on the job must notify their supervisors
immediately after the injury occurs.
Employees shall De required to return to work inmnediately when
released by the examining physician. Failure to return to work when
released shall result in appropriate disciplinary action. An employee
who is released to return to work in less than "full duty status" by
the examining physician may be required to work in a position and/or
department other than his/her original position and/or department.
Work duties shall be assigned in accordance w~th the employee's
limitations and in the best interest of the City.
An employee receiving non-disabling injuries in the course of his/her
employment will be entitled to medicines and medical care as necessary
for recovery. An employee receiving a job-related injury serious
enough to cause absence from the job may be entitled to weekly
compensation benefits in addition to medicines and medical care.
A. Employee Resignation
To leave the City ~n good standing, a minimum of two (2) weeks' notice
from all resigning personnel is required. When the positions are of a
highly skilled or technical nature and/or their replacement may
require extensive recruitment, earlier notice is desirable.
Resignations should be directed to the immed;ate supervisor and should
be in writing. A brief signed statement identifying the effective
date of the resignation is adequate. The reason(s) for resigning may
be explained but is not necessary.
Employees who seek to withdraw their resignation must submit a written
request to the Department Heads stating the reasons for withdrawal of
their resignation. T~e Personnel Manager and Department Head will
discuss the withdrawal and notify the employee of their dec~sion as
soon as possible.
B. Termlnatton Processing
It will be the responsibility of the terminating department to
insure that all City property (i.e., keys, tools, equipment, etc.) has
been turned in prior to submitting the Exit Checklist to the Personnel
Office for the release of the employee's final paycheck.
Terminating employees are responsible for completing an Exit Interview
Form prior to their last date of employment. This form may be
obtained in the Personnel Dffice. Employee's wishing to talk with the
Personnel Hanager, prior to their effective date of termination, may
do so by calling the Personnel Office to schedule an appointment.
An employee who leaves the service of the City and ceases to be a
member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, except by death or
retirement, is entitled to a refund of all accumulated contributions
in h~s/her individual account. This includes the employee's deposits
and the interest credited annually by the Retirement System but
excludes the contribution made by the City. £mployees may apply for
their Retirement contributions in the Personnel Office.
C. Disciplinary and Termination Procedures
In the ~nterest of good discipline and efficiency, a Department or
Division Head may demote an employee, suspend an employee without pay,
or terminate an employee.
In all cases of disciplinary action the department should substantiate
the action in writing so that the proper documentation is in the
individual's personnel file.
Specific provisions regarding the basis for discipline, termination,
and appeal processing are set forth in the Disciplinary and
Termination Procedures Document. This document may be reviewed by the
employee and can be obtained either from his/her Department Head or
the Personnel Office.
It is the intent of the Disciplinary & Termination procedure to
safeguard the rights of all employees, to assure that all employees
are judged by fair and equitable standards, and to require that all
rules are applied on an equitable basis.
2 8
Relationship by marriage,
Sister, or Grandparent.
i.e., Spouse's:
Father, Mother, Brother,
Anniversary Date
The date on which an employee begins employment with the City. In
some cases, this closely coincides with the date on which an employee
is eligible to be considered for a salary increase.
The administrative procedure whereby an employee who has been
reprimanded, suspended, demoted, or dismissed may contest the action.
Compensatory Time
The hours an employee of the City is credited with for authorized work
performed in addition to his regular hours and for which no monetary
compensation is received. The rate for compensatory time is 1 1/2
times the hours worked.
Blood relationship by descent from the same ancestor,
Mother, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Grandparent.
i.e., Father,
The assignment of an employee from a position in one pay grade to
position in another pay grade having a lower salary rate.
A major functional unit of the City government.
Department Mead
A person appointed by and responsible to the C~ty Manager for admini-
stration of a Department.
A major functional unit of a department.
Dtvtsion Head
A person responsible to a Department Head for administration
work of a division.
of the
o4397. 9
Any individual working in the service of the City of College Sation in
an official, paid capacity or who is on unpaid leave of absence.
Employee, Exempt
A salaried employee not eligible for monetary
work performed in addition to regular hours worked,
compensatory time.
compensation for
but eligible for
Employee, Non-Exempt
An employee eligible for monetary or compensatory overtime
provided in the "Overtime and Compensatory Time" policy.
pay as
Employee, Part-Time
Any employee having an officially scheduled work week of less than 40
Employee, Probationary
An enployee who has not completed six months or more
service with the City.
of continuous
Equal Employment Opportunity
A policy and commitment that insures that all persons will have equal
access to employment. All artihc~al, arbitrary, and unnecessary
barriers to employment such as race, color, national origin, religion,
sex, age and handicapped status are elimnated to ensure that all
employment decisions are based solely on merit and ability to do the
Evaluation Study
The co)lection, analysis and evaluation of data by the Personnel
Manager to determine the proper value of a classification and/or the
proper classification of an individual pos~t~on. The evaluation
process is done by a committee consisting of five (5) Senior Staff
An alleged violation, misinterpretation or inequitable application of
the rules, procedures, regulations, administrative orders, working
conditions, or work rules of the City.
Immediate Family
For the purpose of relating to sick leave, immediate famly is defined
as those individuals residing ~n the same household (spouse, children,
and parents). For funeral leave, immediate family is defined as an
employee's spouse, parents, children, brother, sister, grandparent or
grandchild or any of these relationships related by affinity.
Job Description
The written description of the duties,
a specific position.
tasks, and responsibilities of
Lateral Reassignment
Reassignment of an employee to a position in the same pay
having different duties and responsibilities.
grade but
Maternity Leave
Temporary leave due to pregnancy,
Merit Date
Either the 1st or 16th of a month on which raises associated with
evaluations are given. This period is usually one (1) year from date
of hire or last promotion or demotion.
The number of authorized hours worked by a full-time employee which
exceed the 40 hours per work week that the employee was officially
scheduled to be on duty and/or had received approved holiday, sick or
vacation leave.
Pay Grade
D~wsions of the pay plan with specified rate of pay into which
positions are classified, based on the value of the duties,
responsibilities, authority, and other factors relative to all other
positions ~n the City.
Personnel File
The off~cial employee
Personnel Office.
record and file which is maintained in the
Probationary Period
A working trial period of six months or more following initial
employment or re-employment into a permanent budgeted position, during
which an employee is required to demonstrate his/her ao~lity to
perform the duties of the position.
The assignment of an employee from a position in one pay grade to
position ~n another pay grade having a higher maximin salary rate.
Public Record
Any information which ~s available to the public under the provisions
of the Open Records Act and is also a provision of the City.
A change in allocation of an individual position by raising it to a
higher class, reducing it to a lower class, or moving it to another
class at the same pay level on the basis of substantial changes in the
kind, difficulty and/or responsibility of duties in such position.
The act of asking, seeking, or attempting in any other manner to sell
products or services to City employees or the public on City premises.
Any person responsible for directing the work of others.
An involuntary absence
disciplinary purposes.
w~thout pay imposed by an authority for
The move of an employee from one department to another.
be promotional, demotional, or lateral.
This move may
Unexcused Absence
Absence from work without permssion of an employee's
supervisor. This tncludes failure to notify an ~mmediate
of the inability to report to worK.
Workers' Compensation
Benefit provided to City employees for occupat;onal injury that
occur in the form of weekly compensation benefits, medic;nes,
medical care.
Before an employee may be reprimanded or reclassified without a
reduction in pay, he is entitled to a conference with his supervisor,
and may appeal the determination to his Department Head.
Before an employee may be reclassified with a reduction in pay,
suspended from employment, or terminated, he shall be notified of the
reason for the action and given an opportunity for a hearing before
the Head of the Department. Xf the employee chooses, he may appeal
fro(B the dectston of hiS Department Head to the Personnel Manager. At
either hearing, the employee is entitled to examine evidence, cross-
examine kitnesses or present proof.
Xf the ortgtnat decision maker on the disciplinary or termination
action is either the Department Head or the Ctty Hanager, there sba1!
be dtrect appeal to the next heartng level. If the employee's
supervisor ts either the Department Head or City Manager, there shal 1
be direct appeal to the next hearing level.
~n the event of a termination, an employee may appeal the declslon of
the Personnel Manager to a Review Board consisting of 3 available
members of the City Counctl and 2 Senior Staff members designated by
the City Hanager. Vnere the City Hanager is the original decision
maker concerning disciplinary actton, the employee may appeal the
deciston of the City Manager to the Review Board.
An employee may be suspended with or wtthout pay pendtng Investigation
of misconduct under the circumstances set forth in the formal
procedures for disciplinary hearings.
l. Minor Dlsctpllne~ Action
A permanent employee shall be notlfted of any ~cts or omissions which
his supervisor determines to be probable grounds for:
a written reprimand, which shall be a permanent part
of the employee's personnel file, and
a reclassification or reasstgnlent of the employee
without a reduction in pay.
The supervisor shall hold a conference concerning the proposed
disciplinary action. The supervisor shall ask the employee if he
wtsnes to have a formal hearing before the Department Head as to any
of the acts or omissions complained of. The supervisor shall give the
employee a reasonable amount of ttme to decide. If the employee
requests a hearing, the supervisor shall set a date and time and give
nottce to the employee. The nearing shall be held tn accordance wtth
the tntttal hearing procedure which follows. Ho appeal shall be
permtted fr~ the tntttal hearing on (a) or (D) above.
If ~he e.nployee does not request a hearing, the acts or o'~issions
Involved shall be discussed by the supervisor and the employee, and
the supervisor shall determine what, if any, disciplinary action snail
be taken.
#1nor Ofscfpltniry Actton
Supervt sot
Department Ilead
2. Reassignment and 5uspenston
A permanent employee shall be given written notice of any acts or
omissions which his supervisor determines to be probable grounds for:
(a) reclassification with a reduction in pay
(b) temporary suspension from employment without pay,
The written notice she1] state the reason for the disciplinary action
or termination, the genera1 sources of information relied upon, and
the employment actions which could result.
A permanent e~ployee shall meet with the supervisor and discuss the
possible employment actions.
W~ere the supervisor is not the Department Head, the employee may then
request a formal hearing before the Department Head wtthin 3 ~orkJng
days of receipt of the written notice signed by the employee, and
delivered to the Oeparbnent Head.
Zf d hearing rs requested, the Department ilead shall set a date Jn~
time and notify the employee. Failure to request a nearing by the
specified time shdll waive L~e right to determination of any
e~ployment dispute and snell constitute consent to any employment
action proposed or indicated tn the original notice letter.
The employee shall have the rtght to consult with an attorney prior to
the hearing before the Oepdrtment Head, but ,say not be represented by
counsel at the heartng ttself. This provision ts made tn the interest
of streamlining the efficiency of public affairs end st.nplify~ng the
tnttial procedure for the resolution of disputes.
At the initial hearing, the head of the department in which t~e
employee works shall review the sources of information or evidence
concerning the acts or omissions which are the subject of the nearing.
The supervisor may rely upon any Information ~hicn he believes to be
c~edtble, ~ncludlng opinions and hearsay provtded that the
determination made ~ay not be based sol ey upon opinion or hearsay. No
other rules of evidence or proof shall apply.
Tnb Department Head shall give the employee opportunity to address
each of the matters discussed, as well as the credibility of any
evidence to rebutt, present witnesses and :ross-examine.
The Department Head shall explain possible actions
with the employee, Including the goals or objecti
obtained by the use of such disciplinary actions.
and discuss them
yes sought to De
After the conclusion of the hearing, the Department Head shall make a
determination and shall make a written report of the hearing and
determination. Tnb written report shall include a brief suanary of
the evidence relted upon, specifically stating tl~e source. The report
shall state the objective sought to be obtained by d~sctplinary
actions imposed.
If the employee :booers he may appeal the decision of his Department
Head to the Personnel Manager. If the Personnel Manager has had a
major ~nvolvement ~n the predetermination stage or any such actions,
the final decision will be made by the City Manager or his designate.
The employee amy consult with, but ~aay not be represented at this
hearing by an attorney. At either hearing, the employee is entitled
to examine evidence, cross-examine atnesses or present proof.
The employee may appeal the determination made by the Department Head
delivering a signed, written notice within five (5) working days to
the Personnel Oepartment. Upon receipt of notice for the appeal, the
Personnel Department shall set up a time, and date for the appeal
hearing and notify the employee. The Personnel Manager or a delegate,
m~y hear .ppeals and make tnb final determ~nat;on thereon. Tnb
~zployee shall have the burden of presenting his case to the Personnel
Manager first. Tnb Personnel Manager :nay review the reports from the
initial nearing, if any, and any additional evidence presented.
Tnb Personnel ~anager shall be entitled to confer with any parties
outside the hearing and to rely upon any information or evidence
t~ereby obtained, provided that:
The employee and the City's representative are informed
of his reliance upon such information or evidence and
given reasonable opportunity to consider, address, dnd
rebutt the same.
The reliance upon such information is clearly set fort~
in tnb written opinion or determination made by the
Personnel Manager. In tnb case of disciplinary action,
the decision of the Personnel Manager will be final.
Tnb rules of evidence applicable under the Texas Ad,~n~strative
Procedures Act shall apply at the appeal. Tne Rules in the Act
pertaining to the opinion or determination zade at the hearing shall
likewise apply, except as modified ~eretn. 8uth parties shall be
entitled to cross-examine 411 witnesses.
Reasstgment & Suspension
Department Head
Personnel Hanager
3. Termination
A permanent ~*mployee sh~ll De given written notice of any acts or
omissions which his supervisor determines to be probable grounds for
ter. ainatton of e,nployment.
The written notice shall state the reason for the disciplinary action
or termination, the general sources of Information relied upon, and
t~e employaent actions WhiCh could result.
Where the supervisor ts not the Department Head, then the employee may
then request d formal h~aring before the Oepartment Head within 3
working days of receipt of the written notice, by written request,
signed by tha employee, and delivered to the Oepartment Head.
If a hearing is requested, the Department Head shall set a date and
time and notify the employee. Failure to request a nearing shall
waive the right to determination of any employment dispute and shall
constitute consent to the termination.
At the initial nearing, the head of the Department in which the
~mployee works shall review :he sources of information or evidence
concerning the acts or omissions constituting the basis for
termination. The Oepar~aent Head ;ay rely upon any information dhlCh
he be)teves to be credible, including opinions and hearsay, provided
tnat the determination made may not be based soley upon opinion or
hearsay. No other rules of evidence or proof shall apply.
The depsrt~ent Head shall give the ~mployee the opportunity to address
each of the ~atters discussed, as well as the credibility of any
evidence, :o reoutt, present dlcn~s:~s, and CrOSS-eXdmlne.
After conclusion of the initial hearing, the Department Head shall
.adze a determination and Shall ,nuke a written report of the nedring
and the determination. The written report shall include a oriel
su~nary of the evidence relied upon, specifically stating the sourco.
The report shall state the adjective sougnt to be obtained Dy the
d~sclpl~nary action lmpus=~.
The =~npluy2: .I.~y a~pe~l :ne deter,nination ~ade at the initial nearing
by delivering a signed, ~rttten notice within five (5) wor~ing days to
the Personnel Dep=rt;ent. Upon receipt of a notice for appeal, the
Personnel Department shall set up a time and date for an appeal
hearing and notify ~ne e,~pluyee.
The Personnel Manager or his/her delegate she11 hear appeals, and ~ake
the final determination. The Personnel Manager may review the report
from the initial hearing, and any additional evidence presented.
The Personnel Manager shall be entitled to confer w;th any parties
outside the hearing, dnd to rely upon information or ewdence thereby
obtained, provtded that:
The employee and the City's representative are ~nformed
of his/her reliance upon any such information or
evidence, and given reasonable opportunity to consider,
address, or rebutt same.
The reliance upon such information is clearly set forth
in the written opinion or determination made by the
Personnel Manager..
The employee may appeal the decision of the Personnel Manager to the
Review 8bard by giving written notice to the Mayor's office within
five (5) working days of the data of the Personnel Msnager's
determination. Notification must be given at this time as to whether
or not the employee intends to De represented by an attorney. Failure
to do so by the specified time specify waives the right to have an
attorney at the hearing.
Fourteen (1¢) days ~n advance of the hearing, an employee or his
attorney may request:
(a) Copies of an docunentary evtdence chat wi)l be used
the hearing.
A list of the items expected co be ShOWn or proved by
the C~ty and the expected manner of proof, anetner by
documentary evidence or by ~tness. The n~mes of w~t-
nesses shall be identified by both parties. No
other discovery Shell De permissible.
The City Attorney shall supply the requested information five (5) days
in advance of the hearing, rh~ City Attorney may request the sam~
information of the employee or his attorney and the employee or his
attorney shall supply that ~nformation f~ve (5) days in advance of the
The Rules of Evidence applicable under the Texas Administrative Act
shall apply at the appeal. The Rules in the Act pertaining to the
opinion or determination ~ade at the hearing shall likewise apply,
except as modified herein. Both parties shall be entitled to cross-
examine all ~itnesses. The Review aoard shall Oe authorized to issue
subpoenas to any witnesses, or to issue subpoenas duces tatum for any
documentary evidence, ~hich subpoenas shall be enforcedOle by contempt
through the District Court of 8razos County.
The parties ~ay rewew recordings, ~f any, of testimony at the hearing
before the Personnel Manager. No written transcripts of prior appeals
shall De required. The employee nmay request ~ transcript if a
recording nas been made, which transcript shall be furnished by the
City at the COSt of $2.00 per page. That cost snell be paid upon
delivery of the transcript, buc such costs shall be reimbursed by the
City if the employee's appeal is successful. A recording shall be
made of the hearing before the Review 8nard, but stenographic
recording is not required. Either party may make independent
arrangements for stenographic recording of the hearing before the
Review Board.
Personnel Manager
Review ~oard
4. E~plnyee Suspension During Znvesttgatton of Nlsconduct
A permanent umployee may be suspended with or without pay, subject to
reinstatement and back pay where applicaole, where the City Manager
determines that the risk of loss to the City of his continued
employment, or the critical necessity of publlc confidence in his
integrity, requires such suspension.
Conclusion of any Investigation, and termination or reinstatement with
back pay of any employee shall take place within sixty (60) days of
any suspension, with or without pay, unless the employee consents,
directly or Oy tmplication, :o a longer perioa of suspension.
Where evidence of an employee's guilt or responsibility for a cr~me or
act is insufficient co justify termination, after completion of
investigation, but good cause continues to exist for questioning the
employee's involvement, the City rianager .nay reassign the employee to
a less sensitive position, or ~ay alter the duties of the employee.
The employee's original pay status shall be ,maintained.
An employee may appeal any action taken under this section to the
Review 3nard for de hove hearing as provided for above.