HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/24/2002 - Regular Minutes City Council Mayor City Council Lynn Mcllhaney James Massey Mayor Pro Tempore Ron Silvia ,,. Larry Mariott Winnie Garner COLLEGE STATION City Manager Dennis Maloney Thomas E. Brymer Anne Hazen College Station, Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future MINUTES College Station City Council Workshop and Regular Meetings Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Mcllhaney, Councilmembers Silvia, Maloney, Massey, Hazen, Garner COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: Mayor Pro Tem Mariott STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Brymer, Assistant City Manager Brown, City Attorney Cargill Jr., City Secretary Hooks, Director of Fiscal Services Cryan, Director of Parks and Recreation Beachy, Director of Economic Development Foutz, Budget and Strategic Planning Director Kersten, Director of Public Utilities Woody, City Planner Kee, Development Manager Ruiz, Development Review Planner Jimmerson, Public Works Director Smith Councilmember Silvia called the workshop meeting to order at 3:09 p.m. Councilmembers present were Silvia, Massey, Garner and Maloney. Mayor Mcllhaney arrived at 3:12 p.m. and Councilmember Hazen arrived at 4:40 p.m. Workshop Agenda Item No 1 -- Discussion of consent agenda items listed for Regular Council Meeting. The following agenda items were removed for discussion: 12.3: Rejection of labor bid (s) received for Historic Streetlighting Installations for the Southside Historic District. Electrical Division Manager David Massey explained that the bids were for the labor and not materials. The $2,500 is recommended for labor and materials, assuming we continue to utilize city crews for the installation of the lights. 12.7: Purchase of a Cold Milling Machine in the amount of $283,750.00. Staff recommended the optional trade -in offer on a 1983 Bonag Recycler as accepted for $30,000.00 and the special extended warranty option for $8,000.00 for a net purchase cost of $261,750.00. Fiscal Services Director Cryan explained that the city is currently using online bidding. This item will be bid online to ensure the city is getting the best price. Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 2 12.12: An ordinance amending Chapter 10 "Traffic Code" section 3.E (2) (n) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station relating to speed zones on four college Station streets. Traffic Engineer Dale Picha explained there are two procedures for establishing speed zones. It is based on a traffic study (using the 85 percentile speed) and on engineering investigation and judgments. Increasing the speed on Munson was based on the city's engineering decision and the results of a traffic study that was above 85% percentile. Council expressed safety concerns within the Munson area neighborhood. City Manager Brymer noted that in 1997 the speed limit was set at 20 mph. Following the initiative referendum that passed in 1999, the 20 mph speed limit signs were removed. During the construction in the Eastgate area the contractor requested from the city that the city establish a temporary speed zone of 20 mph and signs were erected. Further discussions were held on this item during the regular meeting. 12.13: A resolution authorizing publication of notice of the intention to issue certificates of obligation not to exceed $15,200,00. City Manager Brymer clarified the capital projects approved in the 1998 bond issuance. 12.19: A resolution ordering a general municipal election to be hold on May 4, 2002 for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Council Places 2,4 and 6. This resolution also provides for a joint election to be held between the City of College Station, College Station Independent School District, and the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District. City Secretary Connie ,, Hooks explained that as a result of a meeting held with other election officials, a change was made to reflect polling place change to accommodate voters in BISD and CSISD who reside in Precincts No. 29, 62, and 64. Another change to the resolution was the deletion of the proposed Brazos Valley Water Conservation District special election. Bill Riley explained the reason for the Board's decision to change the confirmation election in Brazos County and Robertson County from May to November. City Secretary Connie Hooks informed the council of an additional early voting branch at the Post Oak Mall. Workshop Agenda Item No. 2 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding a report related to senior facilities and programs in College Station. This is a continuation item from the December 6, 2001, City council meeting. This item was delayed until the February 28, 2002 meeting. Workshop Agenda Item No. 3 -- Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding a status report related to proposed incentives to enhance neighborhood park locations and configuration in residential development. Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Beachy presented a report related to proposed incentives to enhance neighborhoods parks locations and configuration in residential developments. The goal is to create incentives for developers to provide adequate parks that are the focal point within the neighborhood. He reviewed the following methodology: Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 3 The Park Land Dedication Ordinance establishes what is "desirable" in that regard, at the present Iry standard (i.e. Gabbard Park). To improve upon the current trend, the incentive is proposed to be financial assistance for all street frontage above fifty (50 %) percent of the park perimeter. This incentive amount is recommended to be at the rate of two - thirds of the actual cost of that street and related walks, curbs, gutters, etc. The two- thirds rate is recommended to partially address the potential loss of lot sales for the developer. The proposed incentive should apply when the proposed park site meets those requirements stated in the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, is at least five (5) acres in size, and at least fifty (50 %) percent of those dwelling units on streets abutting the park are oriented towards the park. These additional criteria will help to address the issue of creating the focal point and sense of community implied by the strategic issue. The recommended process for awarding the incentive will be administered in the same manner that is currently used for "oversize participation" for streets (Attachment B). This involves the preparation of engineer's estimates by the developer, which is then reviewed by City engineering staff, as set forth in section 9 -E.4 of the current zoning ordinance. The payment, if approved, is made in accordance with current City fiscal and budgeting policies. Incentives would be available in accordance with approved budget levels and availability of funding. Summary Each proposal will require individual analysis to determine levels of eligibility and potential payments to the developer. This process should be incorporated into the preliminary planning phase for the proposed development. Staff recommendations along with recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board should be prepared prior to submission to the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. This concept provides a definable and manageable format to encourage the development of more useful parks within the community. The process is based upon the long- standing precedent of the existing over size participation program for other infrastructure as defined in the subdivision ordinance. It can be implemented with minimum of additional time requirements for either the staff or the developers and will be easy to explain to potential users of the program. The FY 2002 budget includes funding in the amount of $200,000 to be utilized as incentives for neighborhood park development. The Parks and Recreation Board recommended meeting with a focus group of developers to discuss the draft proposals and return to the Board with recommendations. Council directed staff to meet with the development community, consider other options such as regulatory incentive, the accessible within the subdivision, with the main focus on parkland. Workshop Agenda Item No. 4 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding underground placement of electric power lines. Electric Division Manager David Massey presented the past, present and possible future underground placement of electric power lines within the City of College Station. He described power lines along thoroughfares and high - profiles streets, power lines within subdivision Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 4 developments and overhead to underground conversion possibilities with commercial /residential areas. Also, he described future funding issues on possible projects. Staff recommended the following strategies: • Revise ordinances to more fully address the issue of underground power lines. • Identify thoroughfare and /or intersections that are important in terms of aesthetics. • Budget specifically for new underground construction or conversion in those areas. • When possible, construct overhead lines in areas not highly visible. Council directed staff to place this item on a future workshop agenda for further discussion. No action was taken. Workshop Agenda Item No. 5 -- Discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending the Subdivision Regulations in Chapter 9 of the College Station City Code, to add Section 18 which limits replotting in subdivisions platting in subdivisions platted prior to July 5, 1970. Assistant City Manager Brown and Development Review Manager Natalie Ruiz presented an ordinance amending the Subdivision Regulations in Chapter 9 of the College Station City Code, to add Section 18, which limits replattting in subdivision platted prior to July 15, 1070. Section 18 was adopted as a moratorium ordinance to provide Council with an alternative for addressing infill issues in older neighborhoods while long -term measures are completed through the new Unified Development Code. It was adopted in February of last year and expired on January 1, 2002. Due to recent legislative changes dealing with moratoriums on property development, the expiration dated of this section cannot be extended until the Unified Development Code is adopted. Due to changes in state law, multiple public hearing and reading of the ordinance along with specific findings must be conducted prior to adoption of a moratorium. Once that process is complete, the moratorium will expire after 120 days unless additional public hearings, multiple reading of the ordinance and reasonable progress has been made to alleviate the problem. Therefore, the ordinance amendment is an attempt to provide interim protection for the City's older neighborhoods until the Unified Development Code is adopted. The ordinance amendment will apply Citywide and not to the specific areas previously identified in the moratorium ordinance. No action was taken. Workshop Agenda Item No. 6 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the prioritization schedule to identify high priority projects for surface transportation. This item also includes discussion of possible dates for attending Washington D.C. and the proposed Tx -Dot Frontage Road Policy. Stan Lynch and John Blaine from Dean International presented a prioritization schedule for surface transportation. Mr. Lynch described the project categories and presented maps describing transportation projects with the top two ranking. The following transportation projects presented were: Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 5 New Location Facility rr • Copperfield Drive • Dartmouth Satisfactory Road Condition; Requiring Widening • University Drive • Greens Prairie Road Special Transportation Facility • Northgate Trolley Loop • Utility Easement Bike Path Unsatisfactory Road Condition; Needs Widening • Church Street • Graham Road Phase 2 Unsatisfactory Road Condition; No Widening Required • Tarrow Street • Glade Road Mr. Lynch noted they will continue to work with management staff, MPO, TxDOT, BVCOG, City of Bryan, Texas A &M University focusing on high priority projects in all categories, and to accelerate the projects to completion. Council discussed the structure of the prioritization list. Some concerns were expressed about the purpose of the list in terms of listing current projects under construction and new projects, and the funding levels to date. Discussion of a TxDot moratorium on projects would begin in 2003 in the mobility category. Council emphasized the importance of ensuring that the Barron Road project, overpasses at 2818 and George Bush Drive should be a priority on the TIP Plan so they are not placed in the moratorium. Mr. Lynch discussed the possible dates for a trip to meet with legislators in Washington, D.C. on June 17 -19. No action was taken. Workshop Agenda Item No. 7 -- Council Calendars Economic Outlook Conference, 1/23, 12:00 p.m., Hilton Breakfast with the Mayor, Jr., High and High School Students, 1/31, 7:30 a.m. Conference Center Council Workshop and Regular Meetings, 2/14, 2/28 Workshop Agenda Item No. 8 -- Hear Visitors Dick Birdwell, 3 Forest Drive presented the December monthly report of operations for the parking garage in Northgate. He suggested Council begin to look at programs and activities currently allocated in this fiscal year's general fund to compensate the parking fund. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 6 Workshop Agenda Item No. 9 -- Executive Session At 6:00 p.m., Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the City Council would convene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.086 and 551.087 of the Open Meeting act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, to consider economic development negotiations, to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officers and competitive matters. Pending and Contemplated Litigation {Gov't Code Section 551.0711; possible action Cause No. 43,098 -85, Brazos County -Bryan v. College Station Cause No. 96- 03168, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 02587, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 13391, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 96- 06940, Travis County — Bryan, et al. v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 97- 07000, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 98- 11817, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002343, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN002513, Travis County — San Antonio v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. GN000152, Travis County — TMPA v. PUC (intervention) Cause No. 49,367 -CCL2, Brazos County — Wilkerson v. College Station Cause No. 50,943 -CCL, Brazos County — College Station v. SCC Development, et al (civil) Docket Nos. TX96 -2 -000 and TX96 -2 -001, FERC — College Station, applicant w ,. Cause No. 52,434 -361, Brazos County — College Station v.Wolf Pen Creek,Ltd., et al. Cause No. 28,765, Grimes County - Harold & Rosealice Trant v. Grimes County, City of College Station and City of Bryan. Docket No. 25197, Public Utility Commission — College Station request to set Rates. Cause No. 54,313 -272; Brazos County - Bradford C. Bindock and Damon K. Bindock v. Thomas J. Brown, James Richter, Lee Ann Carpenter and Bryan Schwartz Cause No. GN200090; Travis County - Reliant Energy, Inc. v. Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc., et al. Cause No. GN200100, Travis County - City of San Antonio, etc. v. Brazos Electric Power Cooperation, et al. Competitive Matter {Gov't Code Section 551.086 }; possible action The City Council may deliberate, vote, or take final action on a competitive matter in closed session. The City Council must make a good faith determination, by majority vote of the City Council, that the matter is a Competitive Matter. A "Competitive Matter" is a utility - related matter that the City Council determines is related to the City of College Station's Electric Utility Competitive Activity, including commercial information, which if disclosed would give advantage to competitors or prospective competitors. The following is a general representation of the subject(s) to be considered as a competitive matter. 1. Electric Power Supply Issues Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 7 Real Estate {Gov't Code Section 551.072 }; possible action %law The City Council may deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the City in negotiations with a third person. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: 1. Greenways Acquisition for Lots 10 -15, Block 6, and Lots 13 -17, Block 2 and Access Reserve Lot Adjacent to Lot 17, Block 2 Raintree #4 Subdivision. Economic Incentive Negotiations {Gov't Code Section 551.087 }; possible action The City Council may deliberate on commercial or financial information that the City Council has received from a business prospect that the City Council seeks to have locate, stay or expand in or near the city with which the City Council in conducting economic development negotiations may deliberate on an offer of financial or other incentives for a business prospect. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following subject(s) may be discussed: 1. Hotel /Conference Center Personnel {Gov't Code Section 551.074 }; possible action The City Council may deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer. After executive session discussion, any final action or vote taken will be in public. The following public officer(s) may be discussed: 1. Municipal Judge — Report Workshop Agenda Item No. 10 -- Final Action on Executive session, if necessary. Council recessed from executive session at 7:00 p.m. and reconvened the executive session following the regular agenda. Regular Meeting Item No. 11: Mayor McIlhaney opened the regular meeting at 7:09 p.m. She led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Dr. Bruce Wood from Aldersgate United Methodist Church provided the invocation Councilmember Silvia made the motion to approve the absence request from Mayor Pro Tem Mariott. Councilmember Hazen seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. Mayor McIlhaney along with Alexandra Davis from the Historic Preservation Committee presented the following Historic Home Plaques: Historic Home Plaque #62 — Mr. and Mrs. George D. Waller Historic Home Plaque #63 — Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lancaster Historic Home Plaque #64 — Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lancaster Historic Home Plaque #65 — Mr. and Mrs. William B. Lancaster Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 8 Consent Agenda 12.1 Approved by common consent the minutes for City Council workshop and regular meeting, January 10, 2002. 12.2 Bid No. 00 -08 — Approved by common consent a renewal of annual agreement for PVC Pipe and Fittings with Dealers Electric in the amount of $9,979.50 and Ward Electric Supply for $127,502.50. Expenses will be charged to individual departments and projects as used. 12.3 Bid No. 01 -82 — Approved by common consent the rejection of labor bid(s) received for Historic Streetlighting Installations for the Southside Historic District. 12.4 Bid No. 02 -25 — Approved by common consent a bid to re -roof the Lincoln Center and Fire Administration Building. Awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, JACO Construction, in the amount of $57,000. Funds available and budgeted in the Facilities Maintenance Division Budget. 12.5 Bid No. 02 -29 — Approved by common consent the rejection of bids for the rebuild of an electrical substation power transformer to bring it up to new required standards. 12.6 Bid No. 02 -36 — Approved by common consent the bid for coverstone. Awarded to the lowest, responsible bidder, TEXCON, in the amount of $125,000. Funds available and budgeted in the Department of Public Works - Streets Maintenance Division. 12.7 Bid No. 02 -41 — Approved by common consent the purchase of a Cold Milling Machine. rr Award to the lowest, responsible bidder, meeting specifications, Wirtgen America, Inc. in the amount of $283,750.00. Furthermore, staff recommended the optional trade -in offer on a 1983 Bomag Recycler accepted for $30,000.00 and the special extended warranty option for $8,000.00 for a net purchase cost of $261,750.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Fleet Replacement Fund. 12.8 Approved by common consent an order to a contract with the Arts Council of the Brazos Valley in the amount of $25,000. This change order is for the City's budgeted FY 02 donation for the Veteran's Memorial. 12.9 Approved by common consent the ratification of change order for a professional services contract with McCord Engineering in the amount of $90,000.00. Funds available in the Electric Operating and Capital Funds. 12.10 Approved by common sent the professional services contract with McCord Engineering, Inc. for engineering design, construction management and right of way procurement services for the construction of capital improvements for electric projects for an annual estimated expenditure of $600,000, total contract price of $1,800,000. Funds available and budgeted in the Electric Division Budget. 12.11 Approved by common consent the purchase of an optical fire preempts traffic system. Recommend purchase from Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc. through the Houston Galveston Area Council Interlocal Agreement, in the amount $84,550.18. Funds available and budgeted in Streets Capital Projects Fund, 1998 General Obligation Bonds. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 9 12.12 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending Chapter 10, "Traffic Code," Section 3.E (2) (n) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station relating to speed zones for North Forest Parkway, Munson Avenue, Ashburn Avenue and Luther Street West in College Station. Councilmember Maloney expressed safety concerns regarding the amount of cut - through traffic on Munson and Ashburn. He recommended the speed limit should not exceed 25 mph. Mr. Maloney agreed with staff recommendations for North Forest Parkway and Luther Street West. Numerous comments were made on this issue, which reflected concern about traffic speed on Munson and Ashburn. Following further comments by council, Councilmember Maloney made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 2542 setting the speed limit on Munson and Ashburn at 25 mph, an increase from 20 mph, and accept staff recommendation for North Forest Parkway and Luther Street West. Councilmember Garner seconded the motion, which carried by a vote of 4 -2. FOR: Maloney, Garner, Silvia, Hazen AGAINST: Mcllhaney, Massey ABSENT: Mariott 12.13 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.13 authorizing publication of notice of the intention to issue certificates of obligation not to exceed $15,200,000. 12.14 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.14 approving a professional services contract for design improvements to the Hensel Park Lift Station. A professional services contract has been negotiated with Camp, Dresser, and McKee (CDM) for engineering design services in the amount of $70,000.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Wastewater Revenue Bond Fund Project No. SS -0203. 12.15 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.15 approving a professional services contract for the Texas Avenue South Water and Sewer Relocation Project (Project No. WT- 9804/SS -0003) to Mitchell & Morgan, L.L.P. in an amount not to exceed $170,000.00. Funds available and budgeted in the Utility Revenue Bond Fund. 12.16 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.16 authorizing the Mayor to sign a letter of agreement related to the assignment of the City of College Station interest of TXU Electric Company to TXU Generation Company LP. 12.17 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.17 authorizing staff to give the required twelve -month notice to TXU Generation Company LP for termination of the Power Supply Agreement with the City of College Station. The resolution will also authorize staff to begin the process for requesting proposals for future power supply. 12.18 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance repealing and terminating Reinvestment Zone Number Seven (7), a tax increment reinvestment zone for tax increment financing established by Ordinance No. 2290 (Wolf Pen Creek hotel /conference center TIRZ). Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 10 likary Councilmember Maloney elaborated on the purpose of repealing the No. 7 Reinvestment Zone. Councilmember Maloney moved to adopt Ordinance No. 2543 terminating the TIF #7. Councilmember Garner seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: McIlhaney, Massey, Silvia Garner, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mariott 12.19 Approved by common consent Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -12.19 ordering a general municipal election to be held on May 4, 2002 for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Council Places 2, 4, and 6. This resolution also provides for a joint election to be held between the City of College Station, College Station Independent School District, and the Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District. 12.20 Discussion and possible action on an ordinance amending the Subdivision Regulations in Chapter 9 of the College Station City Code, to add Section 18 which limits replatting in subdivisions platted prior to July 15, 1970. Councilmember Massey moved to approve Ordinance No. 2544 approving Subdivision Regulations in Chapter 9 to add Section 18, which limits replatting in subdivisions platted prior to July 15, 1970. A condition was attached to the motion that required the applicant to disclose any documents that depict the property were originally platted. Councilmember Maloney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. r FOR: McIlhaney, Massey, Silvia Garner, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mariott Regular Meeting Regular Agenda Item No. 13.1 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance amendment for a rezoning of 54.53 acres in Pebble Creek Phase 7 -B located east of the intersection of Royal Adelade and Spanish Bay Ct. from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single Family residential. Staff Planner Jimmerson presented this item. She stated that she is recommending approval of the rezoning. The applicant is requesting the rezoning to continue development in the Pebble Creek subdivision, which is currently developed as R -1 Single Family. The proposed rezoning is in compliance with the Land use Plan and approved Pebble Creek Master Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission discussed options in regard to access to the area. The options for addressing access at this stage are to impose a condition on the rezoning, downzone it, or deny the rezoning. The Commission recommended approval of the rezoning as submitted. Davis Young, 806 Coral Ridge East, explained that the plans are to develop the property as approved in the Pebble Creek Master Plan. He addressed the Planning and Zoning Commission Shoe concerns regarding access. Mr. Young will comply with any standards that are set forth. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 11 Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilmember Silvia moved to approve Ordinance No. 2545 rezoning 54.63 acres in Pebble Creek Phase 7 -B located east of the intersection of Royal Adelade and Spanish Bay Court from A -O, Agricultural Open to R -1, Single Family Residential. Councilmember Garner seconded the motion, which failed by a vote of 3 -3. FOR: Silvia, Garner and McIlhaney AGAINST: Maloney, Hazen and Massey ABSENT: Mariott Councilmembers Maloney, Massey and Hazen expressed safety concerns with the proposed rezoning. Councilmember Maloney suggested a marked temporary secondary access -way for emergency purposes. Councilmember Maloney moved to approve Ordinance No. 2545 with a condition that a clearly marked temporary secondary emergency access -way shall be provided prior to or in conjunction with the development of Phase 7 -B. Councilmember Massey seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: McIlhaney, Massey, Silvia, Garner, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mariott Council recessed at 8:45 p.m. for a short break. Council reconvened in open session at 8:55 p.m. Regular Agenda Item No. 13.2 -- Public hearing, discussion and possible action on an ordinance regarding an amendment to Section 10, Chapter 9 Subdivision Regulations of the City of College Station Code of Ordinances amending certain sections regarding parkland dedication. City Planner Jane Kee stated that this item was presented at the January 10, 2002 Council Workshop meeting. She reminded the Council that the parkland dedication ordinance is part of the city's subdivision regulations revised in 1999. The ordinance requires a review every three years. This review is part of Council Strategic No. 4, Vision Statement 4, Intergenerational and facilities and comprehensive parks planning programs. Ms. Kee discussed staff's review of land and development costs, intergenerational parks, and acceptance and development criteria based on the 2000 census information. Staff proposed the following fee and language changes in the ordinance. Proposed Fee Changes: • Increase in multi - family land dedication due to Census figures • Increase in fee in lieu of land due to increase in land costs • Increase in development fee due to intergenerational emphasis Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 12 Proposed Language Change: • Reflect process changes • Dedication where no plat is required • Detention facilities • Greenways reference Ms. Kee described the land dedication methodology and explained that there was a fee comparison survey conducted throughout the state. 48 cities were surveyed, 35 require parkland dedication. The parkland dedication ranges are: • 1 acre /2 DU — 1 acre /200 Single Family • 1 acre /2 DU — 1 acre /425 Multi- Family She also presented the following fee comparison. Single Family Multi- Family Bryan 434 324 C.S. 556 452 Avg. 568 538 Bryan 620 462* *After July 2002 Ms. Kee noted that the ordinance was drafted with an effective date of six months following its adoption to allow any development that is currently in the planning stages to continue under the current fee schedule. If approved the ordinance would take effect July 24, 2002. Mayor Mcllhaney opened the public hearing. No one spoke. Mayor Mcllhaney closed the public hearing. Councilmember Garner moved approval of Ordinance No. 2546 regarding amendment to Section 10, Chapter 9 Subdivision regulations for the City of College Station Code of Ordinances amending certain sections regarding parkland dedication. Councilmember Silvia seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: McIlhaney, Massey, Silvia, Garner, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mariott Regular Agenda Item No. 13.3 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action on: a) acceptance of a landowner's petition to the City of College Station for the designation of Reinvestment Zone Number Fifteen (15) as provided for under Chapter 331, Tax Code; b) a resolution calling for a public hearing regarding the creation of Reinvestment Zone Number Fifteen (15), City of College Station. Economic Development Director Kim Foutz presented an overview of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #15 for the hotel /conference center to be located on Highway 30/60 corridor. err Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 13 The purpose of creating this zone is to establish a funding source for the Hotel /Conference project. The Texas Tax Increment Financing Act allows a city to establish a Reinvestment Zone, capture increased taxes from increased property values in the Reinvestment Zone, and places these revenues in a special fund for improvements in the zone. Ms. Foutz described the TIRZ Creation Process and timeline. She noted that there are a number of agreements with TAC Realty. The preliminary Project Plan and Finance Plan for the District are complete. The maximum total project cost will be funded through the TIF is $18,000,000. Funds generated from the TIF and hotel /motel taxes generated for the project will provide funding for the debt services for the conference center. This submittal by College Main Ltd. and TAC Realty Inc. meet state statute requirements to initiate the Tax Increment Financing process. A public hearing is scheduled for March 14, 2002. The proposed resolution serves four purposes: • Calls for a public hearing on the zone • Notifies all taxing units of the City's intent to establish Reinvestment Zone Number Fifteen • Makes a formal request to the taxing entities to waive the 60 day notice requirement • Requests that the taxing entities appoint a representative, with 15 days, to work with the City on this project Staff recommended acceptance of the petition and approval of the resolution. Councilmember Silvia moved to approve Resolution No. 1 -24- 2002 -13.3 and accept the petition as presented. Councilmember Maloney seconded the motion, which carried unanimously, 6 -0. FOR: McIlhaney, Massey, Silvia Garner, Maloney and Hazen AGAINST: None ABSENT: Mariott Workshop Agenda Item No. 6 -- Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the prioritization schedule to identify high priority projects for surface transportation. This item also includes discussion of possible dates for attending Washington D.C. and the proposed Tx -Dot Frontage Road Policy. Transportation Planner Ken Fogle presented this item. He explained that the Texas Department of Transportation is in the process of making significant changes to its policy on frontage roads. Up until June 28, 2001 it was TxDOT policy to build frontage roads. However, under the new policy, when planning a new location freeway or relief route, TxDOT will start with the premise that frontage roads will not be built. TxDOT will evaluate if frontage roads should be built in certain locations to provide local access, and what impact this access would have on safety and mobility. TxDOT no longer intends to construct frontage roads unless necessary and justified. However, TxDOT may approve frontage roads under the following circumstances: Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 14 • To improve safety and efficiency of the operations of a state highway corridor To resolve landlocked conditions on certain remaining parcels to restore circulation of local traffic from severed streets • If the cost to purchase access right exceeds the cost of constructing the frontage road • If it is determined to be in the best interest of the state. Projects currently being developed may be affected by the new rules and will be evaluated on a case -by case basis. Evaluation will include a review of prior commitments or development work based on the previous frontage road policy. Potential affects to College Station roadways are: • State Highway 40 • State Highway 6 Bypass • State Highway 6 South Staff proposed the following recommendations: • Allow the local TxDOT District to make access decisions where TxDOT does not own access right • Do not restrict frontage road access to corner properties to avoid "economic discrimination" • Make a distinction between right -of -way costs and access rights' costs so local match costs are not escalated • Conduct an economic impact study to determine impact of policy change on economic development A deadline of February 15, 2002 has been set by TxDot to receive public comments. Mayor Mcllhaney noted the significance of this policy. Frontage roads provide a secondary roadway system in the event of a major accident, hazardous material spills and neighborhoods accessible. Mr. Fogle agreed. Council directed staff to draft a letter to include all four recommendations proposed by staff. The letter will include all councilmembers signatures, along with Mayor Mcllhaney's concern regarding a secondary roadway for emergency access. Regular Agenda Item No 14 -- Executive Session At 10:03 p.m., Mayor Mcllhaney announced that the City Council would reconvene into executive session pursuant to Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.074, 551.086 and 551.087 of the Open Meeting act, to seek the advice of the city attorney with respect to pending and contemplated litigation, to discuss the purchase of real property, to consider economic development negotiations, to consider the appointment and evaluation of public officers, and competitive matters. Refer to executive session list previously mentioned. Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas Council Meeting 1/24/02 Page 15 Regular Agenda Item No. 15 -- Final action on executive session, if necessary. Council concluded the executive session at 11:48 p.m. They returned to open session. No action was taken. Regular Agenda Item No. 16 -- Adjourn Hearing no objection, the workshop, regular and executive sessions were adjourned at 11:48 p.m. on Thursday, January 24, 2002. PASSED and APPROVED this 14 day of February, 2002. APPROVED: . (.1 Ma or Lynn Mcllhane ATTEST: bi.Loome ii,,, City Secretary Connie Hooks Providing Customer Service Excellence Office of the City Secretary College Station, Texas ( JANUARY 24, 2002 City of College Station Council Regular Meeting 4411, Si In gn Sheet COLLEGE STATION C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n tut0h r 1. `ti 11. , 2. A DJ R (( 3. 13. - 3 - 01n&( Cri ad. 4. Eci7 w,e--/' 1 14. C 6lzrnu-/-- 5. gt L./ 15. -L 1 /ti it____Dv .P'./'1 6. 772a))// op-O c.. 16. ni, .4,,,..,-,, C T 7. OL C (2) 17 . 1 jeltal/T 8. ' V--c R S 18 . � 1� - \ -- WA I 9. 19. /D'iLt WI 10. eututa. Scuchpit 20 LieA' 4 %il✓ V U (Li EUltitrm 1 City of College Station Council Regular Meeting JANUARY 24, 2002 COLLEGE STATION Sign In Sheet C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n 1. \ �l atrQS 11.. n �.I�. . . 0 2. L tb (e N( (30-45 12. r 0 o L 1 13. 3. 13O I C /�`b�./ fIl b ek ' LlieX 14.t {. 5. nr\A Y V OreC)'\ (1) ft 15. 46()) ,),vtgo , 6. 6 t1 V\ \ 16. 7. k j:i t . ii 17. , 8. J-e) 0a-ii7ok:)— 18. 9. C O W 19. 10. //174 - ' 20. City of College Station Council Workshop Meeting JANUARY 24, 2002 "' Sign In Sheet COLLEGE STATION g C i t y of C o l l e g e S t a t i o n 1. 11. 2. / ,/ 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6. 16. 7. 17. 8. 18. 9. 19. 10. 20.