HomeMy WebLinkAbout2-26-2004-11.8 - Resolution - 02/26/2004RESOLUTION NO 2~26-2006-11.8 A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT ORDERING ELECTIONS TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY AND SCHOOL DISTRICT ON MAY 15. 2004~ FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING MAYOR AND PLACES 2.4. AND 6 ON THE COLLEGE STATION CITY COUNCIL. AND POSITIONS 3.4 AND 5 ON THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. PROVIDING PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF SAID ELECTIONS. AND PROVIDING FOR A RUNOFF ELECTION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. IF NECESSARY. WHEREAS. it is necessary lo hold an elecl~on m the City o1' College Station, Texas, to elect persons to fill the positions of Mayor and Places 2, 4, 6, off the City Council ofthe C~ty of College Station, Texas. and WHEREAS, it is necessary to hold an election wllh~n the College Station Independent School District to fill the posaions of Places 3, 4 and 5 on the Board ot'Trustees ofthe College Station Independent School D~stnct. and WHEREAS, the City and College Station Independent School District will hold elections on the same day, to-wit May 15, 2004. and WHEREAS. Secuon 271 002 of the Texas Elecnon Code authorizes more than one political subdivision to hold joint elect~ons, and WHEREAS. the C~ty Counctl of the City o1' College Station, Texas and the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independem School District deem it to be m the best interest of their respective subdlvtsions and in the interest of the voters who reside within their respective junsdlct~ons to hold such elections jointly, now. therefore. BE IT JOINTLY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT PART I. That joint electzons be. and the same are hereby ordered to be held within the jurisdictions of the City of College Station, Texas and the Co ege Station Independent School D~stnct. on the 15' day of May, 2004, pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas and the Charter of the City of College Station. Texas. Such elections shall be held for the following purposes A To fill the positions of Mayor and Places 2. 4, and 6, on the College Station City Council B To fill the positions of Places 3, 4 and 5 on the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independent School D~stnct RESOLUTION NO 2-26-2004-11.8 Page 2 PART 2. That a runoff election, is hereby ordered to be held w~thm the City of College Station, Texas on Saturday June 26, 2004, ff necessary, to determine the electron of one or mom candidates in the City of College Station. PART3 That there shall be one ballot that contains all appropriate races and proposmons available for quahfied voters of the two entities PART 4 That said elections shall be held tn accordance wnh the Consumtmn and laws of the State of Texas and the City Charter. and all duly quahfied voters of the City of College Stauon shall be entnled to vote, provided, however, that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any office or proposition on which the voter ts mehgtble to vote PART 5 That the election forms and records shall be combined in a manner coovement and adequate to record and report the results of the election for the City of College Station and CSISD The joint tabulation of the precinct results shall be m a manner to facilitate the mdependent canvass ofremms by both entities PART 6 That the implementation and management of said elections shall be by the Cny Secretary, City of College Statmn The City Secretary, City of College Station, is hereby designated as the Chief Elecuon Official and Early Voting Clerk for the two entrees for the electron to be held on May 15, 2004. and special runoff election, ti' necessary The implementation, conduct and management of the elections shall include, but not be hnnted to A The securing of quahfied mdtv~duals to serve as election judges for each polhng place wnhru a voting precinct B The securing of locations and facilities where the election is to be conducted C. The securmg of elecuon materials and supphes reqmstte to the proper administration of the elections, aad the programming and preparaUnn of Direct Recordmg voting eqmpment to be used tn the election D. The secunng of a contract with Texas Voting Systems. Inc for election services and supplies E City shall be responsible for conducting early voting for said elections. F City shall serve as general custodian ofelectton records m the jomt election PART 7' Elect~on expenses recurred as the result of the services rendered by the C~ty tn the May 15. 2004 election shall be apportioned as follows A. The City will first fund all costs m full, other than the pubhcahon of each entlty's Notice of Electron. RESOLUTION NO 2-26-2004-1~.8 Page 3 B. CSISD will reimburse the City of College Station for certain costs as follows. 100 percent of all costs tncurred for polhng places, elecuon workers, and other expenses associated with polling locations outside the City I,mlts of College Stat,on CSISD wdl fund one-half1 I/2) of the cost of early vottng. CSISD wtll fund one-half (1/2) of the cost of'publication of all jomtly required nottces CSISD will fund one-half (I/2) of the cost of pmgranunlng, rental of DRE voting equipment for joint precincts, election supphes, electron worker training session. Early Ballot Board. Central Counting Station, and the tabulation supervisor and data processing manager PART 8. Smd elections shall be held m tile following election precincts, and voting shall be conducted at the polling places shown below. BRAZOS COUNTY PRECINCTS City Precincts CSISD Precincts Polling Places 02A, 82 Wellborn Commumty Center 4119 Greens Prairie Road $ 8 South Knoll Elementary School 1220 Boswell 9 9 College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drtve 10A, 10B, 34 10A, 10B. 34 College Station C~ty Hall 1101 Texas Avenue 20. 21 24 .~0, .1 24 Memorial Student Center Texas A&M Umvers~ty College Hills Elementary School 1101 Williams RESOLUTION NO 2-26-2004-11.8 Page 4 68 28B. 68 Peach Creek Commumty Center Peach Creek Road 31 31 32 32 33, 72, 74 29,33.62,64 72, 74 A&M Consolidated H~gh School 1801 Harvey M~tchell Parkway South College Station Public Library 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South Lincoln Center 1000 Eleanor 02C. 35A. 35B 02C, 35A. 35B College Stat~onISD Adm Bldg 1812Welsh 02B. 39 02B, 39 Rock Prairie Elementary School 3400 Welsh 40 4O Aldersgate Methodist Church 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway South 41 41,28A Pebble Creek Elementary School 200 Parkvlew 80 80 Cypress Grove Intermedmte School 900 Graham Road PART 9 Early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mall The period for early voting for the general elecuon shall be Aprd 28. 2004 through May I 1, 2004 Apphcatlons for ballot by mall shall be available begmmng March 16, 2004 and last day to receive application by mad is May 7, 2004 The period for early voting for the special rtmoff election shall be June 9, 2004 through June 22. 2004 The Early Voting Clerk for said electrons shall be the City Secretary She shall appoint city employees and additional assistance by qualified individuals oftbe community to serve as deputy early voting clerks to assist her at the early voting polhng places. The Election Coordinator for the College Station Independent School District shall serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk m said elections. The mare early voting polling place by personal appearance shall be m the City Hall Training Room, Il01 Texas Avenue. College Station. Texas. Two branch early voting locations shall be designated for these elections RESOLUTION NO 2-26-2006-11.8 Page 5 Main Early Vottng Location 1101 Texas Avenue College Station. Texas 800am toS00pin (M-F) College Station City Hall Branch Locauon Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Road College Station TX 12 00 p.m -9 00 p.m (M-F} Branch Location College Station School District Administration Bldg 1812 Welsh College Station, Texas 8 00a.m to 5 00 pm (M-FJ PART 10 Each entity shall be responsible for any necessary submissions to the U.S Department of Jusuce for preclearance under the Federal Voting Rights Act and gwmg notice of their election m a newspaper ofgeneral c~rculanon. PART 11 The C~ty Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to negotiate and execute an election services contract with Texas Voting Systems for services m connection with the joint electron with the City of College Statton and College Station Independent School D~stnct PART 12' In accordance with Section 123 001 of the Texas Election Code, the Hart Imercivlc D~rect Recording Electronic Voting System, Optical Scan Voting System and Electronic Manageraent System for Brazos County, Texas and approved by the Secret.try of State on January 3, 2002, and identified as eSLATE is hereby adopted for the general election and special rtlnoff election PART 13 Elections called by this joint resolution shall be held in accordance with the requirements for bilingual elections as set forth m the Voting Raghts Act amendments for 1975 (42USC 1973aa-la) and m Secunn 272 001 of the Election Code. All election forms and material shall be printed in both English and Spanish, and bdmgual oral assistance shall be made available within the requirements ofthe law. PART 14 The Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to s~gn an official NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION and NOTICE OF SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTION hstmg the precincts and polling place locations for the joint elect, on A copy o£the NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION and SPECIAL RUNOFF ELECTION. when published In a newspaper of general circulation in Enghsh and Spamsh. shall serve as proper noUce of the City's election RESOLUTION NO 2-26-2004-11 . 8 Page 6 PART 15 That thzs joint resolutzon shall lake effect ~mme&ately from and after ~ts passage PASSED AND APPROVED this .'3'{~~'~' day of February, 2004 ATFEST Ctty Secretary Conme Hooks APPROVED. APPROVED I--:'- ~ s,g..d b~ .~,, ~,,, ~ ltl] C~ty Attorney Harvey Cargdl. Jr. PART 16 passage That Ih~s joint resoluuon shall lake eftbct ~mmed,ately from and after ~ts ADOPTED by the Board of Trostees of the College Station Independent School D~stnct. th~s 17th day of February. 2004 COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 'RC CHALOUPKA. §~ard President MARY BROUSSARD, Board Secretary RESOLUCI~)N NO. 2-26-2004-1 i.$ UNA RESOLUCI(SN EN CON JUNTO DEL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, Y EL CONSEJO DIRECTIVO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE COLLEGE STATION ORDENANDO QUE SE LLEVEN A CABO ELECCIONES EN DICHA CIUDAD Y DISTRITO ESCOLAR EL 15 DE MAYO, 2004: CON EL PROP(SSITO DE ELEGIR AL ALCALDF, A LOS CONSEJEROS MUNICIPALES LUGARES 2, 4 Y 6, Y LOS LUGARES 3, 4 ¥ 5 DE LA JUNTA DIRECTIVA DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR DE COLLEGE STATION Y PROVEYENDO LOS PROCEDIMIENTOS RELACIONADOS CON DICHA ELECCI(SN, Y PROVEYENDO PARA UNA ELECCI(SN DE DESEMPATE EN LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION SI ES NECESARIA. POR LO QUE, es necesano Ilevar a cabo elecc~ones en la Cmdad de College Station, Texa~, para eleg~r personas para Ilenar/as poslc~ones de Alcalde y los Consejems Mumclpales Lugares 2, 4 y 6 de la C~udad de College Station, Texas, y, POR LO QUE, es necesano Ilevar a cabo una eleccl6n dentro del Distnto Escolar Independ~ente de College Station para llenar las poslc~ones de los Lugares 3, 4 y 5 de La Junta D~rectiva del D~stnto Escolar lndepend~ente de College Station., y POR LO QUE, la Cludad de College Station y el DIstnto Escolar Independlente Ilevaran a cabo elecc~ones el mtsmo dia: sea' 15 de Mayo. 2004. y POR LO QUE. la Secc~6n 271 002 del C6DIGO ELECTORAL DE TEXAS autonza que mb.s que una subdlvlsl6n polltlca Ileve a cabo eleccwnes en conjunto, y POR LO QUE. el Consejo Mumc~pal de la Cmdad de College Station, Texas. y el Consejo D~rectlvo del D~stnto Escolar [ndepend~ente de College Station dec~dleron que es en el mejor ~nte~s de sus respectlvas subdlvls~ones y el mter6s de los votantes que reslden dentro de sus respectlvas Junsd~cclones llevar a cabo d~chas eleccmnes en conjunto; ahora, entonces, QUE SEA RESUELTO EN CONJUNTO POR EL CONSEJ'O MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS. Y EL CONSEJO DIRECTIVO DEL DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE COLLEGE STATION' PARTE I Que elecciones en conjunto ser'hn, y las mlsmas estb. n ordenadas a ser ]levadas a cabo dentro de las junsdlccmnes de la C~udad de College Station, Texas, y el D~stnto Escolar Independlente de College Statmn, el 15 dfa de Mayo. 2004, bajo las leyes del Estado de Texas y el Charter de la Cmdad de College Station, Texas D~chas elecc~ones se Ilevarfin a cabo con los s,gmentes prop6s~tos: A Para llenar las pos~c~ones de Alcalde y Lugares 2, 4 y 6 en el Consejo Municipal de College Station B. Para Ilenar las pos~clones de Lugares 3, 4 y 5 en el Consejo D~rectivo del D~strlto Escolar Independlente de College Station Resolucl6n No. 2-26-2004-11.8 Page 2 PARTE 2 PARTE 3 PARTE 4' PARTE 5' PARTE 6' Que por este medlo se ordena que la elecclon de desempate se lleve a cabo en la Cmdad de College Stanon Texas, el s~ibado 26 de Jumo, 2004, de set necesana, para determinar la elecc~6n de uno o mas candidatos en la Cludad de College Station. Que habni una boleta electoral que mclmrfi todas las carreras apropladas y propos~clones d~spombles para los votantes cahficados de las dos ent~dades. Que dlchas elecoones se Ilevanin a cabo de acuerdo con la Constltuo6n y las leyes del Estado de Texas y el Charter de la Cmdad, y que todos los votantes legalmente cahficados de la Cmdad de College Station estar~in pemmldos a votar, dado que, sin embargo, que a mnglln votante se le darfi una boleta contemendo mnguna oficma o proposlo6n a la cual el votante es meleglble a votar Que los formulartos y documentos de eleccl6n ser~in combmados en una manem convemente y adecuada para registrar y reportar cualqmer resultado de la elecc~6n para la Cmdad de College Station y el Distnto Escolar Indepen&ente de College Station El conteo en conjunto de los lesultados de los prec~ntos debeni set en una manera para facdRar el conteo mdependlente de los resultados pot las dos entldades. Que la Implementac~6n y el manejo de dicha eleccl6n seni por la Secretana Mun,cipal, Cmdad de College Station. La Secretana Mumc~pal, Cmdad de College Station. est~i des~gnada como la Oficlal Electoral Principal y Oficml de Votao6n Anticlpada para las dos entidades para la eleco6n que se llevani a cabo el 15 de Mayo, 2004 y la eleeci6n especml de desempate s~ es necesana. La implementac~6n, conducta y manejo de las elecoones taciturn, peru no estar/~ I,mnada a A Asegurarse de consegmr mdlvlduos cahficados para servlr como jueces electorales para cada lugar de votac~6n dentro de cada prec~nto electoral B. Asegurarse de consegmr los locales y las ,nsntuclones en cual serfin conduodas las elecclones. C. Asegurarse de adqmnr los matenales y sumimstros requendos para la admm~stmo6n correcta de las elecoones, y la programac~6n y preparac~6n del eqmpo de votacl6n de Grabael6n Directa utlhzada en la elecm6n. D. Asegurarse de consegmr el contrato con Texas Vonng Systems, Inc, para los servlc~os y smmnlstms de eleco6n Resolucl6n No 2-26-2004-11,8 Page 3 E. La Cludad seni responsable de condumr las votamones ant,clpadas para d,cha eleco6n. F La C,udad serv,ri como el Guardador general de los reg,stros electorales en &cha eleco6n en conjunto. PARTE 7: Los gastos de la elecm6n que ocurran como el resultado de los serv,cios otorgados por la Cmdad en la eleccl6n del 15 de Mayo, 2004, see/in dlstnbmdos como Slgtle: A La Ciudad reembolsar~i pnmero todos los gastos por completo, a menos que la publ,cacl6n de la Not,ficac,6n de elecc,6n de cada enndad B El D~stnto Escolar Independ,ente de College Stat,on reembolsari a la Cmdad de College Stat,on por c,enos costos como slgue' (a) 100 por memo de todos los costos de los lugares de votacl6n, trabajadores electorales, y otros gastos asoclados con los lugares de votao6n fuem de los lim~tes de la Cmdad de College Stauon. (b) El College Station lSD financ,ani la re,tad (1/2) del costo de la votac,6n annmpada (c) El College Stat,on lSD financ,ani la mttad (I/2) del costo de la pubhcact6n de todas las nonficaoones requendas en con junto. (d) El College Stanon ISD finanmari la mltad (I/2) del costo de la programam6n, alqmler de eqmpo de votacl6n DRE para los precmtos en conjunto, matenales de elecm6n, ses~6n de entrenam,ento de trabajadores, Consejo de Boletas Antlc,padas. Estao6n Central de Conteo, y el supervisor de conteo y gerente de procesamlento de mformacl6n. PARTE 8' DIchas elecoones se Ilevanin a cabo en los s,gmentes precmtos clectorales y la votao6n ser~ conduoda en los lugares electorales hstados abajo: PRECINTOS DEL CONDADO DE BRAZOS PreClnl~ Prec,nto CSISD 02A, 82 ~am6n D,stnto Especial de Serv,mos de Agua de Wellborn 4118 Greens Pra,ne Road Resoluo6n No. 2-26-2004-II .8 Page 4 8 8 9 9 10A, 10B. 34 20. 21 24 10A, 10B, 34 20, 21 24 68 28B. 68 31 31 32 32 33. 72. 74 Precmto Mumcipal 02C. 35A, 35B 02B, 39 40 29.33,62, 64,72.74 Precmto CSISD 02C, 35A, 35B 02B, 39 40 41 41,28A Escuela Pnmana South Knoll 1220 Boswell Centro de Conferenclas College Station 1300 George Bush Dr,ye Edzfic~o Mumc~pal de College Station 1101 Texas Avenue Centro Conmemoratlvo Estud~antfl Umversldad de Texas A&M Escuela Pnmana de College Hills I I01 Will,ams Centro Comun,tario de Peach Creek Peach Creek Road Escuela Secundana A&M Consohdated 1801 Harvey Mttchell Pkwy South Blbl,oteca Ptibhca de College Stauon 1818 Harvey M~tchell Pkwy South Centro Lmcoln 1000 Eleanor Lugar Electoral Ed~ficlo Admmlstrat~vo de College Station 1812 Welsh Escuela Pnmana de Rock Prmr~e 3400 Welsh lglesm Meto&sta Aldersgate 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway South Escuela Pnmana de Pebble Creek 200 Parkwew Resolucl6n No 2-26-2004-1 ! 8 Page 80 80 Escuela Intermed,a de Cypress Grove 900 Graham Road PARTE 9' PARTE I 0: PARTE 1 I' l.a votac~6n annctpada se Ilevar~i a cabo por presencla personal y por correo. El penodo para votacl6n antlclpada seni del 28 de Abnl, 2004 al 11 de Mayo, 2004. Las solicitudes para las boletas pot correo estar',in dlspombles comenzando el 16 de Marzo, 2004 y el filt~mo dla para que la Secretana Mumclpal reclba las solicitudes pot correo es el 7 de Mayo, 2004 El penodo para la votacl6n especial de desempate ant~clpada seni del 9 de Jumo, 2004 al 22 de Jumo, 2004 La Secretana de Votacl6n Anuclpada para dicha eleccl6n ser~ la Secretana Mumc~pal. Ella des~gnar~i empleados mumclpales y as~stencm de otms mdlvlduos de la comumdad cahficados como diputados de votacl6n antlc~pada para aslsnrla en los lugares de votacl6n antlc~pada. La coordmadom de elecc~ones del D~smto Escolar de College Stanon servmi como Secretana Dlputada de Votacl6n Anticlpada de dlcha elecci6n. El lugar pnnclpal para votacl6n antlclpada en persona seni el Sal6n de Entrenam~ento del Edlfi¢~o Mumclpal, I101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Dos lugares adlcionales de votacl6n antlmpada senin deslgnados para estas elec¢lones. Sedc Pnnclpal para Votacl6n Ant~c~pada 1101 Texas Avenue 8'00a m. a 5 00pm. (L-V) Edfficlo Mumc~pal de College Station Sucursal' Centro Comerclal "Post Oak Mall" 1500 Harvey Road 12 00 del medlodia a 9'00 p.m. (L-V} Sucursal: Edffic~o Admimstrat~vo del DIstnto Escolar de College Station 1812 Welsh 8 00 a.m a 5'00 pm. (L-V) Cada ent~dad ser'J responsable por cualquter summ6n requenda al Depariamento de Justm~a de los Estados Umdos para pre aprobacl6n bajo el Acto de Derechos del Votam6n Federal y dar notfficacl6n de su eleccl6n en un pen6dlco de circulam6n general El Gerente Municipal o su deslgnado esttt autonzado para negoclar y eJecutar un contrato de scrwcio electoral con Texas Voting Systems para los serv~cms relacmnados con la eleccl6n en conjunto de la C~udad de College Station y el Distnto Escolar independiente de College Station Resolacl6n No. 2-26-2004-11.8 Page 6 PARTE 12 PARTE 13: PARTE 14' PARTE 15' De acuerdo con la Seco6n 123.001 del C6dlgo Electoral, el Hart intercivlc Direct Recording Electronic Voting System, Optical Scan Voting System y Electronic Management System para el Condado de Brazos, Texas, y aprobada por el Secretano de Estado el 3 de Enero, 2002, e identlficado como eSLATE esta adoptado para esta elecclon Elecclones est:in ordenadas por esta resolucl6n en conjunto serfin conducldas de acuerdo con los requenmlentos de elecclones blhngtles como prescrlto en los amendamlentos de 1975 (42USC 1973aa-la) del Acto de Derechos de Votacl6n y en la Seccl6n 272.001 del C6d~go Electoral. Todos los formulanos electorales y matenales senin ~mpresos en lngl6s y Espaflol, y as~stenc~a oral blhng~ie estarfi d~spomble bajo los requenmlentos de la ley. El Alcalde de la C~udad de College Station est~i autonzado fin'nar una NOTIFICACI6N OFICIAL DE ELECCI6N GENERAL y la NOTIFICAClON DE LA ELECCI~)N ESPECIAL DE DESEMPATE hstando los precmtos y lugares de votao6n para la elecc~6n en conjunto. Una copla de la NOTIFICACION DE ELECCI~)N GENERAL y DE LA ELECCI6N ESPECIAL DE DESEMPATE, cuando scan pubhcadas en un pen6&co de c~rculac~6n general en la Cludad de College Station en Ingl~s y Espaflol, servlrfi como notlficao6n adecuada de la eleccl6n ordenada por esta Resolucl6n Municipal Que esta resolucl6n en conjunto tomar~ efecto de mmedlato durante y despu6s de su aprobao6n. OTORGADO Y APROBADO este 26 dia de Febrero , 2004. APROBADO: ATESTIG UADO Coam¢ Hooks, Secretana Municipal NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO THE REGISTERED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AND COLLEGE STATION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT. Notice is hereby given that the polling places listed below will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 15, 2004 for voting in a general election to elect a Mayor, City Council Places 2, 4, and 6, and Positions 3, 4, and 5 on the Board of Trustees of the College Station Independent School District. LOCATIONS OF POLLING PLACES: City Precincts CSISD Precincts 02A, 82 Polling Places Wellborn Water Special Utility District 4118 Greens Prairie Road 8 8 South Knoll Elementary School i 220 Boswell 9 9 College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive 10A, 10B~34 IOA, lOB, 34 College Station City Hall I101 Texas Avenue 20,21 20,21 Memorial Student Center Texas A&M University 24 24 College Hills Elementary School 1101 Williams 68 28B, 68 Peach Creek Community Center Peach Creek Road 31 31 A&M Consolidated High School 1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South 32 32 College Station Public Library 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South Nobce of General Election 2004 Cit) Precincts CSISD Precincts 33, 72, 74 29, 33, 64, 72, 74 Lincoln Center 1000 Eleanor 2 02C, 35A, 35B 02C, 35A, 35B College Station lSD Administration 1812 Welsh 02B, 39 02B, 39 Rock Prairie Elementary School 3400 Welsh 40 40 Aldersgate Methodist Church 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway South 41 41,28A Pebble Creek Elementary School 200 Parkview 80 80 Cypress Grove Intermediate School 900 Graham Road Early voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mail. The period for early voting shall be April 28, 2004 through May II, 2004. Applications for ballot by mail shall be available to the public beginning March 16, 2004 and last day for the City Secretary to receive application by mail is May 7, 2004. The Early Voting Clerk for said elections shall be the City Secretary. She shall appoint city emplo,y, ees and additional assistance by qualified individuals of the community to serve as deputy early votang clerks to assist her at the earh' voting polling places. The Executive Assistant to the Superintendent for the College Station In~lependent School District shall serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk in said elections. The main early voting polling place by personal appearance shall be in the City Hall Training Room, i 101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas. Two branch early voting locations shall be designated for these elections. Main Early Voting Location: College Station City Hall 1101 Texas Avenue 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (M-F) Branch Location: College Station School District Administration Bldg. 1812 Welsh 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (M-F) Branch Location: Post Oak Mall 1500 Harvey Road 12:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Applications for ballot by mail shall be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 7, 2004 in the office of: Connie Hooks, Early Voting Clerk Nobce of General Elecbon 2004 P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 3 PASSED AND APPROVED this 26th day of February ,2004. APPROVED: ATTEST:~~ Ci~ Secretary Connie Hooks 0 group/councdlelechon4/noflce of general elect~on04 doc NOTIFICACION DE ELECCII~N GENERAL A LOS VOTANTES REGISTRADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, Y EL DISTRITO INDEPENDIENTE ESCOLAR DE COLLEGE STATION. Por este medlo de notlflca que los slgmentes Lugares Electorales estar~in ablertos desde las 7'00 a m hasta las 7'00 p.m. el Sfibado. 15 de Mayo. 2004 para votac~6n en una eleccl6n general para eleglr al Alcalde. a los Consejeros Mt, n,clpales Lugares 2, 4 y 6. y los Lugares 3, 4 y 5 de La Junta Directlva del Distnto Escolar lndependlente de College Station UBICACION DE LUGARES ELECTORALES: Precmto Mumclpal Preclnto CSISD 8 8 02A. 82 9 9 10A, 10B. 34 10A. 10B, 34 20.21 20,21 24 24 68 28B, 68 31 31 32 32 Lugar de Votac~6n D,stnto Especial de Servlcios de Agua de Wellborn 4118 Greens Prame Road Escuela Pnmana South Knoll 1220 Boswell Centro de Conferencms College Station 1300 George Bush Drive Edlflc~o Mumc,pal de College Station 1101 Texas Avenue Centre Conmemorat~vo Esmdlantfl Umversldad de Texas A&M Escuela Pnmana de College Hills 1101 Wdhams Centre Comumtano de Peach Creek Peach Creek Road Escuela Secundarm A&M Consolidated 1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South Bibhoteca Pfibhca de College Station 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South 33.72, 74 29, 33, 62, Centro Lincoln 64, 72.74 1000 Eleanor Not~ficac~6n de Elecci6n General 2004 2 Precmto Mumclpal Prec~nto CSISD 02C, 35A, 35B 02C, 35A, 35B 02B. 39 02B, 39 40 40 41 41,28A 8O 8O Lugar Electoral Ed~ficm Admra~strauvo de College Statmn 1812 Welsh Escuela Pnmana de Rock Prame 3400 Welsh Iglesm Metod~sta Aldersgate 2201 Earl Rudder Freeway South Escuela Pnmana de Pebble Creek 200 Parkv~ew £scuela Intermedm de Cypress Grove 900 Graham Road La votac~6n ant~c~pada se Ilevara a cabo por presenc~a personal y por correo. El penodo para votac~6n ant~c~pada ser~ del 28 de Abnl, 2004 al I 1 de Mayo, 2004 Las sohotudes para las boletas pot correo estaran d~spombles al pfibhco comenzando el 16 de Matzo, 2004 y el filumo dia para que la Secretana Mumc~pal rec~ba las sohc~tudes por correo es el 7 de Mayo, 2004 La Secretana de Votac~6n Anuc~pada para d~cha elecc~6n sera la Secretarm Mumc~pal. Ella des~gnarfi empleados mumc~pales y as~stencm de otros md.viduos de la comumdad cahficados como d~putados de votac~6n anuc~pada para as~sttrla en los lugares de votac~6n anuc~pada La As~stente Ejecut~va al Supenntendente del D~stnto Escolar de College Station serv~r:~ como Secretana D~putada de Votao6n Antic~pada de d~cha elecc~6n. El lugar pnnc~pal para votac~6n antic~pada en persona ser-~ el Sal6n de Entrenam~ento del Edtfioo Mumc~pal, I101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas Dos lugares ad~cionales de votac~6n anuc~pada ser~n des~gnados para estas elecoones. Sede Pnnctpal para Votac~6n Anuc~pada 1101 Texas Avenue 8:00 am. a 5 00 p.m (L-VI Ed~fic~o Mumopal de College Station Sucursal' Ed~fic~o Admlmstrat~vo del D~smto Escolar de College Station 1812 Welsh 8'00 a.m a 5.00 p.m. Sucursal- Centro Comerc~al "Post Oak Mall" 1500 Harvey Road Not~fica¢~6n de Eleccl6n General 2004 3 12 00 del med;odia a 9'00 p.m IL-VI Solicitudes para bolelas electorales por correo uenen que ser reclbldas a m/~s tardar las 5'00 p m del 7 de Mayo, 2004 en la oficma de Connie Hooks, Secretana de Votacl6n Antlclpada P O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 OTORGADO Y APROBADO este26 dia deFebrero , 2004. APROBADO ATESTIGUADO' Connie Hooks, Secretandl~umclpal Resoluc~6n No. 2-26-2004- I 1.8 Page 7 PARTE 16 Que esta resolucl6n en conjunto tomarfi efecto de mmedmto durante y despu~s de su aprobac~6n ADOPTADO pot la Junta D~rect~va del D~str~to Escolar Independ~ente de College Station, este dia 17 de Febrero. 2004 DISTRITO ESCOLAR INDEPENDIENTE DE COLLEGE STATION MARK CHALOUPKA. Pres~aente del Consejo MARY BROUSSARD, Secretana del Consejo