HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1946 - Regular Minutes - City Council MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING July 18, 1946 Members present: Mayor Langford, Councilmen Orr, Brown, Ames, Harrington, Wilcox and Crawford, City Manager Vaughn and City Secretary McGinnis. Visitors present: Aden Magee, Coulter Hoppess, Erwin Smith, Daniel Russell, H. E. Burgess and L. G. Berryman. Messrs. Hoppess and Smith presented to the Council a proposed schedule of bus schedules and routes throughout the city. It was agreed that their proposal would be accepted tentatively and would be maintained long enough for a fair trial. The Mayor reported that thirteen replies had been received relative to the zoning of the property of J. H. Binney, that nine of the replies were unfavorable, and that four had no objection. On motion of Councilman Orr, seconded by Councilman Ames, the petition of Dr. Binney was disapproved by unanimous vote. The Council accepted the resignation of E. D. Parnell as Chairman of the Board of Equalization and appointed in his place Lloyd G. Berryman. Messrs. Burgess and Russell raised certain questions as to extension of sewer lines in West Park. No definite action was taken pending further study of the problem. The Council accepted the recommendation of the Zoning Commission for certain changes in the Zoning Ordinance, but voted unanimously to reduce the requirements of 15,000 square feetper familyunit to 7,500 square feet. With this change q recorded, the Council passed Ordinance No. 90 to the first reading. Ordinance No. 91 relating to the regulation of subdivision was passed to first reading. Councilman Orr was authorized by the Council to discuss with Dr. F. B. Clark the question of extension of services to Southeast College Park. The Mayor and City Manager were authorized to borrow 436,0O0.00,from the source that would offer the most advantageous proposition, for payment of current obligations. The Council authorized the transfer of the City' s banking business to the College Station State Bank. A letter of appreciation was read from former City Manager Lloyd D. Smith. AM' ED: APPROVED: Mayor 0°b X /-0--Q--7 ' I • City Secretary gr 001,93