HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/24/1941 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilS7 Meeting of the pity Council, Thursday, July 24, 1941. Members present: Mayo► Anderson, Aldermen Orr, Langford, Lip- scomb, and Munson. Mr. Breland and Mr. Legatski presented the collections which. they had made for street improvement in College Hills Lstates to the city. The Council agreed to purchase 4000 feet of sewer tile, to be used in new connections with the city. Y• f Alt/ a5r°r 00094 !-10. A:.j ORDnrAN.J::: VAI:Amlf} J-e?l'ATIJ S'l'~G~'l'S ItJro AJ...LEY':IAYS AS ;~;U0Wn n:; lW~ Pl..A.fJ OF JOLT..~I'}'S PARK IN '1W~ J!7Y u? JOLU'DE STA'l'IOH, TEXAS, 'l.E'JOTIDID DJ VOLtr!.~ )8, PAGE 602-o~ :'-'1 THE D-:m:D RroDRDS OF BRAZOS CntiNTY, TSXAS, TIT: a!-iAWlliS Dl ;jAID S'l."'r13ETS IUm ALJ~F<:Y'NAYS BEDm A..n)RDnn 'l'O PLAT OF A ~lESTmDm~}lmJ OF A ;lORTIOH OF JOLLl'nE PARK mfI.Y l{ECORDED nl VOIIWF.: 107, PAGE 1!;J.. OF l'HB D?5!i:D rm;::;QRllS .)F BRAZOS COlnlrr.. ~S. Be it ordained by the Gity Oouncil of the City of ~olle~e ~tationJ Texas, Pursuant to a request tiled wit:, the Oity ,:;Ounci1 of the Jit~~ of College Station" TEDaS" that '\:.hat portion or Heretord 3treet running South-west from ;feloh \venue to 1~:ontels..ir Avenue, 1~ between Blooks 'X'h1rteen (1)}, Fburteen (II.&.) am Blooks Ftrteen (1')), Sisteen (10) and Seventeen (17), also that portion of Fairview Avenue along the North-ea.st, South-east, and South-west sides or Blook Sixteen (16)" also all of a street designated as Chruoh Street bogiMing on Fairview ~venue and running in a Northeasterly dlreotion between BlookB Seventeen (17) ~ 1'w8nty-tour '21~), togeGher with thp. alleyway exten.d1ng t.rom Hereford Street to Hontclair Avenue whioh intersects Block llineteen (19), 11esH.a10~ the South-east side at Block ~ghteen (18), and intersects 'Uocks Stmmteer1 (17) and Fifteen (115), also the alleyway extending in a ~:louth1resterly direotion f'ro1D ,1eleh Avenue to ~~ntolair ~venue which inters eats BlockS Thirteen (13) and libur1ieen (14), all of which streets and alleys were aooordinll; to the plat of ~lle~e Park, :;ity of ~olle~e Station, Bruos Oounty, rema, of record in Volume )8, Pa~e 602-05" of the Deed Records of BrallOB CountYI Te:sas, be vacated in ac~ordanoe with p~rticle 1016) Rervised Ginl Statute8J said ohanl(es in the streets 3.11d alleys of the :>outh portion ot Jolle~ Parle ~ aooording to Plan ot a !teaubd1vision of a portion ot Jollege i'ark, duly r+1OOrted in Volur.le 107 J pa~ 1:;1." of the Deed R.ecords ot Jrazos Jountv, Texas. fassod and a.pproved by the City Jouncil of the <Jity ot Colle~e Station, fexas the 2'th da:,r of truly, 19h1. tb-i A (~~ - ~la:yor Approved: 'V I" , Secretary to the 01 ty Jouncil of the u1~y or GOll8Rfi ~tat1oD, 'l'aaal do hereby ~ty 1ihat 'the abaft and fONP.OinP. 18 a t1"11e and correot copy ot om.. passed by the J1 ty- .Jounoil of said 01 t;y of Jollege Sta t1on., r~1 at a reRUlar meet1na of said Couno1l on the ~ d.a7 ot Jul7# 1941., of ;'eaord in Volume J .. Page q 7 , of the l.finute8 of 1ihe 01 t,. ~uncil ot Jollege stII!Dn, rca~ J \ I , . ...: , r , /xi~ J ., (..0 ~', ~~ -- f U)(JS5 J