HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/1940 - Regular Minutes - City Council 7 , MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, THURRSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1940. ( ) A regular meeting of the City Council was held in the City Of£ic on Thursday, December 12, at 7 P.M. , with Mayor Anderson, Alderm= Langford, Wilcox, Munson, City Engineer hollow, and City Sanitat Engineer Steel present. 1 Mr. Antony met with the Council, and it was agreed to issue the City Warrants to the College Hills Estates; College Hills to pay the bills, and send the receipts to the city. Mr. Heinle presented a platt of his property, which adjoins West Park Addition. A motion was made by Mr. Wilcox, seconded by Mr. Munson, that the platt, when approved by the City Plan Commissio , be accepted. A motion was made by Mr. LangeOrd, seconded by Mr. Munson, to approved the Ordinance, as prepared by Mr. Steel, For " Regulati g All Property Owners to Connect With Sewers". Motion was made by Mnl. Langford, seconded by Mr. Wilcox, Authori - ing the Mayor to employ E. W. Haug, at a salary of. $ 75.00 per month, beginning December 15, 1940, and sunning until July 1, 1941. Motion was made by Mr. Wilcox, seconded by Mr. Munson, to give Mr. Brown one-hall' of the amount of the Plumbing Inspection fees and that this be retroactive from the tiraethhese inspections began. Motion carried. A letter was read to the Council from Mr. Carlin. It was agreed that the city is to write letters to the Masonic Lodge and to Mrs. Waldrop, asking their cooperation in the discontinuance of trash dumping on their vacant lots. The Council agreed to pay for cleaning these lots. A motinn was made by Mr. Langford., seconded by Mr. Munson, autho, - izing the Mayor to buy a second truck for the city. Motion Jcarried. The matter of issuing $ 7500 of City Yattants was soncluded; salt warrants having been issued to pay off the indebtedness incurred by the contract with College Hills Estates Company, dated Decm- be'r 12, 1940. -- 7s7L64A4 2g-621/(-14-.1-j4r,---- Mayor ) aa_ City Secrets 00081