HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/06/1939 - Regular Minutes - City Council Minutes of Meeting of the City Council on July 6 , 193D A regular meeting of the City Council was held in the City Office on July 6, 1939 , at 7: 30 P.M. with Mayor Binney presiding and Aldermen Gabbard , Wilcox and Lip- scomb present . Reports were made by City Engineer McNew, Marshall Hopper and City Attorney Barger on various matters. Mayor Binney submitted his resignation as Recorder of the Corporation Court. It was moved by Wilcox and seconded by Gabbard that the resignation be adlepted . Motion was carried. The mayor then appointed Charles J. Gorzycki as Recorder. Upon Motion by Gabbard , .second- ( ) ed by Wilcox, the appointment was a-�nroved by the Council. A petition was submitted by a group asking that the Council exclude them from the boundaries of the City. Upon motion by Wilcox, seconded by Gabbard , the petition was refused. It was moved by Wilcox and seconded by Gabb : rd that the Marshall he authorized to employ students as dep- uty marshalls for temporary traffic duty at a total expenditure not to exceed .,:50.00: and that the Marshall slao be directed to nut ur appropriate traffic signs where needed , and to select end desi{-nate narking laces for ) taxis. Motion carried . The general -rovisions of a nronoscd sewer franchise for the utility agencies of the city were outlined by the City Attorney. Upon motion by Wilcox, seconded by Gabbard , the mayor wes authorized by ordinance to sign a sewer franchise embodying these provisions. Ordin- ance No 21. The Mayor with the approval of the Council set July 20 , 1939 as the date for the hearing on the applications for franchises of the Telephone and Gas Companies. Trnon motion by Tinscomb , seconded by Wilcox, Ordin ance No.22 was passed , nrovidinm for the creation of a City Zoning Commission. The Mayor appoi ted E. W. Steele Chairman and Earnest Langford , Wendell Horsley, Buy Boyett and V,M, Faires as members. Upon motion by seconded by Wilcox, the appointments =mere approved by the Council. Upon motion by Lipscomb , seconded by Gabbard , or- dinance no 23 was passed authorizing the Mayor to entter U into an agreement with Brazos County for the custody of City prisoners in the County Jail. U 0 022 1 Upon motions by '',`ilcox, sedonded by Lipscomb or•di ,ance No. 24 repealing Ordinance No . 8 reletinrn to an arson r. ew_rd of e25 was passed , and Ordinance "No . 2 nrovidinm for an arson reward of el00 was nacsed. (. Upon motion by Gabbard , seconded by 'Vilcox, Ordinance 1 . No. 26 prescribing the duties of the City Fire 1.tershs ] l ,ras passed. Upon Motion by Wilcox, seconded by Lipscomb , Resolution No requesting t _e Ctete Tailway Commission to take concurrent original jurisdiction in city peas rates was. passed. Upon motion by Iiascomb , seconded by rabberd , an order creating a. committee to make a comprehensive study of the public utility problems of the City was passed . The Mayor a. -pointed Y. C. Hughes , J. T. L. IcNew, and 7. '"'. Steele s members. Upon motion by Tinscornb , seconded by Csbberd , Ordinance ^'o . 27 , providing for licensing taxicabs was passed . Mayor "F cre ary by acting 7eputy ) 00023