HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-1790 - Ordinance - 12/08/1988ORDINANCE NO. 1790 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 6, SECTION 1B(4), OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PERTAINING TO ADDRESSES AND THE NUMBERING THEREOF BY ADDING A SUBSECTION (e). BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA- TION, TEXAS, that: I. Chapter 6, Section 1B(4) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended by adding a subsection (e) to read as follows: "(e) 603.17.1 Owner or Occupant to Number Building The owner or occupant of each building, whether new or ex- isting, shall place and maintain a number as designated by the Building Official in a conspicuous place on the prem- ises as defined in here. 603.17.2 Certificate of Occupant, Requisite For For new construction, the number must be placed in a con- spicuous place on the premises before a Certificate of Oc- cupancy will be issued by the Building Official. 603.17.3 Definition of Conspicuous Place A conspicuous place on the premises shall mean visible from the street the building fronts on. 603.17.4 Accessory Structures This ordinance shall not apply to accessory structures. 603.17.5 Official Numbering; Plan Must be Followed Each property within the City of College Station city limits must be numbered in compliance with this ordinance. The Building Official shall designate the official number which is to be located on the premises. Each structure on the premises which is not an accessory structure shall al- so be numbered in a conspicuous manner. A person may re- quest an official number designation by submitting a legal description of the property to the Building Official. 005440 603.17.6 Specifications for Numbers An official building number placed pursuant to this ordi- nance must be at least four inches (4") high, have at least one-half (1/2") stroke in the main body of the num- ber, be composed of a durable material and of a color which provides a contrast to the background. The number shall be mounted a minimum of thirty-six inches (36") and a maximum of thirty feet (301) in height measured from ground level. Buildings located more than fifty feet (501) from the curb of a street shall have numbers at least five inches (5") in height. For the purpose of this ordinance, durable materials for use in numbering shall include but not be limited to wood, plastic, metal, weather -resistant paint, weather -resistant vinyl, or weather -resistant numbers designed for outside use on a glass surface. For single family residences, this re- quirement of this section may be met by providing two inch (2") high numbers on both sides of a U.S. mailbox located near the curb in front of the house, or a freestanding structure with numbers at least four inches (4") in height. 603.17.7 Numbering Within Building Complexes; Numbering Rear Accesses A building complex composed of multiple structures shall have an official number assigned to each building as well as a street number. Each unit within each building must also be assigned an official number. If there is suffi- cient street frontage, each unit or building may be as- signed a separate official street address number. The of- ficial number of each structure must be prominently posted on the building so that it is visible from the nearest public street. Each number designed by the Building Offi- cial must be prominently posted on the building so that it is visible from the nearest public street. Each number designated by the Building Official for each individual unit must be conspicuously posted on the unit. Commercial buildings shall also display the business name and desig- nated address on each outside door. Residential struc- tures which provide for rear vehicular access from a dedi- cated public alley shall conspicuously post the designated number so that it is visible to the alley. 603.17.8 Directional Signs Within Building Complexes In building complexes consisting of multiple structures, and those multiple structures have more than one entrance, each official building number must be clearly conspicuous from a public street. In the event that a building number - 2 - n05441 for a structure is not conspicuous from a public street, directional signs shall be posted at each entrance to the complex directing persons to buildings and sub -units of buildings closest to that entrance. In a building complex where there is only one entrance, the sign shall indicate the direction of all buildings in the complex. Complexes in which individual units have individual address numbers shall not have to comply with this section. Directional signs shall indicate the direciton by arrow and list the buildings and sub -units by number. Each number must be legible from the public street and must be painted with a color or made of a material which contrasts to the back- ground. For the purpose of this section, an entrance to a complex shall be considered a point at which there is a street curb -cut, which curb -cut provides vehicular access into the complex. The numbers on the signs required by this section shall meet the requirements of Section 603.17.6, except that numbers indicating individual sub -units shall be at least two inches (2") in height. The requirements for direc- tional signs for complexes constructed prior to November 1, 1988 shall be waived provided the requirements of 603.17.9 are met. 603.17.9 Diagrams of Mall Areas The owner of a building complex which contains an enclosed shopping mall shall submit to the Building Official four (4) multiple copies of diagrams acceptable to the Building Official of the entire complex, indicating the location and number of each business. When a change in a business name or location is made, the owner shall so advise the Building Official in writing of the change. 603.17.10 Numbering of Electrical Meter Cans The City of College Station shall number electrical meter cans with applicable unit addresses. It shall be a vio- lation of this ordinance for any individual to obliterate or otherwise deface any meter can such that the number is not legible. 603.17.11 Responsibility to Maintain It shall be the responsibility of the person in charge of premises to maintain all numbers required under the provi- sions of this ordinance. - 3 - n05442 603.17.12 Penalty Any person failing or refusing to put the proper number on premises, a building or sub -unit, or placing the wrong number thereon, or failing or refusing to comply with any other requirement of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a Class C misdemeanor for which punishment shall be no less than Twenty Dollars ($20) or no more than Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per day. 603.17.13 Effective Date This ordinance shall become effective when passed. For health, safety and welfare reasons as found by the City of College Station City Council, all pre-existing structures in the City shall be brought into compliance herewith within one (1) year from the effective date hereof." PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this oth day of December , 1988. ATTEST: APPROVED: - 4 - 005443