HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-1738 - Ordinance - 01/28/1988ORDINANCE NO. 1738 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DESTRUCTION OF PAPER RECORDS AND TAPES AFTER THE MICROFILMING AND RETENTION OF THE RECORDS FOR SPECIFIED TIME PERIODS. WHEREAS, the City of College Station Police Department is the custodian of records created in the course of the Police Depart- ment activities and duties; WHEREAS, the City of College Station Police Department has the ability and does regularly microfilm its Police Department re- cords for permanent storage and maintenance; and WHEREAS, the City of College Station Police Department does not have the storage room nor accessibility thereto to utilize all of its paper records and tapes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, that paper records will be kept as follows: RECORD DESCRIPTION ARREST/CRIMINAL HISTORY FILES (ADULT) - Informational file on each adult arrested by municipal police. In addition to a summary card or sheet, may also contain ar- rest reports, copies of offense re- ports, fingerprint cards, rap sheets, correspondence, court or- ders, copies of booking sheets or commitment cards, photographs, and other information pertinent to the arrest, incarceration, and disposi- tion of each adult arrested. RECOMMENDED RETENTION PERIOD a) Files on individuals arrested for Class B or C misdemeanors - 10 years after last contact with the department. b) Files on individuals arrested for Class A mis- demeanors and all felo- nies except murder - 30 years after last contact with the department. c) Files on individuals arrested for murder - 75 years after last contact with the department. d) or, for any category of offense, at the death of the individual, if known. 005210 ARREST/CRIMINAL HISTORY FILES (JU- VENILE) - Same as ARREST/CRIMINAL HISTORY FILES (ADULT) except with reference to juvenile offenders. BOOKING RECORDS (ADULT) - Jail logs, booking sheets, or similar records documenting the incarcera- tion and transfer or release of adult prisoners. BOOKING RECORDS (JUVENILE) - Deten- tion logs, booking sheets, or simi- lar records documenting the deten- tion and transfer or release of ju- venile offenders. OFFENSE RECORDS - Record of crimi- nal offenses investigated, consist- ing of the offense report and those parts of a subsequent case file, such as supplementary offense re- ports, witness statements, latents, interview sheets, tape recordings, results of chemical analyses and polygraph tests, and similar re- ports and documents, which are not made a part of a subsequent AR- REST/CRIMINAL HISTORY FILE. Until court ordered ex- punction or the 25th birthday of the indivi- dual. a) If information is du- plicated in ARREST/CRIMI- NAL HISTORY FILES (ADULT) - 2 years. b) If information is not duplicated in ARREST/CRI- MINAL HISTORY FILES (ADULT) - use retention periods for ASSEST/CRIMI- NAL HISTORY FILES (ADULT) a) If information is du- plicated in ARREST/CRIMI- NAL HISTORY FILES (JUVE- NILE) - 2 years. b) If information is not duplicated in ARREST/CRI- MINAL HISTORY FILES (JU- VENILE) - until court or- dered expunction or the 25the birthday of the in- dividual. a) Solved cases - 10 years after final dispo- sition of the case. b) Unsolved cases - until the statute of limita- tions has run. -2- 005211 INCIDENT REPORTS - Reports concern- 5 years. ing incidents or complaints which, on investigation, were of a non- criminal nature. FIELD INTERROGATION CARDS - Reports 1 year. or cards on persons or vehicles stopped and interrogated by offi- cers in the field because of sus- picious behavior. ACCIDENT RECORDS - Reports and sup- 3 years. porting documentation concerning traffic accidents investigated, in- cluding accident reports, supple- mental accident reports, photo- graphs, correspondence, and related information, that is not made part of a subsequent OFFENSE RECORD. COMMUNICATION LOGS OR TAPES - Logs or recording tapes of incoming and/ 30 days. or outgoing communications, includ- ing radio, telephone, 911 emergency calls, and CAD systems. COMPLAINT CARDS (CALL SHEETS, CALL CARDS, DISPATCH TICKETS) - Records 1 year. that document calls or alarms for service for each crime, distur- bance, or complaint received by the department, and the actions taken by the department in response. COMPLAINT LOGS - Chronological logs 1 year. or printouts derived from complaint cards of all calls for service to which the department has responded. 005212 -3- CRIMINAL HISTORY DISSEMINATION RE- CORDS - Records that document the dissemination of criminal histories and other law enforcement informa- tion to other agencies or criminal information systems. [NOTE.: The retention period is that recom- mended by the Governor's Office of General Counsel and Criminal Jus- tice and the Texas Department of Public Safety.] INQUIRY RECORDS - Logs or similar hard copy records which detail in- quiries entered into TCIC, NCIC, or other law enforcement information networks; or requests made to other agencies involving missing persons, wanted persons, stolen vehicles and other property, etc. TELETYPE FILES - Teletype messages from other agencies or information networks that are not placed in case, criminal analysis, or other scheduled department files. CRIME ANALYSIS FILES - Records cre- ated to anticipate, prevent, or monitor possible criminal activity, including crime patterns, crime analysis, and modus operandi re- ports; information on potential problems; forecasts; movement of known offenders; alerts from other agencies; etc. JAIL RECORDS - Records on each pri- soner confined in municipal jail, maintained on a single card or form, or on separate cards, forms, or logs; which may include informa- tion on prisoner conduct, medical history, property, visitors, phone calls, and similar information, if not placed in ARREST/CRIMINAL HIS- TORY FILES. 3 years. As long as administra- tively valuable. 14 days or after the annual audit, whichever comes later. As long as administra- tively valuable. 2 years. 005213 -4- OFFICER CALL ACTIVITY REPORTS - Reports or logs detailing the daily call response activities of indi- vidual officers. WORK SCHEDULES - Work, shift, or case assignment schedules or ros- ters that show activities, cases, or duties assigned to each offi- cer. [NOTE: Do not confuse this record with TIME AND ATTENDANCE RE- PORTS). 1 year. As long as administra- tively valuable. INTERNAL AFFAIRS CASE FILES - a) Summary record or in - Records relating to internal af- dex card with name of of - fairs investigations of alleged of- facer, charge, and dispo- ficer misconduct, including all sition of the case - PER - records relating to the initiation, MANENT. investigation, and disposition of each case. TRAINING RECORDS (CLASS) - Records and reports relating to group training classes, including group evaluation reports, drill reports, rosters, grade sheets, schedules, and course outlines. [NOTE: Do not confuse with TRAINING RECORDS (INDIVIDUAL). b) Case files - 36 months. 1 year. GENERAL AND OPERATIONAL ORDERS - One copy of each order, Official orders, policy statements, statement, or directive - and directives governing the organ- PERMANENT. ization and operation of the de- partment or the procedures and standards of behavior of its offi- cers. STATISTICAL REPORTS FILES - Statis- tical reports and summaries of crime incidents, accidents, or other law enforcement related ac- tivities, including copies of Uni- form Crime Reports submitted to the Texas Department of Public Safety. -5- a) Monthly reports - as long as administratively valuable. b) Annual reports - PER- MANENT. 005214 IMPOUNDED AND ABANDONED VEHICLE RECORDS - Records relating to the impoundment of motor vehicles or abandonment of motor vehicles as reported by garagekeepers, includ- ing impoundment reports, tow -in slips, notifications by garagekeep- ers, and copies of notifications of impoundment and abandonment sent to owners and lienholders. PROPERTY RECORDS - Reports, cards, logs, or similar records that docu- ment evidential, stolen, or recov- ered property held by the depart- ment, including records relating to the release of returned or re- claimed property. 3 years. 3 years after return or disposal of property. PROPERTY SALE RECORDS - Lists, no- tices, letters of inquiry, property 3 years after sale of tags, receipts, and similar records property. concerninng the sale or auction of unclaimed or impounded property. PAWN SHOP TICKETS - Duplicates of pawn shop tickets prepared by pawn shop personnel. ALARM PERMIT RECORDS - Copies of permits, inspection reports, false alarm reports, and similar records relating to burglary and robbery alarm systems. TAXICAB INSPECTION FILES - Records relating to the inspection and li- censing of taxicabs. WRECKER PERMITS - Copies of per- mits, inspection reports, evalua- tion reports, and similar records pertaining to wrecker services regulated by or contracted for by a municipality. As long as administra- tively valuable. 2 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial of the permit. 2 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial of the permit or license. C-M n05215 WRECKER SERVICE RECORDS - Logbooks or similar records which document 1 year. the dispatch and/or towing -in of vehicles by wrecker services as the result of accident or impoundment. However, no paper records of offenses, incidents and arrests will be destroyed under this ordinance prior to the record having been micro- filmed for permanent storage and maintenance. PASSED and APPROVED this 28th day of January 1 1988. ATTEST: Dian Done , City Secretary APPROVED: 6 - 7 - 005216