HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-1836 - Ordinance - 01/11/1990ORDINANCE NO. 18 3 6 AN OP, DINANCE REZONING A 12.2691 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, LYING ~aN'D BEING SITUATED IN THE CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7, COLLEGE STATION, BRAzos count. sx s. "SING P TICUn Y nEscmED BY METES "OUNDS IN "OD OF OEDINANCE mOM n S CT .t~ ~u~ 'rI~A~;T LlqNG ~ ~G S~UA~ ~ ~ C~ BU~T L~GUE, A-7, COLLEGE STATION, B~OS COUP, ~, ~ B~G MO~ P~C~Y DESC~ ~ ~TES ~ BO~S ~ T~ BO~ OF T~ O~CE ~OM D~CT R-6 ~~ B~D~GS~GH D~ ~ D~T~CT C-1 G~ CO~C~. BE IT ORDAII~ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, Janua-w I1, 1990 on the question of rezoning certain areas within the City Limits: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has detern~ed the foilow~g: To rezone or change the classification of the following land: Tract No. 1: . , cs uoumy, Texas, and nemg a part of the 114 I~ acm tract conveyed to Felix Eapchinside by W~flh,u Ealx:lusside (lVlJspelled Kopchiuski) and wife by deed dated December 6, 1923, and recto, tied ht Volume 62 Page 422 ~ Recto'ds of Brazcs County, Texas, and being ftuther BE(3INNING in the Southwest line of Texas Avenue (Business 6) and also being the Southeast line of Ho]leman Drive at a cyclone feace comer for the No~h comer of this tract; THENCE S 46 degrees 22'83' B a distance of 1132.43 feet along the Northeast line of this tract and also being the Southwest line of said Texas Avenue to a 3/8' in:m rod found at the east comer of a 20.00 acm tract conveyed from R. C, eorge Molina Tnmtee, to College Park A~socintee by Deed reccm:led on Volume 908, Page ~68 of the Deed Records of Brazo~ County, Texas, and at the North corner of Parkway Plaza, Phase 8 far the East comer of tlds tract; THENCE S 48 degrees 26'44' W, a distance of 446.43 feet aloag the Southeast line of this tract and also being the Southeast line of ~,fl 20.00 acre tract and the Northwest line of said Parkway Plaza to a l' tron pipe found for the South comer of tl~ tract; TI'~NCE N 47 degrees 16'46" W a d~tance of 993.26 feet along the Southwest line of this tract to a S/8' ~ron rod set for an angle point; THENCE N 2~. deg~es 18'49' W a dJstunce of ~80 39 feet along the Southwest line of this tract to a ~' p~pe found on the N'onhwust line of said 20.00 acm tract and the Southeast line of said Holleman Drive for the West comer of tlus tract; THENCE N 67 degrees 38'43' E a d~stance of 378.9~. feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 19. ~691 acres of land as surveyed on the ground under the superv~ion of Dante Cerlontango, from R-I Single Family Residentml to C-1 ~,eneral Commercial. o 5799 Tract No. 9.: All that certain tract ~ parcel of land, lying and being situated in Brasas County, T,~r~-. out of the Crawfo~d Burnett League, A-7 in the City of College Station, and being a part of a 20.00 acm tract cmiveyed from R. C-eorge Mollna ?rustee, to College Park Associat,M by Deed recorded on Volume 508, Page 765 of the D-~.~ Records of Braac8 County, Texas, and being more particularly dsacribed as BEG"INNI.~G: in the Soutb,~-t line of Holleman Drive and also being in the Noflhwsat line of the said 20.00 acre tract a 2' pipe found for the North comer of ~ tract; THENCE S ft3 degrees 19.49. E, a distance of 280.39 feet along the Southwest line of this tract to a 2" pipe found on the Northwest line of said 20.00 acre tract and the Southeast line of said Holleman Drive for the West comer of tins tract; THENCE S 47 degrees 16'46" E a distance of 993.26 feet along the Southwsat line of this tract to a 5/8' Lmn rod set for an angle point; THENCE S 48 degrees 44'33' W a distance of 9.34.45 feet along the exterior South,~t line of this tract and also being the Northwest line of saki Parkway Plaza to a 5/8' in:m rod sat for the racet Easterly exterior South comer of this tract; THENCE N 36 degrees 03'19. W a distance of 603.00 feet along the interior Southwe~st line of this tract to a 5/8' iron rod sat for the interior South corner of th,,, tract; THENCE N 81 degrees 03'19. W a distance of 28.28 feet along said interior Southwest line of this tract to a 5/8' iron rod set for an interior corner of fids tract; THENCE S 53 degr:-:~ 56'44' W a distance of 180.00 feet along the interior Southeast line of this tract to a 5/8' non rod sat for the moot Westerly exterior South corner of this tract; THENCE N' 30 degrees 03'16' W a distance of 355.18 feet to a 5/8' iron rod sat fro' an anGrle point; THENCE N 22 degrees 18'49' W a dhtance of 347.97 feet to a 5/8' iron rod sat on the Southeast line of Holleman Drive and the Northwest line of said 20.00 acre tract for the West corner of this tract; THENCE N 67 degreex 55'16' E a distance of 200.00 feet along the Northwsat line of this tract and the Northwest line of said 20.00 acre tract and the Southeast line of ~al,~ Holleman Drive to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 5.9789 acres of Land as surveyed on the ground under the dffect and personal supen,,hton of Dante Cerlomangno, fram R-6 ~'tment Bm'ldings/H~h Density to C-I General Commercial. And, it is ordained that said changes shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this llth day of January, 1990. APPROVED: ATTEST: ~ity Secre~-~, Dian Jones r .- ,: RO0 Ordinance No. Page 2