HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1927 - Ordinance - 11/20/1991ORDINANCE NO. 1 9 2 7 AN ORDINANCE REZONING A 1.148 ACRE TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PART OF THE RICHARD CARTER SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 8, COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING Al.t. THAT SAME I.$0 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED FROM EXXON CORPORATION, TO BERT WHEELER'S INC.~ AS DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLI~IE 391, PAGE 864, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM C-I GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO C-B BUS[NESS COMMERCIAL. RE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the Oly Council held s public hearing in the City hall Council Chambera at 4.00 P.M on Thursday, November 20, 1991, on Ibc question of rezomng certain areas within the City hnols: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classlficalion of a 1.148 tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m Bmzos County, Texas, being a part of the Rrehard Carter Survey, Abslract No. 8, College Stallon, Brazos County, Texas, and being all that same I.$0 acre tract conveyed from a deed recorded in Volume 391, Page ~4 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, from C-1 General Commercial to C-B Business Commercial. More parhcularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete nght-of-way monumnel found marking Ibc southeasl conter of said Iract and lying an Ibc northwest right-of-way lane of Texas Fatal-to-Market Highway 60. commonly known as Umveralty Drive, and having State Plane Coordmate~s of x = 3,264,456 23289. y = 376,662.38041. THENCE S 51° 12'09" W for a distance of 150 00 with said nghl-of-way hne lo a 1' diameter Iron rod set for coraer, and being also a coraer of that same 9.84 acre Iracl conveyed from Umver~ily Drive Venture, lo C.S I Associates, as described by deed recorded an VOLUME 618, PAGE 459 of the Officml Records of Brazos Comity, Texas A concrete right-of-way monunlent bears S 50o12.09. W al a dlslance of 25.12 feet. THENCE N 38°47'53" W for a distance of 235 00 leel wilh the line of said 1.15 acre Imcl and said 9.84 acre tract to a 1" dmmeter iron rod set for corset. THENCE N 51°21'21" E fora dlslance of 227.86 feet walh the line ofsald 1.15 acre tracl and said 9 84 acre tract to a 1' dlanleler iron rod act for coraer, and lying an the southwest right-of-way lane of Texas Slale Highway No § East Bypass. THENCE S 20o58'33- E for a distance of 9.87 feet with said right-of-way line to a 1" diameter iron rod se1 for angle poin! in said right-of-way lane THENCE S 38°49'27" E for a distance of 150.42 feet with said right-of-way line to a I" dmmeter iron rod set for corset, and being the mler~ectmn of said East Bypass right-of-way line ami sa~d University Drive right-of-way line. THENCE S 06°19'39' W for a dlslance of 105.70 feet w~th said Umveralty Drwe right-of-way lane Io Ihe PLACE ~r]~"'O~/NING. and conlaimng I. 148 acres (50,000 square feet) of land, more or less AND, at as ordaraed Ihs! said change shall become effeclwe immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 20lb day of November, 19ql. APPROVED: C'~ty Secretary, Connie Hook~ 0 FU t q '7 91-102 REZONING 1.14 AC NW Corner of University Dr. & Bypass Bert Wbeeler, Owner R. Carter League Tract 32 "City Initiated" EAST BYPASS C-1 C-1 R-1 I U A-P Z 0 C3 City of College station, Texas CASE NUMBER: 91-102 PLANNING DIVISION TYPE OF CASE: REZONING (C-ltoC-B) 0 FU t q '7