HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1926 - Ordinance - 11/20/1991ORDINANCE NO. 1926 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 8 SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SPECIFICALLY TO ADD A CORRIDOR OVERLAY DISTRICT FOR ENTRANCES TO THE CITY AND MAJOR CORRIDORS WITHIN THE CITY PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL PARKING AND BUILDING SETBACKS, SIGN AND LANDSCAPE RESTRICTIONS. PARKING LOT SCREENING, BUILDING AND SIGN COLOR LIMITATIONS AND SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the Ci~ of College Station is concerned with issues of Community Appearance and Economic Development; AND WHEREAS, entryways and major corridors within College Station define the City's character and aesthetic appeal and the City Council has determined to enhance these areas; AND WHEREAS, the City Council adopted the University Drive Corridor Report on July 11, 1991, which recommended the use of a Corridor Overlay District to be used to enhance the imagery of key entry points and major corridors in the City; AND WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas. held a iPhUblic hearing in the City Hall at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 20, 1991, on e question of adopting a Corridor Overlay District; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to amend this section; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Amend Section 8 by adding: 8.19 OV CORRIDOR OVI~RLAY DI~fI~CT · alL, Th~ dJ, lttigt ihn!! Ilpp]y tO nil m1~l~.~21]~y. ~mmf,~.(~. ig]d industrial K C. Dm PURPOS~ Thb di~tr/ct b estab,,h-4 to en~2nce t~ ims~r~ of k~y e-U7 po/nt~ ,~sjor cmr/d~, and ot~r am= of concern ~ d~2rm/~d b~ ~ bet~.~n ~hh over]ay dhtr~ and tl~ underly/~ z~e~, the overlay d~tr/ct (R.O.W.). Where par_king h located m the front of the ~ there shMI bea front setback of 20 feet f~om the R.O.W. to the parking arca. BUILDING ABSTHETI~: Building colors ~ha~l b~ harmonious with th~ e~tin~ man-maa~ or natural cnvirn~maut, and only compafibl~ accent coitus · ~U be used. All colors ~A11 be approved by the Project Review Committee t~.~a). ]~evafion draw~n~ and colar sampk~s must be provided by the applicant. a) For eve~ sixty (~0) ~.ct of fxonta~, one water oak ~h-)i be planed with myths .h.. bc planted for ~ ~ (60) f~et of frontage. T'ne crape To promote tree survivnl and ensure eaUper 8rowt~. these plants ~hni! be s.t~. d as nece.mT; ~ofl nmendments shall be pr~.'~.,d for ench p~..t, and drnm%o~- shall be enhnnced. Standnrds shall be submitted ns part of the landsc l plan. b) Landscape points accrued ~n a) will count toward the points required in Section 1L The re~ lnndscape point requirements shnn be 2 X-L I. a) All future f~edor lin~s ~ Uniwnity Drive slmll be installed underground. property li~ ~f an adjacent properS. D~b~t ~hnll t~ ~d. STORAGN~ Outside stora~ or display mh*H b~ sca'celled from the roadway. SCI~R~ftNC~. If pm-king ~s ~n the f~ont of the bui]d;n~ ~t must be screened - an earth berm *h*~ measures tinge (3) feet in he~ht with a slope and profile that is e~j, n~ntninnble OR - a planfin~ strip tlm.t ~s conthnmus and ~.measures thee (3) .f~et in he,bt at the end of-one 8rowing sesame. Vegetation used for screening purposes shall OR - a mn~t~ wan thnt matches the architecturni style and color of the development OR - a ~mnbi~afi~n of an~ ~f tl~ three screening methods mentioned above. Wall~ and plnnt~ng itril~ ~ i:~ located at least two (2) f~et f~nm any So~'P.,onlng must be nmintained dining ~ ~ of the development. Where the street and ti~ adjacent site are at ~r~-rent elevat~m, the P.R.C. may ait~r tho height of thc screenin~ to ensure ad~quato sc~een~g- Dl~np~tors shnH not bo vist"ole from any ILO.W. 3 SPECIAL Im{~-qTRICTION I~)R GASOLINE SBRVICH STATIONS 1. ACTIVITIES P~qTltlC'ImU~: - no major en~r~ency auto repair - no body. fender, or paint work - no sale or rental of vehic~ conducted with{n an endmed bufld{~ 3. ~'ORAGE AND DISPLAY: - no out~kl~ .tora~ or dkplay of - stor~u tank~ mu~ be localsd below - icc and vendin8 machines mint be enclosed in a bufldin8 - no additional adveni~ wit~,{,~ view of the R.O.W. 4. SIGNS: - sisn he~ht ~ be restricte.d, by the provisions of Tabk I but ,h~," liot emceed the he,bt of the bm]din{{ - one detached s{? and two attached si~us will be permitted - no freestandin8 fuel price siBnsse ,hs, be permitted - ~ for air, water.and othcr ,{m,~ar sezvices or products must meet the cz-item for e~mpt alSm 4 This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Stauon. SEVERABILITY: Should any section or provision of this ordinance be declared by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, such deciszon shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this twenueth day of November. 1991. APPROVED: f'/~cT~, ~EST:' ' fj City Secretary, Connie Hooks 5