HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-1902 - Ordinance - 08/08/1991ORDINANCE NO. i902 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 7 SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, OF ORDINANCE NO. 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, SPECIFICALLY TO PROVIDE A GREATER REAR SETBACK WHERE C-2 ABUTS RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, held a public hearing in the City Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 8, 1991, on the question of protecting residential development from detrimental impacts of C-2 uses; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to amend this section; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Amend Section 7 District Use Schedule - Table A to read as worded in Exhibit A (see attached). This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this eighth day of August, 1991. City Secretary, Connie Hooks APPROVED: DJsl Min. ~ot Area/DU DISTRICT USE SCY4~-DULE - TABLE A Lot Min. Lot Min. Fron! Mtn Side Min. Side Min. Rear Ma~. WldLh Depth .Setback Selback St Setback Setback Height RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS A-0 5 acres 50' 20' 15' 35' R- l 5.000 SF 50' I00' 25'(D) 7.5'lC) 15'(1~ 25'(FI 2.5 ato~y/35 R- lA 4.000 SF none none 25'(D) 7 5'(C) 15'(F) 20'iF) 2.5 sin~y/35' R-2 3,500 SF 35'(E) 100' 25'(D) 7.5'(C) ] 5'(F 20'(F) 2 5 stray/35' R-3 2.000 SF 20' 100' 25'{D) {A)(B} 15'(F} 20'{F) 35' R-4 25'{D) {AJ(B) 15' 25'{F) 2.5 sto~/35' R-5 25'{D} {At(B) 15' 20'(F) 45' R-6 Lot area. setbacks, height determined by sile plan mvie~, density above 24 DU/acre determined by City Council R7 PUD See Mobile Home Park Ordinance Sec 7.19 for restrictions. Max. Net DU/AC 8.O 100 120 14 0 16.0 24O C-N Sec. 7 10 24' Sec. 7.10 A-P.C- 1.C-2'.C-3 24' 100' C-NG Sec 7.11 forrestflcUons C-PUD Sec 7.20 for restrictions. COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS 25' {AJ(B} 15' 15' 25' {A)(B) ]5' 15' * When C-2 abuto single family residential, duplex, or townhouoe development or zoning districts. 24' 100' 25' ~ ts' ~ 35' INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS M t 100' 200' 25' {Al(B) 15' 15' M 2 25' {A)(B} 25' A- .A .m~.nlm~m side se/back of 7.5 ~eet la required for each building or group of contiguous buildings [/' of-way~°t umeorCOnstructlOneasement on interior lots is allowed where access to the mar ol' the building is provided on the sl[e or by dedicated ri~ht- ran~lyresidenceordu lex be bud/ wlthin lB feet ofanothe~'l~t[iidi r ~q,,,,.-,.,.~,.~-unmS~mem~ m nocasesna~lasin~le D .~Mlnlmum front sethac~ _nmybe reduced to 15 feet when approved ~racce.ss soro~ded E ~nem~nimura~twidthf~rdupexdwe~tugmaybereducedto3~ft~DUwhen`a~requ~r~d~s~reet rkin · - pa g provided n the rear yard. F - The following restrictions shall apply to accessory buildings, siruciu~ or uses other than garages, carports and llvt uarters for ~f ,a~, i!~ or se .~,.am.s- a m. In.!mum. rear setback of 1-,5 feet is required, and a maximum buildlnd eaves hel-ht of o e__. __.~___~. , ...... ap.p~.y gat-ag andcarpoto amlniraumrearsetbackof2Ofeettsrequlred;andamlntmumslde,Ur,,,.t ~.c.~,,o~,-._~_o~ ~o.~eet ? requ~re~. }or~garagas or carperts that face onto side sireets The followin~ restrictions shall ~u~.~_u~.~ ,~_ o_r~s.~,n2.?ures uses lof ii,rig quarters for farnfly or servants, a minimum rear setba'~k as slated in u~.~ff.~ ~,n .Wmc.n me. ac?. sso~ out .~lr~g or structure is totaled is ~equlred: and a maximum sb'e not to em'seal ~,~---;".C--'2L"--'"-'-;;~ be covered with accessory buiidl , structures or uses p pa nd the ~ property line} ngs DU -~lng UnlL DU/Acre - Dwelling Units per acre in the zone under one ownership excluding streets, parks. Mtn Lot Wid h - Lot Wid h a! front selback line. ZOning Ordinance (~ ~ ~' ! ~' ' Page 7-51 CERTIFICATE FOR ORDINANCE We. the under..~g,ed Mayor and City Secretary of the City of College Station. Texas. (the "City"). hereby certify ,an lollows' 1. Tile City Coun~.ll el tile City (Ihe "Council") convemxl tn speeral ~ession. open to the pubhe, on August 28. 1991. al the meeting place deslguated ra the notice (Ihe "Meeting"). and the roll was called of the aiembers, to wit- Lim'y Ringer. May.r. and Ihe following Councdmember.% Fred Bn'~wn. N.'mcy Crouch. Dick Btrdwull. Vernon Schneider. Jim G.'miner. .'md Lymt Mcllhaney All members of thc Council were present. except Vernon Schneider .thusconsttlullngaquoruai. Whereupon aaiong other busaies.s, the following w`as Iransacted at thc Mcelmg a wrilten ORDINANCE NO 1903 entitled ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY EINANCI~ CONTRACTUAI~ OBLIGATIONS AND OTHER MA'ITbRS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH (the "Ordinance") was duly aitroduced for the consideration of the Council and read tn full. II was then duly aioved by Councflmember Bi rdwe'l 'l and seconded by Councflale~nber McTlhaney that ale Onhnancc be finally passed and adopted; and. after due discusslo,, such motion, c.urymg with ii the adopuon of thc Ordaiancc prevailed and tqm'lcd by thc following vote: AYES 6_= NOES.._=0 ABSTENTIONS.__ 2. A true. full. and correct copy of the Ordinance adopted at the Meeting is atlached to and follows tlus Certificate. the Ordinance has been duly recorded in the Council's inmates of the Meeting. the above and foregoing p.'uagraph ts a true. lull. and con'~t excerpt froai the Council's ail,utes of the Meetaig pertaining to the adoption of the Ordaiance; the persons naaied m the above and foregoaig paragraph am duly chosen, quahfied, and acting officers and members of the Councd as indicated therein' each of the officers and meaiber~ of the Council was duly and suflicieatly noufied olficmlly .md personally, m advance, of lite tlaie, place, andlp~urpose of ti~ Meelmg. and that the Ordinance would be introduced mid considered for adopllOn at the Meelrag and each of such officers and member% consenled, in advance, to the holding of the Meeting for such purpose; and Ihe Meeting was open to the public. ~aid pubhc not,ce of the Inne. place, pttrpose of the Meeting was given, all as requued by Article 6252-17. Veruon's Texas Civil Slalult~.... as amended Connie Hooks Is Ihe duly appointed .'md aclmg City Secretary of the City SIGNED AND SEALED THIS 8/28/91 City Secretary. City of College Slallon. Texas (CITY SEAL) First City. Texas - Houston. N A 1111 Fannm Houston, TX 77002 This is a written requcs! of the Oily of College Station pursuant to Section 4.(13 of the Special Escrow Agree~ncnl deled as of January 30. 1985 (thc "Escrow Agreemcm"). helween thc CJly ol Cullcga Slalron. Texas (the "Qty") and First City National Ba~k of Houston now First City. Texas - Houston, N.A.) (the "Escrow Agent"). Th~ City hereby requests thc Escrow Agcnl to seU. transfer, or otherwise dispose of the Escrowed Securities descnhed in Exh~hll A hereto and apply thc proceeds Iberefmm to purchase d~rect obligations oL or obligations thc principal of and re(crest on whmh are unconthl~onally gaarantccd by. the United Sates of America and which do not permit Ihc redemption thereof al the option of thc obligor as also dcscnhed in Exhibit A. In comphancc with smd Section 4.03. delivered to you to date are the following' 1. A written opinion from a recogmzed fh'm of certified public accoanlanls. Ernst & Young, Om such l~ansact,on will not cause the ,'anonnt of money and securities in the Escrow Fund to be reduced below an amount which will be sufficient, when added to the interest to aacmc thereon, to provide for the payment of principal or redemptmn price and interest on the remaining Refunded Bonds as they become due; 2. Thc unqualified written legal opinion of McOmnis. Lochridga & ICilgo~c, nationally recognized bend counsel, which is acceptable to the City lo thc effect (hal such transaction will not caus~ any of thc Rcfanding Bonds to he an ~arbllrage bond" within the mere(lng of.section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as mended. Respectfully submitted,