HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-3565 - Ordinance - 04/10/2014• • ORDINANCE NO. 20/4-8565 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 12-4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" and in accordance with the Concept Plan shown in Exhibit "B", the Concept Plan Notes listed in Exhibit "C", and as shown graphically in Exhibit "D", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 10th day of April, 2014. ATTEST: ity Secreta APPROVED: APPROVED: MAYOR daiucAt 6L -----7-7z577 ORDINANCE NO. 2D i - 357,5 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: Tract 1: The following 29.869 -acre tract is rezoned from R Rural to PDD Planned Development District: METES AND BOUNDS DESCRJPTtON OF A 29.869 ACRE TRACT CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN 114E CRAWFVRD BURNETT LEActiE, ABSTRACT NO. 7. COLLEGE STATION. BRAZOS COUNTY. TEXAS, SA1D TRACT BEING ALL OF A CALLED 29.175 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO JOHN WHEELER BARGER, TRUSTEE OF THE MABEL M. BARO TRL'ST RECORDED TN VOLUME 7583, PAGE 90 OF ITIE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BE1N AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A INCH IRON ROD FOUND ON THE NORTHEAST LINE OF HOLLEMAN DRIVE S. MARKING THE WEST CORNER OF THE REMAINDER OF A 108.88 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO HEATH PHILLIPS INVESTMENTS, LLC RECORDED IN VOLUME 9627, PAGE 73 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. FOR REFERENCE, A I./2 INCH ERON ROD FOUND ON AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHEAST UNE OF HOLLEMAN DRIVE S. AND THE NORTHWEST UNE OF DEACON DRIVE W. BEARS: S W 02 42" F FOR A DISTANCE Of 41214 FEET (DEE) CALL AND MEASURED. 9627/73) AND THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (IPS MONUMENT NO. 117 BEARS: S 49" 44' 44' E FOR A DISTANCE OF 3(134.14 FEET; THENCE: N 22" 02' 42" W ALONG THE NORTHEAST LINE OF HOLLEMAN DRIVE S. FOR A DISTANCE OF 433 24 EFF.T {DEED CALL: N tro oo" W 440.00 FEET. 7583/90) TO A I/2 INCTI IRON ROD sp:T MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLED 1,969 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BILLY W. SPARKMAN AND NELLIE SPARKMAN RECORDED IN VOLUME 3381. PAGE 255 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. FOR REFERENCE, A FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING 111E WEST CORNER OF SAID 1.969 ACRE TRACT BEARS N 21' 58' 34" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 220.45 FEU; THENCE: N 42° or Jr E., AT 703.04 FEET PASS A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE EAST CORNER OF A CALLED 1.048 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED BY A DEED TO BILLY W. SPARKMAN AND NELLIE SPARKMAN RECORDED IN VOLUME 3284. PAGE 216 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS AND THE SOUTH COMER OF LOT 10, GERMAN ACRES ACCORDLNG TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2393. PAGE 91 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS. CONTINUE ON ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID GERMAN ACRES. AT 2114.49 FEET PASS A 1"2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING ITIE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 3 AND 4 OF SAID 1 ORE PARTICULARLY F LURED BY METE. AND BOUNDS • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 2D/4 - 3525 Page 3 EXHIBIT "A" (continued) GERMAN ACRES, AT 2591.93 FEET PASS A 112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE EAST COMM. OF LOT 1 OF SAID GERMAN ACRES AND THE SOUTH CORNER OF A CALLF..D 3.475 ACRE TRACT OF LAND AS DESCRIBED AS TRACT 3 BY A DEED TO CIRCLE H INVESTMENTS, LLC RECORDED IN VOLUME 11239, PAGE 219 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS O1 BRAZOS COLNTY. TEXAS, CONTINUE ON ALONG THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF SAID 3.475 ACRE TRACT FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 321951 FEET (DEED CALL: N 45° OW 0(" E- 3221,00 FEET, 7583/90) TO A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD SET ON THE SOUTHWEST LINE OF 0E13 WELLBORN ROAD MARKING THE EAST CORNER OF SAID 3.475 ACRE TRACT. FOR REFERENCE, A SANITARY SEWER CLEAN OUT FOUND BEARS: N 80° 13 43" W FOR A DISTANCE OF 0,81 FEET. THENCE: S 47° 04' 17* E ALONG niE SOUTHWEST LINE OF OLD WELLBORN ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 395/5 FEET (DEED CALL 5 41° 45' 00° E - 395,00 FEET, 7583190) TO A 6 INCH FENCE CORNER POST FOUND MARKING THE NORIII CORNER OF SAID REMAINDER OF 108.88 ACRE TRACT. FOR REFERENCE, A 1/2 INCH IRON ROD FOUND MARKING THE EAST CORNER OF SAID 108.88 ACRE TRACT BEARS: S ar 04' 17" E FOR A DISTANCE OF 1867.58 FEET (DE.ED CALL AND MEASURED, 9627/73); THENCE: S 42° 14' 17* W ALONG THE NORTHWEST LINE OF SAID REMAINDER OF 108.88 ACRE TRACT AND THE BARRACKS 11 SUBDIVISION PHASE 100 ACCORDING TO ME PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 10570, PAGE 293 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FOR A DISTANCE OF 3402.74 FEET (IXID CALL AND MEASURED, 9627/73XDEED CALL: S 45' 00' 0(" W 3270.00 FEET. 7583/90) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 29.869 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, AS SURVEYED ON THE GROUND SEPTEMBER, 2013. SEE PLAT PREPARED SEPTEMBER, 2013 FOR MORE DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION BEARING SYSTEM SHOWN HEREIN IS BASED ON GRID NORTH AS ESTABLISHED By UPS OBSERVATION. BRAD KFRR REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR No. 4502 C iWORK/MABel 3447 REVISED 09-18-13 • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 02D/4 -3565 Page 4 EXHIBIT "A" (continued) Tract 2: The following property is rezoned from PDD Planned Development District to PDD Planned Development District to revise the Concept Plan and associated uses and standards: Barracks II Subdivision Phase 100 Lot 1A, Block 1 (3.822 acres) and a 54.987 -tract that includes Barracks II Subdivision Phase 102 and Barracks II Subdivision Phase 300 Lot 1, Block 28 as described as follows: METES AND ROUNDS Di:sou/mix% OP A (4 .let ACRE TRACT CRAW i(11313 I ttRNE TT LEA4'Ui, A-7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAVA C"OUJNil. TEXAS INI S IONu ALL MAT CERTAXNTRACT OE1.AND LYINVAM) SF21Xls1TUAT CRAWFORD COLLEGE S'tAi($1, BPAZCP4 CO UN11`. TEXAS 9A1U TRACT WINO A PORTION of THE CA1 I } itlll (1 l.t TRACT AS LITSLItllki.ii NT A IX. U 30 I E, Arlf F'f BURS D VES TW7 T', a d , ItEce trrn VUJ;,: 2', IACAt T} CIF lAL rift RJR('t^1Rfl r* 1iitA2rA t t k' .I'Y. TEXO, AND ALL OFflitl ItAXXAt Xs 3 R,RvisIrtN, 3114%303n ALxF'x.TODIE PLAT RPO ED1'4VC4.0 I;(- ,i`Atlk:Nil(*113E4WFI(1ALP.IFk,1CWA:tp:Ai, maws CtJN'1'1', 11 -As 1AM11tA+" IJttl:(1MIAPAR11['tP$AJ4°Y1}EK'AMED 14Y141t P'A1408m hfif(512tai N1(1t$ IN6ATA1/2SMC}?3IONRonFtXJNDCMIflC mw s1'Last of(It3t(W.IY$4Ni.Y:sAoMARlo THE F.AStCOWS* Let SAIi) Ri1,IAINDER OF J(*ft IS ACRE TRACT ANL) TIE '+1C IC('1M C t7R*.FR Of A CAL_ FS)12.40 A(.M, TRACT AS CCSCRINEZJIST A DEE) W.' OSACOE LT() 'IA01E0 IN tV51,1JME ! 1 Y1, PA(7E 570 C# THE CJFVTCIAL RF,CfQ $ CIF aittAeos (:I) ITTY. TEXAS. T # (1- s 41 ° 12' W 5'3' Al e''1W1 YitO causx 1N I.INIk:111 UAQ) kfmAINDI R OT FPI II mitt '• RAg 1 AND SAM 1140 ACKia 7ftA4. Fol( A UIS•LANCfr OF ,11 17 FUT T1J A 5 i(1Nut attoN f G0 FOUND 233A33! lN(i 1)i Wr`ST CL(t1II. e)f ';AID 11441ACi(1S TRM: T At 1 :HE NORM C'L1R'VEROF um BARRACKS $t1:OIVISx>tN,PHASE ),ACoGRl1W(3"V ; IF PL AT1tFiLcapita IL1VOLUME/5:2. PAM 7n9 C1i' T147 UF>• F:; IAlRPCX DS OF BR.AZOl COUNTY . 1EXAS: T1ELNCE, 1 41' 33 }(Y W A2GNO THE ifWAMrlf 1,D4P OF MID R1 4Af CER (7E C(1,111 AY Rf '1TlAi"t A 13 T1rll [1AICRA(XS SLILUUIVISJUN. PHASE 2. AWE BUNG nu Soltr1141rA3; 1laa,<Cry THE EARXACK' 1 V RIDIVt113'134 PHARE 5 Rt A OPTIVIISOF 424 W FELT -a A 12 I24.31 II1ON RO'J I ..Y NIJ `1ARLG"4, AN ANC,.. POINT IN sA,c3 orAiMo LINE, tT€Il4T'C: S 41' 11 445' W C *ITUAT AWN() THE CON4MON UN15 CIF SALT} REMAR4fFRR (? 103 11 A. R. TRACT Ah7} THF. MLLRACKS SIJbDIV:$1C11.391Aat 7 SAME 1PF11t4(t NE. It;3113) U AST L 41101, 4APRA(:1C# I1531S11:rIYI!43t MASE 10 , * A IATIANL 5.S 12',14 I MT 131 A 1/2 RA 1 i WON R1" 41 i5 Ml MAkLL #I THP Was:' IYJ3NER OF TM BARRACKS S St l W31W e , PRASE I. AND THP • NORTH COi(NER (1 WILL1AMIGATE 94..111)(VLSI(» , PHASE 1, ACeoRD/L u :1:IE FLAT k1IC()RLE) IN VOLUME .5, PAGE 205 OF TM oniciAL PSt)IJC REC"CKU)s OF ERA20E COLP3T(,1 XAS 11IENGS). S 41° 3' 11' W AJ fNNI TRT I'me;3004 ! INF of SA I:1 REMALNTER CIF ION 11 At_ liL 9L(AC'T AFS} 14IIL1AM3 3ATT A51U)1VLS4"R4, '$1A!Iti 3AMT I*JP'1S) THE soortwAA1 LAW iI fl F :►ARRACKS J kl nA)1V.3 x., i'1:A9L 1,1 11690 F'EE'T TO THE Nt1RTHEAS T UNE OF CULLEN MAL (S'T R D tP l MARXISTI TIT tiAGINT+'7*40 GE A S:I KKY1JtCLUCXw139 clat vE HA vEgLa ARAL)L3of T23.433FSE,F''ClRREFEiEXCEA 12rTS(RONREIO/TANDMARKZ i13V sCS.'r4MILNERCR'THE TIARA :ACK%JIF,111i)1VL91CJhi,PHASE It1-.ACC011C )II)THEPIAXPEoRDFD:NVC}LI.. i11V3,PAGE "s:1OF THE CFTi'SA1_ P1T1IJC RCCItV) (5' 11LQf 3 C(:11 Pv T Y. Trim, 5A? fi 13f tkq iff t [R It)f 1 A, x711 MIM( OF S,A1D KtsN ACRE HL*J(9, 71 a ;' 14) 11' w F(:;R A t}9STANCT CE 210 14 FF}T.. THENCE: ALUM} TILE NL*T3*AST LIE OF CUL LEN :RA€L AND AL(14U 1' POR AN ARC l)ts't %'&EGF 14 32 Fi-J.I (CHORD HEARS: N Sr 26 0' 1JEt;}nita•o„:, O A atick0.1% C JR\'F KAVJ4O A Rak)I'.''Y.0P 33 M MET, .E(W 2I 21 IE A243 tHh THENCE! ALCY+JC1 SAM tuRV1 Tows! 'of A CI, TRAJ" ANGLE OF 11° 13 :s' FOR AJU. D 31A1K f t)F ti. 116 tVET HEARS. N 2 61'41' W • r fQ r7::ET1 TO T'k! F14D OAF SAE) CURVE (Y'. TTIE fPX rrt Iv,FST LINK C 'CAPI?V 1JF1(41 5 ROW lr`,N1) HE 1€ %114/4 40 (;F A ctotmliasF 4. R VE totva Ll A RAS)33'3 ()F 1:3 € , FTIET. T14T NCR1 At(}'fI3 THE 90II7HEAST L.+;F 47 CAM TAINR FY* nts F(%.I.r(AUJ4 010140 SAM CURVE TJJROIX H A [kMRAI. AVr1,F CW 3' 11" Tl' RIR A.N ARC DLSTA.NC t O 2x T7 FEET (C11ORL) PEARS N 3Y 31' 17' E - 21.71 FEET) TO rFll' E2 t' Of SAJL) ('•:_151:'E. N4Z 14 I" F Fog .3.9(1(1' 3t)$9 fl'T 13 T FFM) (IF THE PIAi'T3;3RkI11T'i1=WAY OJF'tAlmL$IJV1 TI INCL N 4 " 43' 4i• W ACROSS THE 1.741) OF CAPPS DRIVE Fe)R A D(STA.' E CP JC.00 CLT TO TIC £A5T COREOF PARK1It!'Jr) TRACT eh ACCs *DINO TO THE PLAT OF THE PARRACXS ti SIMER V1SY:t+L PHASE:CO, RF(XlRDET) N VOLUME 1 0570, PAGE 2911 ttf 1H£ OF'FWC1A.-T' )HL11, kErc4toi or n444iuu ('C'rt,'NTY:, TEXAS, THINCR. "T1lR()C7(".14 VCLD RI3tAJp43F . OF HA 1111 3(3l5'SRAC'r P $Ft 71{E FoLloWLN(I CALL N 4r 31 lT' E FCR A i :5TAN(:E OF % T1 Ft.r t TO IREcA`1GL`.T:'IIb� o)F A rr,](7NTETtLL SI1,W1'ISE L'IJ[('FF fiA'dL`Mr A 1 • ORDINANCE NO. 20/4 -.35/p5 EXHIBIT "A" (continued) RAIXOSOF 25 02 ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CaTrRAI. ANGLE OF 90' OT 00"FO AN &RC DESTANVE OF 3921 r (C.110R1) GEARS N 02° 45' 43- W - 35,361.a:1) 10 DIE END t* SAID CURVE. N 42' 14' 17' F FOR A DISTANCE OF 52.00 FEET 10 WE BEGINNING 0+ A COUNTERCI,OCKW1SE CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 25 00 AEI, A',13140 SAD CURVE TITRCX3C01 A CDGRAL ANCLE OF 90' 02' 00" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE Ot 39.27 KIT (CHORD BF_ARS N117- 14' 17' E -353( FEET) To TM END OF SAID CURVE, 42•14 17, E FOR A DISTANCE OF 11.3,61 FEET. N174 15'43' W FOR A DESTANcE oF 613 001. -Ela TO THE sOUTI4FAST LINE OF PARKLAND TRACT 5 (214E GARRACKSII SUBDIVISION, PHASE 10,1); THENCITI AWN° THE COMMON UNE OF SAID REMANDER OF 10413R ACRE TRACT ANT) SAID PAJX1J..ND MAC!. 5 POk 1 FoLUAINti CALLS N dr 14' 17' 1 FOR A DISTANCE OF 763 MET 10 'NF BEGINNING OF A COUNIERCL(C9 CURVE 1LAVI240 A RADIUS OF 2500 FEET, ALONG SAID CURVE TIIROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90' W 0C^ FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 35 Iht J (CHORD REARS. N 02' 4543' W 35.36 FEET) TO THE ENT OF SAID CUR VE N 417 45' 43' W FOR A DISTANCE 228.00 FRET TO TH1 BEGINNING OF A Col, rwisr CURVE, HAVING A RADIUS OF 25 00 FEET, ALONG SAID CURVE 11IROU'CrE A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90" fXr 1".0" FOR AN ARC DISTANM OF 3917 FEET (CHORD BEARS- R7' :4- 17 W 25.36 Mlas 11 TO THE END OF SAID CURVE, 542' 14' 17' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 132 DO FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A COUNTERLI..00KWISE CURVE HAVLNO A RADR:s OF 25.00 FEET, MINCE; IHR00011 SAID REMAINDER OF tin Rd. Aim TRACT FOR THE FOLLOWING CALLS ALONG SAID CURVE 11-fltOIX3H A CENTRAL ANGLE OF SV 59' 53' Fat AN ARC DISTI24CE OF 39.2 T (C ARS: N 45' 46" W 3535 MET) TO THE END OF SAX) WRVS, N47'45'43" W FOR A DISTAN'CROF 190 DO FEET TO TiE BEGINNING OF A CLOCKWISE CURVE HAVING A RADR/S OF 25.03 FEET, ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE 0+ 90' 00' 00' FOR AN ARC oirANcE or It L4EARS- N 02" 45' 43" W - 35 36 1111) 10 THE ENO OF SAID CURvE; N 42' 14' 17' B FUR A DISTANCE 0+ 111)9 FEET; N 474 45' 43' W FORA DISTANCE OF 5a 00 F'EET', 542' 14' 17' W FOR A DISTA14CE OF 17 00 'FEET TO TDRPfl!NNINO0(t01(W1ECURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF ISMO FEET, ALONG SAID CURVE THROWN A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90' 90' 00' FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 19 27 FIffq (X.1�W BEARS S1' 14' W - 35 16 FEET)'IO THE FM) OF SAID CURVE N47' 45' 41' W FOR A DISTANCE OF 50 02 FEET 'TOTHE BEOLNN1NG OF A CLOCPW1SE Ct. V A RAD1USOF 251)3 FEET: NANG SAID CURVE THROUGI I A cus-IHAL ANGELI OF 92' '$Y 010' FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 39 27 FEET (CHORD BEARS N 01' 45' 41' W -15 36 FEET TO THE END OF SAID CURVE ON THE EXTENSION 0+ 11513 SOUTHEAST UNE OF DEACON DRIVE WEST {15' R 0.W.); N 42° 14' tr E ALON011tE EXIE/451014 THE ' 711EAST UNE FEET: 2 WI3ST +0+ 131. 'ci; 0E11 G3 Page 5 ORDINANCE NO. 2D/</- 3565 Page 6 EXHIBIT "A" (continued) N445 43,V. :•.Jr A litSTAPATIE $15 IrEPT To THIE FXPOW+ NOWD4wFc'T INT Of PAX EIHTL S 42 14 W Atom TIN NrienrMiST 134T- OP ORA(X3N DRIVE ViRS1 AND 1Rk EXITNSION 00.1711.4. FOR A ERSTANCE of /$125 FEFT TID A trt Wit IRON ROO FOUND MARKORG THE SOUTISEAS: c(3fNER OF OCR k BARRACKS SLHOIV /MON PHASE , ACCORDC40 TO 'THE PLAT RECORDED IN Vallia 1(37115, FACIE ICE Of ThE OFFICIAT Pr„7411. FPCORDS et" MMUS MINTY TVRAS, TISKIRCZA N 17*4 OoAf ALoNli (IL Ctlk4MoN ENE 4* 5.;L) RFARAINOFIR DT ;14 Nit AMR TRACT AND RANTER...00R 'I* A DISTANTE OF 441 V Elqti To A 14 D4CH MIN SOO ORD IT SLAIEIFEAST or cAwm *out MAOA3 1* -34.. MOM RV A DEW Tu 'LAM KRUM; I3NPITIMENTS, I.I.G. NSCOWDED %KAM! I1LPATh 2r (if NE (1,11CAL PURI .1C REComis OF MAWS COWTY, -Mk& 4A INfTN)�Ac41i3W cf sA:DREMANDfR KESS AL 'MAXI AND SALDSRAAA:RE 'TRACT FoR A ritsTA.,,cf (4, LM ), PEET TO A TENCF CCM= POST MEND 4.6.341 fl sol TIVIWEST UNE 01' OW1?"34 R(JAD MARRING 11-I CCAINEN CORNEA SAID REMANDER )08 ACRT TRACI AIM *41,0 ACRE TRACT TISENCILI S 474' z4- E ATONC !tIl 1TU. OF OW WI -1131 *IN WAD 14,41, A 1,1**TAIW,T01 /1167 311 10 THE EgimualliMarfa corrrADNING- 56 111 Ao,„ WS OF LAND MORT Le ISM SANE AND Ext. -ter ntsFext,1100740 TRACTS Cf LAND Al of FARICLAND TRACT "afE• EAR RACES 10 10... M 04, PILAFF :00. AOC(1RDENO TO nit FIA1 WORE= voLutAT FALIF 2,4 (.* IR, I AT K tAl MIRA, R,Eolii WAD mrY 'nExA4.onNTAN1t40,, 4,4 AN ACRE 01 LAM". AIL or PARTaAlt4D TRACT 3„ THE BARRACKS S775DIV1SIOR PRAss t (PLAT 105704 ET) M RENISR) RT THE BARRACT4 fl stWivIStal, pgAsr. KACCORDNG 'TO TEM rya RFCORDM N VAC 11191. PAGE 123.1.1 THE OEM -W. MINX RECORDS O RRAZOS (ourt,71, TEXAS, AND EL71 FEVi RE CITY OT MIME STATICIN ORDNANCE NO 20 1.2-30: DA 'Kt tx.:1144cR t, CONTANEA, of AN ACRE t'S' EANT). AltL4 P ARITIAM TRACT nit SA,RRACTJ 1.)1V 11 IN, MAW 100 MEAT :ztf E4,41) A REVERED RY THE BARRACRA SOEIRV MIKAN, MARE 1014, ACCOktiNu TOMS KAT' RicoRFEED ViC.NE 191., F Mit W. Of THE Of173CIAL P40114.3C RECOREA tly MAWS COITWIT, TEAM, AIM FliETHEIt REVISED "6T (7,TV OE (Mil:4a STATION oRDCRANCE 340 2012-3452 DAITO oCTOPER I 1. 2071, OCINTANDRO ,5 0? OF AN ACT*: CF tANO. KIR A TOTAL Of 141317 AMU OF LAND, moRE oR LL ss REARTNO sYsTEM WN 14Efar4 IS BASED C 'MUD 'TRAM' As 1 TadV4WU TRokf FrPN 011;04 V Allots 317,D KERR r4EDITFREO PROFESSIONAL LANM SuRvEyOR No 430: UA�I1• riv MAR 0 • ORDINANCE NO. 2,614 - 35,5 EXHIBIT "B" Concept Plan Page 7 - moo warm I#!{ t 1 1 1 V 4 —r -r- i--#- i --i--1--1- 4--i--+ 1- 4, ci.# ORDINANCE NO. 20/1./ - 35655 Page 8 EXHIBIT "C" Concept Plan Notes 1. The land uses proposed for this property are as listed on this plan. a. Townhomes (TH) meeting R-3 Townhouse zoning requirements with variances as noted below. b. General Commercial (GC) meeting GC General Commercial zoning requirements c. Commercial (COM) meeting C-3 Light Commercial zoning requirements with variances noted below. The following additional uses are permitted in Commercial Tract 3 only: • Shooting Range - Indoor • Car Wash subject to supplemental standards contained within the UDO • Commercial garden/greenhouse/landscape maintenance subject to supplemental standards contained within the UDO • Commercial amusement subject to supplemental standards contained in the UDO • Office and retail sales/services with storage areas being greater than 50% of the space (i.e. office/warehouse with overhead doors) • Self Storage - equipment, materials, recreational vehicles, or boats - in buildings with at least 3 enclosed sides. d. Recreation Facility (RF) including commercial amusement activities, cable wake board ski facility, flyboarding, administrative offices, pool, exercise room, jogging track, food & beverage services, micro -industrial use for a micro -brewery, and similar recreational offerings for members of the HOA and the general public. Retail sales of equipment, clothing, and accessories related to these uses are permitted in conjunction with normal operations of the Recreation Facility. Additional accessory uses for this area include a development sales office and model residential condo units, (attached to the commercial building), upon build out of the development the model residential condos will become rental condo unit. Also, additional rental condo units for overnight accommodations on a short or long basis will be allowed in this area. The total number of rental condo units will not exceed 20 units. The units will be rental only and will be owned by the Recreation Facility Developer. e. Multi -Family (MF -4) meeting R-4 Multi -Family zoning requirements. Duplexes are not permitted in this designation. f. Suburban Commercial (SC) meeting SC Suburban Commercial zoning requirements with the addition of retail sales, convenience store with fuel sales up to 10 fueling stations and a drive through window restaurant, and retail sales and service - alcohol. g. Recreation Facility 2 (RF -2) Mixed Use Tract including all uses in the Recreation Facility (RF) with additions of multi -family units or condos meeting R-6 High Density Multi -Family requirements, General Commercial uses including health clubs, indoor L ORDINANCE NO. 2/;114-3565 Page 9 EXHIBIT "C" Concept Plan Notes (continued) sports facilities, outdoor sports facilities, hotel, offices, personal service shop, restaurants, and theaters. Night clubs, bars, and taverns may be permitted by Conditional Use Permit. Duplexes are not permitted in this designation. 2. General bulk or dimensional variations (meritorious modifications) are as follows: a. Townhome (TH) development (variations from R-3 Townhouse zoning) • Front setback distance - 20 ft without rear access, 15' with rear access • Rear setback distance - 20 ft • Street side setback distance - 15 ft • Side setback distance - 5 ft • Common area side setback distance - 5 ft b. Commercial (COM) development (variations from C-3 Light Commercial zoning) • Restaurants shall not be permitted in Commercial Tract 3. • The rear setback for self storage structures adjacent to a public alley or common area will be 5 feet. • In locations where the rear wall of self storage building is adjacent to an alley serving residential units, the rear wall may serve as the buffering wall between land uses. The wall shall be constructed of stone or a concrete wall with stone veneer. c. Commercial Tracts 2 and 3 shall each be permitted to erect a freestanding sign in accordance with Section 12-7.5.N of the UDO. These signs may be raised to a maximum height of 20 feet. d. Dead-end streets in residential areas are permitted up to maximum of 100 feet in length. 3. Special conditions for Commercial (COM), Suburban Commercial (SC) or General Commercial (GC) development for Commercial Tracts 1, 1A, 2, 3, & 4: a. The total building area of all commercial buildings shall not exceed 100,000 sf. This figure excludes self storage units and buildings associated with the Recreation Facility (RF) and Recreation Facility (RF -2). b. Self storage units shall be allowed in Commercial Tract 3 only. The total leasable area of all self storage units shall not exceed 21,400 sf. c. No openings to self storage buildings are allowed on the sides adjacent to any street right- of-way or alley that is associated with residential development. d. The self storage facility will be permitted to incorporate an office on the premises for management and security. The office shall be permitted to sell equipment or materials related to storage and moving, but shall not sell/rent trucks or trailers. The office will be L L L ORDINANCE NO. 2D/ 4-35-65 Page 10 EXHIBIT "C" Concept Plan Notes (continued) limited to a maximum of 1,000 sf. Living quarters for the managers of the facility will also be permitted within the premises. These quarters shall be no larger than 1,000 sf. e. Individual commercial buildings shall not exceed 10,000 sf with the following exceptions: • Commercial buildings on Commercial Tract 4 are not restricted in size. • One commercial building will be allowed up to a maximum of 15,000 sf. The building may be located on Commercial Tract 3. • This maximum building size does not apply to the Recreation Facility (RF) & Recreation Facility 2 (RF -2). f. The following applies to tracts 1, 1A, 2, & 3. Unless otherwise noted herein, commercial buildings and related parking areas shall comply with the Non -Residential Architectural Standards in the UDO. Design of these structures shall be compatible in size, roof type and pitch, architecture, and lot coverage with the surrounding single-family residential uses. g. All commercial tracts shall provide cross access in accordance with the UDO. h. Convenience stores with fuel sales in SC areas shall be limited to either Commercial Tract 1 or Commercial Tract 2. 4. Special conditions for the Recreation Facility (RF) are as follows: a. Food and beverage services are permitted within the Recreation Facility. Maximum size of the restaurant shall be 5000 sf inclusive of all indoor seating, kitchen, office, and storage spaces. b. Commercial amusement activities, including water recreation and associated equipment, shall be allowed within the Recreation Facility boundary shown on the Concept Plan. Motorized vehicles are allowed for recreational activities and for rescue or maintenance purposes. c. Any buildings and parking areas associated with the Recreation Facility shall comply with the Non -Residential Architectural Standards in the UDO. d. Landscaping requirements in the UDO will be applied to the building, parking, and adjacent amenity areas of the Recreation Facility. The remainder of the Recreation Facility is excluded from these requirements. e. Drainage and access easements shall be granted to the Homeowners Association for maintenance purposes associated with the detention ponds and their related appurtenances. L ci, ORDINANCE NO. 2Dl 4-3565 Page 11 EXHIBIT "C" Concept Plan Notes (continued) f. The following operational restrictions shall be imposed on the Recreation Facility and its related facilities: • Hours of operation for the cable wake board ski facility shall be no earlier than 8:00 a.m. and no later than 12:00 midnight All other recreational amenities may be open for use between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. The restaurant will be allowed to set its own hours of operation. • Lighting shall be designed in accordance with the Unified Development Ordinance. Lights used for the ski facility shall be turned off no later than 1 hour following the closing times noted above except when necessary for maintenance purposes that cannot be undertaken during daylight hours. • The Recreation Facility shall have a maximum of three 2 -tower cable wake board ski systems. 5. A block length of up to 1,270 feet is allowed along Deacon Drive West in front of the Recreation Facility and along the north boundary of Recreation Facility 2 (RF -2). A block length of 860 feet is allowed along the east side of Commando Trail, the east and west sides of General Parkway and the west side of Old Wellborn Road. A block perimeter of 4,179 feet is required for the block created by General Parkway, Deacon Drive West, Commando Trail, and the German Acres Subdivision. A block perimeter of 2,936 feet is required for the block created by General Parkway, Deacon Drive West, Old Wellborn Road, and the Cain Road Corporation Tract. 6. Density for the residential development portions of Parcel 1 (see figure below) shall not exceed 8.50 dwelling units per acre. This figure is computed by dividing the total number of dwelling units by the sum total of open space areas (parks, detention pond, common areas) plus the privately owned properties inside the residential areas. Detention ponds used in conjunction with the Recreation Facility are excluded from this computation as long commercial operations are offered at the facility. Detention pond 2 is to be used for Parcel 1 density calculations. Detention pond 2, Commercial Tract 2, & Commercial Tract 4 can be reconfigured as long as detention pond 2 is contiguous across Parcels 1 and 2. 7. Recreation Facility (RF) and Commercial Tract 4 shall be limited to a maximum height of 50 feet. All other designations shall meet the requirements of the UDO based on the use. 8. When there are more than 30 lots to be served by external street connections, a minimum of two connections to external paved public streets shall be required. A Remote Emergency Access is permitted to serve as one of these connections. Two street connections to external paved public streets shall be required when 100 or more lots are served. 9. Unless otherwise noted herein, buffer areas will be provided in accordance with the UDO. 10. Driveway access from residential lots shall not be permitted onto streets designated as minor collector or larger. • 0 ORDINANCE NO. 2,6/ - 3.5705 Page 12 EXHIBIT "C" Concept Plan Notes (continued) 11. Right-of-way and pavement widths shown on this plan reflect the widths that are required along the majority length of each street. These widths can be increased at intersections of collector streets as needed to accommodate turning lanes, medians or other traffic controls. 12. All stormwater requirements (including detention) shall be designed to comply with the BCS Drainage Design Guidelines. The detention pond adjacent to Commercial Tracts 2 & 4 shall also meet commercial standards including landscaping and treatment of concrete structures. 13. If the City of College Station or another entity constructs a regional detention facility in the drainage basin encompassing this tract of land that has capacity to serve this development, one or more of the detention facilities shown here may be eliminated upon approval by the City Engineer. Any land released from use as a detention facility may be developed for other uses pending approval of revised PDD Zoning. 14. Pedestrian and bicycle circulation will be provided throughout the project as required by the UDO. Location and details of these facilities will be determined at platting or site plan submittal. 15. A left turn lane will be constructed on Holleman Drive when the Gunner Drive connection is made. PARCEL 2 PARCEL t et es c THE BARRICKS II 12470 OLD WELLBORN RD «Q» IIIIIHX3 C/SE- f roe' OM 3D VN1WiO