HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-1872 - Ordinance - 12/13/1990ORDINANCE NO. 1872 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, SECTION 1, OF THE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, RELATING TO ANIMAL CONTROL, LICENSING REQUIREMENTS, REMOVING THE PENALTY CLAUSE, PROVIDING AN EXCEPTION FOR VIETNAMESE AND CHINESE POTBELLIED PIGS, PROVIDING AN INCREASE IN THE LICENSING AND RE-INSPECTION FEES, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 2, Section 1, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 1: LICENSE REQUIRED TO KEEP LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY WITHIN CITY LIMITS LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY DEFINED No person shall keep livestock or poultry within the limits of the city of college Station without first obtaining and thereafter keeping in force a license permitting him to do so. The term livestock includes specifically but not exclu- sively horses, mules, asses, swine, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, and guinea pigs; the term poultry includes specifi- cally but not exclusively chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, and guineas. TERMS FOR GRANTING LICENSES Said licenses shall be granted or allowed to remain only (2) (3) in force when the regulations as follows are observed: The livestock and poultry shall be kept within struc- tures, enclosures, or tethered, and not permitted to run at large. The manure and debris incident to the maintenance and care of livestock or animals shall be scraped from roosts and floors and raked from pens or areas with such frequency as to prevent the same from serving as breeding places for insects and from emitting noxious odors. The manure and debris scraped or raked as provided in paragraph (2) above, shall immediately be collected and either placed and kept in a waterproof and insect proof container until removed from the premises, or treated Ordinance No. 1872 Page 2 Ce immediately and periodically thereafter with a chemical as directed by the manufacturer thereof that is manu- factured and sold as an effective agent for preventing flies and other insects from breeding in manure and debris. (4) The inside walls, ceilings, roosts, and floors of the structure in which the livestock or poultry is housed shall be treated and kept treated with effective mate- rial manufactured and sold for the control of flies, mites, and lice and applied according to the manufac- turer's directions. (s) The structure or enclosure within which the livestock or poultry are confined shall be not less than one hun- dred feet (100') from any dwelling house other than that occupied by the owner of the livestock or poultry. PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING LICENSES The procedure and requirements for the granting and keeping in force of licenses shall be as follows: (1) ADDlication Reauirements Any person desiring a license permitting him to keep livestock or poultry within the city limits shall file an application with the City Secretary on a form pro- vided by him for that purpose. Said application shall among other things call for the name and address of the applicant; the estimated average number and types of livestock or poultry to be kept; a description of the structures and the facilities to be used for the enclo- sure of the livestock or poultry and for the disposal of the manure and debris incident to their maintenance and care; and the distance to the adjacent residence from the outside boundaries of the structure or fence in which the livestock or poultry are to be enclosed. (2) APPlication Fee The application shall be accompanied by a fee in the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). The funds derived from such application fees shall be used by the City to defray the cost of inspections and other expenses incident to the enforcement of this section. In the event the City must reinspect the property either because a complaint has been filed or because the City officials find the property is not in a Ordinance No. 1872 Page 3 De sanitary condition, the city shall charge a Ten Dollar ($10.00) reinspection fee for each an~ every inspection thereafter. (3) City Health Officer to Inspect Facilities When an application has been filed in due form, the city Secretary shall turn the same over to the City Health Officer who shall inspect the facilities wherein the livestock or poultry are to be kept and prepare an opinion as to whether the same are in compliance with the regulations hereinbefore provided. (4) City Council to Pass on APPlication The application with the opinion of the City Health officer attached shall then be submitted to the City Council, which shall then pass on the application. (§) Licens~ Renewals A license shall be valid one (1) year from the date of issuance. The same may be renewed by the filing of a renewal application from the city Secretary on a form provide~ by him for that purpose an~ the payment of a renewal application fee in the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). (6) Periodic Inspections= Hearinas by City Council The City Health Officer shall once every thirty (30) days or upon written complaint of the Chief of Police or any resident of the City, make an inspection to ascertain whether the regulations as hereinbefore pro- vided are being observed. If he fin~s that the afore- said regulations are violated, he shall prepare and file a statement to that effect with the city Secre- tary. The City Council shall then give ten (10) days~ notice by publication of a hearing. If, after a hear- ing, the City Council fin~s the aforesaid regulations have been violate~, it shall then order the permit cancelled. EXEMPTIONS Potbellie~ pigs, also known as Vietnamese and Chinese pot- bellied pigs, which by habit or training live in association with man, shall be exempt from the licensing requirement of this section. . Ordinance No. 1872 Page 4 II. This Ordinance shall become effective on the 15t day of February, 1991. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this the 13th day of December, 1990. . APPROVE~ ~ Mayor Lar~.y Ringer EST: City Secretary