HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1971 - Ordinance - 08/27/1992ORDINANCE NO. 1971 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COT.t'.FGE STATION BY AMENDING CHAPTER 3, SECTION 3, DEVELOPMENT OF STREETS, AND BY AMENDING CHAFER 9, S~CTION 8, G'~NEI~L REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN. RELATING TO THE DL~I~LOPMENT OF SID~wAI~S AND B~ru~wA~S WITHIN THE CITY;, AND PROVIDING AN ~.~-~-~:CTIVE DATE. WI..I~RF.,AS, the City Council has ~dentifled the development of skiewalks and b~zeways throughout the City as an asset to a community;, WI-IL~REAS, the goal of Cily Council Issue ~'2 - Skiewalks~ikeways is to provide a network of pedestrian and bikeways throughout the WHEREAS, an objective of flus Council Issue is to review and pc~4hly change our standard sidewalk design/specifications; WHEI~.AS, there exists a lflgh volume of pedestrian and bicycle tr~'~- w~thin College Station warrantin~ the need for such facilities; WH~RE/t.S. sidewalks and bikewalm are necessary for the provsion of a safe ~,~ns for pedestrian and b~.ycle traffic wilkin a community;, WHEREAS, providing for separate sidewalk and bilmway facilities improves safety;, and WHERE/tS, pedastrians and b~'ycles reduce traffic congestion, the demand for parking, pollution and fuel consumption and promote a healthier lifestyle NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS. L That Chapter 3, Section 3, of the Code of Ordinances of the C~y of College Station relating to the development of streets, is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 1971 Page 2 "SECTION 3: DEVELOPMENT OF STREETS AUTHORITY This asctfon m adopted under the authority of the constitution and laws of the State of Texas including particularl~ Chapter 106, Acts of the 40th he,z~t,,~ure, FL, st Caned Session 1927, as hereto~re or hereafter amended (corniCed as AK~.2e l105b V.A.T.S.), and the pro- visioas of Section 4 of the Munfo~al Annexation Act as heretofore and hereafter amended (compiled as A.,t,,.le 970a, V.A.?.S.); and punmant to the provisions of Jruticle II of the Ciiy of College Station, Texas, Chaffer. B. S~OPE AND PURPOSE (1) This section shall govern the development of all streets, sidewalks, bikeways, driveways and vehicular perldng on streets, willdn the corporate llnths of the Clly of College Stat,,m, Tanas, including both the subdiv~ed and uasubdivtded portion of the C~y, and wHhin the extmterfltorlal Jurisdiction of the C~y as established by the l~cal C, overmnent Code, as amended. (2) The re~tlaticn of street development is a major factor of sound community growth and ultmmtely becomes a public rasponsibflHy in that the streets must be main- tained together w~h the ut~iss astabhshed thereon. The welfare of the eetue commmuty m thereby affected in many impo~ant respects. It m the intent of these regulet~ons to encourage the growth of the C~y of College Station in an orderly manner, and they are deemed to he the minhnum requirements as adopted by the C:f~y Council for the protection of the publk~ health, safety, and welfare. C. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of tins section, cenam words as used herein are defined as follows: (1) Bllmwav is a trail, path, part of a ldghway shoulder, or any other means specifically marked and assigned for bicycle use. Brim, way hcflitios are ftuther classified as b~e paths, lanes, and mutes. CHy refem to the munioipai corporation, C~ty of College Stetson, Texas. (3) Conmterclal Street includes both busmass and industrial streets in areas so zoned. Comer means the point of inteme~llon of the lines of two (2) street curbs extended into the street intersection. Cul-de-sac means a street hamng only one (!) outlet to another street and temu- unting on the other end in a vehicular turnaround. (6) Curb Return means that portion of a ~erb which m constructed on a curve, to con- nect normal street curbs at a street mtemection, or at driveway approaches con- necting the street curb to the driveway approach. (7) Driveway means a place on private properly for veMcular traffic. (6) Driveway ADoroach means an area or facih~y between the street and private prop- en'y intended to promde access for vehicles from the street to private property. A ch'iveway approach must provide access to something definite on private propen'y, such as parking area, a driveway, or a door at least mght feet (8') m w~dth, m- tended and used for entrance of vehicles. Ordinance No 1971 Page 3 (9) (10) (11) (IZ) (13) (14) ~ugsdictinn (within the terms of the l~ocal Government Code) means the unincorporated area, not a pm't of any other cay, which is contiguous to the corporate ~ of the Cay of College Staticll, the outer boullda.n~ of which are measured from the extremities of the corporate hmits of the City, outward for such distances es may be stipulated in the Ix~cel Oovenunant Code, in wluch area, the City may enjoin the violations of this street regulations section. ~ include s.flerinl streets, parkways, boulevards, and commercis.I Minor Streets include residential and collector streets. Parkina shall mean parallel parking (parallel to tra.t~ lanes). l>nncioal Streets include all major streets and collector streets as designated on the ?horeughfare and Transpor~t~oa Improvement Plan. Rlaht-of-Wav (in this case) rcfers to right-of-way for streets, which includes pave- ment, sidewalks, bfl~vays, ut~liiies, and other public use. (16) Shall is always mandatory. (17) Sidewalk is a paved way for pedestrian traffx:. (18) Street ~s a way for vehic,~l~r traff~ or parkmlL whether desiiplated es a highway or any of the following types: (a) Residential or local street sen'es a residential neighborhood, either a cul- de-sac, loop or short street of reatrictod use. (19) (c) Collector street is to aarve other residential areas. ,A~terinl street is a throullh t~t~n street, generally allgtted in the dh'eotion of major traI~ ~t. Parkways and boulevards are cross-town traffic thoroughfares for mass movement of traffic. Commercial streets include both bnsmess and industrial streets ser~,ing such respective areas. Street Width shall mean the distance as measured from back of curb to the beck of curb. In the case where there is no curb, street width shall mean the distance between the edges of pavement. (~.0) ThorouoMare and Transoortation Imorcvement Plan refam to a plan wluch is a part of rids section and wluch estabhshes a louatton for certain pnnc~pal tl~ffin ways within the corporate limits of the City, and within the extraterrito~del jurisdiction o! the City. Ordinance No. 1971 Page 4 D STANDARDS OF STREET CONSTRUCTION (1) ResidenUal Steers. Residential or local streets are restricted to cul-de-sacs, ~ or short street8 ~ the following additional restrlotfons: A cul-de~ac shall not be over six hundred feet (600') in length and shall terminate in a turnaround of not less than a fifty foot (80') radius. A loop shall terminate in a oollect~ street at both ends. Right-of-way width shall be not less than fifty feet (80'), and ff utility easements are not provided at the back of lots, the width shall be increased an requn'ed by the City En~neer. Street width shall be not !,',~ than twenty.eight feet (28'). Parking may be permitted. Sldewallm are mandatory on one side of the street, with the exceptton of cul-de- sac streets. Cul-de-sacs will be required to ha~e a sidewalk on one side, ~f needed to provide through pedestrian movement. Conector Streets Collector streets are malor thoroughfares providing for two (2) to four (4) la~es of moving traffic. It is to be distinctly understood that although parking may be pemutted on the side of such streets in their early life, that the City may and w~U prohibit parking on such streets when traffic conditions wurmnt such action Right- of. way width shall be not less than suay feet (60'). S~lewalks are required on both sides of the steer. (3) (4) Arterial Streets ArterY. al streets are major thurougldures prov~l~g for four (4) lanes of moving tral~. It is to be distinctly understood that although parking may be permitted on the side of such streets in their early hfe, tlmt the city may and will proklbit purkmg on such streets when traffic conditions warrant such action. Right-of-way width shall be not less than seventy feet (70'). Street width shall be not less than forty-seven feet (4?'). Sidewalks are required on both sides of the street. Purkwa and Boulevards Parkways and boulevards are major crosa-town thoroughfares. Right-of-way width shall be not less than eighty feet (80'). Street width aim.il be not less than fifty-six feet (86'). Purlang will only be permitted where extra width of pavement is provided for such parking. Sidewallm are required on both skies of the street. (5') Commurc~l St~ets Commercml streets include both bnsmess and indnstrlal streets. Right-of-way w~dth shall be not less than seventy feet (?0'). Street wulth shall be not less than seven feet (47'). Parking may be permitted. Sidewalks are required on both s~des of the street. PA¥1NG AND REPAVING OF EXISTING MINOR STREETS (1) In the estabbshed and platted parts of the City, priority m minor street construction will be determined and established from tune to tnse by the City Council, based upon reconunendatfons by the City staff. (2) Where the owners of more than fifty percent (50%) of the abutting lots along any ex]sting minor street or way shall t'equest paving or repaying of same by petition presented to the C~Y Councd showing the signatures of eeeh of the record ownem of such lots, the City staff shall review the proposed project and present its conclu- sions concerning same to the C~ty Council within forty-five (45) days The Counc~ Ordinance No. 1971 Page shall g~ve priority to such projects where feasthle, consistent w~th the needs of the pubhc for safe and adequate streets and public ways and the financml circum- stances pertinent to the project. (3) Paving or repaying of ex~stmg streets shall be Jn accordance w~th plans and speci- fications reviewed and approved by the C~Y Engineer or h~ delegate. (4) The City Gonncfl may require the exeoutfen of a mechanic's and matermlmen'u lien contract, approved by the C~y Altorney, from the ownem of at least 90~ of the abullfftg lot ownem to cover the estimated portions of the constructmn cost for each such lot, prior to the approval of any proposed paving or repaying. ~-~.~_-~.~..NT FOR MINOR STREET CONSTRUCTION (1) The owners of lots abutting existhtg minor streets or ways which are paved or repaved by the City shall be assessed for their respective portions of the esthuated cost of such improvements ~n accordance with Arttcle l105b, Texas Rewesd Cl~nl Statutes (9.) Two pubhc huntings shall be held in the const,'uction and assessment process. The first public hear'rog shall be held prior to the construction of any street, end shall be for the purpose of doterminJng whether or not to improve the street as proposed. Notice shall be gnma by first class marl to the owners of all lots abutting the streets or pe~tions of the st.,~ets wkich are proposed to be paved. The second public hearing shall be held fe accorda.nce with the provmicns and requirements of the above-referenced statute and shall be for the p~ of sususamg the abutting lot ownem, and determining the mount of such assessments with due consideration to the specml benefits confen~d upon such lots. Sulmequent to the second healing, the City Cotmcll shall co~,~,~r and adopt an ordinance detennlmng the speelal benefit to each lot and the amount of the assessment for each lot. Such assessment shall be due and payable upon completion and acceptance of the street unless othe~'wies specked in the ordnance. Upon apphcat~on by the landowner, the asse,~,nent may be made in five (5) equal installments w'&h interest es allowed by ]aw over a five (8) year perkxi. All assessments shall bear htterest at the highest rate allowed by law fur such assessments fi'om the date due end payable. (3) Unless special c~cumstances are found to ~ and est forth m the essesumeui ordinance, the City will pay one-thud (1/3) of the paving cesta of the street. The remaming two-tlurd (2/3) paving costs will be paid by the abutting property owners proportionately on a per foot frontage ba~s. Fu~her, m the event that the curb and 0utter are constructed and installed, each abutting property owner shall pay one hund~d percent (100~) of the par side cest of curb and gutter of each abutting lot. (4) The owner of any lot wluch abuts to the s~de of a street proposed for paving or repaying, or beicg considered for assessment, shall be entttled to request a s~de lot reductfen. Such owner shall make a w~ttten request fur such a reduction to the C~y Engineer prior to the second hearing prowded for hereto, and the City Engineer shall rewew the circumstances and location of the lot and the improvements thereon. If the City Engiceer shall ce~ify thereafter to the City Council that no side lot access or re-subdsnmon ~s anticipated or reasonably expected, the owner of such lot shall be entitled to a tweuiy-five percent (25%) reduction of the normal assessment of such lot. A lot shall be considered to abut a stroet to the side if no access from the street being paved e~osts, and the house m addressed on another street (5) The City Altorney shall mat~tute suit to collect any unpaid assessments at the request of the City Manager. Ordmance Ne. 1971 Pa~e 6 (6) The City Secrets~ shall present annually to the C~y ~ouncd a bstmg of past clue and unpaid street assessments. Sklewalks are required on both sides of all streets, with exceptions for residential streets. (see Section ~.D.I.) S~lewall~ may be constructed on ezist~ng streets upon petition of property owners (see subesctlon H below). Sklewalks shall be constructed in accordance with Chapter 9, Section 8, General Requirements and Minimum Standards of (1) Clear Wklth If conditions warrant the constntction er placement of an obstruction Mtlun the paved area of the sx:lewalk, the party responfl~ for placing such obstruction w'dhin the traveled way shail ensure a clear width within the sidewalk an specified in Chapter 9, Section 8-M.4. H. PRIORITY IN SID,-:wALtK CONSTRUCTION In the estabhshed and platted pail of the City, priority in mdewalk construction will be established by the City Council, based on recommendations of the C~y Manager and City Engineer. Lengths shall be one (1) block or more. FJmt consideration wdl be given to ma)or streets, asccmd co,~,,~aeratJon to miner streets; however, p.o consideration will be given until petitioned by property owners representing a percentage of the front iootage of the prop- efly as established by policy of the City Council, and funds are av-Uat~le. The Council may, howmmr, at its chseretmn, when a situation warrants, arrange for construction Mthout a I. ASSESSMENT FOR SIDEWAI,K CONSTRUCTION In the established and platted part of the City, the nss,~q,~tent to the propen'y owner for the standard sidewalk coastmction shall be established by policy of the City Council. J. BIKEWAYS (1) C-eneral Bikeways ~ be mqubed in accordance with the Bflm~vay Master Plan. Bikeway hc~illias are planned and iocated to integrate with the existing City street and Park system. The facilitJns am strategJc~y located on pfinsufly a denumd barns to miningze their numbers and to provide a bikeway to certain areas or neight~rhoods within the City. The developer shall be rnsponsfble for the coet of lastall~ bikeway faci~es, including the c~t for signs and pevement markings. If adcbtional right-of-way or pavement section ~s nece~-~,~y to install a b~eway, the Oily may pa.,rios)ate m the cost to install bfl~eway fucililies in a manner mmilar to ovemize pamc~)at,,-,n on streets. K. DRI~t~wAY ACC~.SS lOCATION AND DESIGN POI,ICY (1) General (a) It shall be unlawful for any pemon to cut, break, or remove any curb along a street except as herein authm'lzed. Ordinance No 1971 Page 7 (.b) It shall be unlawful for any person to consmict, alter, or extend, or pen'tut or cause to be constructed, altered, or extended any ch'~veway approach which can be used only as a parking space or area between the curb and prnmte property. (c) Th~s section shall be deemed to be supplemental to other sections regulating the use of pubhc property, and in case of conflict, this section shall govern. (d) Adequate sight dmtance shall be provided for a passenger motor vehicle making a left or zight turn exiting ft~om a ctnveway. This determination shall be made by the City ~--ng~neer or ~ d,~ ~'jnee. (e) The spect~lcatlons and guidehnes set ~orth m this policy am to be apphed to d.Y'b~ways provJdJ~ &cc~ to o. olil.q~l'cial a.~d i~,~lt~?a~lil¥ de~glOpltl~ttm. Single family and duplex residential driveways are excluded from this policy unless othexwise indicated. (f) As determined by the City Engineer, engineering Judgmem shall overrkie the recoxnmended dimensions set forth In this policy if warranted by specific tt*afflc condit~ons. l.,ocation of Driveway Access (a) In making a determination as to the location of ch~veway acc~. the City Engineer shall consider: The charactemtzcs of the proposed use; (it) The existing traffic flow conditions and the future traffic demand anticipated on the development and the adjacent steer system; (hi) The location of the propet'ty, (tv) The s~ze of the property;, (v) The orientatton of structures on the site; (vi) The number of di4veways needed to accommodate anticipated tm.lilt; (vii) The number and location of driveways on existing adjacent and opposite properties; (vat) The location and carrying capactty of Intezsectiorm; (tx) The proper geometp.~ destgn of driveways; (x) The spacing between opposite and adjacent driveways; (xx) The internal c~rculation between driveways; and, (xii) The speed of the adjacent roadway. Driveway access to a.~tenals shall not be permitted for pa~kmg or loading areas that requmm backing maneuvers in a publ~ st~,et right-of-way. Ordinance No. 1971 Page 8 Driveway access to collector st~ts for commercml or mnltdamfly developments shall not be pemulled for parking or loading areas that require backing maneuvers in a public street right-of-way. (c) One curb cut shall be allowed for access to single family and duplex reeidentml tracts. Mare than one curb cut may be allowed upon approval by the Clly Er~nenr or l~s designee. For cerner tracts, access to resldantial tracts shall be token from the lesser street. Access notes on phts shall supersede tlus requirement. The determination as to the lesser (or greater) street shall be based on AASHTO criteria for functional stMet c~tlon. No cuts through a left turn rese~'o~r of a me~q~n,~ shall be permitted m order to provide for left turn movements to driveway approaches. (f) Driveways in right turn lane trans3tJon areas shall not be permitted. When a commercial or multiinmfly de3~lopment abuts more than one public street, access to each abullmg street may be allowed only if the following criteria are met. It ~q demonstrated that such access ts required to adequately serve driveway volumes and will not be detr]mantal or unsafe to traffic operations on public streets. The City Engineer or his desl0nee may require the subn~tsl of a t~ffi~ study which demonstrate~ that such access ~q reqmred. The nummum requ3rements for corner clearance for nommerclal or mnltifamtly driveways are met. Spacing of Driveway Access Application of the driveway access location and desert policy requires identification of the funct~onnl classification of the street on wl~ch access ts requested and then applying the appropriate spacing requh~ments. The City of College Station Streets are c~ as follows: (n) Minor AllerJa]; (~J) Co]lector; Mid, (iv) Lccnl Street. Major allerml, llnser al'term], and collector stMets In the C~ty of College Station are indicated on the Thorougldure and Transportation Improvement Plan. The functiorml clnsmfinat~on of any street in the City no~ indicated es an arterial or collector street on th~ plan shall be determined using the functional street classification defined by the American Aesoe~ation of State l-li~hway and Transportation Offictsls (A~SH?O) 'green book', A Policy on Geometric Destan of HJahwavs and Streets Driveway access spacing shall be measured from the center line of the proposed driveway pavement to the nearest edge of the r(~adway of the adjacent or oppostte driveway or street as indicated in Figure 1. Ordinance No 1971 Page 9 Figure I DRIVE SPACING Proposed Drive Opposite lbght Driveways shall be located no closer than the minimum requirements of Table 1. Table 1 Ooue~e Riaht ("Downstrean~ Drive Spacma Minimum Spacino' Desnable Spacing ~eet) (Feet) Major Axlerial 300 400 M~nor Auerml 225 3~0 Collector 175 300 I.,ocal St~et 125 9.26 (e) Additional oppemte right spacing over and above that set fmlh in Table 2 may be required d it is determined by the C]ly En~neer or his designee that there ia Jns-~lent left turn queue storage or weave maneuver area between the opposite right and proix~,ed dflveway. Tins determination shall be made under peak t~" cond]l~ona. (f) A minnnum of one hundred twentylfiVe feet (125') shall be required for Opl::,:~aite left Dnves rot all street classifications Ordinance No. 19"/1 Pa~e 10 (~) (h) If the centerlme of an opposite drive is less than fifteen feet (15') from the centerhne of the proposed drive, the drives form an Jntemectxon and tile minmtum spacing requirements shall apply for the closest drive. Adjacent dnvas shall be located no cleaer than the nunimum requirements of Table 2. Table ~ Ad}acent Drive S~acina Minimum Spacing Desirable Spacm~ (Feet) (Feet) Major Arterial 275 350 Minor Arterbl 230 3O0 Collector 18~ 235 local Street 150 190 (4) (i) Freeway Frontage Road Access and l~ocation Requirements: (i) Driveways shall not be closer than two hundred fifty feet (250') from an exit ramp as measured from the striped gox~ of the exit ramp to the centerlme of the dxt~. Driveways shall not be closer than one hundred feet (100') from un entrance ramp as measured from the striped gore of the entrance ramp to the centerline of the drive. Driveways shall be located in accordance with the 'Opemtmun and Procedures Manual' publ=hed by the Texas Department of Tmasportation, Sact~oas 4-601 and 4-602. (iv) Permits shall be approved by the l~ent Eno~ineem Office of the Texas Department of Transportation, in conjunction with approval by the City Engineer. (v) These gmdelinas apply to existing and planned interchanges. (vt) In adchtion to ramp spacing, driveways on fl*ontage roads under the Jurisdiction of the Texas Department of Transportation shall also meet the other requirements of this chapter as major arterial streets. Corner Clearance (a) No residential driveway approach shall be cmmtrunted witlun thifly feet (309 of the corner of a street intemecflolt. This measurement shall be taken from the mtemection of property lines at the corner. At intemectleas of a.,lenaJs with channel=ed right turn lanes with yield control, a corner clearanne distance in accordance with those Mt forth in Figure 2 shall be requ]Md for the first downstream driveway when adjacent spacing requirements can't be met due to la~k of frontage and all means to acqmre shared access drives or cross access easements have been exhausted. This dmtance shall be nmasured from the channellzed median to the nearest edge of the proposed driveway as indicated in FM~ure 2. Ordinance No 1971 Page 11 Figure 2 DOWNSTREAM Chann~ Right-Turn Lone Radius Clearance (:f,,.) 50 200 75 230 1 O0 275 CORNER CLEARANCE street street drive (53 Cc) When the reqtdmments of Tables I and 2 can not be met due to ]ack of f;ontage and all means to ~cquire sbered access driveways or cross access easements have been exhausted, no conunercJal diiveway appmaclt may be ]ocated closer to the corner than 78 feet on co]lector streets, 100 feet on minor artarinls and 120 ~eet for major erto~ids. ~ measurement shall be taken from the intersection of propen'y lines at the cmner. When these requirements can't be met due to ]ack of frontage, the driveway may be located such that the radius w~l begin at the farthest propen'y line. (a) A joint private access easement may be ~,equlred between adjacent lots fronting on ertenal and collector streets ut order to mmJnuze the total number of access points along these streets and to facditate traf~ flow between lots. The location end dnueusious of said easement shall be determined by the City Engineer. (b) Private cross access easements may be requn'ed across any lot frontht~ on an arterial or collector street in order to m]nhuLus the number of access points end facilitate access between and across individual lots. The location and dimenmon of smd easement shall be determined by the C~ty Engineer ~'dmance No. 1971 Page (9) Geomemc Desian of Driveway Access All driveways ~ meet the G]ty of College Stations Standard SpooificaUons for Street Construction and the constzuctJon standards as set foflh in Section 9 of the Zoning Ordinance. (b) Curb cuts for driveways shall not be permitted in the curb return of an intersection. (c) The curb return mdb for chivuways intersecting at fight angles with the roadway and without a deceleration lane shall be as follows: (0 Curb return radh for Rnsidantml (Single Fanuly and Duplex) Driveway located on local or collector streets shall be between 2.5 feet and 10.0 feet as shown in F~ure 3. FLare type refddantinl driveways must also adhere to these dhnenslonal criteria. RseKlentJal Driveways located on after]al streets must adhere to the specifications set fozth in 6(c)(n) (ti) Curb return rad~ for Commercial and Multl-inmJly Driveways shall vary between fifteen feet (15') and flurry feet (30') as shown in Figure 4. ¢ilD Curb return radfl for driveway types not included in (i) or (n) above shall be determined by the City Engineer or his dasio'nee. (d) The ~wtum width of L,~b4ent]al dziveway approach, shown m Figure 3 and measured at the property line, shall not exceed twenty-eight feet in width, while the minimum width shall not be lnss than ten feet (10') in width. Figure 3 RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY str'ee! Straight flare fo connectJ~'~ fangency polnfs of curb return. Approach Width _Max. 28'_ -- Min. 10'- drive //~--Curb Return Radius (R) for Collector and Local Streets is Maximum of 10 feet and Minimum of 2..5 feet. C)rdinanae Na. 1971 Page 13 (e) · the mammum width o! commercial and mult]-fanuly driveway approach ~or two-way operaUon, shown m Figure 4, shall not exceed tkirty-six ~ (363 except that the C~ty Engineer may issue permits for dziveway approaches greater than thnty-~c feet (28') m width on major streets to handle special trM~c conditions. 'the minimum width of cmamerclal and multifazafly driveway approach for two-way operation shall not be !mm than twenty-four feet (Z4'). l~gure 4 COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY DRIVEWAY street Tangen¢¥J ~' PoTnt %~ Approach Width drlve /~Curb Return Radius (R) Maximum of 50 feet and Minimum of 15 feet. (0 (g) ~) O) ?ha combination of two dztveways for residentml circ,,Im, dzivea shah not exceed twonty-eighl feet (283. The angle o~ dreasway approach shall be approximately ninety degrees (90~) for two (g) way drivex and between !oz.-five degrees (48~) and ninety degrees (90~) degrees ~ one way drives. A minimum drlwway throat length of twenty-five feet (25') for collector streets, ~ feet (403 for minor artedals, and fifty-five feet (BE,') for major arterials, as shown ~n ~ 5, may be reqmmd to A11_r~W fol' traff~ entenng the site to be stored on sfle in order to avoid a queue o! franc from the development from being out on the roadway causing delays to the through traffic stream. 'The driveway throat length shah be defined as the d~stance from the street to the flint point of confl~t in the driveway. For the benefit of traf~ safety and flow on collector and arterial streets, access points may be required to be designed to prohibit certain types of turning movements. Driveways not meeting the spacing guidelines in Tables I and 2 may be d,~ed for lnnited access by the addition of a m~l~an tO the driveway. Example~ of the types of hn~ed access driveways ~commended are shown in the APPENDIX. Ordinance No. 1971 Page 14 F~u~ 9 DRIVEWAY parklng I Sfreef DTL (feel) Collector 25 Minor Arteriel 40 Moior Arterial 55 THROAT LENGTH first point of conflict represents distance from street fo first point of conflict. street O) For the benefit ol tzatic esioty and flow on collector and afleflal streets, tapered or channelle~d deceleratioa lanes for 3mhicles terning right into ltigh volume or intersection type ~ys may be required ff warranted as per the criteria est forth in the graph for warrants for right turn lanes shown m the APPENDIX. l:k~__~ of fight-tern deceleration lanes shall be in accordance with the AASHTO Green Book on amnli~ (0 The spac, mg requirements for driveways not meeting the specifications in Tables I and ~- may be lmmened or wa_wed if tapered or ehannetlzed deceleration lanes axe used. Access points on igteflal and collector stz~eets may be requixed to be s~gl~Ali~d 111 order to provKle safe and eific~,,nt traffic flow. A development may be responsible for all or pail of any fight-of-way, des~o'n, hardware, and construction cset8 of a t~ffir~- signal if it is detemuned that the signal ~s nec,-qqltated by the tm.ifio generated from the development. The procedures for m. gnal installation and the percent of financtal paztioipatton reqvlxed of the development in the installat]~m of the atgztal shall be in accordance with criteria set foflh m the City's Traffic Signal Policy Ordinance No. 19"/1 Page 15 Street Structures No driveway approach shall inte~-,e with municipal faailt~s such as street light or tndllc ~ poles, signs, fire hydrants, cross waL~s, bus load~g zones, util~y poles, fire ,,l~rm supports, d.m~tage structures, or other necessa~ street structure~. The City Engineer is author~.ed to order and effect the removal or reconstruction of any ~y approach which ts constructed in confl~t wilh street structures. The cost of reconstructing or relocating such driveway approaches shall be at the expense of the abuttin~ property owner. (a) Any plans submitted for b~9~l~lg approval which include o~ involve d~veway approaches shall be referred to the City Engineer or his de~]nee for approval before a bufldJn~ pen~ is issued. (b) A w~ten driveway permit for a new development shall be not Issued or reqvJred. Approval of driveway location and d,~ _1,~ far new properde~ and other developments on a bl,,],-I~g plan mr s~e plan shall be considered the (c) ~ny property owner desirin~l a new driveway approach or an lmwovement to an exJstL~g driveway at an e~isting r,,~eatial or other prope~ shall make applicaticm ~ a driveway permit, in writing, and d,~_nnating lite contractor who will do the wo,rk, to the Cfly Engineer or the b11~,4~g super'visor, accompanied by a sketch or drawing showing clearly the driveway, parking area, or doon~vay to be connected and the location of the nearest existing d~veways on the same and oppos~e sides of the roadway. The City Engineer will prescribe the construct~m pro~edure to be followed. (See the Building Code for contractor's bond and permit requirement, for w~rk on public property.) (d) A permil m buflding~site plan approval as per the procedure of either 8(b) or 8(c) shall be required ~r the location of all driveways wl~h pt'ovide for access to property, l~lveway permits will also be required for any s~]nJ~ant stntcttue change, land use change, or propen'y bounda~ change. (e) The driveway pen~ fee shall be set by resolution ~ the College Staten C~y Council from lime to thue as deemed appropriate by -~ council and shall be of an mount to cover the cost of licensing and maintaining records. All permits gnmted fo~ the use of public woperiy under the terms of ~ section shall be rewcable at the will of the City Council Ordinance No. 1971 Page 16 (9) (a) An appeal may be taken by any person aggrieved by the decision of tho C~ty Engineer. Such appeal shah be made vv'lthm thlmty (30) days of the date of the notiffoatton of the decision by fihng with the City Enoineer a notice of appeal specn',ymg the grounds thereof. The O~y Engineer shall forthw'~ tmlmmit to the PinnnJng and Zoning Corem{ms,on all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. (b) The Planning and Zoning Commission may authorize on appeal a variance to the Driveway Access Location and Demgn Ordinance when such variance will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to unique and specml condttions not nommlly found in l_,ke a~,e. a strict enforcement of the prceasions of the ordinance by the City Engineer would result in an unnecessary hardslup, and so that the sprat of this ordinance shall be oberon, ed and substantial justice done. APPENDIX WARRANT FOR RIGHT-TURN DECELERATION LANES 600 500 400 300 200 100 5 10 15 20 25 DHVOR AVERACE PEAK HOUI/VOL~E OF VEHICLES TURNING RIGHT INTO ACCESS Ordh~ance No. 1971 Page 17 LIMITED ACCESS DRIVEWAYS  30'1 RIGHT IN, ItI RIGHT OUT, LEFT IN 18'~ ~,n.-~/~/ll~,~ I RIGHT IN, fiB' rqln.~/ /~ ~-18' ,In. R(xclius = 50 .~-,-~ · .I RIGHT IN, *Ill RIGHT OUT, IX ~- 18 m,n. , / l~. ~ /-Radius = 50 mln. ~ ~ ~0' ~in. ¢~linance N~. 1971 Pa~e 18 PLANTING ON STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY (1) There will be no restrictions on planting and care of grass on unpaved areas, and no permit shall be requ~d. (2) Obstructfons It shall be unlawful to plant flowers, shru]:~ or trees to obstruct the v~w of or access to fire hydrants, mail boxes, t~m,. control devices, police or fire call boxes. (3) PennU ~imments Other plantings will be permitted only ~f an apphcation~ together w~th a plan of planting, has been filed wUh the City Enotneer and he m turn has tsaned a perml~ for such planting. THOROUGHFARE AND 'I'I~NSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN (1) A Thoroughfare and Transportation Impro~mment Plan ts hereby establ~hed for the City of College Station, Te~S, and the area of extratenitorlal ]misdfot~on of the C~ty, es shown on the mp dnsignated, 'City of College Station Thoroughfare and Trsnsportatfon Improvement Plan' a copy of wlttch is mt file in the office of the City Planner (2) Revision of the Co]inge Ststion Thoroughfare and Transportation lmp~vement Plan shall be made only by amendment to this section, accompanied by a rev~ map. PRINCIPAL STREET PROIECTION: PAYMENT OF/~SSESSMENTS The GUy Councd may order projection of prlnc~pnl streets mto unplatted areas of the City, in which cases the cost to adjacent property ownem will be provkled herein. (1) When it becomes necnssa~y for the City of College Station to purchase right-of-way grants or easements fi'om prope~y owners for the purpose of building, constructlag, or granting new roads, streets, or ltlghways, it shall be the pohcy of the City Court- cfi of saki CUy to assess the entue costs of constructing curbs, ~mtters, and rode- walks and not more than nine-tenths (9/10) of the renminlng cost of such street anprovements as shown on the estimate of costs ao~ainst the abutting property and against the real and true owners thereof. Payment of saki assessments shall be made ns follows: II the property owners concerned will volunturJly convey said ~ht-of-way to the City of College Station at the then-cun'ent appraised value as deter- mined by a board of three (3) disinterested and q~tt~l appraisers and apply the purchase p~'foe, to the extent needed to pay for the abuttinO property owners' sham of the cost of improvements so constructed; then, if any additional costs are due and owinO from the property owners niter ap- plying the appraised value of thek right.of-way grant, these adcht~onal costs of improvements may be paid to the City by the property ownem over a three (3) year perkxi, w~h no interest due or payable, in equal annual m- staUments. The first installment due and payable on or before the first day of the first month following the passage of one (1) year from the date of the completion and acceptance of the street or road tmprovements by the City, and a hke installment on or before said day and month of each year there- after until the entn'e sum ts panl. Ordinance No. 1971 Page 19 If the abutting property owners refuse or fail to convey sa~d right-of-way to the C~y at the cun'ent appramed value, as set out above, then the entire cost of the improvements to u~l pmper~ ownem shall be due and payable in full to the City on the date that said improvements are completed and accepted by the C~ty. If any of the annual mstsllments dascnbed m paragraph (a) above shall become delinquent for more than ten (10) days, and tf the C~' Manager doe~ not grant an exteas~on of time for proper cause shown, then any b~l~nce remaining tmpaki at that tLme shall become due and payable immedmtely and shall dxaw eight percent (8%) interest per annum unttl (d) The amounts paFable by the abutting property and the owners thereof shall be assessed against such abutting property and against the real and true owners thereof, and shall be a first and prior lien. Afte~ deducting the total cost of curb and gutter and not more than nine-tenths (9/10) o~ all the remaining costs of the mtprovements, the remaining csets of the improve- ments shall be paid by the C~ty of College Station The owners' costs as defined tn this pohcy shall be based on the minimum f~ght-of- way width of fll~y-alx feet (fl6') and minunum wtdth of thirty--e~ght feet (38') of street pavement as adopted by the City Council. Costs of additional w~dtha of right-of-way and st~et pavements as requn'ed by the City Council shall be assumed by the City c~ College Station. DESIGN STANDARDS All eno'ineering d~_-n of streets, sidewalks, driveway approaches, drainage stractttres, and utJl~ias w/bin street right-of-way shall confonu to City engineering standurds. UNUSUAL CONDITIONS The City Engmeur is hereby authorized to grant, m wt'llmg, variancse f~om the strict apph- cation of the pnnc~plas of this subsection; provided that he first determmos that the follow- ing conditions are present: (1) The exception or variance dos~rad arises f~om pec'ld~T coad~on~ not ordina.t41y existing in SLm~t~r dmtrk=ts in Ihe City, or due to the nattue of the business or oper- ation on the abutting pmpen'y. (3) That the exception or variance dastred is not against the public interast, particularly safety, convemence, and general welfare. (3) That the granting of the permit for the exception or variance wtil not adversely affect the rights of adjacent Drope~y owners or tenants. (4) That the st~4ct appllcatfon of the terms of this section will not work unnecessary hardsinp on the property owlter or tenant. .AD. MINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT (1) Ctty Enqineer Designated as Enforcement Official. Powers and Duties (a) The Chty Engineer is dosignated as the admmmtratnm offic~a.l of the C~ty, lo admfuJster the provts]oas of this seclion. Orchnance No. 1971 Page 20 (b) If the C~ty Engmeer shall find or ~f any person files wUh lure a complaint m writing alleOmg that any of the provimons of tlus section are being violated, he shall munechately mvnst~gate and whe~ necessa~, give written notice to the person rnsponmbla to cease such v,.olat~ons, forthwith. (c) Notice may be dehvered m person or by ce~m,,d mad to molator or to any person in charge of the propen'y where the violaUon is occurring. Penalty for Violstion Any person who violates or fails to comply w~th the requirements of th,,, section shall be oallty of a misdemeanor and shall be liable to a fine of not mom than Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Each day such vfolat~on shall be permitted to exist shall constlln]e a separate offense Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City from taking such other lawful action as may be necessary to prevent or remedy any v~olation.' II. That Chapter 9, Section 8, of the Code of Ordinances of the C~y of College Station relating to the general requirements and nummum standards of d,,~ _t~n, is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 8: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND MINIMUM STANDARDS OF DESIGN 8-A Community Assets In all sulxLwmions, due regard shall be shown for all natural features such as trees, watercourzes, historical spots, and sinular community assets, which, when presex'ved, will add attractnmnnss and value to the property. 8-B Suitabifilv of Lands The Commlsson shall not approve the subdivision of land ~ from adequate investigations conducted by all public a~encise concerned, it has been determined that In the best interest of the public, the site is not suitable for platting and development p~ of the kind proposed. Land subject to flooding and land deemed to be topographically unsuitable shall not be platted for maidantial occupancy, nor for such other uses as may mcroase danger to health, life, o~ property, or aggravate ep~,m,,n or flood bA~-~rd. Such land witMn the plat shall be set aside for such uses as shall not be endangered by periodic or occasional inundation or shall not produce unsatlsfactcuy living conda~ons. 8-C Lame Tracts or Parcels When land is subdivided into larger parcela rather than ordina~ building lots, such parcels shall be arranged so as to allow for the opening of future streets and logical further subdivisions. If the comprehensive plan of the Ciiy requires principal streets to cross the subdivision, the fight-cf-way shah be dedicated to the public. 8-D Zonina and Other Requlatlons No plat of land wUhm the force and effect of an existing zoning ordinance shall be approved un]ess it conforms to such zoning or other pertinent regulations. ~n:llnance N~. 1971 Pa~e 21 ~Rese~l St~oh~:~ted There shall be no reserved stnl~ cont~lbn~ access to land dedicated or intended to be dedicated to the pubhc. 8-F Standards All construction on streets, alleys, or easements shall be d~Mcrn_ ed and constricted Jn accordance with City Engineering standards and specifications, and in paflic~!~a? regard for the street regulation section. 8-~ Streets 8-~.1 Street L, avem Adequate streets shall be provided by the sttbdivJder such that the an'angement, character, e2ctent, width, and grade of each shall conJorm to the comprehensive phn of the city and shall be considered in their relation to existing ~nd planned streets, to the topographical condJ~iosu, to the public safoty and convemence, and to their appropriate relationship to the proposed use of the land to be sezved by such streets. 8-~.2 1~,~latln~t to ~lleinina Street Systems Where necessary to the neighborhood patteTn, exhflng streets in adjacent or adjoining areas shall be continued, in alignment there~h. Where adjoining areas are not subdi- vided, the arrangement of stMets in the subdivlMon shall make proWion for the proper projection o! streets into such areas. 8--G.3 Street Toas Whenever possible, street Jogs with center-line offsets of 1~ than one hundred twenty- five feet (12~') shall be ave~ded. 8-G.4 Half Streets No half stzeets shah be platted. 8-G.$ Dead-end Streets Dead-end streets shall be prohibited except short stubs to pernut extesuion. ?emporaly turnarounds may be required. 8-G.6 Cul-de-Sacs Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed six hundred feet (600') in length to mdisu point, and shall terminate in a turnaround not less than one hundred feet (100') in ,41~,metor, with a pavement dmmeter o! eighty feet (80'). 8-~.7 Street Intersections Acute angles between streets at thek intersections are to be avoided. 8-(~.8 PnnciDal Stzeets on Master Plan Where subchvwion embraces a principal street as shown on the master plan of the city, such street shall be platted to maJntain continuity m the approxnuate location as shown, and of the type mdicated. In certain cases the city may have constructed a street through the area to be subdtvxied, in which case the subdivider shah develop the nec- Ordinance No 1971 Page 22 essary street intetnect~ons at lus expense, m accordance w~th the requn'ements of chapter. The Plamung Co~n may reqmre that, where practical, renldentm.l lots adjacent to arterlnl streets or parkways be platted or restricted so as to prevent d~mw'ays opening into such streets. 8.~.9 Minor Streets Minor streets shall be ~ out to d~coumge their use of through 8-G.10 Geometric Standards Refer to street regulatktn esctlon for other reqnlratnents. Residentm.l Collector A,-tenal Parkway Commercial R~ght-of-way Width 50 feet 60 feet 70 feet 80 feet 70 feet NOTE: The above r~ht-of-way widths are based on the subdividers providing utility easements beck of lots lacing on such streets; ff such easements are not provided, the City Engineer will prescribe the right-of-way widths. Pavement Width between Curbs 27 feet 38 feet 46 feet 96 feet 46 ~eet Traf~c l~anee 1 2 4 4 2 Parking L, anee ] 2 none none 2 Median none none 2 feet 12 feet 2 feet Mm. Grade .4% .4% .4% .4% .4% Max. Grade 6.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% Center-line ~t00 feet 400 feet 600 feet 800 feet B00 ~eet Minimum Tano~nt b/t Ctnves 50 feet 75 feet 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet Sidewalks (See Section 8-M for reqnlrements) 8.~.11 Street Natnes New streets shall not only be named so as to provide continu~y of existing streets, but shall be named to prevent conflict with identical or similar names in other parts of the City. New streets shall not be named a~ar any living person 8-~H 8-H.1 Alleys may be requu'ed at the ~ar of all lots intended to be used for business purposes and may be provxled tn r~entJal areas. Ordinance No. 1971 Page ~=~==ry street ~tersect]ona at lus expense, In accordance with the requ.~ements of this chapter. The Planning Comnu.~on may reqmre that, where practical, residential lots adjacent to erterlal streets or parkways be platted or restricted so as to prevent driveways opening Into such streets 8..G.9 Minor Streets Minor streets shall be t=~ out to dL-courage then use of through traffic. 8..G.10 C, eometric Standards Refer to street regulation section for other requirements. l~,~q;t4entia] Collector Arterial Perkwav Commercial Right-of-way Witith 50 feet 60 feet 70 feet 80 feet 70 feet NOTE: The above fight.of-way wtdtha are based on the subdlvidem prowdmg utfltty easements beck of lots facing on such streets; if such easements are not provxted, the City Engineer will presuribe the nght-of-way widths. Pavement Width between Curha 9.7 feet 38 feet 46 feet 86 feet 46 feet Traffic Lanes I 2 4 4 2 Parking l,anee I 2 none none 9. Merllnn none none 9. feet 12 feet 9. feet Min. Grade .4% .4% .4% .4% .4% Max. Grade 6 0% 4 0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% Center-line 200 feet 400 feet 600 feet 800 feet 500 feet Minimum Tangent b/t Craves 50 feet 75 feet 100 feet 100 feet 100 feet SKJ. ewaLks (See Section 8-M for requJrements) 8-G.I1 Street Names New streets shall not only be named so as to pro3flde continuity of ex~sting streets, but shall be named to prevent confhct w~th identical or sJrfltl=F names In other paris of the City. New streets shall not be named after any hvmg person. 8-H Alleys 8-H.! Alleys may be requn'ed at the rear of all lots mtesded to be used for bnamess purposes and may be provxted la residential areas Ordinance No. 1971 Page 23 8-H.2 Alleys shall generally be parallel to the st~ent, shall be not !~m than twenty feet (20') wido and shall be paved undur CJiy Engineering stsndurds. Tho right-of-way for alleys shall be dedicated to the public. 8-H.3 Where two (~t) alleys tnte~usot, or where an alley tunm, ~dditic~3al width may be required to allow ttm~g o! veldclus or guying of nt~y poles. 8-H.4 Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted, except where the alley is ono hundred feet (100') or less in length. 8-H.5 In all alleys, overhead easements of at least four fset (4') hi width shall be pt'ovtded on each side of the alley fight-of-way ovor which the aerial electric and communication lines must hang. This easement is not required when the eleotric and communication 8-1.1 DraJna Easements Where a subdivision is traversed by a wate~onrse, drainage way, natural c~-~,l-el or stream, there may be required a drainage easement or right-of-way conforming sub- Sts~tL~11~ to the ~ of such wate~coume, plus ~,rlrl#l~ual w~dth to accommodate future needs as detemtlned by the Gity Engheer. No colmtn~tion, Jncludleg fences, sha]l im- pede, con--t, or block the flow of watur in any easement or antural watercourus. Such easement shall not be considered a part of the lot area ~r purposes of minimum let raze mqmrements o~ the zoning ordinance. Drainage easements may be used for utihtms. 8-1.2 Utility Easements 8-1.2.1 __ Each block that dous not contsin an alkP/us provided m 8-H above, shall have a ut~hty eusement at the rear of all fots, reusrmd for the use of all utility lines, conduJl, and equipment. These ut~ity easements shall be twenty leet (20*) in w~dth, taken ton feet (10') from each lot where the rear of the lots abut each other, and shall be continuous for the entbe length of a block. These easements shall be parallel us closely as possible to the street line f~mta~e of the block. 8-1.2.2 Normal curb section shall be required where utd~ easements intersect streets. 8-1.2.3 Where ntflity easements are not theamelves straight w~thJn each block, or if the same do not cmmect on a stre~ht coume with utility easements of adjoining blocks, then an additional ,~foment shall be provided for the placement of guy wires en lot di~sfon lines in order to suppofl poles set on curving or deviating rights-of-way o~ easements. Ordmance No. 1971 Parle 24 8-I.2.4 UtLhty easements may be required acm paris of lots other than as described above upon reconunendation of the C,ty Engineer. W~nere the p~op~sed subdnnston adjoins an unplntted area, the full twenty foot (20') Mdth of easement may be required along the rear of lots adjoining the unplatted area. 81.2.5 Uullly easements may be fenced ff unlocked gates are pro3flded to allow flee movement of excavating machines, maintenance equipment, and personnel throughout the full length of the easement. 8-1.2.6 Overhead easements required same as for alleys, see 8-H.8. 84 Blocks Blocks generally shall be platted to provide two (2) tiers of lots with a nt]llty easement or ~lley between them, with proper regard for drainage channels, wooded areas and other topographical features lending themselves to attractive treatment. Block length shall not exceed one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') in singlo-hnuly residential areas end shall not exceed eight hundred feet (800') in other areas. In blocks over eight hnnd.~ed feet (800') in length, there may be reqmred, near the center of the block, an access way as hereafter defined. An access way may be requn'ed at the end of a (~ul-de-sac to fecil~ate pedestrian traffic movement. 8-K Lots 8-I~1 __ Side lot lines wldch make acute angles with front lmas shall be avoided where praatJcal. In general, an arrengement placing adjacent lots at r~ht angles to each other shall be avoided. 8-K.2 lot size and setback Hues shall be m accordance with zoning requirements. L,ots abutting on access ways shall be treated as comer lols. 8-T. Access Way Access ways, where ~ shall have a ten foot (10') fight-of-way, derhcated to the public. A four foot (4') sidewalk shall be ouastmcted m the center of the right-of-way conJorming to the City Engineenng standards. 8-M.I Sidewalks shall be requn'ed on both skies of all streets having a r]~rht.of-way Mdth equal to or greeter than sixty (60'). A mdewulk shall be required on one (1) side of all streets with a fifty foot (50') right-of-way with the exception of cul-de-sac streets. A sidewalk may he required ou cul-de-sac streets ~f needed to k,,.,vide through pedestrian access. Sidewalks shall be placed w~hin the right-of-way as determined by the City Engineer end when so specified 8-M.2 The subd~der shall construct aH sKiewalks acourdmo to one of the following placement alternatives- sidewalks shall be placed against the back of curb end have a minimum paved width of SLX feet (6'); OR mdewalks shall he placed such that a minimum mx foot (6.) buffer/green space is maintained between the hack of curb and the inside edge of the sidewalk. Sidewalk paved width shall be a nummum of four feel (4.) for tlus Ordinance No. 1971 Page 25 (c) the subdivider shall assure that these mimmums am s,,~-'ient to meet the anticipated pedestrian demand in the area. 8-M.3 __ Given that a combination or vagation from the two placement methods as described in Section 8-M.2 is necussa~y or desired er that an obstruction is located within the paved area, the following cnlena must be satisfied. (a) All radii in the transition section must he a nsalmum of ten ieet (10'). Co) All transition sections must be approved by the C,~y Engineer. 8-M.4 __ In order to provide safe and adequate access on City sidewalks, all sidewalks shall meet nunhnum clear w~dth requirements around all obstmctious, natural or manmade, as described herein. Clear width shall mean the d~tance as measured fl'om the outside edge of the ohatmchon to the outside edge of the sidewaLk or from the i~,,iae edge of the obstruction to the inside edge of the sidewalk. If the clear w~dih ~s to he obtained between the inside edge of the stdewaLk and the obstruction, gtven that the s~dewalk placed against the hack of curb, the clear width shall be a mmnsum o! six feet (6'). In all other cases, the minhanm clear width shall he four feet (4'). 8-M.5 All sidewalks must be constructed concurrently with the thorougldam or, g the thorough.fare 1,, already constructed, prior to acceptance of any improvements. 8-M 6 __ Exceptions Io or panini werver of the requirements of 8-M.1. may be granted by the C~ly Counczl upon recommendation of the Planning and Zomng Comnuss~on and when it bas been determined that satisfactory alternative pedestrl, an ways or pedestrian/bikeways have been or will be provided outside the normal right-of-way; or that unique circumstances or unusual topographic, vegetative, or other natural conditions prevail to the extent that st~iot adherence to said requirements would be unreasonable and not consistent with the purlx~es and goals of this chapter or the comprehensive development plan. 8-N.I C-eneral Bikeways wi. il be reqalmd m accordance with the B~keway Master Plan. B~'eway facilities are planned and located to integrate wuh the ex~tmg City street and park system The faczhlius are strutegtcally located so as to minimize their numbers and to provide bikeways to certain aresa or neighborhoods within the City. 8-N.2 ~ of Bikeways Them am three (3) types of b~vay Iamht~us that shall be utd~zed These are sa follows: (1) Bike Path, a faclhty completely separated from auto traffic and within an independent fight-of-way or w~tlun the right-of-way of another incdJty; B~ke lane, a facility where part of Ihe roadway or shoulder m striped, s~gned, and marked for exclumve or prefemnt~al bicycle use and where vehtcle parking ~s not permitted; and, (3) B~ke Route, a fac~ty designated by s~gmag to help make motorists aware of Ordinance No. 1971 Page 26 the p~sence of b~cycles which share the right-of-way with motor velucles 8-N.3 Bikeway l~ocation C~eria Bikeways shall be located to integrate with the ex~stmg C~ty street and pa~k system. Impmtant criteria used in detenuiuinll bikeway incila'y types and iocat~ons are. (1) Safety. Existing street width. (~t) Existing and potential demand for use. (3) Continuity and directness. (4) Spacing. Relatioaslup to other bikeway facffities. (5') I~ocation of schools and other public facilities frequented by bicycle ridem (6) Location of linear parks and greenbelts. 8-NA OeometricDes~nC~ena All facilities shah be designed to meet or exceed standards set forth m the 'Guide for Development of Bicycle Facilities' publfahed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Ofliclsls (AASHTO). Signing and pavement markings for such facUltk,~, shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Geometric design c~efla for each type of bikeway facility are as (1) Bike Routes The placement of bike route stgnmg identi~s bicycle compatible streets that w,_U esnm as bike routes. Bike route identification and directional ~ shall be located and installed as indicated on the Btlmway Master Plan. Bilm Routes prov~le an nnportant hmntkm in that they provide ior coatinmty m the overall bikeway system. Typically most b~e routes will occur mt local and collentor streets as they are often most compatible for bicycle use withom add~ionui pavement. A minimum of 12.5 feet outer lane for collectom and a minimum of 13.5 feet outer lane for a~terJuis measured from the outer lane line to the top of the gutter shall be required for bike routes. A typical bicycle compatible street ~s shown in Figure I. Bike route mgnmg should not end at a barrier. Information directing the hicychst around the ban'ler should be provided. The roadway widtl~ along w~th factors such as the volume, speed, and type of traffic; parking condu,,',ns; grade; and sight distance should be considered when deternunmg the feasibility of a bike route. Roadway Improvements, such as drainage grates, railroad croesings, smooth pavements, maintenance schedules, and uig~=t= mspoastve to bicycles, should always be considered before a roadway LS ~entified as a bike route C)~d~nance No. 1971 Page 27 FIGURE 1 BIKE ROUTE/BICYCLE COMPATIBLE STREET LaneN°Llne Outer Trafllc Lane , II 7' 141n (Ma¥ be reduced In non-- pede~lr~an areas) · 12 5' min. on collector streets 13.5' min. on afledal ,traefs ~'dJnance No. 1971 Pa~e 28 B~ke Lanes The bike lane is located within the velucalar roadway in the outs]de lane and is intended fir the exclus~e use of bicycles. Bike lanes in the City of College Station must be developed as one-way facfllh,,s and carry tra]:~c In the same direction as adjacent motor velucle tmff~,~. 'l'wo-way b~e lanes are not permitted because: (1) They requh'e unconventional turns at intemectfius. They are conducive fir bicyclists having to go the 'wrong way' and to weave across tra~c to bike in the proper lane. (3) They require that b~cyclists travel m a (hrection opposite the adjacent auto lane. Typical bike lane d~_'.~zn and layout is illustrated in Figure 2. A one-way bike lane against the curb requires a mmhanm of $ feet measured from the edge of pavement, not including the gutter. The bike lane shall be delineated by a continuous painted stripe. The ,~ifa~tond prefirential lane symbol (as designated m MU'lCD) shall be located immedmtaly after each mteresctfin to inform motorists tunting of the restricted nature of the lane. At intemectJons, bicyclists proceeding slra~lht and motorists tun'dng right must cross paths. Striping and ~ configurations whfih encourage these crossings m advance of the intersection, in a merging hsldon, shall be preferred to those that force the crossing in the muned]ate vicinity of the intemection. Typical treatment of ~ lanes at lntemect]oas is dlustrated in l:~gures 3 and 4. Adequate pavement surhce, bicycles safe grate Inlets, safe railroad crossings, and traffic sKInals responsive to the bicycbst shall be provided on roadways where bd(e hnen are deslonated. Ra~.qed pavement markings and raised ban'iera can cause steenng ,.l~ulties for bicyclLsts and should not be used to delineate bike lanes. FIGURE 2 TYPICAL BICYCLE LANE CROSS SECTIONS ~hnance N~.1971 Pa~e 29 FIGURE 3 BICYCLE LANE TREATMENT AT INTERSECTIONS Ordinance No. ll~l Page 30 FIGURE 4 BICYCLE LANES APPROACHING RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANES Ihla point} RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE I PARKING LANE BECOMES RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE .Typical I~h of fllreugh bleyell~ OPTIONAL DOUBLE RIGHT LANE BECOMES RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE Ordmance No. 1971 Page 31 (i]~ Bike Paths Bike paths are factl~ins used exclusively for bike traffic with minimal cross flow by motor velucles. They should be located pmnazily in greenbelt areas or park-type areas. If a bitm path is to be located in the right-of-way of an adjacent roadway there should be a minimum of five leer (B') separating the bike path from the roadway. The paved width and the operating w~dth required for a bicycle path are PrinmW design considerations. Figure 5 depicts a bicycle path on a separated right-~-way. Under most condainns, a recommended all-pa,md width for a two-directional bicycle path is tan feet (10'). In some instances, however, a minimum of eight feet (8') can be adequate. This mhtimum should be used only where the following c(mPlttl~ ~ (l) bicycle traffic is expected to be low, even on peak days or during peak houm (2) pedestrian use of the facility is not expected to be more than occasional, (3) them ~ be good horizontal and veztical alignment providing safe and frequent passing opportunfoes, (4) the path will not be subjected to maintenance velu~le loading conditions that would cause pavement edge damage. Under cei'tain conchtions it may be necessaw or desirable to increase the w~dth of a bicycle path to twelve feet (ll~'); for example, because of sul~tantisl bicycle ,relume, probable shared use with Jogge~ and other pedestrians, use by large maintenance vclucles, steep grades and where bicyclists will be lflmly to ride two abreast. FIGURE 5 BICYCLE PATH Ordinance No. 1971 Page 3:~ The m.L, umum wxith of a one.diract~oaal lncycle path is five feet ($'). It should be recognized, however, that one-way bioycle paths often wtll be used as two-way facilillas unless effectr~e measures are taken to assure one-way operation. W~thout such enforcement, it should be assumed that bicycle paths wtll be used as two-way facilities and designed accordingly. A minimum of two-foot width graded area should be mamtamed adjacent to both sides of the pavement; however, three feet (3') or more is desirable to provide clearance from trees, poles, walls, fences, gaard raj]s, or other lateral obstructions. A wider graded area on etther rode of the bicycle path can se~e as a separnte Jogging path. The vertical clearance to ob~traot~o~ should be a minnnum of e~ght feet (8'). However, vertical clearance may need to be greater to permit passage of maintenance vehicles and, in under crossings and tunnels, a clearance of ten feet (10') m desirable. 8-0 Water Supply 8-O.1 All subdivisions shall be provided with water supply and distribution systems for fire protection and domestic use. The design of winch shall be approved and enforced by the City Engineer m accordance wtth applicable city, state and federal statutas, codes, City of College Statton construction spec~finations and acceptable engineering practice. 8-0.9. Public fire hydrants of Cay of College Station standard design shall be installed as a part of the water chstrfeution system in accordance w~th apphcabfe ctty codes. 8-P Saulta~ Sewers 8-P.I All subd~usions shall be provided with an approved sanitary sewerage system, meeting the standards of the City Engineenng department. Craved sewers of not ~ than one hundred foot (100') radius are accepted, manholes of not over five hundred foot (BOO') spacing. 8-P.2 If the sewerage system incledas tmatmeut inefl~tios, the pla~ must be approved by the Texas State Departmant of Health, and subdivider mast have a permit for the discha~e of efllueut h'om the Texas Water ~]~ttty Board, before the approval by the commfl~n. 8-O Drainaae Drainage shall be provtded to handle runoff as calculated, street inlets for a five (5) year rain, storm sewers for a five (5) year ram, and brkigas for a twenty-five (25) :veer rain, all as approved by the Cay Engmeor. Water shall not be camed on the street for a cbatance greater than a five (5) year rain w~l overflow the curb. Drainage shall be hand]ed in natural stream channeis insofar as practical. No coastraction shall impede, consmct, or block the flow of water m any natural or improved watercourse. 8-R Utilftv Lines All utfltty hnes that pass under streets or alleys shall be installed before the street or alley paved, w~h embedment, backfill, and depths as approved by the City Engineer, or the croasing 8-S ~ or Od Lines High p~,~ure flammable gas or fuel lmas are defined as those wluch are operated or may be expected in the future to operate at a pressure of over mxty (60) pounds per square inch. High pressure flammable gas or fuel lines, installed on pubhc property, shall be buffed wtth a mhmuum cover of thnty mchas (30'), and shall be marked by an aU-weather typed sign, Ordinauce No. 1971 Page 33 installed at each creasing and at intex3mle of not mom than three hundred feet (3009. The s~ms shall be mstulled by the ufiliiy company, state that the itne Js high preasure, and shall name the product or products transported therein. 8-T ~ Street bo'hts, of a deoign approved by the C~ty Engineer, shall be installed at all street inter- sectimm and acceas ways, and at not more than five hundred foot ([300') intenmle along streets. Street l~hts consisting of pole, 1~, and wiring wMdn the poles, shall be installed by the subdivider. Cul.de-secs mom than tluee hundred feet (300') in length shall be lighted. 8-U Einctr~c Sen, ice A~ the option of the subd~'tder, all single phase electrk~ lines and commmucalfons lines may be installed underground. See 9-F.I. for the coet to the subdivider to provide the underground electric lines. Where it i8 known that overhead electric feeder lines Mil be required through the subd.,vision, the subdivider will be required to provide a uttlity easemertt Jn the location indicated. The subd.Jvider shall clear ail easements where overhead electric lines m'e to he installed. 8-V Moaummtts and Corner Markem 8-V.I All block coruem, angle points and points of cu.wse, and all comers of boundary lines of subd..-v,.fflons shall be marked with a one-half inch (1/2') steel rod, two feet (2') m length, set in the center of a concrete monument six inches (6') in dkameter and thifly inches (30') deep, with the top flush w~h the finished gt'otmd su_Tface. 8-V.2 Where, due to topographic conditions, permanent structures or other conditions, the view is obstructed between any two (2) adjacent monuments, mtermedinte monuments shall be set as to assure a clear view between adjaceat monuments 8-V.3 Corner markem, consisting of a one-half inch (i/2') steel rod or tluee-fotutha inch (3/4") --- pipe, two feet (2') in length, shall be driven flush with the O~'ound surhce to mark the coflteru of oil lots.' This ordinance shall become effectnm and be m full force and effect from and ulter ~s passage and approval by the C~y Council and duly attested by the Mayor and City Secretm'y. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 27th day of August, 1992. AT,ST' ., C6hnle Hooks, City Secretary