HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1946 - Ordinance - 02/27/1992ORDINANCE NO. 1946 AN ORDINANCE REZONING TWENTY ONE TRAC'I~ ALONG THE UNIVERSITY DRIVE CORRIDOR, FROM TARROW TO THE EAST BY PASS, FROM C - 1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL TO C-B BUSINESS COMMERCIAD BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS: ~s-IEREAS, the Ctty Council held a public hearing in the City Hall Counctl Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 27, 1992, on the question of rezoning certain areas within the City limits: AND. WHEREAS. the City Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classiftcation of a twenty-one tracts along the University Drive Corridor from Tarrow to the East By Pass. more specifically described as: TRACT! A 5.6238 acre Iract out of the Richard Carter Survey Abstract tg'$ Bsazos County, Texas and being a poruon of a 19 489 acre Iract, Lot I in Block 17 of Glenhaven Estates Phase IX, a plat of which is recorded m Volume 1363, Page 141 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more pamcuhrly described as follows: BEGINNING al a point m the northeast right-of-way line of Glenhaven Drive, said point aiso being the most westerly corner of Glenhaven Estates Phase IV, THENCE northwesterly along said right-of-way line being a curve to the right having a central angle of 3° 27' 00'' and a radius of 1510 39 feet for an arc distance of 90.94 feet. Ihe chord bears N. 39° 53' 21" W. a d~stance of 90.93 feet to a point for angle point; THENCE N 38 09 51 W. for a distance of 152.07 feet to a point for angle point, same being the beginning point of a curve lo thc right having a central angle of 11° 37' 32" and a radius of 1438.96 feet: THENCE along thc above said curve for an are distance of 291.97 feet, Ihe chord bears N. 32° 21' 05" W. a distance of 29i.47 feet to a point for angle point; THENCE N. 26° 32' 19" W. for a distance of 102.64 feet to a point for corner, saul point being located in the southeast rqght-of-way line of Umvers~ty Driv~ and the northeast right-of- way line of Glenhaven Drive, THENCE along said southeast right-of-way Imc of University Drive, N. 63° 32' 55" E. for a distance of 129.33 feet to a point for angle point; THENCE N 43° 56' 02" E for a d~stance of 206 52 feet to a point for angle poml; THENCE N 51° 15' 00' E. for a distance of 175.00 fi~et to point for angle point; THENCE S. 83° 40' 20'' E. for a distance of 106 14 feet to a point in the southwest right-of- way line of State Highway 6 (East Bypass}; O~d/nance No. 1946 Page' 2 THENCE S. 39° 05' 32' E. along sa~d southwest right-of-way line of Slate H~ghway 6 (East Bypass) for a dastance of 150.18 feet to a point for angle point; THENCE $ 52° 46' 15" E. along said southwest right-of-way line of Slate Highway 6 (East Bypass) for a dhlance of 330.76 feet to a point for corner;, THENCE S. 44° 26' 41' W. for a distance of 721.20 feet to the point of beginning, containing 5 6238 acres of land, more or less. TRACI' 2 A 1.8912 acre Iract out of the Richard Carter Survey Abstract ~8 Brazos County, Texas and being a portion of a 13.54 acre tract conveyed to Umversity East Joint Venture by Sylvm Pate Wlll,ngham by deed recorded in Volume 398, Page 709 of the deed records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more part,cularly described as follows BEGINNING at the point on the south right-of-way lane of University Drive, said point being the northerly corner of said 13 54 acre tract; THENCE S 45°28'00" E. 188.22 feet along the northeast line of sa,d 13.54 acre tract to a point for the most easterly corner of th,, tract, THENCE S 44°31'58" W, 340 46 feet to a po,at for the most southerly corner of th~s tract, THENCE N 45°28'02'' W, 62 30 feet to a point for a corner, THENCE along a curve to the right whose cord bears N 31°30'31" W, with a cord length of 144.73 feet and a radms of 300.00 feet to a point for a cornea THENCE N 17°33'00' W, 13.21 feet lo a point lying in the south right-of-way of Unn, erslly Drive, said point betng the most westerly corner of this tract; THENCE N 72°27'00" E, 276 80 feet along the south right-of-way of Umversity Drive to the point of begmmng and conlammg 1.8912 acres of land, more of less. TRACT 3 A 4.4744 acre tract out of the Richard Carter Survey, Abstract ~8, Brazos County, Texas and being a portion of a 13.54 acre tract conveyed to Univemity East Joint Venture by Sylvia Putz Willingham by Deed recorded in Volume 398, Page 709 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas and heinE out of a 6.20 acre tract shown as Tract number 1, Ordinance No 1420 and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the south right-of-way lane of University Drive, said point being the most northerly corner of saad 13.54 acre tract; THENCE S 45°28'00" E, 188.22 feet along said 13.54 acre tract northeast line to a point for the most easterly corner of this tract; Ordinance No. 1946 Page 3 THENCE S 44°31'58· W, 602.46 feet Io a point on the southwest line of said 13.54 acre tract for the most southerly corner of thts tract; THENCE Ihe foHovnng along the southwest hne of said 13.54 acre tract: N 45°28'00" W, 252.43 feet, and N 14°51'13" W, 225.58 feet to a point being the most westerly corner of said 13.54 acre trac~ and herein described tract; THENCE N 72°27'00' E, 551 80 feet along said University Drive south right-of-way line Io the point of beginning and containing 4 4744 acres of land, more or less. TRACT 4 Being all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m the Richard Carter League, A-8, College Station, Brazos County, Texas and being part of that 8.876 acre tract conveyed to J V. Henton by Delmo Jasper, et-al, by deed recorded in Volume 452, Page 164 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being more parllcularly descrtbed as follows: BEGINNING at the north corner of said 8 876 acre track said corner being in the south right- of-way hne of University Drive; THENCE S 14°51'13· ~ 225 58 feet and S 45°28'00"" E, 330.08 feet to a poml for a corner; THENCE S 44°32'00· W. 240 80 feet to a point for a corner:, THENCE N 45°28'00· W. 712 71 feet to a point for corner in said University Drive line, THENCE N 72°27'00" E, 402 60 feet along said Umversdy Drive hne to the point of beginning, and containing 3.923 acres of land, more or less. TRACT 5 Being all that 4.00 acre tracl or parcel of land, lying and being situated in Iht Richard Carler league, A-8, College Station, Brazos County. Texas and being a part of that 13.54 acre tracx conveyed to the trustees for the College Heighls Assembly of God Church by Roy V. Simmons, trustee, recorded in Volume 188. Page 738 of the Deed of Trust Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 4.00 Iract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING al an iron rod m the southeast right-of-way line of Umversdy Drive same being the common corner of Tract number 3 and Tract number 4 of the Putz Partition, D. R 287/743; THENCE N 63°13'00· E for 94.4 feet and N 7202?00· E for 155.60 feet along sa~d southeast right-of-way line to an iron rod for corner, THENCE S 45028'00" E for 712.71 feet vnlhJn Tract number 4, to a point for corner: OKhnance No. 1946 Page 4 THENCE S 44032'00. W for 226.80 feet to a point for corner m the common line of Tract number 3 and Tract number 4. THENCE N 45028'00" W for 81641 feet along said common line to Tract number 3 and Tract number 4 to the point of beginning; and containing 4.00 acres of land. more or less TRAC'Y 6 All that cerlain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Richard Carter League m College Station. Brazo~ County. Texas. being a part of tract number 3 of the division of a portion of the Putz tract according to plat or record in volume 287. page 745 of the deed records of Brazos Courtly. Texas and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod in the southeast nghl.of-wny line of University Drive at the common corner of tract number I and tract number 3 of the said division of a porUon of the Putz tract THENCE S 45o00, E for 732.8 feet along the line belween tract number I and tract number 3 to the common corner of tract number 1 and tract number 2; THENCE N 45o00, E for 449.2 feet across tract number 3 to the line belween tract number 3 and tract number 4; THENCE 45028. W for 531.4 feel along the line between tract number 3 and tract number 4 to an mm rod in the southeast right-of-way line of University Drive at the common corner of tract number 3 and tract number 4; THENCE S 63013, W for 11.8 feet along the southeast right-of-way line of Umverslty Dave to a right-of-way marker. THENCE S 69o31. W for 476.6 feet continuing along the southeast right-of-way hne of Umversay Drsve to the point of beginning and containing 6.47 acres of land. more or lass. TRAC'F 7 All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being SllUated in the R~chard Carter League, Brazos County. Texas. in College gte,on. Texas and being a part of Tract I of Putz Partition. a plat of which is recorded in Volume 287. Page 745. Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas. this tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING al an iron rod at the east corner of said tract THENCE N 48°30'36· W for 732.37 feet along the northeast linc of the said Tract I Io the southeasl line of University Drive, THENCE S 6'/°29'57' W for 4 74 feet along the southeast right or way line of University Drive Io a concrete monument, Ordinance No !9 4 6 Pa~ 5 THENCE S 56o01'03" W for ~ 03 feet continuing along the southeast right of way hne of Un,vers~ty Drive to an iron rod; THENCE S 48°30'36" E for 799.74 feet through the said Tract I Io an iron rod in the southeasl line of the said Tract 1; THENCE N 41o29'24. E for 256.25 feet along the southeast hne of said Tract I to thc point of begmn,ng, conlammg 4 51 acres of land, more or less TRACt 8 All that 1.01 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m the R,chard Carter League, Brazes County, Texas. in College Station, a plat of whsch is recorded m Volume 705, Page 617. Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, this tract being more particularly descr,bed as follows: Lot A. of University Park East Subdivision. TRACT 9 All that 1 46 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in thc Richard Carter League, Brazes County, Texas, in College StaUon, a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 705, Page 617, Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, Ih~s tract being more parlicularly de.,,cnbed as follows: Lot B, of University Park Easl Subdivision. TRACT 10 All that 6.56 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Ih¢ Richard Carter League. Brazes County. Texas. in College StaUon. a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 705. Page 615, Deed Records of Brazoa County. Texas. this tract being more particularly described as follows: Lot C, of University Park East Subd~vt~ion TRAC'r 1! All that 1.3859 acre tract or parcel of laud lying and being situated in the Richard Carter League, Brazes County, Texas, in College Slation, a plat of which ts recorded m Volume 807, Page 543, Deed Records of Brazes County, Texas, thts tracl being more parlicularly described as follows: Lot 4, Block I of Chimney Hill Relall Plaza Joint Venlure Oallnance No 1946 Pag~ 6 All that 3.9233 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being satuated an the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, an College Station, a plat of winch ts recorded in Volume 807, Page 543, Deed Records of Brazo~ County, Texas, this tract being more particularly described as follows. Lot 3, Block 1 of Chtmney Hill Retad Plaza Joint Venture. All thai 1.8794 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being siluated in the Richard Carter League. Brazos County. Texas, in College Station, a plat of wincli ts recorded in Volume 80% Page 543, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, thts tracl being more particularly described as follows: Lot I, Block I of Chamney Hill Retail Plaza Joint Venture. TRACr 14 All Ihat 0.7500 acre Iract or parcel of land lying and being situated an the R~chard Carter League. Brazos County, Texas, m College Station. a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 807, Page 543, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. this tract being more parucularly described as follows: Lot 2, Block I of Chimney Hill Retail Plaza Joint Venture. All that 7.018 acre Iract or parcel of land lying and being situated an the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, in College Station, a plat of which is recorded in Volume 532, Page 829. Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas, this tract being more particularly described as follows: LOt 4, Block V of Umversaty Park Sectton 11 Subdavtsaon All that 4.203 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being satuatcd in the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, an College Station, a plat of which is recorded m Volume 532. Page 829, Deed Records of Brazoa County, Texas, this tract being more particularly described as follows. LOt 5, Block V of Universaty Park Section II Subdlvtsaon. Ordinance No 19 4 6 Pap' 7 TItA..CF 17 All that 7.018 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, m College Station. a plat of which is recorded m Volume Page 829. Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas, thts tracl being more particularly described as follows- Beginning al the northeasl corner of Lot 5, Block V, University Park, Section Two, in Ihe City of College Stalion, Brazos County, Texas; Thence N 85° 00' 01" E for a distance of 155.75 feet; Thence S. 21° 24' 27" E for a d~stance of 125.00 feet; Thence N 84° 48' 38" W for a distance of 81.75 feet, Thence S. ~o 01' 01' W. for a dtstance of 14898 feet; Thence N. 13° 34' 23" W. for a dlslance of 237.30 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0 5493 acres of land, more or less. All that 3.161 acre Iract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, in College Slation, a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 532, Page 829, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, thts tract being more particularly described as follows: Lot 1, Block V of University Park Section !I SubdlvLslon. TR&CW 19 All that 3.743 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated m Ihe Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, m College Station, a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 532, Page 829, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, thts tract being more particularly described as follows- Lot 2, Block V of Unwersity Park Section Il Subdwislon. All that 4.96 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Richard Carter League. Brazos County, Texas, in College Station. a plat of which ts recorded in Volume 856, Page 273, Deed Records or Brazo~ County. Texas, this tract being more particularly described as follows LOl 3B, Block V of Umverslty Park Seclion II Subdwtsion. Ordtnance No. 1946 Page 8 TRACT 21 All that 1.32 acre tract or parcel of land lying and being situated an the Rachard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, an College Station, a plat of whsch is recorded in Volume 856, Page 273, Deed Records of Brazos Counly, Texas, this tract being more particularly deacnhed as follows: Lot 3A, Block V of Un~ers~ty Park Section II Subdlvisaon. AND, tt is ordained that said change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 27th day of February, 1992. APPROVED: A'ITEST: City Secretary, Conme Hooks I I I m 4 1 ,1 � W A -AMk& 1 somillillm Isim ■t -A SOON SOON SOMM MOMS NONE OWNS r MOSPI M IN Oka 4rni an PWR INN IN IN IMM1���������1��