HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1935 - Ordinance - 01/09/1992ORDINANCE NO. 1935 AN ORDINANCE APPLYING THE OV OVERLAY CORRIDOR DISTRICT TO A PORTION OF PROPERTY FRONTING ON UNIVERSITY DRIVE. WHEREAS, the City of College Station, Texas held a public hearing in the Cily Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 9, 1992, on the question of applying an overlay corridor along University Drive; AND WHEREAS, the City Council has determined t~ apply these district regulations to this area; THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Apply Section 8.19 nV Overlay Corridor District In the following properties: All of the portions of property fronting on University Drive; beginning at the northwest comer of the tn intersection of University Drive and the Highway 6 Bypass; extending westerly along the University Drive Right-of-Way on Ihe north side for a depth of 500 feet from the Right-of-Way into fronting property tn the northeast intersection of University Drive and Tarmw Street; continuing along the ,,outh side of University for a depth of 500' from the Right-of-Way into fronting properly to the southwest comer of the intersection &University Drive and the Highway 6 Bypass. More specifically described as follows: Beginning at the most Westerly comer of Lot B, University Park East; Thence N. 53°27'56'' W., for a distance of 138.02 feet; Thence N. 48°28'39'' W., fi~r a distance of 41.91 feet to the p.e. ora curve to the right, on the E. right-of-way line of Tarrow right-of-way Drive, with a radius of 370.00 feet and a central angle of 8"~°51 Thence along Ihe arc of said curve for a distance of 567.36 feet to the p.t. of said curve; Thence N. 39°22'51" E., along the East right-of-way of Tarmw Drive. for a distance of 189.84 feet to the p.e. ora curve to the left, with a radius of 430 04 feet and a central angle of 07059'58"; Thence along the arc of said curve fi~r a distance of 60.04 feet to the p.c of a curve to the right, with a radius of 470.00 feet and a central angle of 04°11'53"; Thence along the arc of said curve for a distance of 34.44 feet: Thence N. 58°04'00'' E., for a distance of 241.51 feet; Thence N. 47°28'00'' E., for a distance of 243.57 feet. Thence N. 65°04'00'' E., for a distance of 300.46 feet to the Noah hne of Lot 4, Block University Park Section Two; Thence N. 89021'00'' E., along the North line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 134.18 feet to the W. line of LOt 1, Block V, University Park Sectinn Two; Thence N. 34004'38" W., along the West [ine of said Lot I fi~r a distance of 38.57 feel; Thence N. 82°18'00" E., fi~r a distance of 169.23 feet; Thence N. 68058'00'' E., for a distance of 646.21 feet to the East hoe of Lot 3, Block V, University Park Section Two; Thence S. 21004'27" E., along the East h.te of said L~t 3, for a distance of 371.68 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block LI, University Park Section Two. Thence N. 68055'34" E., along the South hne of said Lot 2, for a distance of 206.11 feel to the Soulheast comer of said Lot 2; Thence N. 21°04'27'' W., along the E,.st line ofsa,d LOt 2, for a distance of 101.50 feet to Ihe Northwest corner of Lot 10. Block U, University Park Section Two, Thence N. 68055'33'' E., along the North line of said Lot 10, for a distance of 85.00 feet; Thence N. 35014'09'' E., along the North line of said Lot 10, for a distance of 62.20 feet: Thence N. 68055'33'' E., along the North line of said Lot I0, for a distance of 139.93 feet to Ihe Southeast comer of LOt 9, Block U, Umversity Park Section Two; Thence N. 18025'22'' W., along the East line of said Lot 9, for a distance of 235.58 feet; Thence N. 68058'00'' E., for a distance of 265.01 feet to the Easl line of Lot 14, Block T, University Park Section Two; Thence along the arc ora curve to the right with a radius of 573.59 feet and a central angle of 40050'55" , for a distance of 408.94 feet to the p.t. of said curve, also being the p.e. of another curve to the right; Thence along the arc of s.'ud curve to the right with a radius of 425.90 feet in .'~ central angle of 07°48'41 ", l'br a distance of 58.07 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block T, University Park Section Two; Thence N. 50014'40'' E., along the North line of said Lei 12, for a distance of 142.00 feet to Ihe Northeast comer of said I.x3t 12: Thence 5.76°30'25', E., for a distance of 150.03 feet to the most Westerly corner of Lot 18, Block N, University Park Section Two; Thence S. 65°53'20'' E., for a distance of 112.56 feet to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 18; Thence N. 24o06'04', E., for a distance of 140 00 feet to the most Easterly corner of Lot 17, Block N, University Park Section Two; Thence N. 65053'20.. W., for a distance of 101.30 feet to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 17; Thence along the arc ora curve to the left with a radius of 740.82 feet m the central angle of 16°4742", f~r a distance of 55.35 feet to the p.t. of said curve, also being the p.e. of the curve to the right ora curve to the right; Thence alo~g~t.h,e ,a,~' of said curve to the right with a radms of 25 00 feet and the central angle of 33 0,, 37, for a diqtance of 14.42 feet to the most Westerly corner of Lot ! 5, Block N, University Park Section Two; Thence S. 66°20'26'' E., tbr a distance of I01.75 feet to the nmst Southerly corner of said L~t 15; Thence N. 24°06'04'' E., for a distance of 120.00 feet to the mosl Easterly corner of Lot 14, Block N, University Park Section Two; Thence N. 48°0716" W., along the Northeast line of Block N, Umversity Park Section Two, for a distance of 265. I 0 feet; E., for a dmtance of 714.16 feet; E., for a distance of 202.23 feet; E., for a distance of 514.89 feet, E., fora distance of 159.64 feet; E., for a distance of 418.81 feet; E., for a distance of 338.07 feet Thence N. 69045'00., Thence N. 78°I 7'00" Thence N. 69045'00" Thence N. 66016'00" Thence N. 55003'00.' Thence N. 51015'00" Hwy 6 East By-pass; Thence S. ! 8037'58" Thence S. 38046'45" Thence S. 59°39'11" Thence S. 5 ! °l 5'00" Thence S. 44049'00.. Thence S. 63044'00" E., along said right-of-way llne, E., along said right-of-way line, E., along smd right-of-way hne, W., for a distance of 292.58 feet; W., for a distance of 260.87 feet, W., for a distance of 161.89 feel; Io the West right-of-way line of for a d~slance of 304.47 feet; for a d~,aance of 679.85 feet; for a d~stance ~f 197.33 feet; Thence N. 66035'39'' W.. fora distance of 144.63 feet to the mo~t Northerly comer of Lot !, Block 13, Glenhaven Estates Phase Three; Thence S. 52°11'07" W., along the Northwest line of said Block 13, fl~r a d~slance ~f 161.88 feet to the p.e. of a curve to the righl w~th a rad,us of 260.10 feel and a central angle of 78°21'I Thence along the arc ofsald curve for a distance of 355.70 feet to the p.t of said curve; Thence N. 49°28'34'' W., for a distance of 272.20 l'~et to lite most Easterly comer of Lot 15, Block 13, Glenhaven Estates Phase Three; Thence S. 40°31'26'' W., for a distance of 109.99 feet to the most Southerly comer of said Lot 15; Thence N. 84°10'36'' W., l'br a distance of 105.39 feet to the most Easterly comer of LOt 21, Block 12, Glenhaven l.;states Phase One; Thence S. 40°31'26" W., tbr a distance of 115.01) feet to the most Southerly corner of said Lot 21; Thence S. 49°29'57'' E., for a distance of 24.94 feet to the Southeast corner of Block C, Post Oak Forest; Thence S. 61 o42'25" W., along the Soulh line of said Block C, fi*r a distance of 298.49 feet; Thence S. 69°37'50'' W., fi~r a distance of 263.89 feet to the Southwest corner of Block B, Post Oak Forest; Thence N. 29044'27'. W., along the W. I,ne of said Block B, fi~r a d,su,nce of 75.00 feet: Thence S. 40°38'07'' W., fi~r a distance of 879.96 feet: Thence S. 69045'00'. W., fi~r a d~stnnce of 24.10 feet; Thence S. 80o45'00'. W.. for a distance of 153.74 feet; Thence S. 68°58'00'' W.. for a distance of 435.46 feet to the Northeast hoe of Block 1, One Lincoln Place; Thence N. 48°57'00'' W., along the N~rtheast I.ne of said Block 1, for a al.stance of 252.63 feet to the most Easterly corner of Lot 3, Block 1, One Lincoln Place; Thence S. 41°02'57'' W., along the Southeast line ofsa,d Lot 3, fi~r a d~stance of 476.7g feet; Thence S. 68°58'00'' W., fi)r a distance of 678.32 feet; Thence S. 59°52'00'' W., tbr a d~stance of 192.67 feet; Thence S. 67°29'00'' W., for a d~stance of 372.27 feet: Thence S. 56004'00'' W., for a distance of 79.84 feet to the Northeast line of Lot C, univemity Park East; Thence N. 48030'36'. W., along the Northeast line of said Lot C, for a distance of 317.75 feet of the most Northerly comer of said Lot C; Thence S. 42°05'24'' W., along the Northxvest hne of said Ls~t C, for a d~slance of 470.45 feet to the most Westerly corner ~fr' said Lot C; Thence N. 47°54'36'' W., along Ihe Southwest nght-of-w,~y hne of Tarrow Drive, for a distance of 44.74 feet; Thence N. 47n50'24'' W., along satd right-of-way hne, for a distance of 211.56 feet to the point of beginning and contmmng 133.164 acres more or less As long as exmting developed buildings, structures, or parking lots continue under current uses permitted m the current zoning d~strict such non-conformities shall be treated as grandfathered and allowed lo continue w~thout compliance with this ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage ~n accordance wilh the C~ty Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 9th day of January, 1992 EST: , City Secretary; Conrac Hooks APPROVED: June 1991