HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2057 - Ordinance - 03/24/1994OI~DINANC~ NO. ~n~'; AN ORDINANCE REZONING AN 14.11 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR SURVEY IN COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A PORTION OF THE SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN VOLUME 394, PAGE 766, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, EMERALD FOREST PHASE TEN, FROM A-0 AGRICULTURAL OPEN TO R-IA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS, the City Counczl held apublic hearing in the City Hall Council Chambers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 24, 1994, on the question of rezoning certain areas within the City limits: AND, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the following: To rezone or change the classfficat,on ot 14.110 acres ot land in the City of College Station located in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract 46, in Brazos County, Texas and be,ng a ~ortton of the subdivision recorded tn volume 394, page 766, of the plat rec~rds ot Brazos ounty from A-O Agricultural Open to R-IA Single Family Res,dentzal. SaM tract being more particularly described by metes and hounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the north east corner of Lot I, Block I I, Pha',e 8 of the Emerald Forest Subdivision as recorded in Volume 1581, Page 323 of Ihe plal records of Brazos Courtly, being ,,aid POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE, along the southwest r~ht-of-way line of the proposed Norlh Foresl Parkway a distance of 1269 43' along a bearing N 41" 54' 47' E. to an iron rod set; THENCE. along a hearing of S 30° .~1' 17" E, a dlslance of 630.32' lo an iron rod THENCE, along a beanng of S 4]° 54' 39" W, a dlslance of 58755, zo an iron rod ,cz al a point or curvature to the nghz, THENCE. along .said curve having a radius of 10K~;.13' an are dtslance of 47677', a central angle of 25° 10' 26", a tangent distance of ~4~._9 and a chord which bears S 31° 51' 23.7" E, 472.94' to an ~ron rod found in Ihe north easl corner of Ihe norlh cast right-of-way line of Appomattox Drive, THENCE. along a bearing of S 70° 43' 50" W, a distance of 70.00' to an iron rod found al Ihe norlh v,~st corner of the norlh wesl right-of-way iff Appomanox Drive. sam poml also being a poinl of curvature Io Ihe lefl. THENCE along s:ud curve having a radius of lOIS 13' an arc dzslance of 510.61'. a cenlral angle of 28° 49' 10'. a langent dr, lance of 26083', and a chord which bears N 3~° 40' 460" W, 5z)5.24' to an iron rod found, said point also being Ihe north east corner of ~at 7. Block 10. Pha,,e 8 of Emerald Forest Subdlvl,lon; THENCE, along a hearing of S 41° 54' 3c~" W, a dlslance of 380.00', zo an iron rod found, said point being Ihe norlh west corner of Lot 9. Block 10, Phase 8 of the Emerald Forest Subdivision, THENCE, along a bearing of N 48° 05' 21" W, a dislance of 135 00', Io an iron rod found, said point al,,o being the north easl corner of Lol 24. Block 10. Phase 8 of Ibc Emerald Forest Subdivision; Ord. No. 2057 Pa~' 2 THENCE. along a bearing of S 41° 54' 39" W, a distance of 100.00' Io an iron rod R~und; THENCE. along a bearing of N 41° 21' 27" W. a dlslance of 50.35'. Io a pmnl being a pmnl of cmvalure Io the Icft, THENCE. along said curve having a radius of 25 I~')', an arc distance of 21 03', a central angle of 48° 11' 23", a tangem dtslance of II 18'. and a chord which beam S 66° 00' 142" W. 2041' to a point also being a poml of cnr,.aturc Io Ihe [eft. THENCE. along said curve having a radius of 50.00', an arc d~stance of 21 47', a central angle of 24° 36' 29", a tangenl distance of 1091'. and a chord which bears S 77° 47' 41 0" W. 21.21' Io an iron rod found, said point also being the south east corner of Lot I. Block I1. Pha~e 8 of Emerald Foresl Subdwlxlon: THENCE, along a bearing of N 48° 05' 21" W, a all,lance of 11248' to POINT OF BEGINNING. and conlalmng 14 1 l0 acres of land AND, it Is ordained that smd change shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of March, 1994. City Secretary, Connie Hooks APPROVED: CASE NUMBER: 94-107 0 ACTION REQUESTED: REZONING