HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-2052 - Ordinance - 03/10/1994ORDll~'ANCE NO. 2o 5:2 AN ORDINANCE REZONING THREE TRACTS TOTALLING 8.589 ACRES SITUATED IN THE MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE IN COLLEGE STATION. BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS BEING A PORTION OF A 23.35 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 474, PAGE 465 AND OF A 17.44 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 477, PAGE 315 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS FROM R-IA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, R-3 TOWNHOMES AND C-N NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL TO R-5 MEDIUM DENSITY APARTMENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: WHEREAS. the City Council held a pubhc hearing tn the City Hall .C~.,.uncd Cha..mobers at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 10, 1994, on the questton o! rezonmg certain are,As wtthtn the Ctty hmtt~: AND, WHEREAS, the Ctty Ctmncll has determined the following: To rezone or change the classificatton of three tracts tota[ling 8.589 acres o! land lying and being sttuated tn the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No. 46, Coliege Station, Brazos CAmnty. Texas and being a portton of two tracts: {1) a 23.35 acre tract conveyed to Ronald Cruse, Trustee by Kenneth Krenek by deed recorded in volume 474, page 465 of the Deed Records of Brazos County. Texas; and. (2) a 17.44 acre tract conveyed to Ronald Cruse. trustee by Ltlhan T'hompson et. vlr by deed recorded in volume 477, page 315 o! the Deed Records of Bmzos County, Fexas,'from R-IA Single Famdy Residemtal, R-3 Townhomes and C-N Netghborhood Commercial to R-5 Medium Density Apartments. Said tracts are more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Currently zoned R-IA 3. 796 acre tract Field noles of a 3 796 acre tract or parcel of 'land, lying and being silualetl m Ibc Morgan Reclor League. Abqlracl 46, Bra,,.o', Counly. Texas BEGINNING al the north corner of Ihe aforemenlloned 1744 acre tracl, also lying on .~outhea',t nghl-ol-way line of ~'mthwest Parkway, THENCE S 44° 39' 49' W along thc southeast right-of-way hnc of S~mthwest Parkway for a d~stance of 415 76 feel Io a point for corner; THENCE S 45° 2Ir 1 I' E for a distance of 60895 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING; THENCE commumg S 45° 2n' I I" E for a d~slanc'c of 132 71 feel to a pmnt lot corner. THENCE S 44° 58' 51" W for a dl,,mnce of 72641 leer to an angle point. THENCE S 44° 47' 18' W for a distance of 54961 feel to a poml for corner, ]HENCE N 45° 20' 11" W for ade, tance of 1:'7.50 feet to a point for corner; THENCE N 44° 3'4' 49" E for a distance of 1276.0~) feel to Ihe PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 3.706 acres of land, more or Ic~ Ord# 2052 Page 2 Currently zont~l R-3 .:t.296 acre tract Field notes of a 3.296 acre tract or parcel Gl land, lying and being situated in thc Morgan Rector League. Abstract 46. Brazos County. Texas: BEGINNING at thc north corner of the aforementioned 1744 acre Iract also lymg on thc southeast rlghl-of-way hne of Southwest Parkway; THENCE S 44° 39' 49" W along the southeast right-of-way hne of Soulhwe,lt Parkway for a distance of 415 76 fecl to a pOml for corner; THENCE S 45° 20' 11' E for .a distance of 496.45 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. THENCE continuing S 45° 20' II~ E for a distance of 112.50 to a Ix)mt for corner: THENCE S 44° 39' 49" W for a dtslance of 127600 feet lo a point for corner; THENCE N 45° 20' I I" W for a distance of 112 50 feet to a point for corner, THENCE N 44° 39' 49" E for a dl.,tance of 127600 feet Io the PLACE OF BEGINNING and conlammg 3 206 acres of land, more or less C"urrentlv zontnl C-N 1 497 acre tract: Field holes of a I 497 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract 46, Bra/os County, Texas· BEGINNING at the north corner of the aforementioned 1744 acre tract, also lying on the southeast rtght-of-way line of $outhwe,,t Parkway, THENCE S 44° 39' 49' W along the southeast right-of-way line of Soulhwest Parkway fur a d~stanee of 1075.76 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, THENCE commumg S 44° 39' 49" W along the southeast right-of-way line of Southwesl Parkway for a d~stance of 32600 feet Io a polnl Ior corner, THENCE S 45° 20' I1" E for a distance of 20000 feet to a poml for corner; THENCE N 44° 39' 49' F, for a distance of 32600 feet to a point for corner. THENCE N 45° 20' 11' W for a distance of 20000 feet to Ihe PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1 497 acre,, of land. more or less. AND, it t', ordained that said change shall become eflecttve tmmedmtely. PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day Gl March, 1994. Hooks APPROVED: RAW /..... � ■� !� ��R ©2� m§j�� . I L r7lir. °•� ; rim ,. l" ,mac � � } } �� ?S»zS» rim oaf . ; 21 27 n